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Multiple Settings Closing for now - Looking for a partner or two in collaboration for original role-plays!

Little Star

Made of Light
UPDATE! Currently closing this off temporarily because I have quite a bit of RPs on-going. I will re-open when I have the time. Thank you so much for viewing! <3

Hello! Call me Star. I'm looking for writing partners and potential friends!

I don't require much from my partners, only that:
1. They write in third person, past-tense, paragraph form. So that the role-play is cohesive since I write in this style.
2. They contribute to collaborating ideas. I love sharing ideas and transforming them!
3. They like to read and respond to 3-4 or more healthy paragraphs. I like to read details and be immersed in our story.
4. Character development is important! I love seeing character change and grow. It's the idealist in me that believes our story can get that far!

Other than that, I'm ditch-friendly. I don't mind people leaving for long periods and returning. If you're gone for a whole month or a string of months, that's cool. I'd be more than happy to continue if it's a story that I still find interesting.

Perhaps, the only thing I can add is that I might not have a daily response. I do communicate when I'll be away. I'm pretty good about being honest if I've lost interest or if I just can't continue at the moment. But if you prefer short, quick, daily role-plays, I don't think we'll match because I pretty much gear up for the long-haul. Lol.

Writing Preference:

Genre-wise, I have no preference. I'm open to everything and anything. I enjoy mixing them actually. So maybe slice of life with mystery or a cyberpunk romance. Totally down for anything!

My characters vary in gender, age, and nature (human, elf, lion, augmented AI, and whatever beings my mind decides to conjure). I want to make them all well-rounded and different. I spend a lot of time creating them so character sheets is essential for me. I also double up and triple up characters, as long as our initial characters are established.

Plot-wise, surprise me! Just like genres, I don't mind playing out tropes and cliches like good vs. evil, hunter vs. prey, human vs. supernatural, but I also enjoy original ideas. If you've got a pairing in mind that you crave, run it by me and we'll see what we can do.

My Ideas:

Idea 1 - Slice of Life/Sci-Fi/Futuristic/Could be historical (if the character is created from that era): Twins (souls) that are created together, but born millennia apart. But both of them meet and reconnect under the current time. They might be weary of each other first and then eventually develop a close relationship. The catch, at anytime, they can be forced apart and never remember the events in which they met. The setting and the circumstance in which they meet, we can come up together. I was just thinking it'd be cool to play out a scenario that takes people and challenges them with separation.

Idea 2 - Modern/Fantasy/Cliche Romance: Childhood best friends secretly having crushes on each other, but not telling the other one, until one of them gets married. Yeah, I'm sucker for these! Lol. I like romances that are slow-burning, a little dramatic, but generally easy-going. Any roles and pairings of these will do! A prince/princess and knight, a fairy and a dragon, young adults, a soldier and a medic, superhero and civilian (or villain), etc.

Idea 3 - Mystery/Suspense/Supernatural: A straight-laced cop/agent coming into a new city and a dirty cop running illegal operations and working to cover up their trails meet face to meet. I think it would be cool to play this dynamic with twists like if one of them were secretly a werewolf in a society that doesn't accept supernatural/magical creatures or an android in a city where robots where the existence of robots are being questioned. Or something like that.

Idea 4 - Platonic/Action/Zombies: I really like the idea of making unlikely, untalented, and unusual friends come together for an ambitious goal of surviving the zombie apocalypse or saving the world. Lol. In short, idiot friends triumphing over the most over-the-top challenges, but doing it together! Yay companionship!

Idea 5 - Sci-fi/Dystopian/Superpowers: Experiments done in the early 1950s to create super soldiers got into the hands of the criminalS. As a test of strength, they give these injected serums to those who they see the potential in and they turn superhuman, not indestructible like Superman, but like have enhanced strength or sight or hearing. Somewhere along the lines, the government found out about this. And instead of dismissing it, they decided to actually enforce it on babies because why not evolve humans? Maybe society is segregated by the type of power they possess and the type of work they do - like a dystopian society, sort of.

But hey, if you're not feeling these ideas, feel free to send me your own! Thanks for reading! I hope you find what you're looking for! :D
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I'm interested in the third idea, the dirty/honest cop dynamic sounds really fun! If you want, hit me with a private message and we can discuss it further!

I'm interested in the third idea, the dirty/honest cop dynamic sounds really fun! If you want, hit me with a private message and we can discuss it further!

Thanks for visiting! I’m glad you like that idea! I’ll message in a bit. :)
That's too bad I like long super detailed partners. You sound like a great writer with attention to detail.

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