Color schemes


Three Thousand Club

So a lot of people who like coding probably put a lot of time and effort into the color of backgrounds, texts, images, borders, etc. I was wondering, what are some of your favorite combinations? What do you use to draw inspiration for your color schemes? And have you found any that you keep going back to?

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FloatingAroundSpace said:
So a lot of people who like coding probably put a lot of time and effort into the color of backgrounds, texts, images, borders, etc. I was wondering, what are some of your favorite combinations? What do you use to draw inspiration for your color schemes? And have you found any that you keep going back to?
White and dark blue is one of my favorites
i loooove red and white, it's my absolute favourite. just feels so zingy and smooth. like strawberries and cream. pink and grey go well together too, so long as you have the right shades.

if i'm ever stuck for a new colouring idea, i generally go to this neat website to steal the hex codes from other people muehehehe
Well I'm gravitating more towards simple lines recently so just black and white. But if I do need a color scheme for whatever reason I'll use OR just pick colors around a specific image.
Though I don't use them often as per neutral colors, I love working with bright, funky neon colors like hot pink or electric blue with some white or light gray.

I typically use this site to pick out colors Adobe Color CC

there's also colors themes you can look at as well as edit if you click the explore tab.
I've been using a lot of orange for my superhero RP - I like orange a lot, it's very bright and warm. The site @Anomaly linked is one I use all the time. I use warm colors in general: orange, red, pink, brown. I find them to be very inviting and eye-catching.

Ultimately though, I let the genre and setting of my roleplay dictate my color scheme.
i usually use neat makeup pallets and use an art program to get the hex code from them.

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