Codes & code breaking


Elder Member
Any written rules on the subject for 2E? Working on a 2E Alchemical Charm that can encode both written & spoken communication.
Sounds like Intelligence + Linguistics to me. Maybe Wits + Linguistics to decipher. Deciphering should be an extended test. for more realism perhaps limit their number of tries to their linguistics rating. that makes it so that a stock human with 3 attribute and no skill can't decipher everything if he's got enough time.

For the charm I'd have it add (Essence) Successes.
I would say it depends on the code.

Could be Wits+Larceny.

Could be Int+Occult.

Could be Craft+Wits.

Could be Int+Bureaucracy

Even Wits+Socialize, depending on the kind of code.

Language of flowers for instance could be Wits/Intelligence+Socialize. Language of fans, ect.

A "Thieves' Cant" sort of thing would be Wits/Intelligence+Larceny.

Depends on who originates the code or cipher.
The only place I can recall having read about decoding is in the DB book. The charm Cipher Missive (DB, p. 129) is about this. Maybe you could use it as base. Here they go for an extended Intelligence + Linguistics roll.
I'd also allow a Wits + Lore roll. Mathematics is related to lore, and most code breaking is done by trying to spot repeating patterns using complex mathematics. The computer was originally invented to break codes using brute force mathematics. It's also what Russell Crowe's character in "A Beautiful Mind", Nobel prize winner John Nash, does all the time.

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