Come play with us~ [Inactive]


The Original Chef Kitten
OverlyIntricateLove submitted a new role play:

Come play with us~ - Immortality is your worst enemy when forced to partake in a gory game to make up for your sins.

You lived, you sinned, and you died. You thought that was it, that that was the end.

Oh, how wrong you are.

You committed incredibly awful sins in your lifetime, ones that mankind cannot forgive. Murder, rape, genocide, etc. Whether you were executed for your crimes or were able to hide out until the end of your days, eventually you had to die like everyone else.

But what comes after is...
Read more about this role play...
Lily stood silently under a street light, fathomed by her own imagination. It was the dim light that calmed her soul. While you would think of gods as busy folk, Lily was quite the opposite. Everyday her mind remained in a bored state, time flowed slowly, and her eyes never flickering with the least bit of happiness. But she wasn't amused by things other people were like roller coasters and sports, no, she had a much more intricate idea of fun....

What might that be?

She enjoyed having people as expendable dolls, dolls that you would light on fire and tear apart when their use had became old. However, she couldn't settle for normal dolls, how could she? They don't scream nor do they feel pain, they are emotionless play toys. But her dolls were real human beings. She hated humans, what was there to like? They are all so hungry for power and will do anything to get love, those humans should all just die! However in some ways that was a good thing, she never got those kind of people. No, the humans sent to her and her sister were much more interesting. The psychologically impaired, the murderers, the crimson rapists and anyone who sought the path of crime and villainy, those were the humans she loved to play with! It was the irony of it all, but their screams of terror were always so much sweeter for some reason, she could never understand why, but why should she waste time figuring it out? She looked up to the lamp and then looked over to her sister, whom she would never harm, not for anything. She gave her a cute smile and slowly reached for her right hand with her left. "Sophie our patients are waiting for us, and I am growing impatient. Shall we have them join our little play ground now?" She said holding up a black, clouded orb. "On your words I'll warp them here." She said slowly and with a snap of her fingers the light shut off, however oddly the girls still illuminated the room, as would all humans that entered in.
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Sophie looked over at her dear sister, her sweet smile similar to the other's own. Excitement glittered in her magenta eyes as her gaze shifted to the orb. It had been so, so long since she had had true fun, and she was certainly looking forward to this. With the right incentive, humans would do so much. The only problem was that their fragile bodies had a way of collapsing from the simplest things--this meant that they could entertain only for a short time. However, her and her sister had found a way around that, giving them the perfect dolls to toy with. The fact that their new playthings would be criminals made it even better. When they were alive they had experienced power over their victims; it would be such a rush to see their expressions when the tables were turned.

"Yes, Lily, I believe we shall." she agreed, taking the other's offered hand.
The orb flashed brightly and created a smog like substance. Lily's eyes flashed red and with the strike of her right palm the contestants would appear. She stood there silent, her eyes filled with a fake innocence, much like a child's guilty cover ups. The arrival of the contestants was always her favourite part, they were either afraid or confused, but who wouldn't be? Just a couple of minutes ago you were dead, lifeless and irrelevant to all. But here you stood, alive, with a beating heart, in front of two girls who've you never met or heard of.
Richard seemed to fade INTO existence, just after he felt death's cold embrace... the voices.. they had finally gone... but with this... appearence... this new life... the voices... the voices WERE BACK why couldn't Richard ever be rid of the fucking voices? looking at the girls in front of him, he suddenly became enraged, though he could feel that he could do nothing to these girls... "Where", he said, between the screams of the voices, "Where the hell am I?" the voices screamed profanity at him, told him he was weak, so weak he could not even die right, "Tell me or so help me I will end you!"
Hollywood and all those religious types are full of hypocrites. They lie and make you believe something good awaits you after death, such as the famous white light as you slowly ascend heaven. No, as she set fire to her apartment, with her inside as she sung her favourite songs, she was hoping for heaven, but knew hell awaited her below. So when she suddenly appeared in another relatively large apartment with 2 similar looking girls on a bed, and another crazy lunatic guy standing beside her as he rampaged about killing, it confused her tremendously.

Even though she was highly confused, she kept her mouth shut and watched as her transparentish body glowed a greenish yellow. Her urges to kill hadn't been quenched, and she could feel Scarlet, her angry persona trying to break free. She swallowed hard, trying to keep calm. She didn't know what was going on, and from the look of the guy beside her, he was capable of creating all kinds of havoc.
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Death hadn't been all that hard. A knife in his chest and his thoughts about immortality and power faded along with the mind he had once called his own. All disappeared for no one to know and no one to remember. He didn't end up in either Heaven or Hell, he just ceased to exist as a person and instead became an inanimate object. Like going to sleep and then never waking up, no dreams, no torment, no nothing. Just sleep. Being resurrected on the other hand, wasn't interesting because of the feeling itself, just like waking up. No, it was different due to the fact that he wasn't supposed to be waking up.

Hisoka blinked, looking over the two females in the bed, they were holding hands, seemed like they would either be lovers (not all that believable, as they seemed young) or siblings that really depended on each other (He would bet on the second one if he had actually cared). In front of him stood a male and a female, he himself having appeared a little behind them. The male one was throwing a fit, how annoying... The red haired male yawned and then rubbed one of his eyes, looking around with an indifferent look on his face. He didn't look like someone who had just come back from the dead, nor did he think too hard about it.

He was back, why or how didn't matter, he just was, like he had been most of his life.

The boy's hand moved to his hip, the place where he usually kept his knives, his precious knives but nothing was there. Had these people taken his knives? The brown eyes turned to the two children, he didn't feel like talking, he never did but if they HAD taken his knives... He'd make sure that they would give the back, along with a great deal of pain... Was that other guy still shouting? He hadn't been paying attention.

It wasn't right. It wasn't fair. How could death have come so fast and so painfully? Either way. Did she deserve it? There wasn't just physical pain but it seemed to also come in the form of emotional pain. These men had hurt her. She had no idea what she was supposed to go or where she was to start. It was as if she was possessed. Subara didn't feel as if she killed these boys. But she remembered all of it. She remembered tying the cinderblock around the boys feet. She remembered putting the cord around the other boys neck. She remembered it all.

They deserved it! They deserved it!

It was all that she could repeat in her mind. She didn't belong here. Wherever she was. It seemed to be all black, Somewhat like a hallway but the walls seemed to be like her school. She walked a bit further to investigate and found that the windows were all shattered. Just like before. But through the windows, black. There was no scene. Subara put her hands out of the window. There was no draft. There was

She didn't even know how she could see. It was all so dark. The walls of her school were broken and dilapidated. It was revolting. Mold, and what seemed like blood. Then, Subara heard from the hall. Step...Step...Step... Fear overcame her. Something was coming this way and it was coming fast.
Sophie's eyes glanced over all four of the prisoners, her eyes glittering as she looked upon the new toys. "Welcome. I'm so happy that you all could be here, in the realm of the gods." she greeted with genuine enthusiasm. Her words were rather articulate and intelligent despite her high pitched child voice. "You four have been chosen to be in a very special game. Please listen, because I will only go over this once.

"You are, technically speaking, dead. However, your delightful activities during your life earned you your spot in this game, and so you have been resurrected into an immortal being. In other words, no matter what happens to your body, you will not die. Exciting, isn't it? Except that you are not allowed to leave this place unless you successfully make it through. In order to die eternally you must endure some--obstacles, if you will, hence the game, to prove that you are worthy. There is a bit more to it, but you will understand very soon. My precious sister and I will be executing it. No need to thank us; it is our pleasure."

She then shifted her gaze over to the rather loud raven haired man. Sophie's smile slipped just the slightest bit as she turned to Lily. "Lily, that man's voice is rather loud and bothersome. Could I bother you to please show him some manners?"
Lily nodded in agreement to what Sophie said as she smiled. "Well said sis! Now I do love to provide a, well, live demonstration. You remember that immortal part don't you friends? Well our friend Richard here will be our cute little helper for today!" She said gleefully as she pulled one of the flowers out of her hair as another one quickly grew back. "Now, now, just close your eyes and this won't /hurt/ a bit." She said as her smile grew ever so larger as her flower's vines grew into the ground and came out, constricting Richard in an instant. She snapped her fingers and an assault rifle appeared in her hands, but she paused for a moment and crushed the weapon into a small ball. "No-no, much to flashy for the beginning." She said in a fussy tone and the small ball of iron soon turned into a wooden and metal revolver. She looked down to the gun with a disappointed look and she quickly smiled and pointed the gun right at Richards head. She pulled the trigger but nothing happened. She giggled and stuck out her fingers like a gun, and said the following words:


And like a bomb within Richards head, it exploded, splattering boiling blood over mostly everyone in the room. Lily licked the blood off of her palms and smiled and counted down with her fingers, 3, 2, 1. And on one Richard's head began to regenerate as the pain he felt would soon occur to the poor man. She looked to her sister and twisted her foot on the ground. "I'm sorry Sophie, maybe that was a little too much.."
As one of the pettite looking... goddesses explained their reasons for Evelyn being their, and not living the rest of time in Hell, or whatever the afterlife was, she couldn't help but feel worried. These games they spoke of... the highly reminded her of the games Scarlett would drone about, the games of fire and blood. Somehow, Evelyn knew this wasn't the end; merely the beginning.

Beside her, another man had arrived so silently, she didn't even know he was there. But, as the goddesses explained their intentions, the loud raven haired guy spoke of the voices in his head only to get his head blown up with a... revolver... by the other goddess who she assumed was Lily. She almost laughed in horror. A simple revolver caused that. Scarlett definitely couldn't keep her mouth shut, and said "That outta shut the voices up, huh?" Evelyn hushed her and watched as the man's head slowly grew back from his severed body. Scarlet continued to laugh, but Evelyn was horrified. What were these ... goddesses up too?
Richard was confused, he had been threatening these... girls.. and suddenly, he was shot! He wasn't... dead... however, he DID feel an immense amount of pain... he couldn't scream in pain... he had no mouth... but then his head began to heal... or that was the way he experienced it. He didn't know what hurt more, the actual shot, or his head growing back. As his eyes took form again, he looked about, his body was immobile, held in place by a plant which Richard supposed came from the girls (or maybe they weren't girls, he had yet to form an opinion on the subject, nor would he). As his brain reformed, so too did the voices, Richard decided to ignore them, there were much more pressing matters. "I.. apologize for my... actions," he said, his schizophrenic rage had subsided, and the more cool, collected form of Richard Johnson surfaced, "now, may I ask, where are we, anyway?"
"You are, technically speaking, dead. However, your delightful activities during your life earned you your spot in this game, and so you have been resurrected into an immortal being. In other words, no matter what happens to your body, you will not die. Exciting, isn't it?" One of the girls were speaking now, her voice looking as young as her face and still... All about her and her sister seemed so wrong, like they were poisonous plants that tried to hide their poison with their beautiful pedals. He wasn't impressed at first, was rather close to turn around and then walk off to somewhere else, not bothering about these two females and their games. Dead or not, he still wanted his knives and if the option was to stand here and stand, he'd rather go find something else to amuse him.

However, things seemed to change now, one of the girls went about a great show in selecting a weapon to demonstrate her powers, or perhaps the powers that had been given to THEM. The movements of the plants were... Fascinating. He didn't think that there were such a thing as control the nature but then again, he would have deemed it impossible to make a man's head explode, simply by saying 'bam'. Hisoka watched as the male grew back together and gave a slightly suspicious frown, stepping forward and then gave the guy a slap in the back of his head, just to see that he was real. He seemed to be and the blood that now covered him and the other people in the room as well, smelled and felt like the real deal.

"..." He looked down on his hand and flexed his fingers, not caring too much about the man he had just hit in the back of his head. He was looking at the females, now moving to cross his arms over his chest. "You say... To die eternally..." His voice was low and raspy, it sounded unfit for him and seemed to crack every here and there. "Why... Would we want to die... Eternally? Don't mind... Being alive." It took him a long time to speak all the way to the end of the sentence, stopping every now and then to allow his voice some rest.
Looking at the man who had just slapped him, Richard offered a response, "I was actually happy to be dead.. if that is possible... These voices can be so troublesome sometimes...." This man seemed uninterested in him though, perhaps that was for the better. Richard was tired.. of life.. not tired of killing... just tired of life... perhaps when he was done here, he would somehow find a way to resume his work.. even while dead.
Evelyn stared in confusion. Both males in the room had differing opinions of their current state of living, and the fact that these goddesses still haven't made them selves clear of the 'games' they wanted to play. Although, Scarlett was familiar with these 'games' and knew exactly the type of crap she was headed towards. 'Your gonna have the time of your life, baby' Scarlett chuckled, laughing at the horror that awaited Evelyn.

'Don't worry doll. It won't hurt... a lot.' She laughed. Evelyn sneered, 'You'll be feeling this too'. Scarlett huffed, 'I'm not you sweetheart.' Evelyn nodded, still eyeing the boy's new grown head in shock. 'You and I are completely different, yet one in the same. Maybe our sins from life are finally catching up with us...'
This role play has been marked "inactive". Inactive role plays are defined as "role plays showing 0 activity within a 30 day period".

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