Completely New to RpN


lil' bitch
Hello there, I see you may have clicked on this thread.

I've got a feeling it was just an accident or something so I'm gonna make this really quick.

Hi, I'm Athefendy, as my username states, but I'd prefer Athena, Fendy, or whatever you'd like to call me.

I have done multiple different types of roleplay, from fandom to fantasy to slice of life, but never on this site. I have, however, roleplayed on Google Plus, Instagram and private messages on Wattpad. I hope people are okay with roleplaying with new members because I'd really like to become better at all types of roleplay.

I began with the cringeworthy colons and asterisks but I think I've grown much more from that, and have done casual and descriptive roleplaying.

One of my pet peeves is being called a weeaboo which I assure you I am not, despite watching and reading multiple Japanese cartoon series. I enjoy puzzle video games like Ace Attorney and Professor Layton, and am a big fan of Undertale. I also like Steven Universe, Doctor Who, the Hunger Games series and a lot more. I'm also quite a procrastinator (and can be busy off the net) so I'm sorry if I don't reply to a roleplay too often or don't write a very long reply.

After the 10 posts/24 hours regulation has been lifted off my shoulders I will gladly private message people for roleplay if that's more your style, or just to chat a bit. I'm always open to that sort of thing.

I hope someone's taken the time to read this, and maybe roleplay or just introduce me to a thing or two on this site.
Athefendy said:
One of my pet peeves is being called a weeaboo which I assure you I am not, despite watching and reading multiple Japanese cartoon series.
I know right! Pfft, I only watched Tokyo Ghoul and Death Note, next thing I hear 'Otaku!'

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