Clover Hills

Amelia awoke as the chill of the chains around her wrists and neck stirred her.
How many days it had been now she was unsure but she had refused to break to her unknown kidnapper.
It was not long after that thought that the door creaked open and light flooded in making the Altman strain her eyes.
His voice is what caused her alarm.
"So you still standing my barren excuse for a pureblood..."
The man smiled devilishly as he snapped his fingers and two wolves passed by him each in either side baring down on Amelia.
Her eyes wide in fear and knowing that these were not mere wolves....

"You have been breeding lycans...Ross you know this is forbidden...The upbringing..."
"Yes, exactly why i had proposed we reestablished such a taboo for our kind. Now all the pureblooded children will be bred until i have only the strongest Lycans with which i will take this throne of france and soon all those in the world...I am the Alpha and there only needs to be one my dear Amelia. If only you could have provided me with offspring, I could have spared you this fate.. But strength is strength and weakness...well you get the idea. "
"Ross!....Ross you Bastard!!"
Was all she could let out before the lycan pair assaulted her ripping her body apart as the pure blood walked away his only thought on the small town in Montana that held many pure bloods and their children and his most effective problems.
"First stop CloverHills, I can't wait to be accommodated along with my pack...See you all very soon."

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
Freydis Freydis
Comet Comet
Cosmos Cosmos
ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys

  • Kagore is slowly in shambles, with Tor being non-existent from the pack and there is still a huge lack of trust and faith between pack members and the alpha.
  • Artemis has had her pups, twins named Nyx and Draco from a dead Winslow member.
  • Michi ran off and got beaten to near death by Jasper, Vince and Ice of Phantasm, resulting in her miscarrying her pups. Axel saved her though until she ended up leaving and making her way back to Kagore.
  • Styx threatened Caspian and Pariah death if Michi didn't live.
  • Pariah removed three dead infants that were disposed of by Caspian.
  • Synthania's son Zenith has been taken by a hunter and the huntress is slowly making her way back to Kagore with her other pups in tow.
  • Michi has been fixed with a hysterectomy and her ovaries removed as well as her tubes being tied. She will never again go into heat and never again get pregnant.
  • Veridius left the pack.
  • Haven-The healer Quinn has left the pack along with a hunter named Ollie.
  • Rose was killed in a river. Gabriel blames Ash for not watching her pup.
  • Zayne found out that Mia is not who she says she is and is in fact a Glaswin whelp. Gabriel banished Miley for lying to her and got angry with Zayne.
  • Angelica has been brought back to the pack with her pups and Gabriel has been made aware of Angelica's return.
  • Eliza and Astiel have had their pups.
  • Gabriel has given birth to three sons and a daughter from Zayne in the month timeskip.
  • Phantasm-Sachi, Hyun-Ae and Jae-Eun have left Phantasm, causing Matthew to be annoyed.
  • Matthew has recently found out Axel is his child from a DNA test and has accepted Axel into the pack as omega.
  • Axel isn't too impressed with Ice.
  • Matthew has his eyes on Aria as being his mate and mother to any future pups as well as alpha female. He doesn't seem at all concerned or bothered about Phyllis's disappearance, instead devoting his love onto his niece Fern who looks more like her mother every day and is now teething since she's a toddler.
  • The wolf that has been with the pack is now a part of it (Marie) and will start off as omega.
  • The wolf that has been with the pack (Marie) has fought off her human master whom her parents sold her to.
  • Nikolaus's three pups have been born.

In the month that had passed, Miley still hadn't been allowed to come back to the pack, however unlike with some people, Gabriel hadn't issued a kill on sight order for the ex-guard. In that month, Eliza had had her children with Astiel which she supposed was good. Perhaps it would force Astiel to grow up and act like a man instead of a little boy. The alpha female had also had her and Zayne's children just a month ago, three sons and a daughter, a combination of submissive and dominant pups with their daughter being the oldest. Kia was their daughter's name and then there was Nuntis who had inherited their father's last name while Randall, her second born child and Kyle had inherited her last name. The alpha female was currently taking a break from the infants , their babies having been sleeping within a couple cribs within their room while the woman was out on the porch. She had been somewhat hesitant to allow Angelica's daughter Phyllis into the pack out of worry that that half-blood wolf would show up and attempt to get the child back or lead an attack on her pack but in the end agreed to allow all three children to stay after she had gotten the woman to stop trying to apologize for the fire which the omega had nothing to do with. The alpha female had no idea that even though it seemed their troubles had been over, they were nothing compared to what was coming.

Matthew and Phantasm

In the month since the hunter had come to Phantasm lands, the pack had moved locations again, staying two weeks in the campground sector, a week in the barn and now they were within the ruined village that was north of Sector B24-i8 or Aria's preferred sector as it had come to be known. Axel and the lone female, known as Marie, Matthew had made sure to get the female's name, were now part of the pack and omegas. The alpha had not shown any favortism to Axel despite the lad being his son and had kept a constant lookout for his brother as well as keeping a close eye on Fern. The alpha was also keeping to his word, surprisingly and not straying from Aria's insistence that he not wander and prove his loyalty to the female. She would just have to deal with his love going to his niece as well but had told Axel about what he remembered concerning the boy's mother, admitting he had left before he'd even known of the child after he feared attacking her. He had sent Ice and Zero into town to gather medical supplies and do female clothes shopping for Marie as well as giving Axel money to shop for a wardrobe as well over the month, plus stocking up on food given some large and medium-sized prey would be near impossible to find come winter and the heat season soon upon the females.

Angelica & Triplets

It had been a tense month for the woman as she readjusted to pack life, somewhat skittish still of random sounds but sh'd not fallen back into her habit of refusing to leave the room and interacting with the pack. She spent her time helping watch the infants...numerous as they were, the woman somewhat disheartened to hear that Ash's pup had drowned in the river while Angelica was forced to be part of Matthew's pack. It took her some time to realize not look over her shoulder whenever she went somewhere, the woman throwing herself into taking care of the triplets who were doing somewhat better and her writing which was at a standstill. She was currently within her new sanctuary with the infants on the ground beside her, her notebook on the leafy earth which was thankfully dry as the woman tapped her pen to the notebook in thought, trying to figure out where to go from here. Idly, she skimmed back through the notebook to the second chapter to read over it once again to try to help her with figuring out the story.

Approaching the livery, the scents of horse and hay reached her nose, the alicorn lifting its head and nickering loudly as she led it by the rope. She fingered the sack of coins tied to her waist, hoping she could get a bargin on a good strong bridle and reins for the noble creature that had bonded with her only an hour and a half ago. The barn was simply made, crafted from Douglas fir trees within the forest on the mountains that towered above the small village, green pastures sprawling from the base of the mountains and eastwards for two and a half miles until they ended at a stone wall which marked the beginning of a few small farms, fences made of pine logs set up around each pasture to keep the animals within. Above the livery was a loft where hay and grain were stored, another section for the stable master and couple grooms that worked there...a tack room in the back for equipment. Occasionally horses would be sold here or by the blacksmith further down the road for purchase to would be travelers, farmers that could afford the beasts or nobility that happened along the village which wasn't very often. A sign hung overhead, simply stating this was Lerwick Livery.

"What tall wood?"

Alis jumped and dropped the lead rope that had been crudely fashioned, having forgotten the small hybrid foal could speak, the foal stepping forward and looking at her curiously. Would she ever get used to the foal being able to speak and the fact that they were bonded as one being? Alis shook her head, not wanting to seem insane and bent to pick up the lead rope before continuing up the street towards the livery, the young maiden waving to a groom who was out brushing a horse with a curry comb, the young man looking up and nodding to Alis as she approached. The boy's eyes winded as he took in the horn on the alicorn's head and the wings folded against its sides before abandoning his post and hurrying into the barn, earning a sigh from Alis. "I have a feeling this is going to be a normal occurrence," Alis said to herself.

"What big word?"

"Please don't talk to me here," said Alis. "Animals don't talk and certainly humans don't talk to animals."

Angelica sighed as she stopped there before setting her pen down and looking over at the infants. They weren't crawling yet and thankfully not teething, so all they could do was lay there, currently swaddled up in blankets the woman had...she laughed as she looked down at her notebook, a word catching her eye...crudely made. Hey, she didn't have the fine motor skills of normal people and had never tried sewing a blanket before, let alone three. "Should I make mention of the library, given it probably won't play an important part in this chapter? Or should I wait to see if Alis and Rhydian come back to Lerwick in search of a jewel...would there even be a jewel hidden within Alondale's coast? There's still so much to do...and I've lost three months on this story that I probably need to go back to my notes and continue planning," she said out loud. "At least the children aren't begging for attention or crying, allowing me some peace to work on this." VeiledPariah VeiledPariah
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Viserys tapped her finger to the tree she stood alongside. Her long slender legs met up Ritcher pale framed body as she stood. Toes between KAYGORE and the rest of the world. “UGH!” She snapped wanting more than to just snap the necks f both alphas. Previous and now. Neither of them had earned much respect. They ran the pack poorly and kept the drama a float with their terrible ways of making it so everyone knew how they suffered. She had managed to check in on Michi after she removed her ability to have children. Age wanted to pop her head off too but more because the girl was kind of an airhead. She could train the girl. To hunt. To guard anything learn where her skills were. That’s what she would do if she had alpha powers. Make it so each wolf was to go through a test. A three month test. Learn what skills they had and promote them accordingly. If mating and being queens was all they were good for than any time outside f mating season would all they would be doing. There were some wolves who were good at that. Not quite healers.

As she mulled over the ideas on her pack of the perfect ideal pack. She wondered just how many of the pack wood follow her. No doubt her pack would be diminished greatly with the lack of trust in the alphas here. The Male couldn’t even keep a close eye on his own mate let alone his packmates. That also reminded her of mating season. She hadn’t a mate to call her own. Not since he took off to fuckallknowswhere. She took a heavy breath in letting out a slow one shortly after. Why her? Her family name was dragged throug the dirt and left up on display for all to see. If she could have only figured out how she could lead a rebellion and they took her side without taking into account her family name. There probably was no way. She tapped the tree again watching the crinkling leaves wondering when she would go into heat this year and who would pay attention to it. No one wanted her blood to taint their line so she might of just as well been saved for this season. A small smirk painted her lips before she decided to head back to her home. Watch the pack fall into its remaining shambles.
“Again,” thought Coyoty as she attacked the large white male clamping he jaws around his scruff non threatening. He stepped back from her breaking her grip and shaking his fur.

“Doesn’t this seem stupid?” He asked being reminded of when he was a pup and he would romp with his other litter mates.

“Does it feel stupid while there is an intruder on the pack grounds that is gearing up to attacking you and you aren’t ready for it? Enough liners have crossed onto the territory to fill my need for a lifetime. I tell you what another one crosses andnit with be bot tour position I give and you I kill to free it up.” A small thread of fear struck through Zephyr as Coyoty spoke threatening him. “Now. That’s enough for today I have to go round up the omegas and have a chat with them.” Said the wolf. “Remember what I said Zephyr I won’t hesitate to kill you.” Somehow he knew she wasn’t faking it. For since Brexly had left him he had been trained hard by the large black and red wolf. He couldn’t help but wonder how the alpha would take watching her beat up on him like this but at the same time it seemed like she would be proud of his development. He shook off the woman and stepped out of the clearing opposite of where Coyoty had left to, patrolling the grounds for the fourth time today. It seemed he was more a wolf now than before. He stepped through the pack grounds enjoying the cool breeze taking his summer coat with it. Zephyr grew up in cold weather. Spent years in it and it was beginning to return. Soon enough the snow would start and he would be in heaven. Hidden amongst the white pillows. His ear twitched as he walked around sniffing the ground looking for intruders. He would attack first and ask questions after it Coyoty had anything to do with it.
As for coyoty she trotted into the woods going straight for a waterfall she had found some time ago. She met Jackson here sometimes. Showed him the land she lived on. Of course it was a direct defiant to the rules she had just instilled into the guard but what else was she going to do? In the somehow almost 6 months since she’d changed him he made no direction to wanting to join her pack. she couldn’t keep him a secret for too much longer. She could feel the seasons changing and with that cane her heat which had just begun about three days prior. She was feeling antsy, hot and all she wanted was to have relations with her boytoy she’d turned. It made her feel good to attack Zephyr even it it was to keep her mind off her fiery feelings. She approached the lakeshore with the massive waterfall in a matter of hours since she walked. Once she was there she chang fbinto he human form texted Jackson and dove into the Lage for a swim.

The ice cold water met her skin happily. She was glad to accept the stinging feeling that would come after getting out and for now she swam around in the water laying back letting her mind flush to the boy. His gentle lips along hers. His chest. She snapped opened her eyes when a shadow appears but it was just a large bird. Perhaps an eagle or something. Her large ear flipped up and twitched. Her daydream ruined of the boy but hopefully he would be here soon with her message she sent him. He had been so distant since his mother went into the hospital. She prayed for an early recovery but it seemed like that was the least of the woman’s problems.
Axel had done it, he’d found his real father. And on top of that he learned that the man truly loved his mother. He wanted to know who she was. Track her down and find her. It was what he owed to himself. Since joining the pack he had fought off many intruders. His thirst for blood something much stronger than himself. He sat now just outside of camp chewing on a vowel leg. Meat had been pretty scarce as of late. But he still hunted every day. His disdain for ice had grown dramatically since joining. True enough his father had been right. He was eye candy but it wasn’t the type to get his rocks off. He was about to organise a hunting party again even though he was an omega and take the other omegas out and actually show them what it was like to throw their own weight but something was different today.

He didn’t really feel like going anywhere. He wanted to fight something but managed to keep his wants low and his desires below the table. One of these days though he wouldn’t be able to control himself and would kill the man his father enjoyed as a toy. Perhaps maybe at some point his father would recognise his talent and promote him. He probably wouldn’t let anything harm him with his die first philosophy.

Ezra had been wandering past and though various territories for a while- she hadn’t been able to find a pack still, not one that accepted her for her and all her talents. The other packs had seemed to chase her away within an instant. Ezra had been, coincidentally, chased that very moment, having shifted minutes before to escape the dirty pack member that had stalked her a few miles from her current position. So, she stood naked, hair tousled, wild and combed with both the leaves and the wind. The crunch of decaying foliage under her feet made her presence obvious to anyone around, and she couldn’t be bothered to defend herself after hours of running.

Her eyes crossed across the horizon, watching as a wolf tore into some meat. Something about its scent was familiar, but she walked as far around it as she could. It was a big wolf, even for a male and she didn’t really have the energy to fight. Besides, she technically wasn’t on pack territory, but she knew that likely wouldn’t mean she wouldn’t get hunted. There was no way to tiptoe around him, or maybe she could given he was eating....Ezra’s eyes flashed slightly as she steered around the wolf, staring at it to ensure it didn’t attack her at a vulnerable angle. “Look, no need to attack, I’m defenceless, I’m walking by, that’s all,” For some reason, the healing bite mark on her collar bone began to throb. For a moment, she paused, reaching up to stroke the scar with a growl.

“It’s you, you little fucking asshole,” She spat, eyes widened as she turned and pointedly stared at him. “No one will accept me into a pack because of THIS,” her finger viciously prodded herself in the mark, eyes ablaze.

CZDoubleU CZDoubleU

Aria tilted her muzzle towards Matthew. Her eyes locked on his as she puffed her fur out to appear larger than she was and more of a threat to other, passing wolves. “How’re your wounds?” She asked, telepathically, slowly wandering toward him and sniffing the areas his wounds would be in wolf form. If in human form, she would’ve smirked lightly. “God knows you won’t tell me if they don’t feel right. Men, especially wolves, seem to be rather...strange about that..” gently, almost not at all, she lightly lapped at the largest wound that seemed to be at his throat. It was due to a mix of affection and concern.

Turning away, she set her snout to the ground and began walking in a random direction where the nearby scent of elk brushed through her nostrils. “Where is it we are going?” She found herself suddenly questioning, not entirely sure which hunting grounds Matthew wanted to explore. “We should start bringing Fern with us, maybe she’ll be able to shift again, who knows?”

Aria twisted around, nearing the wolf but not getting too close. After all, she was still testing his ability to make a connection without physical affection. Sitting, she allowed her muzzle to part with a yawn. “After this I’ll take Fern for a nap- I’m pretty tired too but the pack needs to eat,” her ears twitched as she momentarily closed her eyes, engulfing herself in the floating scents, attempting to locate possible prey.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Matthew rumbled in his chest as Aria looked at him and then asked how his wounds were. "Healing," he spoke in answer. The cream wolf shook out his pelt as Aria stepped forward and licked at the wound on his throat, amber eyes staring down at her ears as she did so. Mention of his niece caused him to rumble in annoyance. "I happen to like her like she is...but you are probably right. If Yaz shows up and I'm not here, she won't able to run well on two legs. Although it hurts to look at her." She mentioned that she would take Fern for a nap after the'd hunted for the pack, Matthew rumbling in answer but not saying anything. He was still displeased that his Korean cubs had gone off out of the blue but in the month since they'd left, the pack had picked up some pale grayish-brown wolf pup that seemed terrified and confused which had been named Zenith. He left the small being in Ice's care along Sebastian, Fern and his submissive toys that had grown slightly but were still being annoying. The wolf watched her as she turned an began coming closer without getting too close, causing the wolf to announce his displeasure through rumbling growls. "The omegas are doing well...perhaps they've earned promotions after a month...though that son of mine detests the albino beauty...however Ice is useful and knows his place. I'm just sorry I couldn't give him much more information about his mother." ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion


Sebastian's crying for mama in the month following the woman's release from the pack had caused Matthew no end of annoyance and trouble. The alpha had reacted by putting the youngster on quarter rations and choking the child until he'd shut up, irritated all the more by the six-year-old looking lost with the absence of the woman. The youngster had even tried leaving the pack territory to find mama...Matthew had put a stop to that by breaking Sebastian's legs and chaining the youngster up in Angelica's old chains, sealing the youth up in the same cave until he had quit crying for the woman and made no mention of her in anyone's presence. Whenever Sebastian whined or the two submissive toys whined, they were made to run until they collapsed or Matthew allowed them to stop. After Sebastian had made the mistake of accusing Axel of taking mama's place, it had been beaten into the child that Axel was the alpha's son and that if he didn't stop whining over Angelica and trying to sneak out to see her, he would flay the pup alive.

Sebastian was finally allowed out of the cave, his wrists and ankles burned severely with the chains. Something which reflected in his wolf form as the obsidian pup staggered out of one of the ruined homes, given the pack was in the northernmost sector so far of their territory. The wolf turned his head side to side, stumbling down the path with the quarter rations he'd been put on...only Fern got more food than the other four pups of the pack. Stumbling through the autumn-covered landscape, he began making his way down a gravel road of days long past, the pup winching with each step he took. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU
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The wolf snorted and stood to sniff at the girl. His snarling starting immedtely until he smelled her familiar and intoxicating scent. So his biting her did in fact mark her. It was a beautiful mark. He was satisfied with it and took his human form to admire it. “I see,” he smiled and then quickly frowned. “No one would take you? How sad. I’m sorry that I prevented you from being accepted into a pack. That I was not intending to do. Though I would like to blame my father for who I have become no one is to blame for my actions and I am truly sorry.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I am not alpha of this pack. I hear strickt rules and regulations to joining but I may speak to the alpha and see if there might be a place for you within this pack....? How does that sound?” A part of him wanted to take her and finish making her his but he knew of his place within the pack and should he break any rules he was sure he would be sacrificed burned or locked away. His father was truly a piece of work.

He ran his hands through his hair. “On any note how have you been besides that?” He stepped back over the boundaries being careful in case she were to lash at him. He would be able to attack her back and it would be because she stepped over the line. Though a part of him understood that he probably deserved it so he didn’t go too far back over the boundaries. Especially since he smelled the oncoming scent of Sebastian. His worry filled him. The pain he could almost sense even from this fistence. He would have to take the boy to a lake and wash him in the water to elievate his burns. Perhaps he should take her with him.

“Sebastian,” he sounded. “What is it you are out here for? Has your father finally let you go? You do not intend to run off do you?” He questioned turning to the boy as he approached them. He was young. And tortured beyond belief. A sight he had not truly seen since the boy was forced into the cave. It took his breath away. “Ah. Would you like to come to a lake with me? I seem to need to wash the boy of some of his pain, please. For the love of anything do not ask.” He asked the woman as he reached down and picked up the boy.

ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Michi had woken up in a searing pain that month ago, her mind no longer clouded with unconscious thoughts the girl had been held back screaming from all the injuries and newly cut wounds from her reproductive organs being removed. She hadn't taken the miscarriage news well nor that they'd decided to take away her ability to bear children so easily without even asking her first.

It was cold now. It was the first thought that entered Michi's head as she sat outside on the house porch, bare feet gently dipping into the snow and blanket wrapped around her arms, legs in splints and makeshift wheelchair behind herself. Her eyes stared forward with a sort of blankness and coldness never seen before in the previously cheerful girls eyes. The two dominant pups she bore that remained in the house were growing up strong and playfully, even if lonely without any others their age around after the sickness so long ago took out all the others born through Winslow's time.

Michi's legs weren't healing well though made slow progress, her vocal cords were weak however she mostly refused to talk anyway. Her stomach had scarred though the stitches had fallen out and luckily none of her other various wounds had gotten infected.

Holding the hot chocolate in her hands her fingers shook slightly, she'd had a quiver ever since she'd come back. She hadn't lost herself to her wolf side like that time she'd run away since, but maybe that was because the beast knew it couldn't run even if it wanted to. She'd been informed she'd probably never go into heat again. Nor would she ever be able to bear another child. This only aided in her hatred towards Mathew, he'd stolen two of her children, the two submissive that she could only hope were alive. Sanda and Sukudo were indeed still alive, growing up independant and as strong as the submissive could under Phatasm's guard.

Amora had stayed very close to Ash ever since their pups passing, she refused to leave the others side and tried her hardest to comfort her mate even though it showed she to was still clearly hurting, she'd caused no trouble for Haven, simply sitting sadly alongside Ash in her room or going out hunting for her mates meal for hours of the day bringing back very little as the winter arrived. She seemed to have stopped her aggressive outbursts though the wild wolf still showed through clearly. There was no denying that.

(POSTS FOR ALL MY CHARA'S ARE INCLUDED IN THIS) WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys scorpiodragon scorpiodragon Comet Comet CZDoubleU CZDoubleU ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion
"Mathew not papa," said Sebastian stubbornly even if he had dared call Matthew that when mama had been here once, frightening mama as she had shrunk away from him for some reason and then scolded him to high heaven and back for daring mention such a thing. The pup's lower cream legs were the only sign that he was Matthew's cub, both adults having explained that cub was what normal werewolves called those they turned, and his eyes were unique among werewolf kin in that they weren't a true wolf color but something rather odd....mama hadn't understood it. The pup's body slouched as he thought of mama but the thought of Matthew smacking the pup again kept the pup from mentioning mama even though he wanted desperately to do so. "Let out," said Sebastian and it was all he said on the matter as he made his way down to Axel, the pup winching as a phantom pain hit his small body as he lifted his head and stared at Axel who was apparently Matthew's son.

As he approached Axel, he found his nose assaulted by the scent of a foreigner on the territory. The pup was young but both Matthew and mama had told him the dangers of trespassing on another's territory though Matthew had of course gone into excruciating detail on what he would do to do loners that entered his territory, the youngster hadn't been allowed to watch the fight between Matthew and the bad person that had taken mama. Matthew may not allow Sebastian to speak about mama but that didn't mean the pup wouldn't think about her. "Matthew no like," he said as he stared at the female wolf that was on the edge of the territory. Suddenly finding himself picked up, the six-month-old pup winched as a hand turned the burns on his ankles as the pup instinctively tucked his paws up to his body, rumbling in displeasure. "Not run off...hungry," spoke Sebastian, finally answering Axel's other questions. Soon the youth would be too big to carry in wolf form. CZDoubleU CZDoubleU

Council (Klinge-Bill, Sky-David, Adolf-Rome)
The heirs were busy in lessons under their respective Heads of Houses and relatives. For David and Rome it meant focusing on their powers, continuing with French lessons, geography of both France and their respective lands their houses controlled, among other mundane things...both wolves currently taking driving lessons underneath the leadership of the one of the small agents that worked for the council. After putting the two rebellious young men into a car together and somehow flipping and destroying it when goofing off, they had been sentenced on house arrest and were now taught driving separately. For Bill it meant lessons in French, Russian, geography of Russia, geography of France as they lived within France, swimming lessons which were continued within a pool, trying to get the Cohen Heir to find his power, building up his stamina and endurance, basic fighting and hunting skills, horseback riding, dancing lessons, fencing, etiquette lessons at the insistence of Babushka-that was the Russian word for grandmother according to Dedushka, learning to take care of the birds in the watch tower, and that pretty much consisted of everything though for some reason Latin was being added onto the youngster's language lessons now that he has a basic understanding of Russian, French and of course knew English.

The three heirs to Cohen, Haven and Marshadow were currently playing a game of checkers, or at least David and Rome were, Bill was currently pacing up and down before the two adult wolves, wondering if mama had gotten his present yet for the siblings along with his note that Kling had looked over and allowed the youngster to send out. Babushka hadn't been happy about him sending out a present to mama but Dedushka had just dropped the woman off the cliff into the ocean again and taken his crying heir to the post office to mail the package out from France. As neither of his grandparents or Bill knew how many siblings mama was having, they had sent her some baby blankets and talismans for his sibling or siblings and scented candles as Bill had told Klinge mama liked them and they helped her relax. Of course a letter had been sent, carefully monitored by both his grandparents, but he had been allowed to send everything off.

As for the three council members currently at headquarters, Andrew had mysteriously gone missing, the Ross Head not saying anything concerning where he was going and Amelia too had disappeared with no trace of her, both wolves have vanishing a moon ago. As they were about to find out, Amelia wouldn't be returning to the council alive and Andrew would continue to remain missing. Sky kept in touch with Miley, rather surprised the woman had been banished from Haven and rather pissed off at the Glaswin heiress but with breeding season on the horizon, the woman had been told to breed with a pureblood and produce a heir to the Glaswin line in nine months that would end up being surrendered or taken from her if she refused to give it up to take over the Glaswin seat and trained alongside her grandson. Adolf had laughed when he'd heard Miley had been kicked out of Haven and promoted an argument between the Haven and Marshadow adults, causing Klinge to have to step in and scold both for setting a bad example for the young heirs.

As it was, Amelia's body had been left lying on the path leading up to the council headquarters, a passing wolf coming back to the large and sprawling estate nearly stumbled over the body of the Altman council heiress, the wolf releasing a shout which was unheard and raced into the council's main room, not bothering to knock on the doors as he entered where the council members were going over a map of the packs and discussing what was to be done about the mess in Clover Hills. "Perhaps we need to instruct Miley to take over this Kagore offshot of Winslow," said Adolf as he looked over the little geographic region of the Montana map. "What are the chances of her getting accepted back into the pack now that she's been found out as a Glaswin?"

Sky observed the map. " daughter is somewhat stubborn. We would need to put in an agent into this other pack that's also an offshot of Winslow as well if we were going to take it over. Perhaps Tobias...."

"Amelia said Tobias wants nothing to do with the council and won't obey us," said Adolf.

Klinge was silently looking over the map, not saying anything. However, the old male looked up as the doors were thrust open. "What is the meaning of interrupting us?" he questioned.

"Vox nihili," spoke the small pureblood in high-pitched voice.

The phrase, although not having much meaning, gave rise to concern for the three council members...Adolf and Sky stopping their discussion and looking at each other. Literally meaning "the voice of nothing" in Latin, it was only really used among the council when something bad or terrible had happened.

"Ubi est qui condemnet? Where is the trouble?" questioned Adolf back in Latin.

"Heres iacet omni modo latuit sacramentum. The heiress lies in the throes," spoke the pureblood.

"Amelia?!" The word was uttered from Klinge, sharp and bitter on his tongue and causing the younger council members to look to their respected and temporary leader. The old wolf retrieved his cane and began limping out of the meeting room, Adolf and Sky ordering the wolf out of the room and to direct them towards where Klinge suspected Amelia was. The three council members didn't take notice of their three heirs making their way to the door and following their heads of houses through the corridors until they reached the grounds outside, all six following the wolf that led them to a horrible sight, BIll rushing forward only to be caught by David who held the child back as he gasped at seeing the body the nice lady with the pretty fire. "Go inside!" snapped Klinge to the heirs as he turned his head to see his heir outside and they quickly scurried back indoors, the old wolf advancing towards Amelia before painfully kneeling before her and looking over her body, his eyes meeting her own glazed ones, devoid of life. "What did this?" he questioned.

Sky and Adolf were silent as they gazed upon the torn body of the Altman Seat. With Andrew gone, Miley in Clover Hills and the other families extinct, they were the last of the council which did not brood well for them or their way of life. For once, the two did not argue as they stared silently at Klinge crouched by Amelia's body, watching the old male brush the woman's hair from her face and close her eyes. "No idea sir," spoke the wolf who had alerted them to the discovery. "I just stumbled upon her but it looks like she was torn apart."

"I can see that," Klinge said in a hard tone that dripped with ice. "My sight hasn't failed me despite my advanced age." There were at least two scents on the female though he couldn't place them...but the scents did smell ominous which made the hair on the back of his neck stand up. Holding his cane upright with one hand, the Cohen Head of House frowned as he attempted to decipher the scents upon the woman before standing sharply, causing Adolf and Sky to step back as the winds began picking up...

"Audemus jura nostra defendere," Klinge spoke as he gazed upon the woman, checking for a pulse but already knowing by her wounds that she was dead and possibly had been dead for some time. Turning to his fellow council members, Klinge's eyes were hard as ice yet smoldering with fire. "We have been betrayed," he spoke in a cold voice that sent chills down the spines of the other pair of council members. Adolf and Sky remained silent, staying away from Klinge as the weather suddenly turned for the worse across Europe, the ocean around the coast of France churning and roiling as ships were tossed about within the sudden influx of storms that sprang up out of nowhere. They stared at Klinge, his words echoing within their ears. But they knew the power of the Cohen House, the power that they had once held within the Soviet Union and across most of Asia. The Cohen power hadn't been released for see it now...they were both reminded why the Cohen House was once as dangerous as the Altman and Ross Houses. "Build Amelia a pyre and give her a funeral fit for a queen. It seems I must pen another letter to a pureblood...Tobias will need to produce a heir now for sure. We cannot have another house go extinct," he growled before disappearing into the estate upon standing and striding from Amelia's body, the storm continuing and would unknowingly last a few weeks across Europe. It seemed the three heirs training would need to be increased and the Marshadow and Haven Heirs would need to find mates and produce young quickly.

Klinge disappeared into his room, any caught in his path being blasted away from the old wolf as if the winds of the heavens were at his beck and call. When he was in his room, only then did the storm abate above the estate, the rest of Europe wasn't so lucky as trees were uprooted from the ground, power lines went down and knocked power out of thousands of homes, creating a crisis across Europe, the earth rumbled and cracked open. That was Kingle's power...power over the weather itself whereas Riley had power over storms. One might think by the Cohen Head's actions and power being unleashed once more upon the world, that the deceased heiress and the Cohen Head had feelings for each other or were in a relationship. That wasn't it at all. Klinge respected the Altman House and had been on good terms with Amelia, the elder wolf respecting her opinions and appreciating her help with Bill when he'd arrived as well as developing a mutual friendship.

Penning a letter to the last of the Altman bloodline, Klinge worked on his breathing, creating a clear path from France to Montana. Whistling, he summoned the council's fastest bird they had who appeared within the open window of his room and perched upon the windowsill, waiting for the letter to be placed in the cylinder on its back. The letter was as follows:

Young Altman,

It grieves me to inform you that you are now the last of your House and bloodline. Amelia was found deceased this morning, November 1, 2018, by one of ours. I realize your relationship is strained some with your sister and not agreeing with our ways but I considered her a friend and thus I am informing you for her sake of her passing. It is your duty now to ensure your house does not go extinct. The details of her demise, I will not pen here but she will be given a funeral fit for kings of old.


Klinge of the Council, Cohen Head

Audemus jura nostra defendere

Rolling the letter up into a scroll, he sealed it with his house symbol, pressing his ring into the red wax before waiting for it to dry, then tying it up with a black ribbon. Standing, he made his way towards the bird and leaned forward to slip the scroll into the animal's cylinder before closing it and staring at the bird. "Fly fast and swift on the winds," said Klinge, the golden eagle bowing his head and allowing Klinge to shove the bird out the window before taking off. It should reach the shores of America by November 4th at the latest and then a straight flight to Montana. Closing the window, Klinge headed towards his heir's room, Adolf and Sky directing a funeral pyre to be built.

"Dedushka? Chto sluchilos' s dedushkoy? Grandfather? What's wrong grandfather?" questioned Bill as Klinge walked into his room, David excusing himself where he'd been watching the youngster heading out to help his mother.

" remember the pretty lady with the blue fire yes?"

"Yes Dedushka. What is wrong with her?"

"The council has been betrayed," said Klinge. "And I believe now is the time you learn about our reason for existing and the history of Cohen House. Do you see the storm outside young one?"

Bill turned to look at the window of his room where he could see the storm raging outside that hadn't been there before. "Yes?" he questioned.

"Your father was gifted with the ability of storm manipulation, that was that he could summon storms and control them. Along with that came limited control over electricity or rather the ability to harness lightning to his bidding from anywhere within the world and turn into storms themselves known as storm mimicry. My power, on the other hand is this," and he waved a hand towards the window, "weather manipulation, the ability to control, create, manipulate and shape weather in all its natural forms, to negate its effects, sense it and communicate with it, summon lightning which your father got from myself and some electricity manipulation over lightning at least. I've kept my power closed off for tends to get a bit haywire and do things it shouldn't do when it's released such as making the ground split open and create endless storms that have no end...the only thing I can't do is turn into storms like your father could. But as for our history, that is a long one...but our house is...was once the most powerful house of Asia and Russia..the Soviet Union. We watch over and control the packs and their lands of Russia and some of its former states...which you will take over," said Klinge. "Strictly speaking, Cohen House has secrets but we're a house of warriors, assassins and mercenaries."

"What mer-sin-air-ee?"

"Muh-ser-ner-ee," corrected Klinge. "Professional soldiers hired by foreign armies or people only interested in making money at the expense of ethics...we've always preferred the first definition," he said. "We have a bloody history but something these young whelps have forgotten is something only a Cohen knows, passed down through the years from generation to generation."

His grandson looked at him with bright eyes, snuggling closer to his grandfather's comforting embrace...only for the door to his room to open and both elder and youth to turn and look at a sheepish Rome. "Uh...hi?"

Klinge lifted a hand and sent out a shot of lightning from his hand, sending the Marshadow heir into the opposite wall which rendered him unconscious as he hit it. "One thing that has been forgotten about us is we used to be called Primeval Plague...though I hope my hand is not forced in this..."


"Another history lesson for another time," said Klinge. "Come. We'll see how the funeral preparations are going on, make sure Adolf and your grandmother haven't killed each other in my absence." The old wolf rose to his feet after Bill stood and walked with his grandfather outside into the storm...a couple guards carrying Rome to his room. I had hoped his innocence would last seems that is not the case, he thought to himself.
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Aria looked over at Matthew with a frown- at least his wounds seemed to be improving, and there weren’t any obvious signs of infection during her visual inspection of them. “Zero is doing a good job,” she stated, clearly appreciative that the wolf was tending to the alpha well and properly. Upon him shaking his fur, she felt her nose pinch, a little fur tickling her muzzle. Shaking the feeling away, ears pointed in a dominant fashion to show any nearby wolves that she’d be a tough fighter or wasn’t an easy target at least. Coming close to heat meant she had to be very wary and careful of such things, especially within the pack. Her mind fluttered back to her first moment of heat, where both Jasper and even Ice tried their luck despite her trying to fight back. Then again, Male wolves all seemed intoxicated with the idea come heating season. It was a natural thing as the wolf mind took over. “Hurts to look at her?” Aria suddenly spoke, ripping through her thoughts and into reality. Her question was followed by a look of utmost confusion, trying to recollect the words the alpha had previously said before she’d blurred out. Did he mean the fact that she looked so much like his little sister? Her mind couldn’t correlate ideas with his words, and would just have to await his reply. “But I agree.” ‘For once,’ she thought to herself. The two wolves, despite being rather close, had very different opinions regarding the treatment of others. “Fern probably already knows how to hunt in wolf form, right? After all, you said you found her in the mountains days away from the location you found her basket. Maybe we shouldn’t bring her with us....preserve her innocence for as long as you can because she’ll be grown up before you know it and will have to witness the pain of the others in this pack,”

Aria felt her lips curl upwards at his grumpy noises, and she stubbornly took a step backwards. Was he pissed that she was too close or not close enough? Her eyes snapped in his direction, almost daringly. “Why are you so displeased?” Questioning him, she stood up and shook her coat, allowing her fur to puff out around her again. Strutting past him, she stuck her muzzle to the ground again, luckily not able to smell any loners in that segment of hunting ground, far away from territory. “The omegas are doing well,” She retorted, not turning to look at him as she spoke, eyes fixated on the faraway herd in the distance. “But, Sebastian is not.” This time, she head snapped to look in his direction. “He is a child, and I’ll be damned to see you treat him so awfully. I like you, Matt, but it’s not fair,” It was clear from the way that she spoke that she was not afraid of Matthew, much like the others were, but she still didn’t want to challenge his authority too extremely. ”As for your son, he’d make a good warrior. Perhaps one even better than his father,” Aria teased with a sly grin, brushing her shoulders up against his and sitting with her head under his. “Is it that you can’t or won’t tell him about his mother?” She asked.

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Viserys headed back to the house. Her long and wildly curly hair unruly even for this time of day. As she made it back to the house she caught a certain mitchi up and drinking what looked to be cocoa. The girl offered the younger female a smile. “Hiya there sweetie, how you feeling?” She asked. Since the operation on the girl she had successfully prevented her from ever having children. Though she had done it for medical reasonings she had not the heart to tell the girl. She ended up finding out in her own but she still felt guilt for doing what she had without consulting the girl first. It was for her own good. That much she knew however.

“Don’t resent the alpha for what has occurred to you. He threatened the lot of us with death should you pass. The operation was purely out of my professional opinion and needed to occur. Your injuries were too severe and I don’t suggest you have children again. Now. Do you have any pain anywhere? I may grab your pain meds also. May I examine you and how you are getting along walking and everything today?” She needed to write up a report on how she was recovering. She was nothing if not organised. Maybe she would leave the pack and presume a medical career helping animals perhaps if she desired. Maybe she would speak to the alpha about studying for this trade. Finding a good school was easy and would give her a well-deserved break from the group.
Cosmos Cosmos
Alistair had kept mostly to himself over the past month, chasing off and killing loners and scavenging for food with the herds having left the area which was brought back to the pack. The only loner he couldn't touch on Gabriel's orders was the loner Amora though he often watched as she went on hunts, making sure she didn't take any food for herself. With winter approaching, the warrior had also gotten a night job as an office clerk, both for spending money and to help with food for the pack with the alpha and their only hunter being out of commission with the birth of their respective young. At the moment the wolf was attempting to hunt for food though it was a near impossible task with small prey bolting and being easy to escape into holes while there were only a few herds of deer scattered around and they tended to sometimes cross the border into that Kagore pack across the river. But at least the pack didn't have to worry about competition from Kagore wolves on their territory, just the occasional loner that was also looking for food.

Alistair wasn't really sure what to think about the beta female of the pack. She went off a lot and seemed to be hiding something but Alistair couldn't put a paw on what it could be. He knew the female worked in town, having seen her around once or twice, but what else she did in town was a mystery to the warrior. She often tussled around with Zephyr as well lately he noticed, having stumbled upon such a fight during a walk around the territory. The wolf ignored it, planning on enjoying the day off from work tonight by getting a full night's rest with any luck, assuming crying infants didn't wake the slumbering wolf at all as they had done the past week and a half. He could not really say whether it had made Astiel grow up or not with having children to care for but he hadn't really talked to Astiel or Eliza for that matter, other than to bring the nursing mothers what little food he found to feed them first.

Synthania had remained within her den as long as possible, only to return one day after hunting and find her youngest pup gone from the den. The pups were now a moon old and walking around though no idea if Zenith was still alive. She had detected man around the den and tried tracking it, only for the scent to end at the river further downstream before losing it. Zenith was in fact alive, he was living in Phantasm now with no memories of his mother and older siblings but the mother wolf didn't know that. It was for this reason that Synthania had woken and was preparing to take her pups back to Kagore. She was a bit disappointed yet happy that Veridius seemed to have left like he wanted. Hopefully he found happiness somewhere else. Calling for Brier and Finarel, she made sure the pups were underneath her for protection and began heading back to Kagore, each step slow for the pups to keep up and because she wasn't sure she was doing the right thing by returning to the pack, not knowing of the issues they were facing or that the alpha female had disappered.

Zenith was quiet as he hunted around the ruins for any herbs that survived or even grew around here. There weren't a lot but the few he did see he was surprised about. That didn't mean the Knowledge Keeper didn't plan on investigating the other areas of the territory to see about other herbs. He wanted to collect some willow bark down by the river before the winter hit and perhaps some birch bark and juniper berries as well. Going into town with money the alpha had given him had been useful, he had bought a few more blankets for the pack, some clothing for Sebastian and Fern as well as a few new outfits for himself and a bag that he used just for herbs along with healing supplies. Being the pack's only medic, Zero was constantly busy, especially with the alpha's injuries slowly healing. He was not looking forward to the upcoming heat season when Aria would be in heat...with two female for six males, not counting the pups in this, there was bound to be quite a bit of fighting over who got to successfully breed the sole huntress and omega female.

Zenith was hungry and still recovering from the nasty fall that had brought him to the pack he was a part of, the pup now a month old like his siblings. His fur was a palish brown-gray color with gold eyes though as he grew his fur would darken into a blue-gray color as he aged. A noticeable thing about the pup was that, besides being a runt and no parent coming to look for him, the pup seemed to be a sickly little fellow. The only thing the pack knew was the pup's name, Zenith Seaver, which had been carved into the back of a wooden pendant with triple moons on it that his mother had unknowingly carved for him. It hung on a silver chain around the pup's neck. He found himself within a building, the youngster learning the hard way to eat meat without a nursing wolf around to feed the pup or his own mother, whoever she might end up being. However, Zenith felt no attachments to anyone except Phantasm for allowing him in, the pup sometimes following Zero around when he could or Ice, the only two the pup seemed to really not be entirely skittish of. It was obvious he was a submissive by the way he behaved, however like Ice he was a straight submissive though of course the pup didn't know such things.

The wolf snorted and stood to sniff at the girl. His snarling starting immedtely until he smelled her familiar and intoxicating scent. So his biting her did in fact mark her. It was a beautiful mark. He was satisfied with it and took his human form to admire it. “I see,” he smiled and then quickly frowned. “No one would take you? How sad. I’m sorry that I prevented you from being accepted into a pack. That I was not intending to do. Though I would like to blame my father for who I have become no one is to blame for my actions and I am truly sorry.” He took her hand and kissed it. “I am not alpha of this pack. I hear strickt rules and regulations to joining but I may speak to the alpha and see if there might be a place for you within this pack....? How does that sound?” A part of him wanted to take her and finish making her his but he knew of his place within the pack and should he break any rules he was sure he would be sacrificed burned or locked away. His father was truly a piece of work.

He ran his hands through his hair. “On any note how have you been besides that?” He stepped back over the boundaries being careful in case she were to lash at him. He would be able to attack her back and it would be because she stepped over the line. Though a part of him understood that he probably deserved it so he didn’t go too far back over the boundaries. Especially since he smelled the oncoming scent of Sebastian. His worry filled him. The pain he could almost sense even from this fistence. He would have to take the boy to a lake and wash him in the water to elievate his burns. Perhaps he should take her with him.

“Sebastian,” he sounded. “What is it you are out here for? Has your father finally let you go? You do not intend to run off do you?” He questioned turning to the boy as he approached them. He was young. And tortured beyond belief. A sight he had not truly seen since the boy was forced into the cave. It took his breath away. “Ah. Would you like to come to a lake with me? I seem to need to wash the boy of some of his pain, please. For the love of anything do not ask.” He asked the woman as he reached down and picked up the boy.

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The young woman stared at the man with squinted eyes as he growled at her, her face clearly irritable with the fact that he was attempting to scare her. She took a deep breath in, allowing her canines to push through for a moment. Plump lips curled up to reveal her extraordinarily sharp canines in threat before she pursed her lips. It seemed that he only had to take a single breath to recognise her and stop his own threats altogether, because it had seemed that he immediately shifted, causing her to plant her feet firmly into the shrubs. “You see?” She questioned, face contorting into an angered frown. “I’m only not fighting you because I’ve been chased for miles and haven’t eaten in days. You better believe I’d have knocked you out had I any energy,” Fire seemed to glow within the depths of her dark green eyes, speckled with pieces of gold-like colouring. Her fingers absentmindedly played with the blue crescent that was so dark it was almost black on her collarbone as he spoke. Something about him seemed so genuine, but after he attacked her last time, she didn’t feel as if she could trust him or his words. “No one,” she nodded, repeating herself, eyes piercing through his. “I’ve been attacked various times just because other packs feel as if I’m a liability as some Male has bitten me And could then cause problems if he came back. So yes, it’s entirely your fault,” Ezra spat, cheeks flushing red as the male showed her affection and kissed her hand. As soon as it registered in her mind, she snatched her hand away, letting it fall by her side limply. At his offer, she fell quiet, looking at the place on her hand that he had kissed. It still felt like his hand should be holding hers, but she ignored the feeling and instead glared at the ground in thought. “Loners don’t belong in a pack like this,” She found herself mumbling. “I’ve seen them wounded and scattered half dead after nearing this territory. It’s enough to say I’m not welcome here,” combing a hand through her hair, she shook her head. “So despite wanting to be in a pack, it doesn’t sound that good,” Ezra added, being cautious to stay as far away from the Male as she could.

“How have I been?” The female asked, face plastered with a strange confusion. Did he really mean that or was he trying to be nice to lure her in? Ezra couldn’t decide as she looked back at him, ignoring the fact that both didn’t have any clothes after shifting. “I haven’t really been. I’ve been surviving,” Shrugging, she turned her head towards the oncoming scent of a puppy, and a wounded one at that. Her eyes traced over the child with sympathy, though not surprised that a pack containing ex-Winslow members were torturing their young. Her furiousness about the situation was blatant on her face. “I’d be sick to join this pack.” Ezra mumbled, unable to tear her gaze away from the youngster who apparently didn’t think she’d even be accepted in. Children spoke the truth and it would be naive to think that such a ruthless pack would accept her with open arms. “Join you?” She found herself scoffing, crossing her arms across her chest. “You are perfectly capable of defending yourself and this kid, I have no obligation to follow you,” Turning on her heel, she began to walk away, scratching the back of her head. It would be dangerous to turn from an enemy, but she doubted he’d attack her.

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Jackson Northwood

The male had been a wolf for roughly six months and since learning the ways of his new life from Coyoty he had relished in the new found strength it brought him as well as among others things.
His mother had been slowly getting on the mend thanks to her realization of what she was doing to herself and Jackson and of course the medicine he had been provided by his mate or whatever she was to him.
They met every so often amidst a clearing which as he understood was against the rules but seeing her was always a great reprieve from the troubles of his life.
Lately though he could sense her changing... Agitation and her scent.
It was more intoxicating than usual as of late.
The school bell rang and he was released for the fall break.
He couldnt believe tat this chapter of his life was almost over, he was not going to be a young man anymore soon he would be a self functioning adult.
Jackson raced from the school grounds to the clearing his eyes brighter than usual. Today he planned to meet with Coyoty and to finally be with her and hopefully upon acceptance her pack.
He was tired of running around and hiding what they were he only hoped she felt the same...
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Tobias Altman

"Oh no don't put that on me, You know i am not good with stuff like that...whatever you decide im sure the readers will love"
Tobias answered as he entered the room and kissed his woman atop her head smiling at the remainder of her statement of her progress as of late as well as the children staying quiet.
"I think im am getting better at this...either that or they are going easy on me"
He commented scanning over the triplets as he did so.
Life had been good, his pack duties had resumed , Angelica had mended and bounced back, Gabriel was no longer bothered by their being here and their contributions were obviously a help to the pack and the pups which was needed as the next heat would be coming soon.
Only one thing bothered the male and that was that he had yet to receive a letter of correspondence from his sister in some time.
Although their relationship was never the greatest he did still keep in touch with her...after all family was family.
Little did he know that the letter that was on its way held news of her death and of the responsibility that would now weigh on his shoulders.
A new chapter in his life had begun and the newfound peace would be hard fought to maintain especially with what was to come.
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Andrew Ross

The plane engines whirred down and eventually died out as the cargo plane pulled into the hanger amidst a lone and out of the way airport.
Normally used for rich tourists who would travel to stay in the illustrious cabins of the Montana Mountains resort.
This had been bought out by the pure blood and was now his main headquarters for the time being.
Upon exiting the plane he instructed a few of his house to begin unloading the cargo..
Around thirty lycans rested within the metal connex shipping crates and their only deterrent was the light.
Ross turned to the fresh mountain air and inhaled letting out a delighted sigh.

"How long until Miley is notified?"
"The runner is being sent to her now Alpha"
"Good...Tell her i need to see her as soon as possible, she is pivotal in my entry and eventual assumption of this mating season is soon, and pure blood women are fruitful in this small town"
"As you say...on your leave my Alpha"
Ross waved the lackey off allowing him to leave his presence and accomplish the tasks given.
Andrew was smiling as his new home overlooked the entirety of Clover Hills.
Turning from the view a group of hunters stood formed and awaiting orders.
These men and women although human were trained in many ways of combat specific to dealing with Werewolves.

"Shake things up, Cause Unrest, but dont kill the purebloods..i need them. Oh and if you find Gabriel or Tobias give them my good graces and bring me their heads"
The humans nodded before splitting into teams of four each with their own missions.
Reconnaissance, Hunting, Pureblood Acquisition, and of course Testing the wolves defences for the Lycan hordes that he would soon unleash in time.

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Cosmos Cosmos
WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys


Aria looked over at Matthew with a frown- at least his wounds seemed to be improving, and there weren’t any obvious signs of infection during her visual inspection of them. “Zero is doing a good job,” she stated, clearly appreciative that the wolf was tending to the alpha well and properly. Upon him shaking his fur, she felt her nose pinch, a little fur tickling her muzzle. Shaking the feeling away, ears pointed in a dominant fashion to show any nearby wolves that she’d be a tough fighter or wasn’t an easy target at least. Coming close to heat meant she had to be very wary and careful of such things, especially within the pack. Her mind fluttered back to her first moment of heat, where both Jasper and even Ice tried their luck despite her trying to fight back. Then again, Male wolves all seemed intoxicated with the idea come heating season. It was a natural thing as the wolf mind took over. “Hurts to look at her?” Aria suddenly spoke, ripping through her thoughts and into reality. Her question was followed by a look of utmost confusion, trying to recollect the words the alpha had previously said before she’d blurred out. Did he mean the fact that she looked so much like his little sister? Her mind couldn’t correlate ideas with his words, and would just have to await his reply. “But I agree.” ‘For once,’ she thought to herself. The two wolves, despite being rather close, had very different opinions regarding the treatment of others. “Fern probably already knows how to hunt in wolf form, right? After all, you said you found her in the mountains days away from the location you found her basket. Maybe we shouldn’t bring her with us....preserve her innocence for as long as you can because she’ll be grown up before you know it and will have to witness the pain of the others in this pack,”

Aria felt her lips curl upwards at his grumpy noises, and she stubbornly took a step backwards. Was he pissed that she was too close or not close enough? Her eyes snapped in his direction, almost daringly. “Why are you so displeased?” Questioning him, she stood up and shook her coat, allowing her fur to puff out around her again. Strutting past him, she stuck her muzzle to the ground again, luckily not able to smell any loners in that segment of hunting ground, far away from territory. “The omegas are doing well,” She retorted, not turning to look at him as she spoke, eyes fixated on the faraway herd in the distance. “But, Sebastian is not.” This time, she head snapped to look in his direction. “He is a child, and I’ll be damned to see you treat him so awfully. I like you, Matt, but it’s not fair,” It was clear from the way that she spoke that she was not afraid of Matthew, much like the others were, but she still didn’t want to challenge his authority too extremely. ”As for your son, he’d make a good warrior. Perhaps one even better than his father,” Aria teased with a sly grin, brushing her shoulders up against his and sitting with her head under his. “Is it that you can’t or won’t tell him about his mother?” She asked.

scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Matthew nodded sagely. "Yes, I chose well in making him the Knowledge Keeper," said Matthew. He was pleased that he had made a good choice in the pack's lead medic. Aria got lost in thought for several minutes, allowing Matthew to look around their surroundings, having moved some from the village in order to hunt yet still within Phantasm lands. They were in one of the forests in one of the other sectors of the territory where they'd a better chance of finding food, the wolf turning his head to her as she questioned him on Fern. "She looks so much like her Phyllis will probably inherit Angelica's looks," said Matthew with a shrug. The wolf gave an irritable sigh of annoyance at his latter words. Where his voice held only loss and sorrow for his sister and some fondness for what he'd put the omega through...the tone when mentioning Phyllis was hard to read...indifference...anger...quite honestly he didn't give a damn about the child he had sired with Angelica...Phyllis was a means of torment for her mother and a means to an end. Conversation of Fern caused him to turn his head to her as she asked if Fern knew how to hunt and he shrugged. "Don't know...perhaps she does," he said. "Fern better not grow up too fast, there's no good wolf for her to be with. Though I might kidnap that Levi boy and set them up together...they seem they'd make good partners." Matthew felt no shame in not letting Fern go back to Kagore or not bothering to tell the pup that his little playmate was alive.

Aria then asked why he was rumbling so much, the male stared at her. "Food is scarce and there's a change in the air," said Matthew. The alpha did not elaborate on what he meant, as he wasn't even sure what this would bring, only that he didn't like it. When she commented on the omegas doing well the male snorted in derision before she brought up Sebastian's punishment and how he wasn't doing well at all. "That pup needs to grow up and take a lesson from Fern who doesn't whine about every little thing. How Sebastian is a dominant when he pines after a woman who isn't even his mother is a mystery to me. He'll survive and grow stronger because of the loss...besides, I finally allowed him off his punishment." Axel was then mentioned and the wolf grunted. "Axel's my son and a Hendrix, we have inherited the bloodlust...perhaps that realization of who he is is why he seems to be changing some in personality with his own bloodlust growing stronger than in Winslow. As for his mother...I don't speak of her as I don't know much about her...I left her out of fear of harming her without even realizing she was with Axel. That she would give him up baffles me, she was a kind girl." ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

Angelica & Triplets
Tobias's voice reached her ears as he walked over to her and kissed her head, the woman sitting back on her knees to look at him. "Considering you are the only one to read this, one might think you'd have an opinion on it," said Angelica. "Then also seem to think we're inside when I can feel the cold winds of this...close to wretched season coming up due to the leaves crunching under your feet when you move. But at least I don't have to try walking through mountains again. Maybe Oracle needs to wear dog booties in the snow."

"I am not wearing shoes," growled Oracle, the inner being sounded utterly disgruntled at the suggestion and echoing within both Tobias and Angelica's heads. "Although Two Souls might need two sets of shoes."

In the month since mate and wolf connections had been restored, Oracle had been rather territorial of their shared body and mind, fighting off anyone who entered the forest. Not that anyone entered the forest anymore except for occasional small furballs that were their children and occasionally mate if he wanted to talk to the female or was concerned about the inner being's welfare with the blood rite. Phyllis being the runt of the litter and somewhat sicker than her siblings, caused the wolf to be more protective of than the other two but all three furballs were thriving. The woman's power hadn't been unlocked, even if Oracle had unexpectedly shredded the sickness apart two moons ago, then again that could just be a fluke...Oracle could do anything within their mind. Both beings had worked on building up trust and connection again, though somewhat weak, they had established some of the restored closeness of when Angelica had been picked up by deranged and thankfully dead bitch.

As Tobias commented on the infants going easy on the male or he was getting used to their presence and how to care for them, the woman shrugged. "Or it could be a little of both....Apollo's going to be a trouble maker, I can see it already. Him, Gabriel's kids, Eliza's's a wonder anyone gets sleep in that house." She looked down at the notebook and lay back down on the earth, ignoring the male for the time being while continuing to speak out loud and writing once again. "I'll make mention of it in passing but leave it off until I decide if they will visit it later. Curstag's not totally important to the overall series that I can see yet...maybe if I could see them for myself in person and not just in my head...things would be easier to plan," she said.

Working on the story, the woman went right into chapter three and began working on that before her hand cramped up and she set the pen down before shaking her hand out as she was wont to do when it got tense. Her left hand went to her right as she began massaging the muscle of her palm as her hands began shaking...too much electrical shocks causing the woman's hands to shake and the nerves to be somewhat damaged. Still, she could use them and that was all that mattered to her. She had first noticed it when she had gone outside for the first time since coming back to the pack when she had found a strawberry bush and had filled her shirt with them, starting to walk back when her hands had seized up and she'd dropped the strawberries. Tobias, when she had told him, had been of course upset but it was more at Matthew and again blaming himself for not protecting her whereas she just blamed herself for coming to Montana. She'd managed to keep the male from heading to Phantasm and finishing the job of killing Matthew, apparently he had been critically injured in the fight over her as had Tobias, but it had taken him a while to simmer down, the male going off on his own for a while.

The children were being quiet today and for that she was grateful. Whenever they slept or didn't need the woman's immediate attention she had been reading and rereading constantly over her notes and chapters. At some point during this chapter or after it she would need to plan out possibly the next three chapters, then work from there. "Maybe they're plotting our downfall with Apollo as the mastermind behind the operation...planning on smothering us with their innocence and cuteness in our sleep and then getting the other kids to join in," she said, attempting and failing to keep a straight face as she began laughing. VeiledPariah VeiledPariah


Nikolaus had been working extra shifts at the cafe, enjoying the work. He still checked in with Matthew but his priority was on taking care of his kids. His parents hadn't yet returned from their trip yet but he wasn't too worried, they checked in when they could and were having a blast. Miley...well he wasn't really sure how she was feeling about being kicked out of Haven but she was a good substitute mother to his children. Speaking of, she was currently watching them while he was working an extra shift right now. With no nursing females in Phantasm, he'd been forced to put the pups on puppy formula which had been a hard task with getting them to drink from a bottle but it was the only way to feed them. It wasn't like Miley was pregnant and it would be selfish to get her pregnant just so they could nurse from an actual wolf. Comet Comet
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Matthew nodded sagely. "Yes, I chose well in making him the Knowledge Keeper," said Matthew. He was pleased that he had made a good choice in the pack's lead medic. Aria got lost in thought for several minutes, allowing Matthew to look around their surroundings, having moved some from the village in order to hunt yet still within Phantasm lands. They were in one of the forests in one of the other sectors of the territory where they'd a better chance of finding food, the wolf turning his head to her as she questioned him on Fern. "She looks so much like her Phyllis will probably inherit Angelica's looks," said Matthew with a shrug. The wolf gave an irritable sigh of annoyance at his latter words. Where his voice held only loss and sorrow for his sister and some fondness for what he'd put the omega through...the tone when mentioning Phyllis was hard to read...indifference...anger...quite honestly he didn't give a damn about the child he had sired with Angelica...Phyllis was a means of torment for her mother and a means to an end. Conversation of Fern caused him to turn his head to her as she asked if Fern knew how to hunt and he shrugged. "Don't know...perhaps she does," he said. "Fern better not grow up too fast, there's no good wolf for her to be with. Though I might kidnap that Levi boy and set them up together...they seem they'd make good partners." Matthew felt no shame in not letting Fern go back to Kagore or not bothering to tell the pup that his little playmate was alive.

Aria then asked why he was rumbling so much, the male stared at her. "Food is scarce and there's a change in the air," said Matthew. The alpha did not elaborate on what he meant, as he wasn't even sure what this would bring, only that he didn't like it. When she commented on the omegas doing well the male snorted in derision before she brought up Sebastian's punishment and how he wasn't doing well at all. "That pup needs to grow up and take a lesson from Fern who doesn't whine about every little thing. How Sebastian is a dominant when he pines after a woman who isn't even his mother is a mystery to me. He'll survive and grow stronger because of the loss...besides, I finally allowed him off his punishment." Axel was then mentioned and the wolf grunted. "Axel's my son and a Hendrix, we have inherited the bloodlust...perhaps that realization of who he is is why he seems to be changing some in personality with his own bloodlust growing stronger than in Winslow. As for his mother...I don't speak of her as I don't know much about her...I left her out of fear of harming her without even realizing she was with Axel. That she would give him up baffles me, she was a kind girl." @SpiritualShrub


Aria never knew what to say whenever Matthew brought up Angelica into the conversation. He seemed obsessed with the woman, and it somehow crushed her a little knowing he still thought often about the woman he supposedly hated. Her eyes rolled around, avoiding his gaze and looking at him. Something about the tone in his voice whether it was when he was talking about Angelica or his sister didn’t really matter as it seemed subtly sad. It was clear he missed both- Aria felt sorry for him in knowing his sister had died and he inevitably would feel sad. She didn’t feel at all sympathetic regarding Angelica. The woman suffered at the hands of Matthew and made her hatred obvious towards him, yet he still missed her? Aria scoffed and began walking forwards, slyly edging through the long grass and closer to prey. She grinned at Matthew’s words about Fern, muzzle turning into his direction. “It’s sweet that you care for Fern at least,” Had Matthew been more than a metre away, itd be likely he’d only see her ears from above the massive mounds of grass. “But you should let her decide who she wants to be with when she’s older. Besides, that’s too far away to think about, alpha.” Her paws brushed the dirt, seeing deep deer hoof marks imprinted. “I’m sure fate will choose well for her,” She mumbled, face turning out towards Matthew once more. Aria desperately wanted to be close to the wolf, but she wasn’t certain that he even cared for her yet, and so kept her distance until he proved that he did at least have some feelings towards her. Playing hard to get seemed the best option for both parties at that point.

At his words, Aria felt herself lost for them. As he mentioned a change in air, she could’ve sworn he meant the upcoming heat season for the females of the pack. “We might have to take know, so the wolves don’t go crazy.” Brushing her tail through the foliage so she could see him now, eyes warmed. “Lock the females up...away from the males and the pups perhaps. I, for one, do not want pups myself yet, though I am not sure how the others feel but only being a hunter my opinion as such doesn’t really matter,” Had she accepted Matthew’s earlier offer, perhaps she wouldn’t have to be locked up. But she didn’t want him to think she’d be so easy to have as a mate. Aria wanted to know that they were perfectly compatible and not just because she was the easiest person to become paired with during a given time. She was quick to snap out of her thoughts. “As you said, food is scarce, so I suppose we must begin our hunt sooner,”

“Sebastian is just that: a pup. You shouldn’t punish him so. You shouldn’t punish any of our wolves in such a way unless they’ve betrayed the pack greatly. I know you want the wolves to fear you but they’re dropping out of Phantasm like flies- I don’t think it’s a coincidence.” Mentally bracing herself for being rude and trying to inform the alpha of what to do, but she simply didn’t think it was right. “He will grow further away from you is all he will do,” she spoke in reply, sighing and shaking her pelt.

Aria nuzzled against Matthew as he spoke of his son. Only with him did she feel truly protected. “You’ve given him such a low position. I like that you haven’t been bias in the matter, it’s very....well, it’s what a good alpha would do,” her eyes floated to his gently as he spoke, noting that he’d probably be upset over his previous love. “Perhaps she hadn’t a choice in the matter. I hate to say it, but maybe she died?” sympathy filled her body as she shifted her eyes back to her paws, brushing the dusty mud. “And if that’s the case, I’m sorry that you lost your one love,”
Matthew huffed. "Whoever wants to be mates with my moonbeam squeaky needs to prove their worth and realize she's an alpha in her own right, should she choose to go back to Quake and take her birthright back...assuming Yaz is dead by then and that will involve another murder....but one I won't really regret. I lose her and I lose everything I've ever cared for since our parents want nothing to do with us and Rigel...I don't know about our younger brother. Fate had better...or maybe I'll find a way to kill Fate as well if such a thing were possible." Matthew would kill anyone who dared harm a hair on his niece's head, his claws gouging into the earth at the thought. Yes, he'd even attack his pack or his son if that should happen. As she looked away when he mentioned a change in air, for once the male guessed right what she was thinking. "It is not the heat season that I am talking about," he rumbled coldly. He remained silent until Aria mentioned about the hunt and he nodded his head, staring at her ears poking out of the tall grasses. They hadn't yet died, these tall grasses, and would provide the cover needed until the first or second frost killed them off.

"I don't tolerate breeding with pups...I'm a bastard but...that's just disturbing," and he didn't elaborate. He had no qualms with torturing pups should they get out of line and already locked them up during the full moons...locking them up during breeding season might prove useful as well. "Very and Marie will be in charge of the pups then come breeding season," he said. As Aria came closer to him, he could see the disdain in her eyes when Angelica's name was brought up earlier...and he knew she was somewhat confused and upset about him not liking his own daughter...when he obviously cared for and spoiled his niece as best he could, even loving her mother and missing her. The wolf's tail flickered behind him as she spoke of his son whom she seemed to be quick to accepting, most of the others were scared of the boy when they found out who his father was, the male listening as she spoke of him not playing favorites with his son. "Fern will have to work for her place in the pack same as everyone else...starting out as omega then being promoted to what suits her...I already know she won't be an omega unless she becomes lame...maybe not a medic either. My bet is a Sentinel."

The female looked into his eyes and he rumbled at her. "At least most of my wolves are loyal...Niko and Caspian report there's problems in Kagore," he said with a smug tone entering his mental voice. Though he was pissed about not being able to take over Winslow, the wolf was amused to hear the bitchy upstart alpha female had abandoned that Styx brute and wasn't proving to be worthy of being an alpha. He loved having spies in other packs...especially ones he knew were family...well most family...Yaz being the exception. She spoke then of Axel's mother again...and put her head under his chin. What was it with her and Axel's mother? Was she jealous? If so it was amusing but as she spoke about the possiblity of Axel's mother maybe not having a choice to give him or might be dead, he stepped back from her and began heading through the grass. "It's a possibility..." he said. "Come on, may as well kill something and do some good for the pack...and as for Sachi and my Korean cubs and that other omega Fiona or whatever her name was...they obviously don't care to be protected." ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion

A mail truck turned into the driveway and came to a stop, the alpha female rising to her feet as there was the sound of a door slamming and the human male nodded a greeting to her which she returned as Gabriel watched. Who the heck had ordered something in the mail? The mail carrier went to the back of the truck and opened it, soon coming towards her with a package in his hands. "Afternoon," spoke the human.

Gabriel nodded but didn't say anything, that didn't wipe the smile off the human's face. "Got a package here for Gabriel Haven..."

Gabriel's eyes narrowed. Who would be sending her a package? David? Her mother most defintley not. Maybe father or her other brothers? "I am Gabriel Haven," she said.

"If you could sign here on the dotted line please madame, I'll be leaving the package with you." She nodded and took the clipboard and a pen, signing her name quickly and handing both items back before bidding the man a good day. She did not however look down at the package until the man had shut the back of his mail truck, gotten in the vehicle and driven off back towards Clover Hils...even if he wanted to, there was no bridge across the river for miles...and she had heard in town that humans still feared the forest and the river crossing...all thanks to that pathetic pack of mutts across the way.

"Now...who could this be from and where do you come from?" Gabriel questioned as picked up the package and carried it to the table she tended to sit at when outside, the woman shifting a nail into a claw and beginning to cut through the tape. Comet Comet
Michi had continued to sit on the step staring out distantly before her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of the female healer. She knew she was the one to do the operation, she'd found out from Artemis shortly after, she didn't reply to the other when she asked how she was feeling, simply turning her head to look away a little and down at the hot cocoa instead.

As the other mentioned not resenting the alpha her fingers tightened on the glass until her fingertips turned a light shade of white, her alpha? this woman thought she blamed Styx for what happened? She knew his side, Styx would never want something like this. 'professional opinion' what gave her the right to take her ability to bear children away like that as though it were nothing? what gave her that right to make a judgement over her entire future so easily? Contuing on to ask about her walking and her injuries she snickered quietly under her breath, nails elongating as canines sharpened in her mouth, anger boiling under her skin though not transforming any further, her body still refused to do so.

"I-…. don't…. bl-…. blame…. alpha-" she stuttered out through her small and raspy whispers from her still weak and torn at vocal cords.

"I…. blame-….. you for…. t-taking…. it-…. away…. y-you…. had- n-no…. right…." she continued to stutter tearing up a little as she pulled her lips up in a grimace, her legs as previously stated were barely making any progress, she still couldn't walk or even stand properly on her own and required assistance or the wheelchair on the porch beside her stolen from town by their alpha. Her stomach still throbbed and ached regularity, clearly shown by a forearm wrapping lightly around it. She was so weak most other packs would've left her out to perish in the snow.

Though one thing few wolves could scent on Michi or even realise due to tainting ro the smell of the rest of the pack was her pureblood heritage, she was in fact of such a line though as orphaned and abandoned she had no idea herself, a disgraced and hunted down family having tried to give her the best chance to survive.

CZDoubleU CZDoubleU scorpiodragon scorpiodragon ElectricDandellion ElectricDandellion WolfOfProphecys WolfOfProphecys
Zayne was very protective over his pups. He didn't want them to leave his site, none of them. He was glad that most of his children were boys, he would have a lot in common with them and do boy stuff. He was very excited to have a girl though, spoil her a lot with all the girly things she would want. He let his mate have her time, taking over the pack while she took some time off for their children. It didn't bother him to take over, the pack liked him enough to listen, so that was good and a nice comforting thought for Gabriel. He hasn't bothered the Glaswin since the talk that they had a month ago. Gabriel didn't really want the pureblood around at the moment and he understood why and wasn't going to bring the female up.

He walked up behind her after checking up on the pups asleep in the room. He wrapped his arms around her as she sat in the chair, putting his face in her neck and lightly kissing it. "How you feeling today love?" He asked her between kisses, holding her tightly to him. He looked in her lap and saw a package, the woman tearing it open. He didn't say anything, just waited for her to open it or say something to him.
Not being in Haven hasn't bothered Miley. She had Niko's pups with her and she was loving every minute with them. They've become very clingy, but she guessed that was okay, for pups. Niko never told her what happened to their mother and she wasn't going to ask him. It wasn't her place to ask him. She just put all the pups down to sleep, sighing in relief at the peace and quiet now. She moved to her couch and sat down with a plop. Niko has been picking up extra shifts for work to help provide for the pups, so whenever he needed to work she was right there to help. Seeing these pups made her wish that her own survived. It made her want her own pups, but she could wait. Next breeding season was coming, and possibly she could find a mate at that time and finally have pups.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
(Marie's will be up in next post)
Gabriel shifted slightly within her chair as she had moved the box to her lap after sitting down, soon hearing Zayne and feeling his arms wrapping around her as he asked how she was feeling and proceeded to kiss her neck between his words. She did not look at him as she shifted her claw back into a nail and began to open the box up in her lap, though noticed the country on the box as an international destination, the word Germany on the box. Gabriel didn't know anyone in or from Germany...unknowingly it was a precaution both grandparents had insisted on and gotten arranged with a wolf who worked for the council in France to postmark the package as from Germany instead of France to keep Gabriel from finding her son and trying to take him back. "Tired...exhausted really. It was hard enough with Bill when I was on my own in the wild...I don't know how I would have managed had Bill had one to three other siblings for me to raise in the wild...I'm barely keeping up with things as it is with these four," she said. Gabriel did not regret her children with Zayne, she just didn't know how anyone dealt with having multiples or even how Angelica had survived with her children and raising them on her own.

She had been utterly amused though with her off duty and Zayne being allowed to take the 4 weeks off after she had given birth to bond with their pups as well...he seemed proud of the children he had helped create. Watching the pack flounder without the direction of the alpha pair had been the highlight of the woman's four weeks with her mate in peace, she was so glad she'd invented that rule, during which time the pack was left in the hands of Coyote...since by 4 weeks off, Gabriel meant four weeks off. No bothering the alpha pair for anything. The woman smirked to herself at the memory and then looked pried the box open with her hands, folding the top down as she was met with a letter which she set aside on the table to remove the other items.

Gabriel next pulled out a small wrapped package which felt hard to the touch and opened it. As the last of the wrapping paper had been removed, what was revealed to the couple were four amulets, the woman picking up the top one and letting it hang before her, all four amulets on silver chains. Each amulet was of course different. The one she dangled before her was blue and had a dragon on it with a red eye. The others were equally beautiful, one an amulet with a glowing orb that glowed in the dark and encased in a silver cage, a purple one and a green one with serpents coiled around it.

cd amulet.jpgamulet 13.jpg

"Who could have sent these?" Gabriel questioned Zayne as she then wrapped the package up and set it on the table before pulling out several smaller packages each tied together with ribbon to separate them. She opened one with a blue ribbon and pulled out an infant-sized it turned out the next several packages were nothing but baby clothes of varying sizes. She tilted her head back to look up into Zayne's face, a questioning look on her visage. "Nobody in your family knows you had kids right?"

While waiting for him to answer, she turned back to the box and reached in once once more, this time pulling out some wrapped boxes. Opening one she pulled out a vanilla sandalwood scented candle...opening the next few...she saw they were all scented candles. "What is going on?" Gabriel moved towards the letter and opened the envelope, pulling the letter out and unfolding it. As she read the letter, the woman's hands began shaking and she frowned visibly.

Hi mama!

I can write letter. Mama, I hope you like present. Me get candle because you like them and stuff for sibling. Me also get amulet for protect sibling. It save sibling from harm, injury, sickness and bad people. That what stall amulet man say when me ask. Me not nice but pretty! Miss you mama...not know if come home.


The letter was short and gave no indication of where her son was or if he was okay or hurt. It also gave no signs of if he was being forced to write the letter but she recognized her son's handwriting. She looked at the box again, staring at the country's origin...there was no address on the but there was her address in the center as the destination point. All of a sudden the woman started crying, the letter falling from her hands and to the porch beside her...unable to speak anymore. If Zayne wanted to know what was going on, he'd have to pick up the letter and read it for himself.

Nikolaus looked up as his boss told him he could take a break. The loner nodded and walked out of the cafe, heading towards a small diner. It wasn't very busy for which he was grateful though all employees got a 30 minute lunch break, even the cafe owner and managers...well the owner was the GM and big boss. Being seated at a table, he was given a menu and ordered a simple bacon cheeseburger with fries and a side salad. He liked the diner for two they gave you water when you waited for your meal and you weren't charged for it or refills on water and two, they were open twenty-four seven. As handed his menu back and sipped at his water, he pulled out his phone and dialed Miley's number to check on her and his kids. Comet Comet
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It was a long journey back for Synthania but she finally arrived home, her head turning back and forth as she slowly came towards the pack house. Nervous and on edge, the mother wolf was a dangerous being at the moment, protective over her remaining youth and willing to kill anyone who got in her way or made a move to harm them. The wolf sniffed the air, not detecting any signs of predator or human around, but she did detect the scent of wolves. Slowly, the wolf made her way up the path to the front porch, claws clicking on the wooden boards underpaw and pushed the door open with her shoulder to get in the house, her pups following along beneath her. Synthania's ears twitched as her pups whimpered underneath her, hearing voices from within the house though she couldn't smell anybody. (Open)
Tobias Altman
"Well lets hope that is not the case, I don't think i could handle anymore cuteness from those three"

The male replied as he scanned the pages scrawled with the tale of the impressively detailed lands she described and wove into a story of fantasy and intrigue.
His real reason for not giving his opinion was to not hinder or alter her own creative process. She was doing such a great job and whether she knew it or not did not need his intervention on the matter.. Rather she needed to just trust her gut.
Speaking of someone with guts as Oracle rather blunt and sarcastic comment pushed into his mind to which he chuckled as well as the woman's comments about the childrens dastardly plans.
"Your imagination knows no bounds i swear, Any other plans today? I have a patrol shortly but it shouldnt last long"
He explained following the question partly to inquire on what she was likely to do and to inform her where he would be. Something he had been doing religiously since they had gotten back to one another.
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Angelica & Triplets
"Wait until they turn into precocious rebellious'll regret not wanting their cuteness then," Angelica said. "I'm beginning to think their toddler years are a precursor for their teenage years and man has just not caught up to that fact yet." She shook her head with a frown before brushing whatever had caused the frown to appear and looked back down at her notebook, removing her left hand from her right. Hearing him chuckle at Oracle's sarcastic comment directed at his own inner souls, the woman shook her head as she was asked if she had anything else planned for the day and a reminder that Tobias was going to be patrolling shortly. "No, no other plans than to try and work as much as they allow me...perhaps eventually give myself a break...perhaps plan out the next three chapters of the story so I have something to go on when this chapter is finished," she said. VeiledPariah VeiledPariah

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