• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Come My Love, Be One With The Sea — the applications


smile like you mean it
alrighty everyone here’s the applications thread for the pirate roleplay!

The current due date for applications is Monday, September 2nd.

A friendly reminder that this roleplay is application based. Since there’s so many roles, you can apply for 2 roles at once, but you do not have to do so. If I pick another OC over yours and there’s still open roles left, you can apply for one of the open roles.


saoirse bell forestferns forestferns

Rayna Doe lyn. lyn.

Ysolt Blackwood Acear Acear

Lucien Kassani Klown Klown

Bertram Gunther Iamthemanfish Iamthemanfish



???????? and ???????

??????? and ???????

Lithoniel Raenisa Talathel Talathel and ???????

Gu Qiyuan Meatball30 Meatball30 and ???????

So, you wanna become a crew member of The Night Jewel, huh? Well then, please fill out this application! You can use a code if you want to, but it is not required so long as you have everything that is in the form.


Full Name


Age - 20+



Sexuality - please include romantic and sexuality orientation


Species - if merperson or siren, please specify what kind. are they a great white shark merperson? a largemouth bass siren?

True Form Description - what do they look like when they take on their true form?

Powers and Abilites - what kind of magical powers if any and abilities do they gain in this form?

Human Form Description

Birthday - month, day, year, place of birth

Body Modifications / Scars



Role Amongst The Crew

Strengths and Weaknesses - what are they good at? what are they horrible at? what are they mediocre at?

How Long Have They Been With The Crew? - The Night Jewel has been going strong for 5 years.

History / Backstory - if you want, you can just list how they became a member of the crew.

Weaponry - what kind of weapons would you find on them? a cutlass? a dagger? etc.










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your captain

full name

saoirse bell (seer-sha)




twenty-seven (27)


cis female, he/they/she


blasket islands


january 28th, 1631


panromantic demipansexual

  • hair

    saoirse has long, wavy, chocolate brown colored hair that falls down to the middle of his back. it can look black in certain lightings.


    their eyes are a light, warm brown



    body mods.

    saoirse has pierced ears that she did herself. they also have various tattoos that they did themself such as moons and stars, a seal, a bird, and a small tree. they're all on his ankles and his upper arms.


    adelaine kane as mary stuart in Reign

♡coded by uxie♡

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  • don't raise your voice. improve your argument.



    195.6 cm ( 6'5″ ).


    64kg ( 141lbs ).

    hair c.

    salt n' pepper

    eye c.




    secondary form

    youkai can shift into a large dire wolf that's heavier and more muscular than the modern grey wolf weighing around 160lbs with a shoulder height of 48in and a body length 79in. his pelt is a rich, smokey obsidian hue with firey molten orbs and a small patch of white splashed across an elongated muzzle.

    body mods

    a large tribal-like tattoo of snakes twisting along broad shoulders, intertwined with red spider lilies [ ref ] and various smaller tattoos that represent each adoptive / biological child he's taken under his wing.


    a long gash across his right eye, starting from the left side of his hairline at a diagonal to reach the right side of his cheek, followed by another one going the opposite direction starting just below his right eye, nicking the waterline and both top and bottom lip to rest at his chin [ ref ]. unfortunately, youkai lost most of his vision in his right eye, which became blurry and a tad lighter in color. various facial knicks, the most noticeable being a gash across the bridge of his nose. a prominent bite mark on his left shoulder blade, concealed beneath clothing with smaller bite marks across a broad frame. a few prominent gashes take up most of his backside [ ref ], including most of his bulky frame [ ref ].


    frankincense, patchouli, sandalwood, myrrh, and rose.



    voice desc

    an intimidatingly confident timbre with a smokey, guttural tinge allowing for a gravelly raucous pitch to the ear. youkai possesses a fatherly, yet soothingly monotonous, guttural timbre, much like the slow roll of approaching thunder.


    insomnia, nightmares, and ptsd ( partially blind on his right side, vision blurry and shrouded in monochrome, it's rather sensitive to bright lights. often covered by an eyepatch or left alone. older injuries can become excruciating during the colder seasons, becoming numb and painful to move ).


    henry cavill as geralt of rivia [ the witcher ]


    a weird mixture of henry cavill as geralt of rivia / kenjiro tsuba as nanami kento / crispin freeman as soma schicksal and tsume / lex lang as geto suguru

♡coded by uxie♡

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Life is just another adventure!
  • 001
    Lithoniel Raenisa
    Female & Bisexual, Biromantic
    Niel, Rae
    25 (August 10, 1633) & pob: Iaequezela
    Blue Jewel Damselfish Mermaid

    If you must know, Lithoniel has two forms, her true form, and her humanoid form. As a human, Lithoniel has stunning silver hair that reaches down to her lower back in soft, silky loose curls. Standing at a petite 5 feet 3 inches, Niel has an hourglass, lightly muscled figure. Imagine a dancer's body type. Her eyes are almond-shaped and a liquid mercury-dipped blue (silver-blue) with ice-light blue flecks dancing throughout them. Her outfits tend to be more feminine - wearing skirts of jewel-toned turquoise, green, red, and blues with silver embroidery in floral vines and patterns dancing throughout. The skirts tend to have a slit that reaches her knee, allowing for easier movement while her tops range from tank tops to three-quarters sleeved solid colors of silver, green, or gold. Her skin tone is a sun-kissed tan color and oftentimes she wears 1-inch heeled boots that are also silver in color.

    Her true form is the most stunning form you could ever imagine. She is the same height as her human form, instead of legs she has a gorgeous tail which makes up for two-thirds of her height. Her tail is almost dolphin-like in shape, forming a forked fin at the bottom which is yellow and fades to a gorgeous navy blue color dappled with light blue (almost bioluminescent) spots. She has two fins that align the sides of her tail in a flowing pattern, matching the same navy blue, light blue spots as her main tail. The scales closest to her hips are silver in color before fading to a navy tone. She does have a navy blue top that is worn in her real form, resembling a bikini top in a way with a halter-neck type tie. Her hair is the same in this form, except it grows a slight bit curlier in the water when she is in her true form. Oftentimes in this form, her hair is pulled back into a ponytail and she still has the same mercury-dipped orbs, but the flecks dancing within them are a fair bit more obvious. Lithoniel still has that hourglass-type figure, with a fair bit of muscle (it's just more noticeable considering the type of clothing she wears). In this form, a necklace of Amazonite shaped as a Lily flower adorns her neck and she has a circlet of amazonite and emeralds that glitter on her brow, the metal being a silver color and entwining in a floral vine shape to have the largest amazonite and emerald stone meet in the center of her forehead.

    Body Modifications: Lithoniel has a tattoo on her left shoulder blade that is a hibiscus flower with vines encircling a small blue jewel damselfish - or order to represent her true form. Her ears are pierced and she often wears dangling earrings that are amazonite flowers with smaller teardrop, and pear-cut emerald stones.

    Aroma: If you get close enough she smells like jasmine flowers mixed with a hint of sea breeze and amber - delicate but floral with an ocean twist.

    Faceclaim: Emma Clarke - Daenerys Targaryen
    Voiceclaim: Orla Fallon from Celtic Woman


    Lithoniel as most would assume, is a bit of an enigma, not just because of her species, but also due to her mysterious presence. Niel is a multitude of things, but one thing for sure is some may know her as the 'Ice Queen' of the ship. She's cool, collected, and oftentimes no-nonsense oriented. She is cautious, a bit judgemental, and can be a bit hard to get to know at first in all honesty. She can be a bit shy and withdrawn, not one to engage with others unless absolutely necessary, but she isn't someone to mess with despite her non-violent preferences. She can be brutally honest, and her presence demands respect... most of the time.

    Outside of those...quirks, Lithoniel is a kind soul with a passion and preference for healing. She doesn't like violence and prefers to keep things strictly away from the violent side of things. She has a sweet temper (if you get to know her and don't mess with her). However, her presence and demeanor command respect - so you best listen if she tells you to do something because you best be doing it. Kind, compassionate, and diplomatic - Niel tends to be the voice of reason for many around her. She doesn't mess with the outcome of things - but her judgemental side can make her quickly choose a friend from a foe even if it isn't the best choice ever. Loyal to a fault - her loyalty is first to the sea, her kingdom, and second to the captain. She knows that is a dangerous mindset to have - but she refuses to rate her kingdom underwater under the captain. While she can be close-minded she is working on it and trying her best to overcome this little fault. Alongside that, Niel is empathetic and understanding (unless you do something entirely stupid and then she may just end up exasperated beyond belief). She is also sassy and sarcastic as all heck, but this side of her tends to be buried so unless you truly know her you won't find it much. Regal and able to make hard decisions, Niel can be blunt and it may come off as cruel if you aren't used to her blunt side.
code by @Nano
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lucien (7g px).gif

  • tumblr_1ac123c2ec34fdee66488424101e518b_a7e0ec46_540.gif tumblr_ae715254703cb334e0ae971bb7105576_9afde4b3_540.gif

    BODY: Five feet and ten inches tall. Has a toned physic beneath a flood of oversized clothing. Looks like he'd fly away if the wind blew too hard.
    HAIR: Nape length, curled dirty blonde tresses. Incredibly stubborn bed-head. Touch it or play with it all you want, he absolutely loves it.
    EYES: Round dark brown eyes, expressive and large. Windows into his soul. Has mastered the art of the puppy-dog stare, uses it abundantly.
    SKIN: Sun kissed skin, unscarred as of yet. Slight callouses on his hands. No blemishes or freckles anywhere discernable.
    MISC: Has a lone piercing on his left ear where a single golden pearl earring dangles. It belonged to his mother.
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{The MISC section has a hidden scroll, there is more info under the four images}

* the lookout

  • req.

    Anglerfish Siren

    * full name
    Sereia Tempest
    * age
    * d.o.b
    July 7th, 1638 | Born in a cave off of some unamed islands



    panromantic pansexual

    * height
    Human ~ 4'11" | 150 cm
    True Form ~ 5'5" in length
    * weight
    Human ~ 100 lbs | 45 kg
    True Form ~ 115 lbs
    * hair
    Long curls that tumble towards her waist, ash blonde in color though in certain lighting it will take on a pale golden hue. Most days Sereia will wear her hair loose with small braided sections on either side of her temples that is secured at the back of her head or she will braid it to the side with some loose pieces framing her heart-shaped face.
    * eyes
    Forest Green
    * true form
    The pupils of her green eyes turn slitted and her teeth sharpen into serrated points. Her nails grow into sharp claws and her legs merge into a glowing tail {pictured to the left}. The glowing marks on her tail aid her in the deep, allowing her to lure fish close enough to snatch up. She has also used her glowing colors to warn sailors away from areas where sirens lurked, the bright red cutting through the dark waters enough to be seen and the warning heeded.
    * powers / abilities
    She is able to change the color that is displayed along her tail and fins. She can shift between her human form and siren form at will. Though she doesn't use it often, she has the same siren song that captivates all those who hear it. She is also resilient to the cold, having grown up in the depths of the ocean where sunlight was scarce. Due to the weak light source down there, Sereia is able to see in the dark or low lighting.
    * aroma
    Coconut and Sea Salt
    * build
    Slender and lithe, Sereia has delicate curves and a slightly toned frame from her years of living in the ocean.
    * scars
    She has nicks in her fins from surviving on her own in the ocean. A deep scar runs down the left side of her tail from a fight with another siren; in her human form the scar runs from her knee to her ankle.
    * body mods
    None but she wants a tattoo like she has seen on humans
    * faceclaim/voiceclaim
    Freya Allan from her role as Ciri in the Witcher Netflix series.





♡coded by uxie♡

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  • Full Name: Bertram Braxton Gunther Reims the third

    Nicknames: Graff

    Age : 30

    Gender: Male

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Sexuality: Gonna be honest I don't know what to call the romantic version of bisexual, but he's that.

    Species: Werewolf

    True Form Description: Seven feet eight inches tall when standing straight up, brown fur with dark spots dappled along his upper back.

    Human Form Description: Six foot two inches, pale skinned, with a well groomed mustache. Brown hair going slightly grey at the temples early (Do NOT point this out!)

    Birthday: March 15th, 1626

    Place of birth: Western France, he refuses to say where exactly.

    Body Modifications / Scars: A collection of small dueling scars across both arms.

    Role Amongst The Crew: Tailor

    Weaponry - A well made rapier hidden in the gentleman's cane he carries with him everywhere and a group of three pistols.

    Aroma: Fresh linen and lavender soap

    Faceclaim: Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday

    • • ● • •

coded by BELIAL.
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25, human, he/him, 6 ft


aquarius, bisexual/romantic

Born to a lower class family from a rundown seaport town– it was only a matter of time before Marion Mun learned both the ways of sailing, and first crossed paths with piracy. He's always had his head in the cloud (well more specifically– the stars), and was eager to make a living beyond just surviving and scraping by. Marion has been with The Night Jewel 4 years now, managing their maps and navigation.

Personality: Resourceful, easy-going, talkative, forgives but doesn't forget.
Likes: Astronomy, merriment and sea shanties, the smell of sword oil, and cats.
Dislikes: Nobility, strict rules, losing at cards, and anything vaguely resembling a medical checkup.

Strengths: Vast knowledge of celestial navigation, knows his way around a cutlass, and perhaps more calculating than he looks.
Weaknesses: Almost comically terrible at cards and gambling, can become one-track minded and oblivious to his surroundings when focusing on a specific goal, and had a childhood injury to his wrist that never quite healed.

Faceclaim: Lee Seokmin as King Arthur.
Voiceclaim: Cary Elwes in The Princess Bride.
Birthday: Aquarius, born February 2nd 1633 (25 years old).
Aroma: Amber, fresh parchment, cedarwood, and mint.
Habits/Quirks: Can fall asleep anywhere, has a delusional level of seeing anyone make/do something complicated and thinking he’ll be able to do it too, a decent artist due to his practice with map making illustration– but doesn’t really put it to use.

Marion is outwardly carefree, loving to pretend he’s above his own turmoil. Though, he still struggles with his background and lingering insecurity regarding self worth– for perhaps it's better to deflect and not truly try than face the looming fears of failure. Notably, as someone who polished their craft by observation and trading knowledge with other “sailors” stationed at his shady portside hometown before learning enough to leave home behind, he resents the thought of an inaccessible formal education and the suffocating ruling of the elite classes.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • It's not the way I'm meant to be. It's just the way the operation made me.
    Rayna Doe
coded by natasha.
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  • Full Name: Gu Qiyuan

    Nicknames: He's learned to answer to any combination of names Western sailors have used for him — Qi or Qiyuan being the most common.

    Age : 46

    Gender: Male

    Pronouns: He/Him

    Sexuality: Heterosexual

    Species: Human

    Human Form Description: 5'9 with olive skin and haggard, dark brown eyes flanked by wrinkles that betray years of hard living. Sinewy and slender, his left hand bears a severe burn scar across its palm. Streaks of grey have begun to appear in his long, jet-black hair. He often wears it in a thick bun.

    Birthday: September 15th, 1612

    Place of birth: Born aboard a boat in the Yellow Sea, he was more or less raised on the vessel and called numerous ports along the northern Chinese coast home.

    Body Modifications / Scars: A twisted burn scar on his left palm.

    Role Amongst The Crew: Lookout

    Weaponry: Gu Qiyuan prefers the lighter rapier and keeps one at his hip at all times. He's also fond of pistols and carries four on his person (one at each hip and one at the front of each shoulder).

    Aroma: Sea salt, oak and a hint of mint

    Faceclaim: Tony Thornburg

coded by BELIAL.

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Is love a tender thing? It is too rough, too rude, too boisterous, and it pricks like thorn.
mors renata
  • Basics
    Well, we were born to die.
    I defy you,
    Give me my sin again.
    Ysolt Blackwood
    Yso, Wood, Blackwood
    234 (approximately 35)
    Place Of Birth
    Eatern Ireland
    Female, She/Her
    183cm (ca 6 feet)
    76kg (ca 167 pounds)

    Standing at a respectable height Ysolt has a strong and quite square build, more athletic than anything else. Her hair is dark and has a slight wave to it but is usually pulled back as to avoid being a distraction and she rarely lets it grow far past her upper back. Due to Ysolt often cutting her own hair it is quite shaggy and in some spots uneven.
    Looking older then her age, Ysolts face is in a near constant frown, neat and thin eyebrows pulled together and eyes focused. If you catch her in the right lightening her eyes are a striking crimson despite their usual more amber appearance. Her skin is unusually fair, looking almost deathly pale at moments, making her dark hair and more vibrant eyes all the more striking.
    She has a faint, almost impossible to see scar along her left collarbone, a small scar close to one of her eyes and a plethora of scars across her forearms from various fights and scuffles. She also carries a ton of gold jewellery all over her person. Everything from rings to bangles and earrings yet she only has one necklace, a small golden ring on a long chain that she often keeps tucked in her shirt.

    At moments when she lets her maks and Ysolts true form takes the stage it can at first be hard to notice a difference. Her hair looks mostly the same, any changes benign as likely the wind, the only difference in her build being the way she now carries herself with a straighter posture and shoulders angled forwards. The only real difference one would notice is how her pupils are not near indistinguishable from the red halo that surrounds them and how her nails look less like they fit on the hands of a working woman and more that of a predator. Combine this with the pearly white colour of shark and long fangs just looking out from beneath her lips and you’ll quickly find out you don’t want to know what goes bump in the night.

    While on a more surface level Ysolt might not look like the friendlies of people, often scowling and huffing and overall not really bothering with conversations if she deems them unnecessary there is a secret soft spot under all the layers of shirts and sashes clocking her body. Ysolt does have a soft spot for children, usually she finds their endless optimism and curiosity of this world something to be revered.
    Ysolt is also protective of those she deemes close to her and while she would never admit it herself, probably dismissing it with a simple “tsk”, she doesn't particularly enjoy seeing those she care about hurt and will often go to great lengths to keep it from happening, even if she gets hurt in the process.
    Despite what all of this would have one believe Ysolt isn't necessarily one to be introverted. While she doesn't particularly like small talk she is never above a quick meal, or drink, and a chat. Whilst she might have a more no nonsense attitude while working, off the clock Ysolt shows a different side to herself, usually taking it easy and relaxing while enjoying a slow conversation with one of her crew mates, as long as one doesn't get to pushy of course, in which case she will probably just get up and leave. .
    Incense, Cool Temperatures, Love stories, Poetry, Light Rain, Bars/Taverns
    People being late, Lightning, Waking up early, Dogs, Windy Days
Code by Nano
basic information
Matteo Vernier
Teo, Matty
68 (appear 34)
November 3, 1589
cis man
6'2" (1.9m)
deep reddish-brown
body mods/scars
One particularly nasty gnarled scar on the inside of his left forearm
Mint, iron, peat, oak

Faceclaim: Ulaş Astepe in Barbaros: Sword of the Mediterranean
Voiceclaim: Guillaume Canet

Matteo's appearance is remarkable only in that he looks quite ordinary at first glance. In a world full of fantastical creatures and mystical beings, Teo's common features and average build don't tend to stand out. He's quick to push a smirk past a seemingly permanent tiredness of expression, though, and when he does one might notice his teeth glint a bit sharper and his eyes shine a bit brighter than a human's. This effect is amplified when Teo is employing his superhuman strength/speed or has recently consumed blood.

Favors loose-fitting, practical clothing. Occasionally will go without sun-ring and don extra clothing and a head wrap, he claims the ring sometimes "feels odd".
Passionate and focused, Teo attaches himself to causes readily and fully commits to people and objectives (anything worth doing is worth doing well, you know). A bit of a flirt, highly sociable, a people-pleaser, he's a bit too averse to being on his own which means he can easily become attached to someone if they give him attention. Driven, pragmatic, and stubborn, once he sets his mind on something it can be very hard to persuade him otherwise.

Likes: Rats, ballads, games of chance, the feeling of a cool breeze on an otherwise still night
Dislikes: Stew, horses, businessmen
Habits: Started chewing dried mint leaves to take away the taste of blood after consuming, now it's become habit so he almost always has a leaf or two tucked in his mouth. Has a bit of rope he'll pull out and practice knots on if things are particularly boring.
Fears: Witches, ending up alone, his master not being dead
Unwanted son of a working lady in the slums of a seaport town, Matteo grew up on the streets of the harbor, alone and discarded as soon as the Madame's conscience was relatively clear for not throwing out an infant to the cobbles. He scrapped his way through childhood amongst gutter gangs and petty thieves' guilds until one fateful night. It was standard work one who was now a young man - pickpocking and cheating at dice for a tidy sum at a dingy pub down by the water - when his ear was caught by the boastful voice of a foreigner across the hall. A small crowd soon gathered around the mysterious man, attracted by the newness of a stranger and the outlandish oppulence of the tales he was spinning. Matteo was summarily sucked in to listening to the tales, and though the night wore on and the crowd drifted away, Teo was so enthralled by the vivid picture the stranger had painted of a world so luxurious and different than here that when he clapped Teo on the back and asked him to follow him to a better life, Teo agreed without hesitation.

The dream was soon shattered, however. In a night of horror the mysterious stranger attacked the trusting young man with a smile. In a haze of blood and near-death experience Teo learns that far from being an equal partner in wealth or power, he is meant to serve as an eternal servant . The betrayal ignited something fierce within him—a burning need for freedom. This consuming conviction fueled Matteo for the years he was held under the man's supernatural thrall. As luck would have it, one morning his master came back from his nightly hunts particularly gorged with his feasts and fell to sleeping. Feeling that powerful thrall slip, Teo wasted no time jumping to, snatching his master's sun ring, throwing open the shades of the bedchamber, and making his run for freedom, never looking back.

The fastest way to travel far in these times is on the sea, and so Matteo begged his way into work on a ship. He began working his way up the ranks of the crew fairly quickly - it seemed superhuman abilities were of great use to a crew. He always tried to keep them under wraps, however. He hadn't been picky when choosing the vessel on which to make his escape, and they showed to be a dangerously superstitious lot. There's only so many times you can survive grievous injury before even the dullest of mongrels brew suspicious, though, and Teo soon found himself running once again. As fates would have it, it was in another harbor pub he heard tell of a pirate ship with its own strange and supernatural reputation. He was cautious, but curiosity and desperation being what they are, Matteo thus found himself tracking down and joining the crew of the Night Jewel.
powers & abilities
Vampiric Abilities: Superhuman speed/reflexes. Above normal strength but nothing crazy, like a very strong human. Heightened senses. Incredible night vision. Ability to heal from nearly any injury provided there is blood to consume.

Strengths: Decent with a sword. An excellent marksman. Good at staying focused in high-activity, high-stress situations.
Weaknesses: Absolutely useless at navigation. Overly practical in a way that comes across as lacking in empathy. Becomes a living match if in direct sunlight without his sun ring.
  • Backsword
  • Pair of flintlock box-lock pistols
  • Pouch of dried mint leaves
placeholder for extras

code by @Nano
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