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Active [Continental Lake] A Malignant Infection, The Shroud of an Abyss


Double Luck
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Note: This RP takes place within the setting of Isekai Hell. If you're interested in this RP, or in the general setting of the universe, please check out the link above to learn more! This specific RP will be a 1×1 with Baharius, at the moment it is not receiving other participants unless the interest is there, and they personally request to join in due time before things start off properly.

Posting Pace will likely stick to 2–4 days per cycle, due to not wanting to overwork myself by attempting to keep up with a daily pace, lest I can definitely find the time for it early. If you request further time, please let me know. Overall, this RP will be dealing with some political history of the Republic of Kuridan and the See of Chearon. As well as the current situation regarding the Protectorate of Ryke due to the Great War of 50 years ago. Tone would be light-hearted, or at moments leading into thriller.

Setting: Baharius has been summoned by the Ryke Adventurer’s guild after his work participating in the battle against the Scourge. Though he was not solely invited for this specific request. Nevertheless, his particular skills were most wanted, due to his expertise of fighting whilst submerged underwater. For undisclosed reasons to Baharius no word has been said as to why the “Trench Wanderers” have no intent on cooperating with this issue. The request in nature was to deal with lost cargo, further information was to be divulged on a later note.

Location: Coastal Harbour of Nara no Nox Shogunate, Eastern Republic of Kuridan, bordering on the Gloomhold Swamp and the end point of the Kabnak River (the largest river travelling through Ryke which supports the economy of Azuran, Ryken and other settlements).
Time of Day: 1:10 PM
Participant(s): Develius Develius
Weather: Warm and Sunny; Tropical humidity and Clear weather; Fluffy clouds on the horizon and a steady temperature of about 30 degrees Celsius
Current Goal(s): Form a cooperative relationship with your coworkers for this operation, and get briefed on the job at hand.

A party of four had gathered on the peer. Derelict vegetation coasted on the water surface here, where the water slowly began to get deeper and deeper, and the many trees belonging to the Gloomhold Swamp began to wane. It was quiet, none of the individuals gave any stares, if in fact outsiders were welcomed or accepted with open arms, if they weren’t stingy at least. After all, this place was neither a town nor a village, but rather a small harbour more akin to a hamlet than anything else. A stopping point rather for ships making their way across.

All the buildings themselves were new, nor was it any surprise as to why, before the Great War had broken out, the Kabnak River had mostly been Chearon territory. A people infamous for their unwillingness to participate in trade. So the river had never truly been utilized to such an extent till only a few decades ago now. Which resulted in any all trade immediately going to Takigahara, a city rich in history prior to the Great War, and one which found itself ample with opportunity for sudden growth.

The air was muggy and uncomfortable to those who were less suited to such humidity in the tropical zone around the Continental Lake itself. Or quite comfortably to those of cold-blooded nature instead. A couple odd stares went in the direction of Baharius, whose visage was neither an impossibility, yet still a rarity. Many countryside folk likely never having encountered a saurian after all. But sights of strange folk in this world were not uncommon at all, so it was but brief before they gathered themselves once more to their daily tasks. Some of the few children playing around did however tug upon Baharias on his way to the pier, asking all sorts of odd questions on where he was from, or what he was doing here. Their minds full of curiosity.

Since just briefly ago, together with Baharius were two distinct individuals. A feminine otter beastkin, who did not stand out for the singular fact they looked not to be from the Republic of Kuridan itself, rather to be from Ryke perhaps, evident by their manner of dress. And the other who had kept quiet, a long curly haired man of sun-tanned skin, who seemed to give little care for their appearance, yet was adorned with jewellery. Garbed singularly in a short skirt length tunic or dress, revealing their scars and the weapons at their side.

Slowly they’d begin to hear the loud footsteps of wooden sandals hitting the crickety old pier upon which they stood.

“Good to see that all three of you are here. As you might understand, this mission is on a tight-schedule, but perhaps a small team would be more befitting some of your personal interests.”

Ayumu Fukuzawa
A young lupine beastkin of grey fur made himself known. His appearance was well-kept and showed immediate affluence, such was unquestionable, the dark blue kimono covered all underneath the neck, and a small pair of spectacles sat upon his snout. The unmatted fur, which showed to have been brushed with a frequency. And lastly the white teeth as he gave a courteous smile. “Let me introduce myself, Ayumu Fukuzawa, I’ll represent your employers. Before we got to any further lengths,” Out of a small satchel hanging off his sash he procured a wooden tablet upon which sheet of parchment was pinned to, “I will require your sign here, it may be unusual but due to circumstances we will need all of you to sign a magical gag order so to say on what you may see during this mission, sign it and put a droplet of your blood upon the written sign, and it will combust into flame to show proper procedure has been followed. Read the contract with all the time you need, but please be understanding it's a measure of personal security.”

As he said, he handed over the parchment pinned on the wooden tablet to the man of matted hair. Before producing a small ink pen and an azure pot of magical ink, one might recognise to be similarly used in the magical contracts used by the Ororoot Empire or sometimes referred to as the Jade Coast. Dipping the pen before having it over, the ink itself seemed to shimmer with a soft glow and sparkled as if it was made out of precious gems.
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| Giftvi Giftvi |

Several Days Prior...

Having survived the perils of the raid into the Scourge's hive, Baharius and his team emerged from the depths to see the overall operation fall into chaos. While their sister team - the bombers - had successfully activated a bomb, only two out of the six members survived. The rest perished to the bugs, with claims of sabotage comitted by one of their own. In fact, it appeared this was a problem not wholly unique to them; having been operated on multiple fronts. For instance, he heard of a nearby supply camp had been razed to the ground after some sort of a disagreement. Purposeful or not, whispers of foul play by an unknown party were present. Though who was responsible was left ambiguous.

Yet apparently that wouldn't be the worst of it... for he'd also heard how a major party of powerful players had been claimed to be completely wiped out by stronger bugs within. Or perhaps, according to skeptics, even sabotaged themselves. Compared to these factors, Rico's Raid had been the most merciful, if not downright lucky. They only suffered one casualty, with everyone else surviving with mostly minimal injuries or destroyed armor. The latter was the saurian's case. And as far as they knew, no one in their party sprouted any treasonous thoughts. That, or the bugs killed the traitor before he could enact his plans. They'll never know.

Regardless, Baharius could see the writing on the walls... and he didn't like their odds. Though at this point he had done his duty. This was no longer any concern of his. So as he and the others were given new orders, the saurian snorted before announcing his departure in accordance to the deal. He was given his respected payment... alongside a compensational bonus: a suit of unique Eastern Empire armor. It too was made of bronze, just like his old suit, while able to repair itself outside of combat. A worthy replacement for what was already a battered suit.

With this in tow, Baharius would then set off to new ventures...

Present Day...

Word of the saurian's accomplishments would get around quick, eventually reaching the ears of Ryke's Adventurer's Guild. While Baharius was no stranger to them, having encountered plenty of other guild members during his travels, this would technically be his first time officially working with the guild itself. First time for everything he supposed. While they commemorated his sheer strength and raw power, they also saw Baharius for his skills in aquatic combat given his semi-aquatic biology. Where he was headed should put that use to good use; the Gloomhold Swamp. His mission? Something having to do with lost cargo. A seemed like a simple task, but it'll work as a starting quest to get in the door...

Of course, the veteran saurian figured from experience that something else had to be going on, but he decided going along with it anyways. At least it ought to be better then the bugs...

As the wooden rickety dock creaked under his immense bulk, Baharius found himself basking in familiar weather as he made his way towards the rendezvous point. This place reminded him of home... the vast wetlands near the ghost of the Afroiyan Kingdom. The smells, the temperature, the humidity... for most this would be surely unpleasant. A Green hell even. But for the saurian, he'd have no such burdens. While he still felt others in this tiny little hamlet gazing upon him with the familiar strange stares and glances, the sailed-back saurian didn't brush an eye at their silent remarks. At the least most here were other beastfolk, like himself, rather than the human dominated areas of Ryke. He blended in a whole lot better here then there.

The children here were also innocent and friendly enough, playing around the big lug as they asked who he was and why he was here, amongst a myriad of other adorable questions. The gentle beast gave them a toothy smile and some vague answers as he walked, patting a few on the head and letting them ride his long webbed tail before their parents came over to stop them from bothering him. Of course, walking alongside him were two other guild mates heading towards the same area - a tanned human male and a feminine otterfolk. None looked too remarkable in appearance, but the saurian acknowledged them kindly before their fourth and final member would step forth.

Alongside the clattering of wooden sandals.

Introducing himself as Ayumu Fukuzawa, the young finely dressed lupine didn't hesitate in introducing himself as their employers, before showing them a contract that they needed to sign... alongside a droplet of blood within the signature to confirm it. The saurian gave a concerned grumble at the back of his throat as he proceeded to read it carefully. "Gag order, huh?" the saurian inquired while he read the fine print. He gave an airy chuckle. "For missing cargo? Hmph... sounds like yer pretty uptight about whatever you're carrying. Must be reaaaaal important..." He then flicks out a hook-shaped claw from his left hand, as he loomed it over his hand...

Then his expression glanced over slyly towards Ayumu, laced with a dash of subtle yet inquiring [Intimidation D]. "Now tell me... before I proceed forth... What's all this really about, hm?"
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Republic of Kuridan
Coastal Harbour of Nara no Nox Shogunate, Eastern Republic of Kuridan, bordering on the Gloomhold Swamp and the end point of the Kabnak River


Ayumu Fukuzawa

The tanned human man of rugged nature, whose name Baharius had not yet obtained, seemed to ponder for a moment himself as he held the contract in his hand. His gaze falling upon the lupine individual standing before him at this moment, though barely visible under the tufts of hair which covered most of his face in such a chaotic manner. Briefly directing such attention towards Baharius who had taken the initiative to participate in the conversation, and perhaps strangely leaving little attention towards the contract in his possession itself.

Similarly, the otter beastkin, seemed to have been slow on saying anything of her own, though her expression seemed more contemplative, and her attention was mostly trained upon Ayumu as if inspecting him thoroughly for whatever reason. Something had at least caught her interest.

Ayumu's brow visibly raised, yet his expression stayed unmoveable for a moment, even as Baharius not only laced his words with an aggressive intent perhaps not meant in any sense of physical altercation. Yet certainly in a manner which was threatening him, or rather attempting to exemplify the dynamic to be more equal than simply one of employer and one who was hired to simply do as they were. Before the unmoved expression faltered and a slight nervousness seemed to arise from a momentary visible twitch, as a cocked grin which displayed his toothy maw once more appeared on his face. As if trying to cover it up with a facade of confidence when faced with an individual whose brawn could cleave him in twain at this moment. Though of course, such a course of action would never occur, less Baharius would want to ruin his own reputation.

“Now, I will explain as much as I can, but I want to clarify. It is not my own cargo. I'll simply be the messenger for who will pay you for your troubles. So far, only the truth has been spoken; all other information withheld was out of a sake for privacy. My employer, an important business owner from Takigahara, a few kilometres to the west of here, is an important individual who handles some trade coming from up there.” He says as he points towards the east, though of course not visible at this moment, but in reference towards the Kahvak river. “A private ship of theirs sailed through the continental lake three days ago, estimated about five kilometres to the south-west from this location. Estimated, due to the fact it likely sunk, as an individual from this harbour found wreckage debris washed ashore, specifically a part of the bow. Which had been ripped off and found with punctures in the wood. Now we had faced trouble before, within this area over the last few months, but losses were minimal. The only ships which were targeted before were small ships bigger than fishing boats and smaller than Fluyts. Anything around the size of the latter was spared such a worrisome fate.”

Ayumu gave a short pause, as he remained quiet, perhaps wondering how much further he should inform Baharius of the ongoing situation, “Importantly, whereas before we had ignored the issue due to mismanagement, the contents of the cargo as I was told this time around could not simply be ignored. Investigating the area where the ship likely had sunk to find the cargo is to be the main priority. Additional reward will be given if the cause is investigated, any corpses are rescued, or if you deal with the cause yourselves.” Once more he gave pause, but rather now his eyes shot towards the contract in the hands of the man next to Baharius. “Now if you'd please sign.” He said, looking quite intently to each member.

The man gave a slight pause before writing upon the contract, and nicking his thumb with the blade at his side. As the bloody thumb pressed upon the writing, it shined a pearlescent light for a moment, before dimming once more. Before giving it to the otter beastkin at his side, who repeated the same action, only after having spent a few moments globally reading the contents. As the contract was handed over to Baharius, whether he would sign would be up to him. However, the abbreviated contents of the contract would laud as such: “
Eiko Inoue, hereby guarantees that if the contractee(s) succeed in the mission to retrieve the private cargo of the “Nanami”, the ship which was utilised for transferring the cargo and has sunk in the continental, to be paid an appropriate sum in Ryke as well as a hearty recommendation to an employer of their own preference. Additional faculties such as recovering the crew of the “Nanami” as well as investigating or dealing with the cause of the incident will applaud a better payment. To assist in the difficulties with this mission, the retainer of miss Inoue also known as Ayumu Fukuzawa will give each participating contractee a magical item to be ingested to deal with the difficulties of underwater pressure and breathing.” Furthermore, Baharius would see two names written down upon the parchment:
“Athanasius” and Hua”.


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Baharius gave a guttural sigh upon listening to the situation. It appeared his tone had rattled the lupine a bit more than he realized. Though in doing so, Baharius felt like he was pushing the tension just a bit too on the nose, even if he had no intentions of initiating any sort of petty conflict. That, or perhaps, the strains from his duty under the Eastern Empire had made him more skeptical than usual. He had to reign it in a tad here; no reason to be rude. He then listened to what Ayumu could reveal on the matter.

What he said appeared to be true, or at the very least checked out with what he was told from the guild report. The ship in question was carrying undisclosed cargo, unmentioned for the sake of the employer's privacy, and was lost due to the sinking of said ship. That part was crystal. Though the following information was new... For while no one knew exactly what sunk it, they were able to find the bow of the ship washed ashore. And it looked as if it was ripped apart by something... supposedly finding puncture marks situated within the wood.

That was crucial information... enough for Baharius to get a good idea about what he truly was here for.

"A monster attack..." the saurian grumbled silently to himself, "No doubt about it..." It wouldn't be his first time tangoing with a dangerous aquatic beast, both here and back on his home world. That said, the last time he engaged with one in the town of Pardan, Ryke - that being a rampaging sea serpent - he was casually flung aside like he was nothing. He couldn't even make a dent through its scaly hide with his sharp claws either. Quite a humiliating and futile display of his aquatic prowess. One could only imagine what sort of water monster was strong enough to cause such damage in this instance... and whether or not someone like himself could stand up to it.

Pfft, of course he should be able to. Surely he's grown stronger since that day... at least enough to make a notable difference depending on what he would face down there.

Though at the end of the day, their primary objective was to retrieve the missing cargo. Finding out and/or dealing with the cause was secondary. Baharius felt satisfied at the notion, as his tensed expression relaxed. He made sure to read the contract fully, ensuring no further surprises could bite him through the fine print. From what he read, most of it remained the same, with the addition of mentioning the name of the lost ship - "Nanami” - and how each participant would be bestowed magical artifacts to ensure they were properly prepared for underwater exploration. The other thing which caught his attention were the two names: “Athanasius” and “Hua”.

Other then that...

Nicking his hand, the saurian drew blood and signed the contract accordingly. "Apologizes for my bluntness." Baharius bowed while wiping off the blood stain from his hand, "Just had to ensure what I was getting into. The employers of my last quest had left some... critical info that we should've known from the start. I don't wish to be in that situation again. Nonetheless, I understand... and agree to the terms provided."

"Just one last thing before we go,"
the saurian requested as he scanned the contract again, "The names written on the bottom: 'Athansius' and 'Hua'. Who might they be exactly?"

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