Corroded Dragons


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Corroded Dragons - Soldiers of the Reclamation

The Corroded Dragons

Summary: an answer to what would happen if the dragon bloods where chosen as Infernals. The backstory will assume that the Solars were also chosen for this project. Crunch help would be appreciated especially with the anima powers, and limits.

inspired by this thread.


As the first of the Infernals where being created, there where questions as to where their army would come from. Of course the Ebon Dragon had an answer, but there where those who wisely distrusted the embodiment of betrayal. And so Kimbery sought to corrupt the dragon bloods.

Akuma where sent into the world with instructions to kidnap young dragon bloods. Over the next 2 two years enough dragon bloods where found to begin breeding an army. Using her magic Kimbery caused the Terrestrials to age at an accelerated rate, exalting and then being torn to pieces for the neomah to create stronger children. The blood of demons and Dragon Blooded Akuma were also intermixed to further strengthen them.

At the end of the third year Cynthera and Hegra decided to look into this project. It was Cynthera that noticed that the demon blood was altering the dragon bloods on a fundamental level and Hegra who convinced the others to pursue this change.


Why Hegra decided to try to convince the others to pursue the change in the dragons is a mystery. The most likely answer is that she did so on whim. Hegra has never been one to rationalize her whims.

The three Yozi decided to try to transform them into their chosen. Alas the three matrons ran into problems. They could not absorb the dragons blood. Thus they enlisted Qaf and Metagoss. Metagoss to aid in the transformation, and Qaf to keep them separate.

At the end to the fourth year the first brood mother was made.

Brood Mothers

The brood mothers, are basically the dragon blooded equivalent to Lilun, and just as unpleasant. They are in constant pain and their children do not even have the resources to comfort them. They are in many ways worse off than she.

At the end of the fifth year there where five brood mothers and twenty five Corroded Dragons, a small start to a terrifying army.

The Soldiers

The place of the Corroded Dragons is as the soldiers of Malfeas. This rank is between citizen and serf. The have few special rights but killing them is frowned on. They are necessary to the reclamation. Any who is not of the Unquestionables or higher, will be slain if they kill one of the Corroded Dragons, except as part of a raid sanctioned by one of the Yozi.

The Corroded Dragons have the right to learn all the martial skills, learn sorcery up to celestial level, and use neomah for no price. This is all to make them the best army possible.</p>

Dragons of the Green Sun

Sorcery is a power that could make the Dragons rival the powers of the power of the Green Sun Princes. Many have argued against them from learning any sorcery, to prevent them from becoming too powerful and over throwing the Yozi. Kimbery however argued that the Dragons reproduced too slowly for them to be perfectly effective against the armies of Heaven without sorcery. In the end Malfeas declared that the Yozi could each give permission to ten Dragons to learn Solar Sorcery, the rest being to limited to Celestial Sorcery. The Dragons that have earned this right are called The Dragons of the Green Sun


Each of the Corroded Dragons is a part of a hatchery. These walled complexes are a combination of a barracks and a nursery. The Dragons live here unless they are on a mission.

Each hatchery is run by an administrator. The administrators are considered unquestionable to those in the hatchery. They declare the rules and set the quotas of children the Corroded Dragons must meet. Any one of citizen rank or higher may be an administrator.

The facilities a hatchery has vary but often include ten to fifteen neomah, a smithy, and a training ground. At the core of the Hatchery lies its brood mother. They are also generally heavily fortified. Citizens are forbidden from attacking but serfs are not, to better prepare the Dragons for sieges.

Solar Aid

Rarely a Hatchery will have access to a solar Akuma. This Akuma’s job is to train the dragons. As Solars have the best trainers of the Exalted, it is thought that the Dragons will become even more powerful. And let’s face it. The Dragons are coming in at a disadvantage.

The brood mother has one child every three months. These children grow at an accelerated rate and need treatment with Craft(Genesis) at difficulty 2 in order to counteract this.

Limits of the Dragons

The Yozi while able to vastly improve the essence of the dragon bloods, where still trying for a bit too much. First time in a scene that a Corroded Dragon’s anima goes up to a particular level it causes a point of bashing damage. This can be negated by learning their patrons Dragon Style.

Another drawback is that any charm that is not their patron Yozi’s costs an additional willpower to use. This can be changed to a 1 mote surcharge, in the event of mastering the dragon style associated with the Yozi charms they wish to use.

There is also a limited number of them. This is in part due to a low exaltation and birth rate. It also is in part due to the fact that some Dragons fail to exalt.

The final limitation on the Dragons is that they are unable to freely use reflexive charms.



Water Aspect Derived

Failure- Parts of the Proto Kimberean’s body turn into Kimbery’s waters. This inevitably destroys their body.

Anima Effect: For 5 motes the Infernal can grant themselves an intimacy of hatred at an enemy. This effect is free at the 11-15 mote anima level.


Fire Aspect Derived

Failure- the Cyntherean are consumed by flames, instantly turning to ash. Uses for the ashes are being looked into by infernal alchemists.

Anima Effect: See the Night Caste anima Effect. This is only effective when the Cyntherean is still. Otherwise the anima is fully visible.


Air Aspect Derived:

Failure- emotions constantly shifting the Hegrans go insane. Eventually leading to their death.

Anima Effect: For 5 motes the Hegran is harder to his. Subtract 2 from all rolls to strike them. This is free at the 11-15 anima level.


Earth Aspect Derived:

Failure- The proto Qafean turns to stone still alive, constantly contemplating everything. Alone of all the Corroded dragons the failed Qafeans may eventually exalt.

Anima effect: they may pay 5 motes to Subtract up to (Essence) Health Levels of damage. See Twilight anima effect pre erratta


Wood Aspect Derived:

Failure- the Proto Metagossean disappears. Tales have it that they sometimes show up in Metagoss.

Anima: A gray light that takes the damage caused by it and heals an equal amount. The healing effect is only effective against living foes.


Key Words

Dragon- the Dragon Key word indicates a charm bound to the nature of the Corroded Dragons. These charms are only learnable by the Yozi and the Dragons.

Sun-The Sun key word indicates a charm that uses the unsurpassed perfection of the Sun. these charms can only be learned by the Green Sun Princes or The Yozi.

Moon- charms with this key word utilize the ever shifting nature of the Chosen of the Moon. They are only learnable by the Infernal Moons and the Yozi.


Grace of the Dragons

Cost: (1m)

Mins: essence 2

Type: Reflexive (Step 1 for attacker; Step 2 for defender)

Duration: permanent

Keywords: Dragon

Prerequisites: First (Yozi) Excellency

This charm adds the team work key word to certain charms.

Martial arts

The native style of the Corroded Dragons is Infernal Monster Style. The expansion charms they create are different from the other Infernals though.

Dragon Styles

Every form of essence has a dragon style. The titans have their own unique form of essence. Thus there are Yozi and Devil Tiger Dragon Styles out there. The Devil Tiger Styles can be expanded upon by their Devil Tiger.

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