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Futuristic Collapse Point // Acheron Lobby (OOC)


To add onto that briefly, for anyone planning to build their character as a close-quarters combat fighter, it's possible for them to utilize their fists. Just don't expect for them to be all too useful without tools such as fist knuckles and such.
Inb4 someone invests all their points into Strength to become One Punch Man.
Intelligence, considering magic will be difficult to build. Most stats can do well by itself, but intelligence is considered a substat, as its primary purpose is to boost the other four.

Or mobility as running around fast probably won't do much good when your primary goal is to snipe a mechanical dragon in the air using hell's energy for flames.
Right, if stats actually tangibly matter, it’ll be a pretty good idea to get that rundown of your system down, Presaging. AFAIK, we don’t even have an idea of how many extra points minmaxing Tactics gives you.
Im going to all in on intelligence and smart people to death.

Ill be like a lawyer or something
Right, if stats actually tangibly matter, it’ll be a pretty good idea to get that rundown of your system down, Presaging. AFAIK, we don’t even have an idea of how many extra points minmaxing Tactics gives you.
I concur.

Stats are crucial, regardless of which. I will work on the system for the next few days while we wait for everyone to finish and post their character.
Seeing how we have a consistent trickle of new people coming in, do you plan on having a hard date for starting the IC, so people know when they’d best finish theirs?
Or mobility as running around fast probably won't do much good when your primary goal is to snipe a mechanical dragon in the air using hell's energy for flames.
And how would any stat other than Tactics for having the weapon skills to pull that off be helpful in that case?

Unless Strength is going to let people yeet projectiles far and fast enough to double as sniping.
And how would any stat other than Tactics for having the weapon skills to pull that off be helpful in that case?

Unless Strength is going to let people yeet projectiles far and fast enough to double as sniping.
If we were to use the same scenario, supremacy in strength would allow them to hurl spears or other lethal materials to wound it, as you've suggested. Other times would be when the dragon is on the ground, possibly because its wings are damaged.

Intelligence would help as well. Its primary stat influences the firepower of the character's magic. It's a team game, so teamwork is encouraged.

Usually, an enemy with hard patterns and maneuvers would most likely be reserved for bosses and mini-bosses, anyway. We'll get through it when we get there.

Seeing how we have a consistent trickle of new people coming in, do you plan on having a hard date for starting the IC, so people know when they’d best finish theirs?
Not really. We're at 16 confirmed players, which may be enough. But I like the idea of countering future absentees as it seems inevitable.

I would like everyone to finish with their sheet by the end of this week, if possible, to speed things up. Not a requirement, but a preferred range of dates.
I'll throw my character into the fray soon enough. I was trying to make sure other people filled the niches they desired before full-sending.
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