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Multiple Settings Come Take a Look ! Partner Search ! Multiple Plots ! MxM and More


New Member


Hello, welcome to my partner search, I’m Cookeey. 22 years old. I am new to the site, but I have been roleplaying a lot on other sites. I am an avid DnD player, and I also just enjoy writing in my free time (like many others here I would assume ^^). I enjoy role-plays that has a lot of difficult decisions to overcome and characters who are flawed beyond quirks. That being said, I believe that any personality type can be written amazingly if there is a good writer behind the keyboard, so I won’t tell you how to write your character, as long as you communicate what sort of direction you are planning the character development to go !

I generally write male characters. However, I would be more than happy to switch it up and write a female, since I have many NPC females. Let me know. Another preference I have is MxM pairings for the mains, but you might be able to persuade me to otherwise.



- Paragraph writer, or at least set my expectations when reaching out to me. I generally like to write a few paragraphs per post, just to keep the muse alive
- MxM pair is preferred, but I would be alright with trying MxF or FxF (then it’s not a rule)
- Partake in developing the plot that I prompt
- Normal site rules apply


- N/A​

Prompts and Inspiration

I saw this post and thought it could make a fun Role-play.
It could be a character who is so done with being asked if they "have a partner" that they just make one up
Could also be a character who is doing ‘challenges’/dares with his friends and this was one of them

This is a pretty literal one. This plot could have a lot of potential with the right characters


Char A has been hired as a university teacher in a new town. When he arrive to town he goes out for a drink, where he meet Char B, and they hit it off instantly. They even decide to meet again. And they do end up meeting again… unfortunately that meeting is…. Monday morning, in class, Char B being Char A’s student.
(This is a simple plot, but I could see it going to places with some proper plotting)

Char A and Char B had been fighting crime for years, Char A being the sidekick and Char B being the hero; while keeping their identity secret during their regular lives. Char A is the brains of the team, and reads mind with an incredibly high IQ, whereas Char B is the muscles that can fight the villains and protect the city. Their team worked well, until one day the villain Char C showed up - for some reason Char A could not read their mind, and therefore they were unable to see through his plans in battle, and Char B ended up getting badly hurt. Not only did the villain get away, but the city’s hero was now injured.
When Char A goes back to work, there is a new person starting at the job, but not just any person: Char A is not able to read their mind. Naturally they get instantly suspicious that this is the villain Char C, but... the new person at work act so friendly. So Nice. Without Char B able to fight, Char A have no choice but to make completely sure that this was really Char C, before they reveal their identity. They decide to keep a close eye on them.

For this one I want flawed characters, who are clearly not meant to be together, but still somehow can’t stay apart. Char A and Char B being exes, who has hurt each other in every way. They were together since childhood, but they always end up being the worst influence on each other, and even when they break-up they can’t stay completely apart and check up on each other after a while, because only that person knows them entirely. Open for what their backgrounds are, but that dynamic would be something I would love to capture.

That is all for now, I will make sure to keep this updated! If you saw anything you would like to give a go, shoot me a message!

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