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old men whimpering 💯💯💯
Roleplay Availability
I am looking for roleplays.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Nation Building
  4. Off-site
My Interest Check
1707782391431.gif LOOKING FOR RP PARTNER, OR MANY! 1707782408723.gif
well, not for a group rp, of course; these are the 1x1 threads. i just want to be able to connect to multiple people, y'know?

1707782408723.gif ABOUT ME, THE POSTER 1707782408723.gif
1707782584689.gif i am LUCIFER! i am an odd lesbian manwoman and i use it/he/shi as well as various neos (ask!). im also a teenager. i have 6+ years of experience under my belt, but i am a bit rusty, admittedly.
1707782693447.gif i usually write in one paragraph, however if i go first i tend to set the scene with multiple! dont be intimidated by this; after that, ill likely switch to one. dont feel pressured to keep up with me! all i ask is that you dont do one liners exclusively (this excludes dialogue heavy scenes and times where its kinda required, i.e. "my character opens the door for yours" "my character goes thru it"). however, i always write in third person.
1707782878316.gif im dyslexic and as a result may misread things, accidentally skip over some parts of your responses, etc. if i ever do this (i.e, your character introduces themself, but my character asks their name anyway), let me know and ill edit my response accordingly!
1707783176652.gif i have a life outside of roleplaying - school, mostly - so as a result on weekdays my replies will be infrequent. i will also never pressure you into responding!
1707783176652.gif i am absolutely ok w ooc chatter in between responses, i dont want our messages to be all rp; the person is just as important as the roleplay
1707782584689.gif i am very, very energetic and expressive, and this affects the way i type. on the flipside, im also very anxious, so i may seem a bit standoffish at first, but its not you, its me, i promise! dont take it personally : o)

1707782408723.gif MY BOUNDARIES AND PREFERENCES 1707782408723.gif
1707782693447.gif id prefer if my partner was trans, a woman, wlw, etc. obviously, all of these things are mutually exclusive, and generally my only requirement is that youre also queer in some way! i just feel more comfortable that way
1707782878316.gif id also prefer if my partner is also into character and/or world building! at least one of those things.
1707782878316.gif i dont care if youre an adult, however my limit is if youre older than 20
1707783176652.gif all of my triggers are stuff that i doubt will ever come up in rp, so you dont have to worry about that! please let me know if you have any i should be aware of though, your comfort is my priority when roleplaying
1707782693447.gif i do not roleplay romance with my ocs, but outside of that im up for anything! any genre, any plot, etc. i am willing to rp romantic your oc x canon, canon x canon, and s/i x canon, though!
1707782584689.gif id prefer to rp with my ocs and with a loose plot (of course with some specifications as needed), but i am absolutely willing to do a full on out scenario!

1707782408723.gif WHAT TO EXPECT WITH MY OCS 1707782408723.gif
my characters are all made to operate on cartoon logic and for specific genres, settings, etc, as i am the creator of many projects! that... admittedly havent been realized yet, but really because most of them still need years of work before im ready to show them to the world. but that aside, my characters are, again, made with cartoon logic, specific genres, and settings in mind, and id love to see how my characters bounce off of yours!
1707782584689.gif some of my characters are also quite vulgar; like, making references to coprophilia vulgar. of course, if you dont wish to interact with those ones, then i do not mind! obviously, i will never, ever rp nsfw, and everything is just discussion and jokes.
1707782584689.gif all of my characters are queer in some way! because its fucking awesome! and most of them are lesbian! they all live in a universe ive dubbed The Picturebook wherein lesbians are the majority and nonlesbians are the minority. it is so awesome.
1707782584689.gif my characters vary in complexity; not in the way theyre one dimensional, but in the way that some of them need more development than others. roleplaying is a really good way for me to develop them more, but keep that in mind! i promise that theyre worth your time.

1707782408723.gif FANDOMS, IF YR INTO THAT KINDA THANG 1707782408723.gif
keep in mind that i may lose steam for fandom rps more easily; not because im not interested, but merely due to my own anxiety about being OOC with canon characters. my apologies in advance! also, my fandoms list isnt limited to these, as im into a lot of stuff. this is just the stuff im most familiar with!
1707782693447.gif NBC's Hannibal
1707782693447.gif Steam Powered Giraffe
1707782693447.gif Superjail!
1707782693447.gif Psychonauts
1707782693447.gif Venture Bros

i hope this post suffices as a looking for post and i may edit and add to this as time goes on. feel free to send me a message or comment on this thread if ive piqued your interest! youre also free to ask me questions about anything ive said here.​
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hello!!! your times match up for me (im kinda infrequent too), i usually write about the same amount, i am quite queer, i am 17, and i am very into character building. i'm a huge d&d fan so i do think if we would roleplay something it would be something original and probably not fandom (doesnt have to be medieval fantasy btw). if you have any ideas let me know! you seem awesome
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD HAI!!! HAI HELLO HAII!!! HI you seem so cool too... should i message u when i can ? Smiles!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and i have a pref for original stuff, so don't worry abt it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im very into medieval stuff myself so idm if we rp that!!!
yeag definitely message me when you can!! i misread what u said about oc romance as applying to all rp but that sounds good! i dont really have any specific ideas so we can just come up with anything (also i do REALLY like medieval fantasy so that is awesome)
i know i just bumped this and im sorry for doing it twice in a short period of time, but i just edited this! i promise this frequency will be every once in a while hGRHEAGHEA
bump ......... also u should totally talk to me bc i can do scarily accurate impressions of specific characters and also because i have the best takes on everything ever

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