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Lady of Mischief
Come one, and come all!

...Is what I would say, if I were in fact accepting all roleplayers this time around. I'm afraid I'm going to be a bit picky this time around- and I hope that you'll be doing the same with me.

With that out of the way, what I'm hoping to achieve here is a partnership. I'm looking for someone to initiate a long-term roleplay with. There will be romance- lots of romance, but I don't even want to see the characters so much as kiss for the first thirty pages- unless it's plot oriented, based around some kind of dare, or otherwise initiated by progress and not due to the sudden feeling of "omg, I luv u, pls b mine forever" That seems to strike them out of no where- like a lightning bolt.

Or a hammer.

Ahem. Well, as you can probably tell I'm getting a little tired of those roleplays where the characters seem to fall in love at first sight. Physical attraction is acceptable, and by all means encouraged, but actual love? That takes a little effort from both sides.

Now, as for what I'm looking for in a partner, I do play mainly female roles. I am capable of playing male characters- and I'd like to say I've gotten quite good with them, but you'll be more likely to get rapid updates out of me if we either double up, or you're playing the male.

So, we've got the roles settled down. It's time for Plots! I'm actually not all that picky about this one in particular- I do prefer fantasy elements (hence the tag) but I'm okay with mystery, realistic, sci-fi, horror, vampire/werewolf (I do consider that different from normal fantasy), but historical can be fun as well- as long as it's medieval era range. In fact, almost all of my favored plots take place in times where swords are much more appropriate then guns. But there must be a story. Having a nice pairing between two compatible characters is all well and good, but there has to be some kind of driving force- something that will plant a wedge between them or force two people who hate each other to work together.

Do I have any plots ready right now? I have one, but it requires a high amount of versatility from my partner, and I'm tired of people dropping it on me before it even begins... so please, only inquire if you're prepared to put some work into it- you have been warned.

Well, we have roles, and plots (or I should say genres since I didn't actually post any plots) so all that's left are the mechanics of it. And what are the mechanics of roleplaying? Well, aside from the usual no god-modding, Gary Stus and Mary Sues, there are the fearsome duo- Sentence structure and Grammar.

Scary words, I know.

Please be literate, I know not everyone is perfect- I am certainly not, and there are a lot of things we can all improve on, but no: Txt speech- unless used to make a point or during actual texting, know the differences between your, you're, and which witch is which. Things like that.

Also, be prepared for a lot of really long posts. As you have no doubt seen (and I applaud you for getting this far) I am a rambler. So my posts tend to be a little on the long side. Meaning, if you couldn't read this far, then I'm sorry... but you probably won't be able to handle my posts. I generally average around 3-5 paragraphs a post. 2 if I'm feeling a bit of writers block, but if the characters are separated... I've been known to throw out as many as 7.

I will almost never post one paragraph, and absolutely never post less then one. One-liners are entirely forbidden. But I do not require you to match my post lengths exactly. As long as the plot moves forwards at a reasonable pace and I'm getting some description, then we're all good.

Now, if you have indeed read down to this point, then you can ignore this next part in red.


If you have a serious case of TLDR right now, then you are probably not the partner for me. return to the top, and start again.

There. That should do it.

Last but not least, for those who have gotten this far, (oh wow, there is actually someone here) I've gotten together a brief summary. Since my thoughts are scattered and rather hard to follow- it basically looks like this.

  • I play the female role, but am willing to double or play a male if you don't mind a bit of slow responses occasionally.
  • Normal grammar requirements are here as well (sentence structure and spelling etc.)
  • Do not control my character or play god. It's not that fun. Unless your character can control people.
  • Romance is a must- but it must be slow building.
  • All genres are welcome- go ahead, throw some ideas at me (just not slice of life)
  • I will be asking for a sample of your writing- and I will give a sample of mine so be prepared for long posts.

That's it! I promise. Just throw me a PM or even reply here if you are interested.
I'd like to RP with you. I tend to be taken away from time to time by my parents, but I'll tell you when I'm gonna be gone for a while.
That's fine :) I'm an incredibly patient gal. I don't require daily posts or anything like that - I'll send you a pm and we can start hashing things out.
I'm always on >.> i get notifications right to my phone. So you can be sure I've read it - even if i can't reply quite yet. 
Still looking for partners for anyone interested :)
Hey kitsunemage!

I would like to roleplay with you. What you seek in a partner and roleplay, is essentially what I myself seek. :)

Getting the roleplay forward, having a good story, is very important to me, just as it seems to be for you.

Not to leave out interesting and believable charcters, they can come along as well! ^^

But, I haven't roleplayed in a while and I am a little rusty! Even so, if you're interested you can perhaps send me a PM?

I am new to the site and I'm not able to send messages just yet. :)
Hi there, if you're still interested in looking for a roleplaying partner I'd gladly give it a shot!
Hey :) i would love to rp with you! I dont mind at all playing male, i usually dont rp the female character, so... As for the plots, im versatille

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