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Realistic or Modern Copperridge Valley Canyon Screamers ~ Small Town Mystery Roleplay!


New Member
Copperridge Valley Canyon Screamers ~ Small Town Mystery Roleplay!
8C27A428-91C1-44BE-B00B-E8EFB4C78E92.jpeg Copperridge Valley sits at the southeastern edge of Grand Canyon National Park. Initially named for the horde of copper ore still mined today, one would better associate it with orange cliffs that appear to melt in amber sunsets. 7:00pm is the “golden window“ for surveying. Folks who live around the area warn not to visit after 9:30pm. People report hearing whistling, singing, laughter and screeches. Occasionally the hair-prickling sounds make their way down to nearby villages, echoing hauntingly through streets in the cloak of nighttime. No one knows for sure why this happens and what causes it - but of course there are superstitions. Devil creatures, the ghosts of unfortunate miners and lost wagon trains, or simply coyotes. All in all it remains unexplainable, and locals have learned to live with it. Still, hikers beware: There is a history of people going missing in the valley. 6FE31B61-DE50-4F7A-98AA-2174D4161CC3.jpeg Pueblo Rojizo: a small desert town of approximately 200 residents, located less than 6 miles from Copperridge. This is where our off-brand mystery gang/loser club will conspire; they can either live within the town or visit for the summer. Age range is 11-17, but if you’d like to have another oc that’s older, I will allow it ^^ (note: ANOTHER OC. You may have as many ocs as you want but your first is required to be within the age range.)
Ahoy! Thanks for checking out my first rp on rpnation! I can assure y’all I’ve had almost a year’s worth of experience on another site. (Which isn’t that much compared to most people on here hah) I‘ll accept anyone who wishes to join, but Ive got a few rules I hope y’all abide by (please do):
  1. No oorp bullying
  2. No Mary Sues/Gary Stus
  3. No forcing a relationship between characters
  4. No godmodding
  5. No killing off someone’s oc without their permission
  6. Dont be upset if someone’s oc doesn’t like yours or says something spiteful (it’s not directed towards you so,)
  7. One liners and less than a paragraph responses are acceptable so long as they’re appropriate, i.e if your oc is replying to a casual question. However it is not acceptable to write short responses all the time. (I’d say 75-80% of your writing should be descriptive)
  8. Contribute ideas if you have them. One person shouldn’t be controlling the storyline - it’s much more fun to work as a group anyway!
* *My vision for this rp is to mainly be lighthearted, fun, and humorous - yet serious when it needs to be, and committed to a plot line without straying away. It’s very much a gonna be a go-with-the-flow vibe, so most ideas, if plausible, are A-okay :) Should there be a loose thread we’d brainstorm for a way to tie it in with what’s going on. Credits to my friend Thorn for the inspiration.
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