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(Please do not post here! I would like to keep this thread nice and tidy. Thank you for your understanding!)

-I am female and older than I care to admit; I request my partners be 18+
-I don’t mind romance, but it shouldn’t be the main focus of the rp and I prefer to slowly build up to it. Romance is NOT a requirement!
-I play both male and female characters and play MxF, FxF, and MxM
-I won’t freak out over spelling and grammar mistakes. As long as I can figure out what you’re saying, it’s all good!
-I absolutely do not play canon characters. I actually prefer no fandoms whatsoever- I would much rather we create our own world!
-I don’t enjoy mermaid, animal, anthro, or futa rps and will not participate in them. I do, however, enjoy werewolves!
-I can’t be around all day, every day. I have a life outside the internet that requires a good deal of my time and attention. I will post as often as I can!
-I tend to write anywhere from two to six paragraphs per post, depending on how inspired I am. (I can occasionally write more than six, but as long as you give me enough to work with, I’ll do my best not to write less than two.)
-I don’t do character sheets. You’re welcome to have them if you want, but I will not be creating any.
-I have a Discord that we can use for plotting and OoC chat, but I will only play on the site. (Playing through pm is fine if that’s what you prefer!)
-I only roleplay in third person past tense.
-I honestly don’t care about writing samples. As long as you think you can give me what I’m looking for, that’s all that matters.

-someone who writes at least two paragraphs per post, but not more than six or seven. It stinks to only get one three sentence paragraph to my five paragraph post, but I’m not here to read novels!
-someone who will help me plot and create something we can both enjoy
-someone who can post at least once a week (real life gets busy, so I don’t expect multiple posts a day!)
-someone who roleplays in third person past tense
-someone who isn’t going to go ballistic over mistakes
-someone who understands that I rp for fun and have more important things to do than post replies all day

-fantasy (both modern and medieval settings)
-magical college/grad school (think The Magicians)
-paranormal investigators TAKEN
-superhero/villain (YC) and their civilian longtime best friend who has no clue about their identity TAKEN
-people with superpowers
-supernatural creatures (As I said, above, I enjoy werewolves, so I would likely play one, but you could play a werewolf, vampire, elf, whatever.)

Please note that I really don’t have any solid ideas for any of these. I prefer to collaborate with my rp partner to create plots. That way, we can create everything together!

If you would like to come up with something together based on something above or if you have an idea that you think might catch my attention, please feel free to message me. I hope we can come up with something together!
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