Code Mafia: The Five Families of Grande City [Inactive]


Seven Thousand Club
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Kawashima Thunder submitted a new role play:

Code Mafia: The Five Families of Grande City - Based off of the Five Families of New York and the Godfather Franchise

For countless generations, calling the shots in the Criminal Underworld of Grande would be the Five Families. The Roots of the Five Families can be traced back as far as Prohibition. While the Five Families are rivals and are competing for control of Grande City, a new threat looms on the Horizon. Can the Five Families make peace with one another, put their differences aside and work together to take down this new threat?

The Five Families of Grande

1. Saverino Crime Family

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March seventeenth, approximately 11:04 PM; a white Bentley made its way around a poorly lit street corner on the south side of the city. Its tires kicked up leftover rainwater, spraying the sidewalk in a soft mist. A SUV as black as midnight followed a block or two behind, the driver keeping his distance but not taking a watchful eye off the tail lights of the sports car in front of him that he knew held his boss.

The Bentley came to a stop in front of what, from the outside, seemed to be a run down bakery. As the saying goes, it's what's on the inside that counts. If you were to follow the driver of the Bentley, a tall man with an olive tone to his skin in a well tailored suit jacket, from his vehicle to the building, you'd find that he'd walk around to the left side and pass down a narrow alleyway. Once there, he'd take a glance over his shoulder before knocking four times on a beaten, metal door. The door would swing open and the man would step inside, proceeding down a set of stairs to a basement containing only a poker table and five wooden chairs, equally spaced around the surface.

Joseph Rivara took the seat that would provide him the best view, his back to no one but the wall. Here he would wait, and soon, others would arrive. The Dons of the Five Families, the real reason this city stayed afloat, all under one roof for a rare occasion. The idea didn't exactly strike Joey's fancy, but he would comply, satisfying them for the time being. He'd never been a huge team player.

Glancing down at his watch, he raised an eyebrow. The others had ten minutes to arrive within the agreed time. If they didn't show, he wasn't about to wait around.
Faythe taking a hit off of the joint between her fingers, whistled as she raced her 2014 corvette ZR1 toward her destination, she considered her car her baby that can never live twice. That pretty much just meant if this car got messed up past repair she was going to get a completely different car. Her long dark hair went past her shoulders and a bit below her waist, her bright blue-grey eyes were hidden behind a pair of sunglasses. A scowl formed on her face as she looked at the old looking bakery, it would definitely need a lot of remodeling if someone tried to buy it. Shrugging her shoulders as she decided to park her car in a shaded and dark area, turning her car off she took one more hit from the beautifully rolled up blunt she had in her mouth. Using the ash tray to put out it out, she got out of her car with the smoke slowly seeping from her mouth while she put her joint in a gold case. She locked it and turned its alarm on. If someone tried to steal it she could just track it but the alarm was always just in case.

She had worn a pair of dark skinny jeans with a black wife beater and a pair of black boots. On her arm was a tattoo with strange lines and turns but it was something that she was honored to have. It was the family crest of the Bonagura family and that always made her smile. Her lips were painted in a nice red color that Fay just loved, the only make-up she really used besides her black eyeliner. Knocking on the door of the cafe like she was supposed to, she walked in when the door opened up. There was already one of the Five Families sitting in the room and so she let her eyes scan over the place she was in. She ignored the way it looked at eyed the poker table with a few table. Taking a seat beside him she was a bit annoyed that she had to stop what she had been doing for a meeting but this was important as well.

"I thought I would be the first one here," Fay sighed and even though she was ready to pull out her extra pistol just in case, it wasn't bad to start of a humanly conversation. Or at least before the bullets start to fly. She was hoping it wouldn't come out to that like. This had to do with the mafia and its a serious business, she wasn't really sure how this would turn out.
A man wearing a black unbuttoned suit jacket with black dress pants stepped out of a black BMW with his hands in his pockets and walks toward a rundown building, two of his associates walking close behind him. This man's name is Tritan Trentacosta, the head of the Trentacosta family. Without looking back he waves his hand signaling the driver, and the man drives away. He heads down a narrow alleyway with his men still close on his heels. Tritan approaches the tattered metal door, knocks four times then enters. He walks down the stairs to the basement, where there are already two people sitting down at a table in the center of the room. He motions his hand towards his men, who both head back up the stairs to wait for Tritan. Tritan wondered to himself about how this discussion of peace would go. Tritan didn't necessarily go out of his way to go after the other families, but at the same time he didn't know how he felt about just offering his help to anyone. Tritan walks to the table and takes his seat at the table alongside the other two people.
A black Chrysler pulled up to the run down bakery and the back door opened. From within the car, Chiara stepped out. She wore a black pleated skirt and a loosely buttoned back dress shirt with a loose red tie. On her back was a dual gun holster, which held her guns in them, in case of an emergency, though she didn't plan on using them tonight. Her knee high grey boots scraped against the ground as she made her way to the metal door. Following a step behind her were two rather large, muscular men in pure black suits and blue ties. She walked up to the door and knocked four times.

Chiara entered the building, walking down the stairs and to the basement, her two men following a step behind. As she reached the basement, she saw three others already there. Being the happy person she usually is, she smiled and took a seat next to the man who looked her age and wore an all black suit, her men standing behind her. "Yo! Seems like you guys got here early."
Parking behind the Chrysler was a 1967 Lincoln Continental. Emerging from it would be the young Don of the Saverino Crime Family, Vincent Saverino Jr., eldest son of the late Vincent Saverino Sr. He was the final of the Five Families Dons to show up to the meeting. In fact, he was the one who called for this special meeting, as there was a new threat on the horizon, not only against the Saverinos, but all of the Five Families. Tonight, he wore his favorite outfit, which he is normally seen wearing, except he was armed, just in case the other Dons would try to have him assassinated, since the Saverino Family was after all the most powerful.

He entered silently. As soon as he got to the meeting room, he saw that the other four dons were waiting for him. He then sat down quietly. Looking at each of the four Dons, none of which he got along well with due to his Arrogance and Selfishness, he put his arms on the table, clamping his hands together as he did so. "I see all of you have received my invitations. I presume you all know why I have called you here?" he asked the other four Dons.
Tritan leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on the table. It was true he didn't necessarily like any of the other families, but ultimately he preferred for the other families to stay out of his business and in return he would stay out if theirs. "Yeah yeah Saverino, You want us to all lay down our arms and join together for the sake of friendship." Tritan said sarcastically. He glanced around at the other Dons then looked back in Saverino's direction. "Now why on earth would any of us trust you or anything you say? Saverino the man who will do almost anything to put his family ahead. How are we supposed to know this isn't some elaborate scheme to get us to lower our guard?" He asked skeptically still looking over at the man who had called them all there. "Also to be perfectly clear I don't really know if I would trust any of you." He said looking around the room, "And I wouldn't really expect any of you to trust me".
"Because my Father would not do such a thing. On his death bed, I made a promise to him...I promised him that I would make him proud. If we are too busy fighting amongst one another, then surely we will be eventually destroyed by the other Criminal Organizations that also placed their grip here in Grande. The Yakuza...The Triads. Now not only we have to worry about them...But now with the emergence of Vigilantes across the city, we cannot afford to be holding grudges. Otherwise the Five Families will be nothing more then a memory to the people of Grande..." Vincent answered with confidence and conviction. "Don Trentacosta, I am not proud of every decision I have made, but they were all in favor of getting my Family a better future. What I promised my Father is that I would make peace between the Five Families and unite us as one. Sadly, he will not be around to see it, but I know in my heart that he would be proud. That was his dream...But sadly, he passed before he could accomplish it...And just because my Family is at the top, does not mean we're perfect. As we too, have our flaws as a Crime Family."
Tritan processed everything that Saverino had said looking back and forth between the other family heads. "Sounds like an honorable enough cause and all Don Saverino but I really doubt you and I will be working together anytime soon. I do agree with a lot of the things that you are saying though, and also have been worried about the same threats which you spoke of, so I will at least hear you and the others out before I make up my mind." He said casually deciding he would like to hear from the rest of the members of the meeting. He was very skeptical when it came to trusting the other families, although he was a lot more open to the idea of working with the other Dons than he let on.
"I can't say I can really trust any of you, it is the mafia after all. As long as my family name still stands and I have no issues with being attacked by any of you then I agree to this," Faythe had no time to have any arguments or wars with the others, she was currently having to deal with a few enemy groups that seemed to wish for her attention. If she wasn't at this meeting she would've already been on her way to take care of the small things.

"How exactly would we make this treaty of ours solid? I'm sure a signing a piece of paper won't help anything," Fay asked as the question popped up in her head. What exactly would prove to Fay that there could be a small length of trust with this agreement. It would be easy for anyone to turn their backs on each other. Running a hand through her long hair she pulled her sunglasses off and placed them in her lap, the other things scheduled for today would probably definitely have to wait. Its not really that easy to persuade the bosses of big time mafia families, especially the Five Grande families.
Chiara leaned back in her chair with a mysterious smile on her face. "Well, well. My Family comes first. If they are not being harmed in any way by any of your families, I have no problem agreeing to it. However..." she started, her face suddenly becoming frighteningly serious. "If they get hurt by any of your members, I will to start a war. But I trust that you can at least control your men, Saverino." As she finished speaking, her face suddenly loosened up into a smile again. "Along with all the other Dons, of course." It seemed as if she wasn't taking the meeting seriously unless it involved her Family, which was true. She didn't think the Saverino boss was a bad person, so she trusted him a little. Sure, it may seem foolish since it's Mafia business, but it was simply her nature to easily trust people.

"I can keep my men under control. For the past three years as Don, I have established a new rule in my Family. That if possible, members of the other four families, are not to be harmed. Which is why none of the Saverinos have attacked in any way, shape or form." Vincent reassured Chiara. "I do thank you for giving me the benefit of the doubt though."

He then turned to Don Rivara, who hasn't really spoken since the meeting started.
Tritan was pretty surprised at how open the other Dons were being to this idea that Saverino had cooked up. Tritan looked around the table once again and sighed. "Well you two are just ready to jump on board right away with this is sounds like." He said sarcastically towards the two females in attendance. "Our families have been going at it for years, and you two are already about to give your trust to said rivals. You guys are either really brave or are just really scared of mister Saverino here." He said and let out a small laugh. Tritan looked back over at Saverino. "So Saverino, what happens if you four decide on going ahead with this and I refuse? You guys going to run me out of town?" He said laughing to himself again. Tritan was getting quite a bit of amusement out of this meeting.
"No...such a deed would be dishonorable. Instead, I would give you the benefit of the doubt, just as Don Scarcella has given me the benefit of the doubt just now. Granted, I have done the same for all of you in the past, even before I became the Don of my respective Family." he then turned to Don Trentacosta. "With all due respect, Don Trentacosta, even though our Families have been at war for many years, I, like my Father before me, believe that it is time for the meaningless bloodshed to stop. This war between all of us already has enough dead heroes."
Tritan still was not very convinced that this was the best way to do this, but still wanted to hear the rest of Saverino's plan. "For the record I am still very skeptical on this whole thing, since I have taken over the Trentacosta family I have stayed out of all your guys business. That however does not mean I want to work together with you, just that things are easier for all of us if we do our own thing. So now I just want to know what this plan of yours entails as far as working together and how you intend on dealing with the new problems we have all been running into." He stated looking to Saverino for answers.
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"For you information, at the moment, I am not scared of anyone and I only agreed to this because I have enough on my plate at the moment and war doesn't really fit on the platter. I'm sure some of you do as well," Faythe leaned back in her seat as she took her phone out and messaged one of her men to bring her sniper and wait by her car. She was planning to deal with her other problem after this meeting.

"Unnecessary bloodshed isn't something I want for my family while I'm in charge but is there really anything else to gain from this agreement besides sharing a common enemy?" Fay turned to look at Saverino with a raised eyebrow, she was ready to leave but this meeting was just dragging on and on.
Vincent turned over to Don Bonagura after he had answered Don Trentacosta. "What are you implying, Don Bonagura? I'm sure none of us are proud of the decisions we have made over the last three years or so. Clearly we all want what is best for our Families. We all have enough to deal with. The Triads and the Yakuza may not be much of a problem now, but they may become a big problem later. United we stand...Divided we fall...and if we fall...Grande will become nothing more then a Warzone for other Gangs looking to make a name for themselves, the Yakuza, the Triads and even those damned god-forsaken vigilantes...Then there's us...If we fall, we will be nothing more then a distant memory."

He was a bit troubled by the silence that both Don Scarcella and Don Rivara have been giving. But waited for Don Bonagura's answer to his question. While Vincent himself wanted to make peace with the other four families, he was now feeling that it was near impossible because of the amount of doubt of the other Dons. However, he was not willing to give up, knowing that his Father wouldn't have.
"I'm talking about this peace treaty thing taking a bit of weight off my shoulders, I already know how important our families are. I already have some triads acting brave, they're moving fast," Faythe responded as she ran a hand through her hair and thought about this peace thing.

"This idea of peace is alright but it will never truly work if none of us trust one another. It may work out in the beginning for a while but sooner or later one of the yakuza, triads or vigilantes will find that our weakness is trust... what will you do then? This agreement could be both beneficial yet disastrous, or at least that's what I think," Fay shrugged her shoulders as she let her eyes roam around the other 4 faces in the room. Falling was always an option, it just depended on whether you got back up or not. Her phone vibrated from her pants pocket but she didn't need to look at it to know that one of her man was beside her car right now.
"What happens once our common enemy is gone Saverino? There will be nothing to stop us from going right back to the way we are." Tritan said still keeping his skeptical tone of voice. "Bonagura here is already feeling pressure from the Triads and even she is skeptical on how she could possibly trust us. I have had minor problems here and there, but it hasn't been nearly enough of a problem for me to go running into an agreement with you guys. We have never once been united and in the past if any of our families had a chance to bump another one off, we would have taken it in a heartbeat. I am not saying I am completely against the idea, it is just very hard for me to have any faith in it." Tritan said as he glanced yet again at the rest of the room.
Joey had been listening patiently, eyeing the others carefully. His gaze watched for body language, facial expressions, they way the others conducted themselves while another was speaking. It was all far too easy and far too simple for someone to give in to the situation, merely in fear of other crime groups. Crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back slightly, Joseph opened his mouth to speak.

"For what it's worth, I'd have to say that, in many ways, I agree with Don Trentacosta. I don't want any part of your turf or business, but that in no way implies that I'm willing to help you out." He glanced around the table. "I don't know how the rest of you are running your affairs, but the ventures of my Family are in order and well protected. The one issue we did have with the Asian mobs was stomped out immediately. We know how to dispose of our pests..."

He paused, giving a shrug. "If your men and resources can't handle a couple of up and coming thugs in town, that's your problem."
Chiara was still leaning back in her chair, listening to the other speak. She had already spoken her mind and wasn't the type to just take it back. "Hey, Trentacosta ~ You're so stubborn. Loosen up a bit," she said playfully. "If we all agree and manage to take down out enemies together, we can think about what we're going to do after when we get there. I don't see a reason why we have to have a plan. I think this is one of those things that you just have to try out to see if it works, you know?" She glanced around at the other Dons. "I trust my Family enough to put them partially in the hands of another Don. They're good people and they can handle themselves," she said, gesturing towards the two people behind her with her thumb.
Tritan let out a laughed and looked over at the leader of the Scarcella family. "Well aren't you just as easy-going as people say you are Miss Scarcella. I do think you mean figure out how to stab each other in the back later. As for me trusting my family, I am still working on that one." Tritan said with a smirk. He looked down at his watch then back up at the members gathered around the table. "I highly doubt this will work out Saverino, but Rome wasn't built in a day, so who knows maybe this vision of yours will become a reality someday." he said letting out another laugh and taking his feet off the table.
Tetsura looked around his office. The walls were a dark cherry wood. The place had really changed from the time of his father. He went form a dusty back room in a sushi shop to his own office building inside his front business, a textile company. The yakuza were doing so much better under his control than when his father was the boss. But for some reason Tetsura still felt like he was in his father's shadow.

One of his subordinates came into the office "you wanted to see me boss?" He bowed. "Yes. Execute the first stage of our plan." The subordinate stood straight up. "Yes sir. It will be done" he ran out of the room to do as his boss told him.

Tetsura opened his alcohol closet and pulled out a bottle of saké. He poured himself a glass and sat down. He took a sip and sighed, "this better work"
Alec flicked his cigarette butt out of the car window and promptly lit another, keeping one eye on the only entrance to their meeting place. Vincent had managed quite a feat just getting all the Dons to agree to go into the same room together, and although he did offer to accompany his cousin, Alec was less than enthusiastic about it and wa more than happy when his offer was refused. He'd volunteered to chauffeur his cousin today anyway, and he was appalled by the line of flashy sports cars he had to pull up behind. He much preferred the Lincoln, or his Bentley.

Of course, sitting outside and waiting was no fun, but Alec supported Vincent in any way he can. Still, he was skeptical of the guy ever managing to convince the five families to join together arm-in-arm and skip off into the sunset. It was ridiculous in his mind, part of the reason he'd wanted no part in the Grande City Mafia. But thankfully, he hadn't heard any gunshots go off yet, and he prayed no one would get killed today.
(Oh wow, I wonder why the thing didn't tell me that this has been posted on :P )

Avery's leg kicked upward, hitting the opponent in the face. As he stumbled, she swept his legs out from underneath him before pinning him down. Hands on his neck, there was a small aplause before she stood up, with a small smile. The man stood up slower, rubbing his chin, "Sorry" She apologized but he shrugged it off, "I've seen you do worse" He explained before slinking off to his other friends why Avery headed towards the nearest sink, she had a bit of blood on her hands from one of her punches while training. The Trentacosta underbosss trained as often as possible so she could be in on the action.

Ashton yawned as he cleaned his pistol, they had no orders today as the Saverino boss has yet to send orders. He stretched before assembling the pistol back together, after a couple of minutes, he managed to get in back to normal and loaded it with bullets before pushing the safety on and setting it into the holsiter. "Gosh, this is boring" He complained loudly

Ralph stared out the window, he was daydreaming about random things, nothing in particular as he waited for any word from the boss. ( :P Oh god the writer's block)

Blake walked behind his fellow gang member as they patrolled an area, "When do we switch out?" He asked and the guy shrugged, "Soon" He muttered as Blake groaned.

Adam glanced his dual swords over before getting into stance, his opponent had a sword with two blades, one on either end of the handle, "Ready?" A soldier called and they both nodded before he said, "Go!" Adam twirled around, and brought down his sword near the guy's shoulder but he blocked and pushed back before dodging to avoid the other, he sensed the boy about to swing on his blind side so he spun around, smacked the sword from him with power and shoved him onto his back, where he posed with a sword above his face and another next to his throat.

Nichole was on the ground, her cute shirt covered in dirt as she sniped at the targets, nothing wrong with practice and the Trentacosta gang could call when ready.

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