Story Cold..

Breath fogged in front of my face in small wispy clouds. Each breath took visible effort and stung coming both ways. Small tears gathered at the corners of my closed eyes and immediately felt like they were frozen in place. The cold winter mornings were brutal, the nights even more so. The sun had started to rise a few minutes ago, so the sky is now a tad more blue than yellow. A few thin figures lingered up there and disappeared behind the far off mountain peeks.
“Grit yer teeth. This’ll ‘urt.” Collin muttered. He had a pin between his lips, and a tough string in it’s eye.
I sucked in a quick breath and nodded. “Just do it. We need to get back.”
His deep blue eyes flickered up to me then back at the small wound he’d been nursing, just above my left hip.
“On three. One. Two. Th—“
“Ow!” I exclaimed as the needle pierced my skin. “Y—you, didn’t finish three. You liar!”
“Heh. ‘Old up tha side more.” He said and placed one hand on my side. His hands were like fire against my cold skin.
I tugged up the hem of my shirt a tad more and suppressed a shiver as best I could. The skin around the wound was quickly becoming numb and only a dull throbbing of my heart and the slight pinch and tug of the stitching could be made sense of.
“Stay still.” He commanded.
“Sorry… it’s just cold out here.” I mumbled in reply and swallowed down the itching in my throat. A low chuckle sounded from him in response.
The quickly rising sun left the mountains and came down on us almost full force. The golden rays lit up my companion’s hair brilliantly. Fine thin waves of golden blond were meshed in with some red and brown, kind of like autumn. Yes, he looked like the gentle autumn leaves..

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