COD: Black Ops Zombies!

Doctor Disharmony

Senior Member
It was black. Completely and utterly black. Why the hell was it so dark? Andy hated the dark. Not because she was afraid of it, but because she couldn’t see. Not being able to tell what was going on annoyed her.

Yeah, it was obnoxious.

As to top that, she had a headache from the pits of fire itself. Never before had the girl experienced such a vicious throbbing in her frontal lobes.

Not only was it dark, not only was this obnoxious, not only did she have a damned headache, but she also had no idea what was going on. Andy knew for a fact that ignorance was a true death sentence, so being utterly clueless was what certainly bothered her most.

And what on Earth was that terribly familiar, somehow musical sound?

It was only then did the female realize that her eyes were clamped shut. No wonder why it was dark, she couldn’t see a f*cking thing with her lids closed! But she was surprised with the effort it took to open her optical arrangements. It was so painful….yet, she can deal with pain. This was nothing.

Andy was suddenly aware of a sudden spike in her back. She withheld a groan, squinting even more. She thought she heard a….a voice? It must be her damned imagination. But it was when the female felt her cheek roughly poked that she finally snapped her eyes open, only to find them level with yet another pair.

“I must have drank too much. I’m seeing woman. Heh. “

She didn’t even have time to compute the oddly recognizable Russian accent, as the moment she saw him the girl lifted her fist and punched the man straight in the face. Taken by immediate surprise, he leaned backwards with a brutal grunt of pain. Though his astonishment lasted no longer then a mere second, because an instant later he was releasing a barrage of curse words while he cocked back his pistol. “На прошлой неделе матери сын баба!”

The first thing she noticed was the gun. Andy didn’t panic, she kicked straight into survival mode. It wasn’t even like she had a choice; it was ether get into gear or get shot in the face.

The solution was equally as obvious.

So despite the seering pain and compressing agony that shot through her back, as he steadied his aim she found herself scooting backwards, looking for some sort of defense.

It was only then did the corner of her eye catch a glinting sign of metal from beside her original placement.

Another gun.

Andy jumped forward again, just barely avoiding the blast that hit the very same spot she had been such short moments again. Her gloved fingers (when the hell did she put on gloves?) grabbed the cool metal of the hilt, her finger wrapping around the trigger instinctively. She heard his gun cocked back again, finding herself rolling to the left this time, opposed to the right.

Again, she just barely avoided the blast.

"You trigger happy son of a b!tch! I'll blow your goddamned brains out faster then you'll have time to pick up yours skirts and untangle your panties!!!!"

She growled, flipping, then gritting her teeth. He had continued to speak in return, but all she saw was his mouth moving.

All she could hear was an incessant ringing in her hears.

All she could feel was the weight of the weapon in her hand.

Where the hell was she?!?!

Who the hell was he?!?!

It was so damned familiar but.....she couldn't remember.

What on Earth was going o--

The memories smacked in her the face, much like the punch she had delivered not to long ago.

Andy's pupils dilated, suddenly consumed by the visions of her past.

She saw flashes of people, mostly men, all dressed in uniform.


She saw one man, in uniform, hugging her.


She saw a little girl crying for her Papa, reaching for him.


She saw another man take her hand, leading her away from the airport.


The pictures continued, displaying everything from training at the range with her father to buying her first video game to solemnly standing beside a freshly dug grave, placing flowers by the moist dirt.

Bloody f*cking hell, my whole bloody f*cking life just passed before my bloody f*cking eyes!!!!

Right then and there, she swore to whatever heavenly essence may be listening, if this was hell (or limbo) then she would kill all these bastards with the one god-granted gun she possessed.

Yeah, that sounded about right.

But there was no time to engulf in the possible factor. The man, the soldier (it was clear from his attire), fired again.

She rolled, then fired in return.

Her sight was shaky, otherwise she would have actually hit his head, not just straight through the top of his hat.

"You make big mistake, little girl"

He went to fire once more, raising the gun to a point where the barrel was level in-between her eyes. She did the same with the pistol she held, keeping it firm and locked on his forehead.

"You shoot, you die. Make a choice, asshole, but it better be the smart one!"

A tiny smirk played at his lips. He opened his mouth to speak once more, squinting one eye as to get a better sight with the gun point, but was interrupted by a violent shaking.

The entire area around them shuddered and shook, like an earthquake.

But he lost his balance, and she took the chance to stand up (even with the horrible ground motions), clenching her jaws tight.

There came a big "dong" sound.

Both she and the man turned towards it.

Suddenly, in the middle of the room, was a large, cut up, crimson red stick.

It just hovered there, right in the center of a greeting place between....

Between two staircases.

Two staircases that were covered in carpet....leading down to piles of rubble and debris......

Her eyes widened, darting to the right.

Sure enough, in the sunk in corner was a blue and white machine, the "Quick Revive" logo planted firmly on its dim lighting.


Her view then spun around to the other-side of the large room, where there was a gaping hole (like for a window) covered in poorly placed wooden boards.

Her entire body turned to look behind the Russian soldier who had shot at her.

Indeed, there was another one of those holes....covered by the very same wooden boards.


She looked at him, then back at the glowing line, then back at him again.

There was only one Russian soldier who would be in a place like this.

And there was only one thing that had a place like this.

Andy couldn't help it, but suddenly her face was engulfed within a fascinated and persistent grin, looking upwards at the massive chandelier that hung above them.

"Mother f*ckers......I'm in Kino Der Toten!"

It was just then did the shaking stop, just then when she turned to face the soldier (the grin turning to one of determination and confidence) and Nikolai Belinski aimed his gun at her once more, sporting a firmly planted look of pure fury.
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Her head was throbbing as it was pitch black. She couldn't understand this. She was laying down on her bed with the controller in her hand. It was 6:50 back at her place and her parents weren't home yet. She was able to hear her sister have sex with her brother , that was the reason why she had put on her head sets. The game was ground war then she decided to play zombies. She remembered going Kino with another girl and some one who didn't have a mic. Her head throbbed more as she tried to remember what happened. She was in a sweat and her body was abnormal hot. What worried her more was the fact she felt something under her. So maybe she just passed out on the bed and it was actual late morning. She wanted to laugh it of but her lips were cracked as if she hadn't drunk in days. Impossible though she had a glass of water beside her.

She forced her self up from whatever was under her. Her back in a hunch before siting completely up. Her hand was left on the soft but hard object while the others went to grab her head. Confused and hurt her eyes were sealed shut and there was sleep in her eyes. "Tsk" She palled up her hand in to a fist and used the back side of it to rub her eyes. Ridding of the sleep and at least loosening them up so she could see. Her ears twitched when she heard two voices. She heard a girl no doubt , the voice was cute and but had some dominance in there. The second sounded Russian. Russian. Russian. Things were trying to turn the gears in her head but she couldn't quiet get it till she heard the voice of a man. His accent was German , and ...satanic no something else.

"Your hairline is perfect to the side of you pale neck. I wonder what my tools could do if I would cut that pretty little neck of yours."

She looked down finally managing to get a glimpse of who she was on. It was an older man, older than herself. He had an evil smirk but more of a pissed off look on him. He seemed upset and no wonder she was on him, and it wasn't as if she was getting off in a hurry. She had looked down then around the place. Kino. She played this game many times over ,and knew where to go what to do, when not to open the door. This was crazy she looked back down toward the man who had a gun and swiped it across toward her left cheek. She quickly rolled off on to her back then jumped back up using the palms of her hands. She jumped back another four times before grabbing the Ak-47 against the wall. Yes it needed some force to rip it away but she got it. She had instantly go into a one knee position and allowed the mags to rest on her knee. She cocked the gun back and pointed it toward him.

"Oh the little girl has talent."

She looked up with more of a pissed off look then anything. Clearly not fit for a leader. She hissed back at him as she wrapped her finger around the trigger. in an instant visions of her past rushed by like a plane. Her mother had died when she was born and her father decided to remarry.

"What the hell?"


The wife he picked was a complete ass and always messed with her. The image of boot camp came up. The wife decided that she need to learn respect so she sent her off to boot camp. She was getting all angry again. The image passed to when she retuned home and her sister was all grown up and barely living in the house. She had a boy friend and a job. Her room was the same but she herself demanded a ps3. Her father and mother tired their best to gain control over her, but that would never happen. She need someone who had more control and alpha to tame her. The images left and the gun was still pointing at him. This time he was closer, the opening to the fun was on his stomach as his was placed on her head.

"Well are you gonna shoot little miss, I will."

She growled for letting her guard down. She put more weight on her foot and pushed the gun up into his arm. He was knocked away as she stood. Her foot was on his stomach and the gun directed toward his mouth.

"Look her pal , I don't know who you are but I swear to god you test me again I will fire this in to your mouth and down your fucking body."

Her vision returned and the room became more vivid then the last time.

"Oh shit"

She looked at him more clearly and was amazed it was him. One of the people she admired in the game was under her foot.

"Oh shit...Edward"

Nikolai Belinski was pointing a gun at her.

And she was pointing a gun at him.

“Girl, don’t think I won’t blast you to hell. Unless you’ve got something useful….like some more vodka. If you don’t, then you die.”

THE Nikolai Belinski. One of the most fearsome fictional Russians to ever spawn into the virtual world of gaming.

Was she….

It couldn’t be.

Yet…it was.

Andy was in the game. She was in Call of Duty: Black Ops.

And she was at a standstill with her second favorite character. It was because she knew what he was capable of did the female keep the man at gunpoint, as he did she. There was no time to ponder how the hell she got here.

This was f*cking life or death, and there’s no way that she’d end up dead moments after her most cared for fantasies had come true.

“Go ahead and try, Belinski. Because then when you end up down there, as you most certainly will, I’ll spear Satan’s trident so far up your ass you’ll be tasting vodka flavored shit for the next eternity.”

He furrowed his brows, his grip on the gun tightening. “I’m going to chop off that tongue of yours and-


How do you know my name?”

Andy narrowed her eyes. “Would you believe that I come from a different dimension which provided the power to accidentally warp time and send me into this shit-sack of a reality?”

Nikolai shrugged.

“I fight zombies with A German, an American, and a stupid Asian. I went back in time, forward in time, and am working to defeat crazy child on the moon.

I'm too drunk to not believe that."

She gave a humored snort. He had a point there. She opened her mouth to snap something back, but found both her and her new "comrade" turning towards a recent disruption.

Another girl, very attractive, held yet another man at gunpoint.

And at boot-point.

Andy focused on them both. Was this another gamer? It had to be, she new that there was no character that resembled the female.

And was that.....

Her heart dropped.

No way.

Well, if NIKOLAI was here.....

Then that had to be.....

It took all of Andy's willpower to not drop her jaw.

"Damn, that's Richtofen." She muttered in momentary awe. Nikolai returned with a half-witted phrase in Russian, obviously paying close attention to how tightly the other gamer's outfit was.

Then Andy realized that she also was in different clothing.

She whistled. "Hey, girly!"

That must be the chick she had started the game with. This means that the other two players would be here somewhere. It was unbelievable. But incredible. It was the situation Andy had waited her entire life to experience.

"I think you and I 'ave bagged a couple of European nutcases." She found her piercing eyes locked onto the Doctor.

"And if they're here, and we're here, you know what that means, right?

We'll have some undead Nazi's to obliterate in a few minutes or so."
Alex's head was searing and her eye lids felt abnormally heavy to her. She tried to open them but couldn't. Everything was eerily quiet until she heard some voices. "What the fuck?" She said to herself as she could make out two girl voices along with a Russian and Germany accent of two guys. It sounded like they were arguing with each other when she heard an annoying static sound. She felt the area around he rand slowly opened her eyes to find someone underneath her.

"Don't get up lady, I'm quite liking the view from down here."

Alex jumped up and got to her feet in a matter of seconds while glaring at the sick perv who was juts beneath her. She then looked down and found a a nice fitting black and white dress on her and widened her eyes slightly. "When did I get a dress!" She thought before looking around again with blurry vision.

In a rush, visions of her life rushed by her now dilated eyes. Her mother's many drunken and abusive boyfriends, Alex getting her first video game system, a car crash when she was 12, her first job, the boring school year and many more memories flashed in front of her vision before it all went away.

She had to blink a few times before she looked around at everyone else with clearer vision and that's when she finally understood where she was because this was her favorite zombie map to play on.

"So I'm in Kino."

Alex then made a slightly disgusted face as she looked at the man who was still on the floor. "Oh god, that means the perv was Takeo."
The girl allowed a smirk to cross her face. So it was true. She released the pointed blank range of her gun from his mouth and bent over pulling him up. The man gave more of a disgust but talented look at her. He patted himself down as he looked toward Nikolai. He gave him a cold glare then looked away toward few guns hanging against the wall. The girl had long detached herself form him. She saw a girl behind her , knowing it was the chick who she teamed up with. She had walked over her finger still wrapped around the trigger. It wasn't safe to take it off so she kept it on.

"You must the chick who I teamed up with."

She gave the girl a playful wink until Edward hit her right on her back. She glared as she looked at him takes his place beside her. He ripped the same ak-47 off the all she had and put it on his shoulder. His eyes scouted the children he assumed they were and spotted one most magnificent. He leaned in to the one known as Andy and gave her a pleasant smile. He sniffed her scent , intoxicating it was. A mixture of depth and seriousness. He leaned back as he let a wider smirk take over.

"My don't we have some test subjects here...I think you would do nice on my lab table , tied up in my restraints on ?"

He had a thick accent so you could tell he was German. His eyes were partially covered by his hat that he would soon loose. He looked her up and down almost forgetting there was company here. He turned toward Nikolai with a have baked expression not really caring for the answer he wanted.

"Why were you hiding such a gal from me you little drunkard bastard."

He snorted to his own joke. Hilarious although a good bit of it was true. He was always drunk but that didn't stop Athena from looking over at him. She tired to keep herself under control. The man before her was extremely hot and his Russian accent made her go head over heels. Every time he spoke it felt as if her body was on fire. Her eyes would lower. The only time she would let down her defense. If he could touch her that would be the end of her. Straight to hell she goes. She tried to look away from him but she couldn't so she looked toward Andy.

"The name is Athena pleasure to meet you"
GoddessOfGod said:
She tired to keep herself under control. The man before her was extremely hot and his Russian accent made her go head over heels
((Goddess, you killed me. Why does this strike me as so damned funny????))

Andy raised an eyebrow. "So I must. You can call me Andy. The pleasure is all mine, Athena"

She looked to the side, surprised to find herself sniffed. She let out a sarcastic "hmm", turning to face the German.

"And I think you would look nice back on your leash, where rapid dogs belong." The girl pushed on his chest with the back of her pistol. No way would she allow herself to succumb to the temptation of being anything less then her usual asshole-self, even if the tempter was an admirable Doctor.

Nikolai held up his hands in false defense. "Pah! Slow down, Hitler. I may be drunk, but at least the voices in my head are that of prostitutes and not mad little demons!" He may have been talking to Richtofen, but he was looking at the girl. Nikolai clicked his tongue against his teeth. "If you ever feel like getting dunked in vodka for a crazy Russian wedding, give me a call."

"Heh." She looked towards the other gamer once more. "Aside from male idiocy, I have to say, Triark really out did themselves with this new DLC." Her voice dripped sarcasm. "Not that I'm complaining. It'll be a nice change to actually shower in the blood of my opponents." The female shrugged.

Andy then nodded over to a struggle not to far. "And it seems like another teammate has just joined us." She looked around once more. That red line must have been the beginning of round one.....the girl had no doubt about it. Her muscles tensed. It was really happening. It wasn't just a dream.

But what was the scientific explanation? There HAD to be one. All she needed was time to figure it out. Andy glanced back at Richtofen. Could he be responsible? Most likely not, his reaction went against that possibility and Andy doubted he was that good of an actor.

It was probable that a malfunction had occur ed within HER reality, ripping into the supposed difference between fact and fiction.

The very lines within the universe have been disrupted. Who knew what effect this would have on the space-time continuum.
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Athena almost screamed out but the kept it in as she looked toward Nikolai. She could almost blush not jump on him. She wanted to but that would look wrong, and pleasant and. She had to stop. She knew any second that she would either drool or be his little lap dog that yipped when he said come here girl.

"Aw shucks I thought we could have it now."

She gave him a little smirk as she looked away toward the new teammate. She wondered why they were one someone when they wok up. A little twisted don't you think. She wouldn't think that though if she was on Nikolai. No not in the least bit. Her thoughts were interrupted by Edward's loud laughter. He had pushed passed Athena to go to the girl who made such a smart comeback.

"I rapid dog no I am their leader and your are my dog. Careful little miss, it would be that one night you find on of your eyes gone...although I could take something else, yes something much bigger."

Athena tried to think about what that was. Something bigger like their chest, arm. leg. The doctor answered before she could even guess.

"I do see a few virgins in the house ahhaahhahaha" 
(lol really)
((*Is dead*))

"Having it now is a thing I'd like to happen. But I do not have iron with it will have to be poned by the post." The Russian chuckled. He liked that female. She was nice, in a spunky way.

And her clothing was very tight.

He liked that.

He also liked that she was withholding a slight struggle.

She growled. "I am nobody's dog. And I dare you to try and take out my eyes, dear Doctor, because if you did I'd have you under a scalpel so fast your swastika covered underwear would scream and run off as to not encounter the experience of being under experimentation."

Andy, however, found herself taken aback by the comment, but did not allow it to unfaze her "role".

"Yes, yes, how correct. Now that I think about it, it would make sense that there are virgins in the house.

After all, aren't you in here, Richtofen?"

Nikolai snorted, waving his pistol. "Oh oh oh oh. Would it be cold water that you want for the burn, eh, Richtofen? Haha!"
He looked back toward Nikolai and gave him the finger, telling him to hush before he finds him under his bed. He crossed his arms as he inhaled and smirked back toward Nikolai.

"I am not actual I screwed a good bit of the gals , and let me tell you they went wild ahhaha they couldn't handle riding it." He smirked as he pointed to Nikolai

"Unlike you who hasn't screwed a thing in the world, I have skills, and now how to please the gal."

He was already behind Andy he leaned down his breath blowing on to the back of her neck and slowly floating in to her ear. He pushed back the girls hair behind her ear. his cold finger tips brushing past the tip of her ear as he smirked. He used his other hand so he could lean down close to her. His eyes were sharp as he looked toward her, the corner of her eyes.

Athena watched him, not really amazed. That could be any girls sweet spot. She had put the gun down , tired of holding it for no reason. She allowed the end of the gun to rest in between her legs as she leaned to the side a little. The chime would come on in exactly five minutes maybe three. That's when the building starts to shake. Instead of thinking about the love fest she wished she had , because there were so many rooms in the building. She decided to think about how to plan this out.
((This is killing me xD ))

Alex watched the bickering with a small smirk before going over to the wall and also grabbing an Ak-47 to use alongside her pistol and knife. She looks over at Takeo to see if he has a gun and groans when she finds him looking at every girls attire that for some reason is either short or extremely tight, and she seems to be the only one who has a dress on. Alex just shakes her head and walks over to the larger group.

"I don't want to ruin this messed up little party we have going on but those maggot-bags will most likely be coming soon so gear up."

She looks to the side of the room and sees a Quick Revive machine. "I wonder if we actually have points." She mumbles to herself before walking over to a boarded up window.
((We're all gonna die because Eddy's horny.


"I think it's time to CUT IT OUT with the sex jokes and get going. After all, the power's not gonna turn on itself, ya know!"

She started to turn around. What the f*ck was he doing now? "And what in the name of the seven hells do you think you're doing, you German piece of shi-"

Her eyes widened.

Oh hell no.

He wasn't-

Oh he was.

Oh shit.

Andy cringed at the contact, giving a quick shudder. F*ck.

She wanted pulled back immediately, but refused to release her position.

"I recommend that you cease....that you cease your current activity before I take to shoving a bullet down your throat." Her voice was as cold as her stare, but she had to focus all of her will to keep it that way.

"I refuse to end up dead because you refuse to keep your hands to yourself, Doctor."

Nikolai found himself beside the attractive female as to avoid his unfortunate excuse for a German companion. He nudged her with his elbow. "He is a douche, I know. Sorry you got stuck with that nutjob, girly."

He held out his hand.

"My name is Nikolai. You are called Athena, yes?"
Athena could scream out but she only pushed away his hand. Play hard to her maybe. She had pulled the gun from underneath her. She hissed as she pulled on the doctor's ear. Edward pulled back as he groaned toward the bothersome female . She as in no mood as he chime to the game went off.

" we have three minutes to secure the opening of the first building. Grab what you need and let's go. Don't open the door till he third round... Why because by the. We would have gotten enough money to buy whatever is behind the doors. Got it. This game doesn't stop untill you reach level ten , that is when we pause the game to regain ourselves I myself did that it is one of my hacks."

Aetna barked orders as the doctor looked at he with an amazed look. Athena played this game non stop and made hacks of her is to aid her.
Alex listened to the girl bark out orders and nodded. "Get it. Oh and can I have your names. I know all of the guys but don't know you guys." She points her gun at the two girls. "I'm Alex."

She looks out over at the guys with an annoyed look for a second. They are all going to go to hell if they can't get their lust under control.
"Sounds like a plan to me. I'll grab an Ak, and we'll get this party started. Everybody needs to split up into pairs of two, and I don't give a damn who you end up with, just make sure your backs are covered!!!" She immediately pulled away, reaching to the wall. She only had a second to observe the white chalk outline of the gun, fascinated, she placed her hand on the drawing. With a quick "ping", and a flash of light, she found herself holding the intended weapon. Gripping it tightly, she jogged back to the group, blood-lust in her eyes. "I'm good to go." She turned to face the direction of the Quick revive machine. "Hey Alex, name's Andy. So, you in with us?"

Nikolai looked at his hand, then at Athena, then at his hand, and back to her again. He nodded in approval. "I will go with Athena. I worked similar strategy at home, it's easy." He held his gun authoritatively. "It's a cake piece."
She looked away wondering what to do. He was going with her, now way. She gulped as she walked up toward him and grabbed his shirt lightly. Trying to avoid eye contact she tugged him up the stairs near the right window where they would be coming from. There was another window down where they were then another back window in the back room. She sighed as she walked up the steps.

"Ill take him ,"

She at least wanted her say in the matter. Edward wrapped his arm around Andy and pulled her toward the back of the room.

"I got this young las the back of the room we go."

He smirked as he looked down at her.

"Don't worry I wont test on you yet...those pretty little legs of yours will be mine though, oh yes I wonder how they feel. "

He slid his right arm down toward her legs and gave her smirk. He got close to her ears.

"Ill be having a peace of that tonight "
((If I wasn't already dead I would be now))

Nikolai trudged behind the Athena, catching a couple slick glances while they moved. "You are American, right? But you seem young for military. Which station trained you?" He slid his arm around her shoulder, twirling his gun in his other hand. "Somebody with, must have worked in the Soviet Union for some time as well."

"Son of a Bit-"

Andy found herself pulled off. "Get your damned dirty paws off of me, Richtofen!"

She frowned up at him.

Why did he have to be taller? That made intimidation ever so much more difficult on her part. She smacked his arm while her pistol. "Keep it to yourself, Mister. We have a job to do."

The girl pulled back again, glaring. "Doctor, what is your professional evaluation of this situation?" Andy looked to the walls, keeping a close eye onto the barriers.

And made sure to keep the Ak-47 in her grip, and his view. The only piece of anything he'd be getting would be a piece of lead, if he kept this up.

Curse him.

Curse herself.

Alex watched them and pretended to gag at Edward. She then turned and sighed as she knew that she would have to go with Takeo.

"Make a move on me and I swear to god you will get a cap in your ass." She shook her head as she walked to a window.

"Why don't I stick something else up your ass hm?" He said in a slight purr, which makes her guess that he was trying to be seductive but it sounded like a dying cat tat was being strangled.

"Oh god." She continued walking and tripped him as she walked by, aiming her gun at the window she was getting watching.
Athena watched his arm move around her's. She looked up at him with more of a nice but evil glare..

"I am American but I am not a Soviet, tsk not even from this world ...I went to boot camp."

She looked away from him eyeing the outside of any on coming Zombies. If she remembered the zombies would be appearing downstairs. First from the left then the right. About a few seconds from them they would appear by the open window where the would walk up the stairs toward her and him. Downstairs would do the same along with their back side. She sighed a little as she stopped at the window and stuck the tip of the gun outside. She had resumed the position of bending over so her eyes could get a clear vision through the scope.

"Do you like my last name"

Edward laughed as he checked his ak-47 . He whistled a tune that the girl should be fond of. He did it when he was taunting them. He wanted them to come so he could the dead things to bits. He leaned against the wall as he titled his hat and looked down at the young girl. His shoulders were wide and he was tall. He gave off that cool laid back look ,even this was as serious as he was going to get.

"There coming in three minutes, the fast little screwers are coming in 1 minute. Prepare yourself honey , this ain't no joke no more. "
"Boot camp? But you're a girl! You mean to tell me that even females go to boot camp where you come from?

That is a very strange world."

His sights traced where hers lay. Nikolai expected a battle any moment now....and he was ready, pumped up and prepared to blow out some guts. His gun was held in a position that would serve his needs correctly. The moment he saw one of the flesh-sacks pop up, he would pop them. Damn, he wished he had some Vodka right now.

Ether way, this female was strange. She was oddly "manly" for a girl. He had never encountered one like her, but it was in a good way.

Because then, when they married, if she screwed up, she'd be more a a challenge to kill.

And challenges are always fun.

"What? Your last name? It's not bad....I suppose. But I'd rather call you by that instead of something else. Would you prefer I refer to you by another title, huh?"

Andy rolled back her shoulders, her finger comfortably set on the trigger. Yet her other hand held the knife she had found in her belt. This was the first round, after all, so why waste ammunition? She was eager to fight. It was still hard to believe, that she was actually going to kill real zombies opposed to virtual ones. But the girl still refused to allow this factor to sink in, because if she did, she would get distracted. And the very last thing she needed right now was more distractions. She gave a confident huff.

"Please. I've always been prepare, and it's always been a joke.

And both of those will not change."

She turned to him for a second.

"Also, don't call me honey. I hate that." She grumbled before returning her attention to the barrier before her. Why did he have to be her partner? Shit, it was her fault, she suggested the "pair up" concept. And of course she got stuck with the schizophrenic mad-man with a tendency to torture people.

Damn her.

Damn her to hell.

She should have gone with that Alex person.
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Alex watched as Takeo got the other window before grabbing her knife and putting it in her hand. She always uses her knife first because these zombies were the easiest to kill. She heard a noise that sounded like a strangled moan and she began to jump slightly on the balls of her feet, waiting for the first zombie to kill.

"Try to make them stay within the boarded area Takeo, they will be arriving soon." She called out to him as she saw a shadow appear from the pitch black beyond the boards.
Athena shot up from her position and gave him a more half decent smile.

"Athena just call me Athena."

That's all she wanted. His Russian accent to call out her name. To roll of the tip of his tongue. She had went back to her original position thinking about what to do next. He was behind her , and she could have fun. Wait no , teasing is no good, it messes with the mission. Her defense were lowering to quickly. Being next to her favorite man in the world was bad luck. But then again his accent was to die for. Made her melt right off the bat. If he ever did say sit she would be most happy to. He had the dominance she always like, his body. She remembers all the time she wanted to get all over on him when she played the game.

If she could she would have made love to the tv. SHe began to wonder what his type was. He knew he liked tight clothing. It didn't bother her much except the shorts she had on. She let her right hand slip down to the bottom part of her short . She stuck her finger in to loosen it up but when she pulled it out it snapped back in to its tight place. What was the point in that, She had looked closely toward the gate where they would enter. Instantly seeing a gray head she smile. She wrapped her finger around the trigger and fired. Still not used to the gun the force it took made her body jolt back. Her chest adding a little jump to it.


She stood up as she looked down at the gun.

"Such force, my body would go crazy if this was on me."

Edward smiled as he got closer to her. His finger lifting up her chin. He had put the gun down by the window and grabbed her other hand so she wouldn't hit him. He took his other hand and held her other one against the wall. He slid his leg in between her so she wouldn't be able to kick him.

"Ill say honey whenever I so damn well please honey, "

His strong accent took over as he got closer to her.

"You like his position but trust me I can show you more."
((Holy shit nuggets. Eddy has his rape face on. This isn't good. Goddess, you better not turn this into a porno. THAT'S FOR PRIVATE MESSAGES))

"Athena, then." Nice name. He liked it.

But he had to cough in this situation. She had pulled on her shorts, he was drunk, and in Russia that was a sign for something that would be better suited in a broom closet.

Damn, there weren't any on the premisses. It was strange fighting alongside a woman. Especially one who hasn't yet revealed herself to be a lying, cheating, back-stabbing traitorous pig who only wanted his assets and his-

Nikolai's thoughts were interrupted by the shot. He grabbed onto her waist, steadying her.

"Have you shot this type of gun before?"

"Moronic fool! Your incompetence will get us killed!" She tried to make a grab for her gun, but found herself cornered in. This was terrible. Why must he do this now, of all times? He really WOULD get them both killed. She did admire the Doc, that was for sure, but this moment was not the best timing......She had to withhold a shudder to keep from allowing this asshole the satisfaction of seeing a good reaction from her.

"The only position I like is that in which I am facing my enemy, not with my back turned to the flesh-eating monsters that will grab me because you haven't gotten some in God knows how long!"

Andy felt very uncomfortable having somebody this close to her. She was squirming underneath her skin, unsure how to react. She couldn't give him a major injury, because he was actually a valuable asset.

She couldn't just stand there trapped because they would BOTH end up dead!

Then she heard the gun-shot. Her ears perked up, and she struggled even more, starting to actually push him off in her anger.

"We don't have time for this!"
Alex waited until she completely saw the zombie and dug her knife through it's chest when it started to scrape at the boards. A few more zombies popped up and she stabbed all of them just like she did with the first. She heard a gunshot go off and hoped that the guys wouldn't try to make a move on any of them.
(oh my god yessss NIOKALI handle me well. and yes we shall go to the pm ahhaha)

Athena looked back at him then down toward her waist. His hands were on her. She wanted to squeal but that would do no good, she would break down even more. She had stood up putting her hand on his. She wanted to keep it there but that would do more damage. She slid his hands off as she looked back toward the gun.

"I am semi ok with heavy equipment like this...I am used to the smg ."

She looked down toward the window , only one approached and she shot it down. She decided to tease just this once but she needed to make it good. She had to think for a second. What to say. She almost smiled when she figured it out. She rubbed her hand down along side the gun as she looked back up at him.

"I'm not good with handling big things. My hands and body are small so it hard to full wrap them around it."

Edward laughed more as he released her. That expression was all he needed. Trying so hard to act all tough. Edward took out his knife and slashed the tow zombies trying to break apart the board. He then grabbed his gun and leaned back against the wall. He pointed it down toward the lobby where they used to be. A few had gathered by the barbed fence. Shot one two three and five. The Zombies fell and he gave a smirk.

"Don't worry honey I wont let you go just yet."
Nikolai couldn't help but vent a deep, hearty laugh, even though his hands were removed. "You'll have to get used to bigger things if you're going to work with me! Aha, ha!"

She was golden.

"An SMG isn't big enough for a girl like you. You'll need something more....Soviet."

Andy picked up her gun, immediately pistol whipping Richtofen in the face.

"I said don't call me Honey, you narcissistic bastard."

The girl then unsheathed her knife, swirling towards the barrier. A zombie was tearing off the boards, as expected. She slashed forward, stabbing the meat-head in its, well, meat head. In her fury she did the same with the other three that followed behind, even going as far as to stab them twice the necessary amount. She stormed away from the Doctor, checking up on the nearest opening. Four were gathering behind it, having not yet reached their intended destination.

Andy smirked, pulling out one of her four grenades. She chucked it through a slit in the window, turning away as it went off.

Keeping her determined strut, the female went back to her original post, firmly holding her pistol in her hand.

He humiliated her. Awful.

But intriguing.

Intriguing indeed......

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