Story Come to meet Volk(short story to introduce myself)


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(You enter this world through a portal. It's a noisy, dirty, messy planet. You walk below the surface of the city that rusty, dirty, through the noisy, dirty working crowd, escaping the search of police drones, came to a repair factory)
(You spot a huge guy in black power armor, even though he's not special and often overlooked in this rowdy crowd. He's standing in front of a giant excavator, the servo arm on the power backpack moves up and down, and the light from the welding machine in his hand almost blinds you)
(You walk past the people at work and even nearly knock over a dwarf who is carrying mechanical parts. You leave the dwarf's diatribe behind you, walk behind the big man, and knock the big man's armor-covered thigh)
(The armor makes a "tinkle" sound, and the big black armored guy turns around slowly, and you feel like a hill is turning in front of you. The big black armored guy looks down and looks carefully at you in front of him. And you But he couldn't see what the man inside looked like through the grim helmet. After half a minute of silence, a gloomy voice rubbed against the steel, emanating from his helmet like it echoed in some metal cage)
Nice to meet you. Although this is not a good meeting place.
(He turns off the welder in his hand and invites you to take a seat in a slightly quieter part of the repair factory. He hands you a white porcelain coffee mug and fills you with warm coffee. The white coffee mug looks very inconsistent in this dirty and dim repair factory)
I set up this repair factory with a group of refugees who paid for it. I contributed the most, but was not the owner of the shop. I run this place with the workers here. I think in this cruel world, it's always nice to have a place where everyone has jobs, food, and a fair distribution of income...
(He sits quietly beside you, looking at people who are busy)
They are smarter and more capable than me. I guess they deserve better treatment...but for now...forget it.
(He turns to look at you)
Having said all that, I haven't heard you speak. Although I heard about you from my friend and invited you over. But I want to hear you introduce yourself. At this time I can think about whether the rumors about you are true.
(You introduced yourself to him carefully, including your name, age, knowledge and skills you have, your preferences, and what kind of experience you have had. He listened carefully, and after you finished speaking, he lowered his head seriously think about it for a while, then say)
Intriguing, except for something subtle differences with the rumors. But I think you have experienced so many things, it is impossible to remember so many details...
(He paused a while and said)
I think I should also introduce myself, for some kind of fair deal. After all you told me so much, I don't want you to go home empty-handed.
In fact, I died once. It was a long time ago, while covering the civilian evacuation of the planet with my fire team, I was pierced in both hearts by the sword of a warband leader, but at the same time I cut off his ugly tentacled skull.
I fell to the ground, blood dripping from my chest. When the planet was about to explode, it was too late for my comrades to take me away. After the planet exploded, I was sucked into an extradimensional space.
In that weird space, my wounds healed quickly, and I gained a strange ability, and I was able to travel between many different worlds. My body and my gear drift aimlessly in the void. Until I met an alien wizard. He told me the truth about my hometown, the cruel universe. He gave me the power to choice and told me to do the right thing. When the alien wizard left, I followed his guidance to a Void Starport occupied by the Chaos Warband. There, I assassinated a Warpsmith and lurked there as him.
(He looked at your surprised expression, his voice still calm and gloomy)
Yes, VolkElfarlan is not my real name. That's the name of that Warpsmith. Not long after I managed to sneak into the warband, their master decided to set sail with the entire warband to new worlds to spread the corruption from their beliefs.
That warband ignited every world they encountered with the fire of war from Chaos. While they ravaged these worlds, I was secretly protecting innocent souls. Sometimes I also assassinate some influential people in the warband, so that the whole warband can't make decisions that are more beneficial to them in the war. But my personal strength is too weak to compete with the entire warband. Sometimes, I can only watch some worlds gradually fallen in the ravages of war.I'm also secretly preparing for the destruction of the entire battleship's Dark Cultists.
Until one day, the warband suffered heavy losses while fighting an army in a world that used bio-energy to fight. The warband's master asked me to kill the little boy as a tribute in a sacrifice. The boy was be plundered from a village on the surface onto that battleship, and as long as they complete this sacrifice, the god of war and killing will bless them to occupy the world more freely in the future. I know they have no bottom line in what they do, but at this moment, I peek into another truth from deep space. In the face of such a war, there is only desire to vent, and the so-called morality and rules are just ugly disguise of the evil gods when they tempt mortals.
I stood in front of the little boy who crying and pleading, hold the dagger in my hand tightening. After a short silence, I turned quickly and slit the master's throat. When the master fell to the ground clutching his neck, everyone present was shocked, and I took advantage of this moment to kill the sorcerer and the two captains with my long sword. I took the little boy avoided the others on the battleship, exit the battleship by an airborne pod.
When the Chaos believers on the battleship hadn't reacted. The bomb I had previously placed in the torpedo came into play at this point. There was a loud noise in the sky that shook the ground, and the battleship blasted out a huge cloud of black smoke and sparks in the air, and the burning armor residue splashed out with thick smoke. And the airborne pod we were in landed safely on the ground.
I followed the little boy's directions and took the little boy to a place not far from his relative's house. I put the little boy down, let the little boy go back to his new home by himself, and I turned away. After so many things, people here will no longer believe in humanoid weapons wearing heavy armor and holding advanced weapons, I don't want to cause panic among people here.
(He looks at your disbelief and continues)
I know, you wouldn't believe something like this, and I wouldn't believe it until it actually happened. Because of the long-term latent life, I have a character that likes to lie. You might question why I didn't choose to exposed my true identity to a crowd of Chaos believers until the boy was killed, you might question how I could possibly escape from a siege of super soldiers, and you might even think I killed that little boy.
But I can tell you that I do want to stop the evil from my homeland, whose inexhaustible power is corrupting these defenseless worlds. I travel with my gear and my ability that can let me travel between worlds. I've been to many places, and those worlds have many manifestations, sometimes just a land, sometimes a planet, sometimes a whole galaxy, sometimes different dimensions held together by different magical energies. I am learning the knowledge in those worlds, astronomy, geography, mathematics, physics, politics, history, economics, etc... I will use the knowledge I have learned to think out a way to help the world get rid of the curse from my hometown. At the same time, I am also looking for someone who, like me, has escaped from that hopeless universe. In the end, I am looking for an answer, I want to find out of these worlds the way to free my hometown from the evil from that deep space forever.
You may still have questions why I have this ability and why can't I go back to my hometown. In the process of traveling through space, I have also seen the crack from my hometown, that is the entrance to that piece of universe. But when I tried to touch the rift, the mortal pain spread from my chest to my whole body. When I tried to enter that rift with great pain, I immediately passed out. When I woke up I found that I was still where I was. I can only glimpse my hometown in my sleep, the galaxy still burning with war, and the deaths of people in my hometown always wake me up from my dreams.
(He nods when he hears your consolation)
Thank you for your concern. Actually, I can live with these. What I'm afraid of is that my heart will gradually become cold as I endure these things. When I can see these more dynamic and youthful worlds, I am afraid that the cruelty will turn me into a cold humanoid weapon.
If I have never seen such light, why should I try so hard to cut through the darkness of despair?
(He looks at you again, his voice full of burning determination)
I wish I could follow you on an adventure. Your experience and your skills may help me find the answers I need.
(He stands up, facing you with some doubts and hesitations)
You don't have to worry about me, I can take care of myself and maybe I can protect you. My strength, agility, stamina, perception and intelligence are much higher than any experienced fighter. My shooting skills and swordsmanship are very good .I'm good at using my heavy bolter rifle and my omnissiah's blade. I'm also good at hiding myself, if you need me to sneak to kill someone, maybe I can do it. I'm good at making and maintaining a lot of machinery. I also know a lot of science knowledge. It's just that I'm not good at magic, and my resistance to magic is also very poor. I hope there is a mage who can take care of my back. In addition, my eloquence and charisma are also weak, although I was a spy, my eloquence is limited to making a simple lie to deceive ordinary people, and because I often wear this power armor, few people can muster the courage that speak to me.
(When you nod, he turns and enters a room, which is followed by some loudly, heavy metal crash. A short time later, he reappears in front of you. This time he is carrying a huge trunk behind him, with some scientific instruments and grenades. A deformable mechanical half-handed sword is strapped to his waist, and he holds a massive rifle in his hand. Drones hover around him)
I am ready. What about you?
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