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Multiple Settings Come, Dance in my Dream


Dragon's Dream
Roleplay Type(s)
[class=DreamPostBack]width:95%;min-width:900px;height:600px;margin:auto;background:url('https://i.postimg.cc/QCphXvbx/Spirited-Away.png');background-size:cover;padding:7px;position:relative;opacity:0.8;border-radius:5px;[/class] [class=DreamPostBody]width:95%;min-width:900px;height:600px;margin:auto;border:7px double #ffffff;position:relative;margin-top:-614px;border-radius:5px;color:#ffffff;font-family:times new roman;overflow:hidden;[/class] [class=DreamPostHead]font-size:25px;color:#ffffff;float:left;text-shadow: 2px 2px 3px #000000;border-bottom:7px double #ffffff;border-right:7px double #ffffff;padding:8px;background:rgba(27, 32, 114, 0.5);border-bottom-right-radius:5px;[/class] [class=DreamPostTabs][/class] [class=DreamPostTab]display:inline-block;padding:18px;margin-right:5px;margin-left:5px;background:rgba(27, 32, 114, 0.5);border:4px double #ffffff;border-top:transparent solid 0px;border-bottom-right-radius:10px;border-bottom-left-radius:10px;transition-duration:0.2s;[/class] [class name=DreamPostTab state=hover]background:rgba(27, 32, 114, 0.9);transition-duration:0.2s;[/class] [class=DreamPostContent]width:95%;height:490px;padding:10px;margin:auto;background:rgba(27, 32, 114, 0.7);border:7px double #ffffff;border-bottom:transparent solid 0px;border-top-right-radius:5px;border-top-left-radius:5px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;[/class] [class=DreamPostPsuedoCont]width:100%;height:100%;padding-right:19px;overflow-x:auto;font-size:14px;[/class] [script class=DreamPostTab on=click] hide DreamPostContent set dreamPostContent (getText) if (eq "${dreamPostContent}" "Introduction") (show contIntroduction) if (eq "${dreamPostContent}" "Preferences") (show contPrefs) if (eq "${dreamPostContent}" "Plotlines") (show contPlotlines) if (eq "${dreamPostContent}" "Fandoms") (show contFandoms) [/script] [class=DreamSidebar]width:15%;height:99%;background:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);border:3px double #ffffff;border-radius:5px;padding:5px;float:left;[/class] [class=DreamSideTabs]height:20px;margin-top:5px;background:rgb(27, 32, 114);border:3px double #ffffff;border-radius:5px;text-align:center;padding-top:5px;font-size:12px;transition-duration:0.2s;[/class] [class name=DreamSideTabs state=hover]background:rgb(37, 72, 144);transition-duration:0.2s;[/class] [class=DreamSideCont]width:82%;height:99%;position:absolute;top:0px;right:-9px;padding-right:9px;overflow-x:auto;[/class] [script class=DreamSideTabs on=click] hide DreamSideCont set dreamSideContent (getText) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Reference") (show contRef) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "What Lurks Below") (show contLurksBelow) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Broken Bonds, Shattered Dreams") (show contBBSD) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Hope Found Anew") (show contNewHope) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Stolen Dreams") (show contStolenDreams) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Heaven, Earth, Darkness") (show contHED) if (eq "${dreamSideContent}" "Tangled Webs") (show contTangWebs) [/script] [div class=DreamPostBack][/div][div class=DreamPostBody][div class=DreamPostHead]Welcome to the home of The Dreamer[/div][div class=DreamPostTabs][div class=DreamPostTab style=margin-left:50px;]Introduction[/div][div class=DreamPostTab]Preferences[/div][div class=DreamPostTab]Plotlines[/div][div class=DreamPostTab]Fandoms[/div][/div]
[div class="DreamPostContent contIntroduction" ][div class=DreamPostPsuedoCont]I'm the Dreamer, as you may have noticed. This thread is going to be my all-in-one looking for things location, which I will constantly be updating as the opportunity, or mood, strikes me. Anyone who has already seen will notice the vastly different look since its original, second, and third iterations compared to this one.

I would very much like to keep this thread as simple, and focused, as I possibly can, though when an idea carries me away I can sometimes be known to ramble. You have been warned. The information following this segment will be a 'small' introduction to myself. It is not at all necessary to read, feel free to skip it.

I am a young woman in my mid twenties, my timezone is Eastern Standard and I tend to have a predictable schedule. I wake up anywhere between 5-7 in the morning, go back to bed till roughly 9-10, then am typically able to be 'around' in one shape or another till roughly 11-12 at night. That does not mean I will always be posting, but I can usually be contacted relatively easily. I am around on Discord, but I reserve the right not to share my discord.

I have been role playing for the better part of a decade, on one site or another, with very small breaks in-between. These breaks typically include a couple months of time spend gaming, namely RPG's. RPNation is the third website I have ever joined, not counting websites created by friends or one fandom website I briefly dove into. I have built a few websites myself, none of which I intent to name for a very, very, long time if at all. If I do, even, it will not be in this thread.

My other passions aside from role playing and gaming is coding, graphic designs, cooking, and crafting. Coding primarily, I started in web based development but have overtime worked my way into my dream profession. Video game design, programming, and everything in-between.[/div][/div] [div class="DreamPostContent contPrefs" style="display:none;"][div class=DreamPostPsuedoCont]Characters
Over my years of role-playing I have found myself to be comfortable with most types of characters, male and female. Slipping into most roles, though some may take me a few posts to immerse myself into. That said I certainly have my own preferences for what I enjoy playing most. I am extremely partial to playing female characters, and have found a couple archetypes within that which I seem to keep coming back to. Having said that I do have a wide variety of characters, different shapes and sizes, types and tropes, to populate the world with. I am fully prepared to play multiple at a time, slipping them into and out of situations as the story calls for it. I will be far less interested in doing something, though, if I'm not playing at least one main female though.
There are very few story types I honestly dislike, there are millions of ways to spin something to make it fun and interesting. I can easily slip into most styles of worlds, different time periods, and the likes. So long as there is something for me to work with, something for us both to build on, I can be game so to speak. There are a few things I will avoid doing, though. Such as completely realistic worlds. I like at least a bit of fantasy, be it a secret underground society of magical creatures, the world has unknown magic in it, or any number of things that add at least a layer of the fantastical to it. I want so much more than life's got planned.

The flavor on top of the story, there are very few themes I wouldn't be okay with. So long as something feels natural to the setting, to the characters, then let it go. I have a love of darker stories though, where things go wrong and push the characters mental capacity. That doesn't need to be the primary focus of course, moments in time between calm points. Still, I can be just as happy in a more happy whimsical setting, where things tend to go well for our heroes. So long as there is something driving the plot, something to work with, I can be happy.

Given all the other posts on this website that I have seen it should come as no surprise that someone enjoys romance. I love it as a spice in all of my plots, I actually tend to find it a little boring when there isn't any at all. At least a chance towards it, let the characters chemistry happen naturally. I can do a slow burn, a passionate flurry of emotions, or everything in-between. Every situation calls for something different. As for pairings, I'm open to try everything. At the point of writing this I've never actually done an FxF, or MxM pairing, it's simply never come up for me. Keep in mind that unless I have the chance to play a female I'm going to be a bit less interested. I just... emotionally connect with my girls so much more than with my guys, and the emotional connection is one of the greatest joys of it all for me.

I just returned to forum writing recently, my average tends to fluctuate wildly depending on what I'm given to work with. I can spend hours working on something that spans in the upper hundreds, or just under half an hour on a couple hundred or more words. I want someone who at least can give me something to work with, something to keep me engaged, or I'm going to get bored with the story. Reading the other characters response, reaction, to what happens is just as important to me as my own characters. It drives it all for me. My grammar is imperfect, I'm well aware of that, though I do my best. I enjoy taking an artistic approach with my writing, and my characters mind-set will, for better or worse, influence how a post comes out. Chaos breeds chaos.
[/div][/div] [div class="DreamPostContent contPlotlines" style="display:none;"][div class=DreamSidebar] [div class=DreamSideTabs]Reference[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs]What Lurks Below[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs style=font-size:10px;]Broken Bonds, Shattered Dreams[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs]Hope Found Anew[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs]Stolen Dreams[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs]Heaven, Earth, Darkness[/div][div class=DreamSideTabs]Tangled Webs[/div][/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contRef" ]
Red text in a tab suggests the plot has either been requested, or is in use. I am not against created a second version of the plot though.
A ♥ implies I am very especially excited for the plot.
I am very open to negotiation when it comes to plots, and ideas. This will not apply to every aspect, but you never know. Trying never hurts.
[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contLurksBelow" style="display:none;"]
The City of Covantis sat within the heart of the Warring Kingdoms, a lush prosperous location with the reigning clans vying for its riches. A stringent set of rules on their war, within the city, kept it from ruin, yet let matters tense. One day the Princess of the Molirue, and the Prince of the Fendari, met unaware of the others identity. As a friendship, or more, blossoms between the two they remain trapped within an unending battle between two sides that hardly remember why the fight began. Then there also lies the ever present, never asked, question. What does the city hold that is so valuable, and who holds the power to stay the hands of all the kingdoms from simply destroying it in their battles?

The premise is simple, Romeo and Juliet-esk, but there is a lot more to it in terms of the characters. I'd like to tell you about them if you're interested, and then work out who could take what types of roles, as well as adding more if you were interested.
[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contBBSD" style="display:none;"]
Enforcer {A}
Rebel {B}
Mysterious Stranger {C}
Young Spellcaster ( Myself )

Magic was a powerful force in the world, it always had been, nestled just somewhere between acceptable, and concerning. The church held the major authority on magic, it always had. The right kind, the wrong kind, that which would save, and that which would destroy. Most trusted the church, aside from the few of whom had their magic deemed as unholy. The Church was law, as far as most were concerned.

One household would be turned upside down when a young woman's mother discovered the sheer extent to her daughters powers. A maelstrom of power lurking just below the surface, to the devout woman this seemed evil in of itself. Concern surged for her daughter, wondering what kind of force could have taken hold of her. So she did the only sane thing she could think to do, she called upon the church to save her daughter. Wracked with pain, guilt, she watched as they subdued her daughter and took her away. Away to be healed.

So she thought. In truth there was nothing wrong with her powers, the church simply took powerful new casters to break them. Mold them into part of the church to remain the worlds major power. That seemed the only fate that would await her now.

Note: The Church itself is not inherently evil, though it may seem that way. There are members within the Church who desire this power, and want to further their own goals. However, as a whole, the Church does have good intentions. There are good people, and bad people. This story focuses more on the bad ones.

There are three major directions for this plot to take after the initial setup. Route {A}, Route {B}, or Route {C}. In the first route {A} she would remain trapped within a branch of the church for an undefined period of time. Primarily dealing with an Enforcer of the Holy Order. He is a dangerous figure with his own power, and cunning. Yet he is also greedy. He wants her marked as a 'failure' for the church so she will be deemed too dangerous, needing to be terminated. At that point he would then keep her privately, to siphon off her magic. He wants her powers to feed on and enhance his own.

In the second route {B} a resistance would be involved in an attack on the branch of church she is at, resulting in them liberating her and a few others from the facility. In this she would join the resistance, wanting to stop the real corruption and save other families from being torn apart by lies as hers was. Working closely with a member of the resistance in this, trying to learn her powers as best she can to help.

The final route {C}, would be the most chaotic for her so to speak. It's also a bit more open ended, as the idea is rougher. In this she escapes on her own, in a burst of pain and power. That darkness her mother was worried about beginning to grow from these events. She would go on the run, having no idea where to go or what to do. In this she would meet a mysterious figure who becomes roped up in it all, potentially from the situation or potentially from knowing something, but they end up stuck together and on the run regardless.

[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contNewHope" style="display:none;"]
Half-Demon Swordsman ( Partner )
Elven Archer
Witch ( Myself )


Some parts of this description are a bit of a mess, caught between trying to share enough without sharing too much. Adding in potentially important tidbits. Not all of the characters are necessary, most can be 'referenced' NPC's, cut easily, or side characters that could be divided up. There is also room for doubling easily in this setup.

Seven years ago a small group had been sent out on a quest by the king. A well known swordsman, a prominent archer among the Elven population, a young powerful witch, and her brother whom refused to let her go alone. The quest was relatively by the books, a simple enough thing. Go, kill the evil mage out in his creepy evil cliff side keep to save the kingdom. What exactly he was doing, and why he was a threat, were rather vague. Along the way of traveling through group had fun, bonded, friendships were formed, and before it was all over the Witch and Swordsman fell in love. All was well.

Then came the assault on the keep. Everything started to go wrong here from the get-go, as the group was split up by chance. The swordsman and archer, the witch and her brother. The situation was dire but they were forced to continue on, where it only became worse as the Swordsman and Archer ran into the mage alone, engaging in a fight that they won at a cost. The swordsman's life, and in a stroke of convenience for some plotting deity somewhere the witch and her brother stumbled upon the scene too late to stop it, too late to save him. Unable to collect the body, with the keep falling apart around them, they would have to escape. His body never found.

None of the three were the same after that, and it was some weeks later that the witch made the greatest mistake of her life. She placed a curse on herself, the foolish young thing unable to see a way out of her situation. She locked her emotions away in a box inside of herself, a curse that could only be lifted by him. An impossible thing, something she had known but couldn't care about at the time. Continuing from that point to go through life dead inside. A mistake that cost more than just her, as it lead her brother to drink. The archer disappearing back into the forests filled with guilt. Feeling as if all of it could have been different if only they could have done more...

In the present nothing has changed, the situation worsening for some, before they would all receive a summons from the castle once more. Waiting in a room before the arrival of the king they would find him. The swordsman, alive and seemingly unscratched. Seven years tended to do a lot for injuries. He possessed no memories of them at all, but just seeing him was enough to shatter the curse she had placed upon herself.

After the collapse of the keep the non-human swordsman would have been on the brink of death, something keeping him from it. A young couple along the shore would have found him in the rubble, nursing him back to health before he went on his way. Overtime he ended up at the castle, in the service of the king who only ever gave him just enough information to keep him wanting more, but never enough to give him reason to leave.

From there, the story begins.

[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contStolenDreams" style="display:none;"]
Hunter ( Partner )
Craftsman's daughter ( Myself )

This roleplay is meant to touch upon dark themes, eventually. Loss, death, suicidal thoughts. Not all of it in the beginning, but there are certain events that may lead down dark paths.

Few know about the things that go bump in the night, the true horrors of the world that lurk just below the surface of society. Sure, there are moments where some bodies show up. Animal attacks, mentally disturbed people, a bizarre accident, all easily explained away. The minds of humans would always seek to find the safest, easiest, solution to a problem. A group dedicated to the eradication of the savage ones worked loosely with the government, a mutual alliance aimed to keep the public safe, and unafraid, of the threat.

He was one of these hunters, a man who had dedicated his life to such a calling for his own reasons. While working in a new settlement he would meet her, the daughter of a local weapon supplier who worked in secret with him and the others. He taught her the stories, but never the truth. Wanting his daughter to sleep well at night, ignorant of the truth. Through restocking trips, and a bit of stubbornness on her part, the two would get to know one another, become friends.

All seemed well, for a time. Till the day her fathers store would be attacked when they caught on to who the supplier was, by the time he arrived the crafter was dead, a lycanthrope body was left in the shop, and she was nowhere to be found. The silver cross she always wore, however, was left on the floor spotted with blood.

The basic premise of this plot was the friendship of a 'hunter of the night' and someone outside of it all, and what happens after she ends up attacked and turning into one of these things that he hunts. From that point on they have to work together, while she comes into the strength and perks of her new nature, while relying on support and guidance to avoid being consumed by it.
All of that said, I would vastly prefer to start a short time before it happens, to see some of the interactions and chemistry between the two characters before it all goes South. How their friendship is, how they interact, if there are more feelings than friendship before it all happens.

[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contHED" style="display:none;"]
Demon ( Partner )
'Key' ( Myself )

Angels and Demons have been gone from the world for centuries, sealed away within a cave due to a pact the Angels made with a small coven of humans. Blood to seal, blood to save. Unable to put a stop to the demons they sacrificed themselves to try and save the mortals from them. Not dying off, exactly. A lifetime of imprisonment, never expecting to see the light of day again. The coven stayed near the seal, and over the generations the legend passed down became little more than a fairy tale among them.

One day one of the newest generation, of the original bloodline tied to it all, would stumble upon that very seal. A series of unfortunate events would result on her blood getting on the door, cracking the seal and releasing everything back into the world. The demons blood-thirsty and mad, angels not so angelic after it all. Righteous in their ways, maddened almost. She would be left alone with a more powerful demon lord, the biggest threat there had been on the battlefield. An underlying portion of the pact, should the seal have ever been broken he would remain trapped. Fearing what might happen should he have free reign again.
He should have been trapped within the cave still, instead he was trapped to her. An invisible tether making it impossible for either to go too far away from each other.

The rules of the tether might need a little explaining if you're interested, for this I would be looking for someone who can portray a cunning, powerful, demon lord. Not simple anger, hot-headed that I see sometimes. He's powerful, wise, and has seen a lot of the world. That said he, and all of the others, have been locked away, modern parts of life are new and should be confusing. Some of this is meant to be funny and light.
I'm open to working on things though. For addition characters there is meant to be a higher angel as well, though I had little more planned than that. This is a very old plot that I hardly touched upon.
[/div] [div class="DreamSideCont contTangWebs" style="display:none;"]
This plot revolves around a group of characters, more than a single setup. I could make this a group plot but would rather simply do it with one person comfortable with playing multiple characters. That said, before I get into the plot... Warning: This plot has a generally more mature, darker, theme to it. No actual maturity will happen 'on screen' in the story but it will be loosely referenced.
Princess ( Myself )
Hunter ( Partner )

All seemed to be going well in Surrient City, the heart of the Rezato people. The people were thriving, and for a time the fighting with their enemies was on hold. Few knew the true chaos growing within the castle, behind the rose gilded gates and doors. The true madness creeping through the royal family.
The King has a new pet, a servant girl bought against her will, a new personal favorite much to the ire of the queen. Like father, like son, there is another's eye she has happened to catch.
The more gentle prince found her to be charming upon return from his studies abroad, unaware of the true nature of her 'duties' within the castle. A boy who had always looked up to his father, now somewhere between the throws of jealousy and anger over his new feelings. He himself the only thing keeping her from giving into despair.
The Hunter, brought into the castle by an angered queen, has a duty more akin to watching, spying, feeding her information while he does exactly that for the secret resistance. A group far too aware of the royal families generations of madness. His eye also tasked upon the princess, a job of gaining her favor, for through her there was the potential of taking over the kingdom without a civil war.
The sheltered Princess has no idea what goes on around her, protected and coddled the world at large is a mystery, a series of stories of mysticism and adventure. No true knowledge of the darkness around, his job was made easier by this.
Poor souls, the lot of them.

As you can see the 'plot' is mainly character drama, a series of puzzle pieces fitting into place. The least important, but necessary for forwarding the plot, are the King and Queen. A lot of details in here are rather specific, because they were what I envisioned when I created this plot years ago (when I watched a lot of soap operas with my grandmother). I'm always open to negotiation.
[/div] [/div] [div class="DreamPostContent contFandoms" style="display:none;"][div class=DreamPostPsuedoCont]Rather than plots this is going to be a list of fandoms I would be comfortable running with a partner, as well as characters I would like to see, or that I can play. OC's are always welcome too. Putting down a basic list now, will reformat it later.

Inuyasha, Anyone, I could be relatively comfortable playing anyone here. Except Naraku, personal preference. There are some pairings I will not do, personal preference again. As for who I would like to see from a partner, Sesshomaru. Every level of Sesshomaru, with an OC on my side.
Noragami, I fell in love with this anime and the character Yato. The dynamic between Yato and Hiyori is just so sweet to me. I think it's obvious who I would like to see a partner play, Yato. Who I could play, I think I could pull off a fair few of the cast. If I feel I can't I will let you know. (If anyone were actually interested in this)
Blood+, I'm full on Hagi Saya here, among a few other things. Another situation where I think I could be comfortable with a majority of the characters.
There are far more anime's I enjoy, but these are the three that jump out at me the most right now. I have ideas for them, and a passion for them. I will be adding more.

Visual Novel/Dating Sim type games
Mystic Messenger, Seven is my favorite, who I would like to see played, I'll accept Jumin as well. For who I can play... Zen, or Yoosung, are the two I think I would have the most trouble with. Everyone else is fair game.
Cinderella Phenomenon, Varg and Waltz are the two I enjoyed the most, even if Varg isn't an actual route. I could try my hand at any of the characters except Rumpel, I didn't much care for him.
Amnesia: Memories, Shin, Ikki, and Ukyo are my three favorites here. Shin would be the bottom of the three in my listing. Ignore that he was listed off first. I could try my hand at any of them really.
Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan, Hijikata, Saito, and Chikage are my favorites out of this group. Who I could play out of the cast of this would need to be discussed, really.
These were my personal favorites, the one that stuck with me the most over the years, but of course there are others.

Most of Studio Ghibli's work. I love the movies they put out and would be happy to try my hand at roughly anything involved with them.
Disney, second verse same as the first. Mostly I love the Disney Princess movies.
Harry Potter + Fantastic Beasts, there are actually very few canon characters I would be comfortable playing in this, perhaps Luna Lovegood... This would mostly be for OC's.
Marvel, the whole universe. The list would be too long to put here, we could talk though.
Labyrinth, Jerath x OlderSarah, there isn't much more to be said than that since there are so few main characters.
Alice in Wonderland, With so many iterations of this that I like it's hard to settle on one. From movies, to series, to little games. This one would require a bit of talking as well.
There are a lot of movies I have enjoyed over the years, more than I can easily list off the top of my head. Don't be afraid to bring others up.

TV Series
Vampire Diaries, Damon, Damon, and more Damon, with a mix of Elena. I feel as though I could be comfortable pulling off a number of characters in this, I stopped watching around season Five, fair warning.
For this list that's about it really, I have enjoyed a number of TV series but none of them have made me want to role play in their universe as much. Once Upon a Time could fall under that, but I haven't seen nearly as much of it as most have. I have thought about watching it though.

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Updated with a few plots, a new format, and altered wording to better reflect certain things.
Still adding more plots.
Helloos. Honestly, in awe of your layout, if only I had such magical talents. Aw well xD but anyways, your 'Stolen Dreams' plot really piqued my interest, and I would be really into rping this with you ^^
Well thank you, I swear I spent too much time on it and still haven't completed it.

Was there anything you wanted to discuss about the plot before hand, or just dive right in?
I'm down for doing What Lurks Below! or something Studio Ghibli related (:
Heya! Totally in for something Disney, marvel, Harry Potter/fantastic beasts.
I also LOVE the plot with the swordsman and the witch! <3
Hey, I'm really interested in Hope Found Anew or Broken Bonds, Shattered dreams! I'd love to hash out the rest of the plot of one of them if you're interested! However, I am one who prefers to double. Would you believe that to be at all possible?

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