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Fandom Code Lyoko Reboot Idea!

A Splendid Bubble

A Bubble of Splendid nature
Recently, I have fallen down this rabbit hole, surrounding the series: Code Lyoko.

First I discovered that it was on Netflix, and so of course I started to watch it. It was a series I faintly remembered from when I was younger- so that nostalgic bug bit me. I started watching the first season, and was hooked. Then, I found one of those 107-facts videos about the series, learned a few interesting things too! Like the Original pilot/take on the show, and some of its inspirations. Serial Experiments Lain, Tron, and others. Those two however, are big ones for me. I watched through SEL, and learned about the Ps1 game-which is a different take on the story. I always loved Tron, and Tron Legacy. All of this to say, that I am in this weird Code Lyoko/Cyberpunk/Tech -based mind set of late!

I would love to find a partner, somewhat interested (if not on the same level as myself) in working and writing a semi-Reboot of the series. Or, I suppose a Re-imagining works better here. Because while I do want to keep some of the core elements and themes, there are a few elements I wish to alter/change for this. Some of these changes/alterations include:
  • The main cast, instead of being in late middle school, are all in High school. Though, they are still at the same boarding school. Kadic Academy.
  • X.A.N.A. While the program's generic, "I wish to enslave humanity" purpose works for the show, I wish to dive deeper into that.
    • What is X.A.N.A? Why does X.A.N.A wish to destroy the world and enslave humanity?
    • Do we have a Clu 2(from Tron) type problem here?
    • Or, shall we lean more in the Lain side of things; does X.A.N.A have a god complex?
  • Lyoko itself.
    • In the show, its purpose of being created is a bit vague. Once designed to stop a military program. Though, after that its purpose is left open.
    • I feel, we can go a bit deeper with it. Again, because I also fell in love with SEL, perhaps we have things set in a slightly more advanced time. Where people are working on these sort of projects- a digital world to co-exist with reality.
    • Perhaps in our Re-boot, Lyoko was designed as the next step in evolution. (Like the Wired- for those familiar with Lain) .
    • Maybe Franz Hopper designed, with that team of scientist, for Lyoko simply to be a digital world to visit. However, when taken off of the project, Lyoko was corrupted by those trying to turn the project in some weapon- and creating X.A.N.A in the process. This might be also how we explain the time-related powers that the super-computer has.
  • Aelita.
    • While, in the show she is a human, who ends up trapped in Lyoko prior to the start of the show. And I am fine keeping that.
    • If we wanted to go about adding more to her, or altering that back-story we so can.
  • Deeper themes, and subject matter. The digital world, being trapped within. A Virus attempting to take over the world- let's have some fun with this! Let the characters feel the weight of choices they make, while also trying to balance High school.
In other words, I kinda want to add more depth to the show in this writing/reboot/re-imagining. I wish for us to start, at the beginning. Jeremie Belpois, and friends at Kadic, and how they end up finding the computer and so on. We can follow the show loosely- our first 'arc' being the quest to help Aelita return to the real world. I'd like to keep the core cast, as well. Yumi, Jeremie, Ulrich, Odd and eventually William- alongside Aelita. The side cast can also be adapted into this re-write.

But yeah, that is the basis of this post! Hopefully I have made some sense, and idea of what I am looking for! If anyone is interested, let's get in touch! I'd love to bounce ideas back and forth!

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