Cool Kids

Geun Sae

I would crawl belly deep through hell
The cool kids. Without saying their names or what they look like you already have a picture in your mind. The cool kids are probably the most popular, perfect, and powerful kids at your school. At Summers Secondary School, Powerful is an understatement.

The cool kids there are like treated like royals. Despite only being a Secondary School clique, they are powerful enough the even get the high school kids kneeling.

How do they do this? Why is it that a certain group of kids will laugh until they're breathless, while when others tell the joke its about as funny as a heart attack. Why is it that some kids roll in friends, when others sit alone outside the cafeteria?


The reason is surprisingly simple. They pick grunts. What are grunts you ask? A grunt as a girl or boy. Anybody can be a grunt. The group picks a grunt(s) and makes their life hell. By bullying them into a lesser of a person they make themselves seem superior to the grunts.

But recently, the cool kids has been missing a kid, and have an opening. Every grunt wan't a chance. And now, they get one. Recently, the Cool Kids have came up with an Idea. They've gathered up all six grunts. Out of the six grunts, one will be allowed to enter the group. Under
one condition.

The condition? Be the last Grunt alive. That's right. For one night and one night only all six grunts will fight for chance to be one of the cool kids in a no hands bared game to the death! The rules? Each grunt will be given a random weapon. The grunts have 12 hours to kill each other before the game ends and they all die.

If a grunt does not want to play, the grunt will be eliminated. If the grunt dare tell a soul of the events that will happen, the consequences will be deadly.

Happy Hunting.

Howdy hi! Some more info on this roleplay. Since I don't want the roleplay to be 100 percent gloom and doom, there will be some black humor thrown in here and there. The roleplay was inspired by the film Series 7: The contenders and the Simon Sue Highschool Cult Killings. If you have any interest, tell me below!


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