Coming of Age/Apocalyptic/Fantasy Role-play Idea.


New Member
Hey, how are you? Please, take a seat; would you like a drink? Sorry, I'm out of coffee, but I do have a lovely scented gingersnap-peach tea, I'll bring you a mug. There, don't you feel comfortable now, nice and cozy, ready to read my role-play idea.

So this is my first post on this site, excluding the introduction. The basic premise of the role-play is just below, but feel free to bring in your own ideas and thoughts if you're interested.

It was the spring time. The cherry blossom and apple orchards that nestled the green capped hills of the valley bloomed more and more each day, and rarely did a cloud falter the otherwise blue canvas of the sky. The sun always seemed to linger at its peak, and its warm rays were a welcome delight to the people of the Brooke, the long and cold winter fading into memory. Soon, the Doves and Sparrows would return from their stay far in the southern wood, and the wildlife of the trees would return from their winter slumber.

The Brooke sat along the riverbed, which had thawed now and trickled free with salmon and newts. A single cobble road ran through the town, separating the few buildings of wood and stone on either side. Freshly picked flowers of reds and yellows hung from the windowsills, picked that morning from the abundance that now sprouted along the hills and shrubbery.

It is here that our characters have spent their entire lives. On the cusp of adulthood, with each passing day the valleys and meadows surrounded by the endless array of grand oaks and pines seem to grow smaller. As their thoughts drift to what lays beyond the forest and into the outside world, they know that these thoughts will only ever be wild, fading, child-like imaginations; nobody ventured from the town. It was an idyllic, solitary paradise.

But things have a way of changing. On the eve of another spring day, when the sun had long since dispersed and the night had descended, a single light brighter than all the stars lit the sky. It grew and grew, until the light came down just outside the town with a thunderous boom. The tops of trees lay in embers where the light had plummeted down, and the ground where it struck lay upturned and cracked. The villagers gathered that night around the foreign object that had came from the sky, an object of metal and tin, glass and tubes. The elders of the village had faces cold as snow, whilst our characters and the children looked with only curiosity. The object that had fallen from beyond the sky was of this world, and their burning desire to explore that world bubbled now more so than ever.

When one of our characters decides to take that leap and leave the town under the cover of night, his friends are drawn with them, all curious as to what lays beyond the grand forest that has bordered their lives.

But nothing good lays beyond those trees that have kept the Brooke in isolation for so long, and what they find will make them long for home.

Thank you for reading the introduction for the role-play. In case I didn't explain it well, the story will take place with our characters, all adolescences (I'd say eighteen at the very oldest) of an 'amish' type community hidden away in a dense forest. When a satellite from the outside world crashes down into the Brooke, our characters venture out to explore the world beyond the trees. Beyond the trees, they'll find horror and darkness, friendship and betrayal, love and death, and the remnants of our world, long since desolate. If you have any questions or are interested, feel free to ask them below or drop me a message. Right now, I'm not sure whether to do this as a 1x1 or a group, it depends on the interest level, if any.

See you round, guys.
Great, I'm glad there's some interest. Do you guys have any questions about the role-play/story?

And Ricki/Todd, I've never been called Peteypie before. It's not as gangsta' as I would have liked, but I like it. :D
Ricki, Todd, Ricki Ticki, Rodd, R/T, Rooster Teeth, my list of nicknames is unending. xD

And okay Arty it is :D
Does you not like the nickname Arty... Arty?

hehe just kidding. Pengu it is.... Arty.

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