College for the Cursed



Principle (Max. of 1)

  • Akira Rose (Also teaches Art of Deception and Trickery)

Teachers (Max. of 4)

  • Elric Algar Iverach - (Pestilence and Flesh-Manipulation Teacher)
  • Richard Galven - (Science Teacher)
  • Prysm Colton - (Grim Reaper Teacher)
  • Stephen Whitton - (Art Teacher)

Students (Max. of 6)

  • Rachael Gorrie (or "Rach"/"Grim")
  • Rivaille Manson
  • Ophelia Isabel Dean
  • Hestia Dupree + Zefrina
  • Faal Heim Vokun
  • Lucas Dioval

[if you have other ideas for different role types, let me know please! Open to ideas and opinions!]

~Sign-up Form~





(Are you a student? Teacher? Principle?)

Chosen Course: (What are you attending the College for?)


Personality Summery:

(Anything else you want to mention?)


--My example--

Rachael Gorrie (Aka "Grim")


Dead by age: 21

After death: 38

Species: Undead Human

Gender: Female

Role: Student

Chosen Course: Grim Reaper


Main: Scythe

Secondary: Green Flames she can summon with her left hand only and at will

Personality Summary: Lazy, passive and sometimes a little naive... she doesn't care much for her classes but for some reason she doesn't skip them either. Grim enjoys a good fight now and then.

Background Summary: After death and falling into the depths of the Underworld then waiting for what felt like DECADES in line to await her judgement. Rachael was plucked from the crowd by the Grim Reaper of Suicide Woods, a small section in the Circle of Violence. She was chosen to be a successor for the Reaper, Anjo... but even she doesn't know WHY he picked her since he just simply refuses to tell her yet. He later enters her into the College after training her the basics and arming her with her own personal scythe for close to +15 years to finalize her training to become a full-fledged Grim Reaper.


- As a Reaper-in-training, Grim has no emotions. (It is in case she later has to take the life of someone dear to herself... that she can do the job right without faltering.)

- Also her scythe has a will of its own. Its magic comes from housing Grim's emotions so it displays emotion MUCH more than its Master can. Plus it can shift into a small viper and only wander a max of 10 feet away from its Master otherwise Grim's soul leaves with "Scythe", stripping Grim of her Reaper properties and becoming just a regular undead human again.



(Art by "KingMiyo")

Notice: I gave my character a "background summary" because as the author, I feel the need to just put out there everything I can about my character.

I don't want to hide anything and catch anyone off-guard or seem unfair. If something about my character bothers you, let me know~

Feel free to give your character a background summary too if you like OR don't and keep them a mystery for others to find out for themselves!
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" My name? Rivaille Manson."


" Uh 27...I think"


" I'm a demon."


" Male."


" I'm a student thank you very much."

Chosen Course:

" Uh Possession. Why were you wondering?"


" I do prefer my voodoo magic but I do use a few weapons."

Personality Summery:

" My personality?"

Rivaille isn't very fond of other unholy creatures.

He doesn't like humans or holy creatures either.

He is an isolated person and doesn't like talking

to people very much. He likes peace and quiet. He

doesn't like being interrupted or disturbed ever.


" I like apples and hate the smell of humans. They wreak!"


" Just take a look."



Ophelia Isabel Dean


Appears 21

Has been trapped for 216 years


Gargoyle: A stone statue animated by a demonic soul. Normaly the statue is sealed to its pedestal by a sacred chain, and can't move around very much.

However if the pedestal is damaged, the seal comes undone. Then she can spread her great wings and fly free, looking for humans, especially men, to feed from.

A gargoyle can only move around at night. When dawn breaks she changes back into a stone statue. If she is eating the person will also turn to stone until evening.





Chosen Course:

Learn spell bindings and demonology


She has chains on her wrists that she uses as whips if she has too and, during hunt, she lures in her prey, usually humans, by making them see her as a divine goddess. Her appearance doesn't change though, its an alteration of the mind that changes the way people view her.

Personality Summery:

Seeking for revenge has been Ophelia's greatest motivation. Because of that, she has grown into a cold quiet girl. She's got a mission and wont let anything stop her. However, recently she has discovered that in order to survive in this world, you need connections. Slowly Ophelia is coming out of her shell and socializing with day to day creatures in order to obtain what she is seeking, the location of her victim.


When young Adam Brown, an archaeologist, accidentally broke the seal of Ophelia's pedestal, she was liberated. Young and vengeful of the man who trapped her demon soul inside the pedestal, Ophelia she swore to seek the man and all of his descendants and place them under the same curse. She has entered College to learn more about her demon powers and how to do binding spells.

Other: Since being locked in a stone form all day is boring, I'll just make her extremely sensitive to light so she has to stay in doors. I promise not to your her luring powers inside school grounds. And also she'll leave at night from time to time to feed if that's alright. ^_^


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Name: Hestia Dupree

Age: 14

Species: Undead

Gender: Female

Role: Student

Chosen Course: Necromancy


  • Dark Bolt - Can throw bolts of dark energy that are physically and mentally crippling
  • Misasma Cloud - Will attempt to infect a living being with a disease of her own creation through a miasma cloud that is inhaled into the body or open wounds. It will slowly deteriorate the mind and body of the victim, but it is a slow painful process... just how Hestia likes it. Death usually occurs in two weeks, if she does not reverse the effects.
  • Life drain - Will drain the life of a target to either heal her own wounds, or the wounds of others. Usually Zefrina to keep her body from deteriorating.

Zefrina is her weapon and familiar

Personality Summary and Appearance: Can be found Here

Name: Zefrina

Age: 17

Species: Undead

Gender: Female

Role: Familiar/Student

Chosen Course:
Witch Guardian

Weapon/Magic: Scythe

Personality Summary and Appearance:
Can be found Here

They will count as one person so far as slots are concerned, as one can not be without the other.

So lazy~

Name: Heim Vokun

Age: Died at the age of 23. Lived in hell for another 19 years.

Species: Human (Shadow???)

Gender: Male

Role: Student

Chosen Course: Close combat, and sorcery

Weapon/Magic: Heim is a shadow combat-mage, meaning he can shape, materialize and then simply erase the shadows at his will.

Personality Summary: He is quite of a shady character. There is always more in his mind, than he let the others know. He is calm, and he is rather a "thinker" than a "feeler" type. He values his comrades quite a bit. He is stubborn when it comes to fighting, as he is willing to push himself regardless of the condition of his own body.

Background Summary: After being sent to hell, and got to a dark forest where, a young man soon found himself chased by a horde of fierce demons. Several days had passed with him trying to escape from the certain death. However, one day he found himself surrounded, and he had no other choice but to fight. He was no match for the magic-using, and combat expert demons, but, as he was lying half-dead on the ground, a shade appeared before him, and offered him power to defeat those demons, and to continue his life in hell. Yet in exchange, he had to give up his eyesight. As he accepted the offer, the shade created a sword from the shadows, and handed it over. Touching the sword for the first time he felt the dark power flowing into his body from the blade. The demons, on whom the amazement of the shade had taken over, now charged at them. As the battle ended, the young man was standing in the middle of a bloodbath made of the blood of the slain demons. Then the shade came forward again, but now in order to complete the exchange. After losing the world of his eyes, he asked the shade to teach him more. They travelled to the Shadow Isles where the shadow tribe accepted the young man, and taught him the arts of shadow. After a dozen of years flown away, the young man became an acknowledged member of the shadows. As a proof of this the tribe gave him a new name. A new name, standing for his skill in the ancient language of the shadows. The Forge of Shadows: Faal Heim Vokun.

Other: He is blind, though at the tribe, he learnt how to live on, and how to fight without using his eyes.



(Occ: I hope this is good enough, and I am really sorry for all the grammatical mistakes I made creating this character. This is my first time I have done something like this, so if anything was wrong, just notify me and I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Thanks!)
Name: Elric Algar Iverach

Age: At least 678

Species: Demon

Gender: Male

Role: Teacher

Chosen Course: To teach the youth about pestilence, flesh-manipulation magics and other subjects correlating to the subject.

Weapon/Magic: The diseases of the world, and able to manipulate and mutate his own flesh and the flesh of others.

Personality: Elric is highly punctual in every action he takes. He highly enjoys his work in manipulating the flesh of others, and spreading diseases. Even when horrifically torturing someone with diseases and manipulating their flesh, he tries to be as polite as possible. When not engaging in these tasks, he enjoys planning and working on clocks.

Background: Elric Iverach was assigned in the task of spreading the "Black Death", alongside other demons. That was the greatest time of his life. Now, he teaches the youth about pestilence, damnation and all other sorts of fun things.

Other: He has a flock of vultures with him as his loyal pets.

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Name: Richard Galven

Age: 42

Species: No one is quite sure.

Gender: Male

Role: Science Teacher

Courses: He teaches science and artifice.

Weapon: A mix of artifacts.

Magic: Richard is a master of artifice.

Personality: Professor Galven is a very scientific minded person, he loves to experiment and learn. It gets to the point where it goes too far though. He lacks a moral compass. He has a hard time socializing with people.

Other: Many people look down on Richard because of his unassuming appearance. When a student claims they are 'better" than Richard he holds them after class for "a one on one tutoring session" those who return are traumatized and refuse to speak of what they experienced.


Name: The Most Powerful and Mysterious Sebastian Starweaver!

Age: 102 (looks 90)

Species: Human

Gender: Male

Role: Teacher

Chosen Course: Lectures on survival tactics and magic theory

Magic: Vaguely-Defined Wizard Magics

Personality Summary: Sebastian Starweaver is a pompous asshole who gleefully abuses his wizard powers at every opportunity.

Background Summary: Sebastian T. Starweaver was, at one point, a student in the college's exchange program. He was a brilliant and enthusiastic student, but he soon grew bored with the curriculum and decided to drop out. Thirty years of failed assassination attempts and dead graduates later, he was hired and given tenure so the school wouldn't have to deal with him anymore. All thing considered, it's a pretty cushy job.

Other: He loves shortbread cookies and pornography.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1376525846283.jpg.8c3370de5742f2a0fc5d52ef70dc9783.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20133" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/1376525846283.jpg.8c3370de5742f2a0fc5d52ef70dc9783.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


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~Sign-up Form~

Name: Lucas Dioval

Age: 24 before death, hasn't been counting since.

Species: Alp- Demon

Gender: Male

Role: Student

Chosen Course: Demonology- Manipulating the Unconscious

Weapon/Magic: As an Alp, Lucas has the ability to weave a string of nightmares for a period of time. Not only can he be present during slumber, but also on waking hours as well. He can conjure up hallucinations of anything he desires. Unfortunately, prolonged use of this type of magic takes a toll on his physical self. It brings about fatigue, and the appearance of scars, which can be a nightmare on its own.

Personality Summary: On his time at Earth, Lucas's mom had always thought that he was a living nightmare. If she could see him now, Lucas bets a thousand socks to the sock demons that she'll shoot him with her usual, pointed look, and say "I told you so," in her usual bossy tone. It wasn't her fault though, he was a very naughty kid.

He's always acting before contemplating, and talking before thinking. If there's anything he's good at, it's pissing all the wrong kinds of people off. As he grew up, his mom gave up on wishful thinking. She dropped the mindset that maybe, just maybe, it's just a part of being a kid. Maybe its one of those "phases" that people grow out of. And boy was she wrong. Lucas grew up to be an obnoxious young man with a wicked tongue.

According to his mother and to the people that he’d met, Lucas’s brain is said to be developing to a brain of a seventeen year old. He’s described as reckless, blunt, hot-headed, and somewhat obtrusive, imposing his so called “fool-proof plans” above others, that he’d only made a few seconds before. Of course once he manages to piss off a whole bunch of people, he’d back it off with sarcasm, adding more fuel to the fire. His hotheadedness doesn't help either. Lucas isn't also afraid to voice out his thoughts, no matter how ridiculous, or harsh it may be.

When he died, of reasons he could not remember, he wasn't surprised to see the fiery pits of Hell upon opening his eyes. What can he say? Mother knows best after all.

Other: Lucas hates raisins, and absolutely abhors the colour green.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/demon_boy_by_neeroctibris-d72a76z.png.ce4c8fadac3b8e0cabdcfa628920335f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20134" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/demon_boy_by_neeroctibris-d72a76z.png.ce4c8fadac3b8e0cabdcfa628920335f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Standing at 6'2” [ In human life, ] Lucas shares the same characteristics [ and personality ] of his late father; a strong nose complete with a lean jaw. Lucas sports a somewhat messy cut, his white locks contrasting with his crimson red eyes. He is of regular muscle build, and his skin is in an unusually pale colour, occasionally marked here and there with scars and burns. Lucas’s wardrobe mostly consisted of his favourite red and black cloak, dark, steel gauntlets, midnight black pants, and combat boots in the same shade. [ The last two were the articles of clothing left on him when he died. ]

[ Please tell me if I need to change anything! Thanks ]



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Name: Stephen Whitton or Mr. Whitton

Age: 28

Species: Unknown

Gender: Male

Role: Art Teacher

Chosen Course: To teach the "kids" about the many "uses" of art, especially the twisted ones.

Weapon/Magic: He uses his own two hands in combat which rarely occurs, because of his illusion magic.

Personality Summery:
Nobody knows much about Mr. Whitton, especially how he's able to talk. He is an intelligent "thing". He mainly uses his free time, wait for it, doing art.

Other: His favorite food is Muscles. His favorite color Grey.



If you need more than the picture. He has a dark trench coat, and a dark wide fedora. Along with black shoes, black pants, black gloves, and no head.


Prysm Colton

( Mr. Colton )




Undead human





Chosen Course:

Grim Reaper


A scythe more


Personality Summery:

Mr. Colton is a rather serious man and has

a dark scene of humor toward others. He

likes to have students who work hard in

their classes.







Akira Rose

She is simply called Akira


She is a fallen angel, so in actuality, she's extremely old.

Appearance? She looks 6. (;


Fallen Angel



Role: (Are you a student? Teacher? Principle?)


Chosen Course:

She chose to teach about the art of deception and trickery


  • She has an innocent allure, to draw victims in

  • She carries a scythe when in her Angel form

  • She can shapeshift into a little girl

  • She can charmspeak

Personality Summary:

On the outside, all you see is a little girl with a dimply smile and an innocent look in her eyes. That's all part of the deception.

Once she transforms, however, you see her true form. She is powerful and intimidating, as well as being increasingly seductive the longer you look at her. Following Lucifer, she can be considered a demon of Lust. She is truly an evil character that you will most likely hate to be punished by.

As for on a personal level, she's a sarcastic girl with a spunky attitude. She can come across as bossy, but that's all part of the ex-angel.

Other: (Anything else you want to mention?)



Her little girl form.

Her angelic form.


Hope you enjoy my incredibly amazing character! Lol :P


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