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beware the violet brigade
Lorerei's Library


"ᴀ ʟɪʙʀᴀʀʏ ɪs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪғ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ʜᴏᴜsᴇ ᴏғ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍs."

:: the player

  • Years of roleplay experience.
  • Daily replies when possible.
  • Plays females primarily, but will play males when the mood strikes, or as secondaries.
  • F/M and M/M.
  • Friendly, understanding. Been around the block a few times, despite being new to this site.
  • Para/literary, third POV, past tense. Willing to use present.
  • Will consider thread dead after seven days of inactivity without warning.
  • Looking for two-three partners. Reply here or contact privately.

“Well, I was hoping to see if that neighbor of yours down the road was going to drive by in his new flashy car and give me a chance to ogle him for a while.” Thyone kidded, referring to the oldest son of the family that owned the vineyards several miles to the east of Rosmerta’s farm. In the intervening ten years since he’d taken to meandering in their direction, first on foot, then on horse, motorcycle and finally a lovely little black Alfa Romeo Spider, he’d grown into a fine specimen of eye candy who still misguidedly believed they didn’t notice him doing a U-turn a mile down the road and driving back since there was nothing up that road for another twenty kilometers. As far as Thyone was aware, he’d never quite taken either courage or audacity by the hand and actually stopped for a conversation.

She held up the basket, hand under the base since it was heavy. “Hors d’oeuvre, oui toujours et pour toujours. Good to see you as well. Is that mulled wine I smell?” Thyone asked smoothly, weaving the questions and answers together as only old friends could do. Though in comparison to their lifespans their friendship was not long, they had much in common. One of which was, of course, the love of good food and good wine. A mutual appreciation for France was enough to bond even perfect strangers who might have otherwise detested each other.

The smell of the cooking stew combined with the underlying sweet spice of real mulled wine was a rich bouquet that, though not familiar from her childhood, still inspired images of hearths and snowy winters in the mind’s eye. Thyone carried the basket into the kitchen once she was inside the house, since that was where they always gravitated to sooner or later, more so when something was being cooked and needed an eye on.

:: the requirements

  • Must posses decent grammar, syntax and spelling. Please provide or link to a sample.
  • Must be able to post at least once every couple days.
  • Para/literary, third POV, past or present tense. Must consistently reply two paragraphs or more.

:: the ideas

To simplify, characters will always be referred to below as Alpha, Beta. Unless otherwise stated, I will usually be interested in playing Alpha.

1. Alea Iacta Est: Fantasy / Action

In a world where magic is worthless without knowledge, and Mages zealously guard their spells, Alpha is a strange young woman who requires the skill of a thief with experience in stealing from Mages. Beta is precisely the person she's looking for. She's willing to pay him well, and he's, well, intrigued. It's not often people fearlessly seek him out. But as he learns she's more than willing to risk her life to steal from the most powerful Mages in the land, he has to wonder; who or what is Alpha, and is the paycheck worth it?

Notes: Something rather epic, Tamora Pierce meets Ocean's Eleven; rich world building, and an intricate magic system which may or may not be about to come crashing down. Genders are interchangeable.

2. Bouncing off padded walls: Contemporary / Psychic

They're the teenagers no one wants and are too dangerous to be left alone; they have psychic powers, and most of them have no clue how to use or contain them. In comes the government, putting them in a secret safe house with a few adults to keep an eye on them, expecting them to behave and to not kill each other. If avoidable.

Alpha can't control her dreams; she's not sure if they're premonitions or nightmares, but one thing's for sure. From the moment she meets Beta, she knows they're going to be important to one another. How? Why? That's a little more difficult to say, but Alpha's had unsettling visions about fire and death, and she's starting to think that there's someone else out there pulling all their strings. Trapped in a house with people she's not sure she can count on, trusting Beta may be the only chance she has.

Notes: Obviously this is a slightly darker storyline from the get-go, some conspiracy and difficult in dealing with both their powers and the tentative relationships with those around them, as well as their pasts. Can work as M/M.

3. Contract; Alternate History Earth / Fantasy

Monsters have existed on earth for well on eight hundred years. The crusade wars? Those were against monsters. So on and so forth. Yet, for the differences this caused, the modern world is remarkably familiar. American Idol is still on air. The Kardashians are still awful. The difference? Well, along with monsters, the world was also invaded by a far more friendly populace; the Guardians, who backed the humans in the fight. In the end, a truce was struck. The Guardians would leave earth, only to be summoned by specially trained humans -- and the rest of the monsters would live peacefully, given the same rights as human beings. In present day, Russia is recognized as the motherland of monsters, though they're everywhere; vampires, satyrs, shapeshifters, nagas, the like. Going to work. Paying bills. It's not perfect, and monster racism still exists, but the Guardians, along with their human partners, are there to put a stop to that, as well as take care of rogue monsters who still fight against the treaty.

Today is Alpha's final Summoning Ceremony. Her first year at the academy, she actually failed; rarely does a second chance succeed.

Of course, someone does answer the summons, and thus begins a new partnership of Summoner and Guardian, learning to deal with one another -- and the rising threat of terrorism.

Notes: Willing to switch from Summoner to Guardian. Guardian may be an entirely original being or based off a mythical creature.

4. like fire and powder; urban paranormal / fantasy

Like Shakespeare's Capulets and Montagues, Beta and Alpha's families have been fierce enemies for so long that the original sin is negligible compared to the atrocities they have heaped upon each other since. A key difference, however; war between powerful families is bad enough. War between powerful witch families are even worse. Add in the ancient custom of arranged marriages which are chosen by an arcane ritual that reveals soulmates, and you arrive at Alpha and Beta's current difficulty.

As children, the Law of Magic placed them together. This, of course, was not tolerated, and in an unheard of move, the families viciously declined the customary betrothal. Now adults expected to assume positions of power within their families, and robbed of what should have been a close relationship since the ceremony, they're utter strangers to one another, forced by the Grand Covens to treat each other civilly, even as their families constantly seek to weaken the other.

Destiny says they're meant to be together. Society expects them to be the ones who somehow negate all the bad blood that has brewed for centuries. Their families demand they hate each other.

It's a wonder neither of them has cracked yet.

Notes: I've some idea for world building here, something almost vaguely Harry Potter-ish in that witches live secretly in plain view of humans but have their own private society and norms they're expected to follow. This is a bit, more straightforwardly romantic than the other plots, but there's a lot of different paths to take with it.

:: the extra

If none of those grab your eye, but you'd still like to play, feel free to still contact me. Those are just a handful of ideas to get started, I'm more than willing to work on other things.
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Hello there Lorerei, I must say you have quite an intriguing array of ideas set up here... I agree whole-heartedly with all of your requirements, and am quite impressed by both the thought and time you gave this thread. It's not often that you find much more than a few lines of ideas posted in this section. I would be very interested in joining one of your role plays, although, I must warn you in advance, I have a horrendous tendency of abusing commas. Do you have any preferences in which plot we carry out? I honestly could not decide; I am very irritating in that way. Also, I thought it would only be fair if I threw in a few ideas of my own. You can consider, disregard, or obliterate them... I won't take offense. I will attach a sample of my writing below, as well.


Slowly, with excruciating caution, Lev raised his gun until the weapon was level with young, infantile man's head, his eyes flashing with something that Evan could not quite identify. Soft laughter filled room's small confinements, mocking Lev's anger (fear?) with obvious amusement. Evan held deathly still, his arms plastered stiffly to his side as he examined the man before him, occasionally chancing a glance over to the large pile of overflowing supplies. Panic began to fill his chest with crushing pressure, collapsing his lungs, snapping his spine. They had to get to the first aid kit (to hell with the multi-colored marshmallows), even if it meant disposing of the man before them. But their opponent had the true weapon, not them.

"We don't want anyone to be harmed," Lev announced pointedly, clearly disturbed by the stranger's ensuing laughter. The man regarded with a curious expression, a small smile creeping upon his pink lips.

"Ah, that is all very nice... Very nice indeed," The young man sung, his words taking on some unheard melody. "I don't suppose you would mind leaving, then? The door is just to your left." The pleasant smile that had once accompanied his delicate feature suddenly vanished, replaced by an ugly, condescending sneer that seemed almost comical considering the man's child-like appearance. "But then again, it is foolish of me to assume that you are a man of your word. You want something, don't you? They always do." A chill ran down Evan's spine as he noted how the calm, how knowing, the stranger's voice sounded. Almost as though- "Unfortunately, they do not heed my good-intentioned advice, so I, of course, have no other choice but to defend myself and my property. Oh, they do leave such a mess, but sadly there is no other way…"

Then Evan remembered.

The blood on the counter.

The bullet holes littered throughout the walls.

The makeshift barricades.

But there were no bodies.

"Where are they?" Evan asked quietly, stepping away from Lev's shadow with slight hesitation. Lev shot him a sharp glare, which easily translated into 'shut up or die'. The man gazed at Evan with newfound curiosity laced with quite an astounding amount of sarcasm.

"I'm afraid I do not understand… Precision of language, Jonas, precision of language," He drawled, letting out an exasperated sigh as he was met complete silence. "I find your lack of knowledge concerning dystopian literature to be rather pathetic," He sighed once more, draping his arms across the moth-eaten couch, the rifle still dangling lifeless in his hand. "If you wish to receive an intelligent answer, Jonas, you must not ask idiotic questions- Would you kindly tell your friend over there to stop attempting to render me unconscious?" Evan turned his gaze towards Lev sharply, immediately noticing the large, empty beer bottle that was clasped tightly in his hands. "Yes, you over there... The one who looks as though he has something stuck up his arse." Lev said nothing, his eyes still focused on his insulter as he let the bottle fall to the floor and shatter. The man rolled his eyes and offered Evan a pitying look. "How do you put up with him? He's like a rock."

"Where are the bodies of the people you shot in this store?" Evan inquired, ignoring the previous remark.

"Like a dull, boring, rock that has been weathered down so much by life that it has lost all of its shine..." Came the reply, along with a horrendously disgusted expression that no human face should be able to produce.

"Yes, but where are the bodies?" Evan asked once more, his irritation becoming increasingly evident. They were running short of time... He didn't even want to imagine the state of Clara's arm, but the image of the bloody and mangled flesh would not leave his mind.

"Oh! The bodies." The man said, as if finally realizing that Evan had continued to speak. "I imagine they're quite fully digested now... Funny how easily mankind turns on itself. It's almost as though they have been longing to destroy themselves as they had destroyed so many before. Now, I had no part in this; I simply, shall we say, prepared the meal."

"You're insane," Evan countered, his voice quivering slightly (with fear or anger or maybe both).

"Insane? Really? If you wish to insult me, at least you could select a less cliché word. You're just like a hero in one of those boring action movies, saving the girl and handing out pathetic insults everywhere you go. Please don't tell me that you have some heart-wrenching sob story to go along with it, or I fear I may simply have to shoot myself now." He paused, as though actually considering the idea. "Or I could just shoot you. That would be so much less self-destructive. Good-bye, Jonas."

Before Evan could react, the man sprang up from the couch with astonishing speed, aiming the rifle straight at his head. He closed his eyes, four words repeating itself endlessly in his mind. No, it was nothing heroic such as ' go rot in hell', or romantic, such as ' please save Clara, Lev', or even accepting as ' it's time to die'... It was simply 'what the bloody shit?'. Evan waited in vain for the bullet to come. It never did. Instead, came a scream.


For the sake of consistency, I'll use the same "Alpha" and "Beta" method you applied to your own ideas. I hope you don't mind the temporary theft.

1. The Infallible Man: Modern/Horror

Sameness. An ugly word, devoid of any human emotion or feeling- a straight line of nothing that goes on and on and on- it never ceases. The world is falling to its monotonous chaos, Alpha can tell. He sees it's dull glow in the eyes of his co-workers, he can smell it's stench reeking from the mundane depths of the city subway; normalcy has become a plague in and of itself, and he knows he must stop it before time runs short. But when a chance meeting occurs in the small confines of a lonely coffee shop, Alpha's previous stereotypes are thrown into the wind. It's in Beta's eyes, he thinks, that the true difference lies. They are bright, so different from the cold, indifferent stares of passing strangers, filled with something unidentifiable. Curiosity? Desire? The wish to live? Fascinated by Beta, Alpha watches his newfound interest from afar, never daring to utter another word to said person for fear that they will be just like everyone else. As time goes on, Alpha's obsession, encouraged by loneliness, grows. He follows Beta everywhere, always remaining an insignificant stranger in a sea of faces. Beta begins to sense a shadow, a pair of eyes gazing quietly at her always. She dismisses the idea as mere paranoia, and attempts to think nothing of it. But as the thin figure of her shadow grows ever clearer, Beta is unable to dismiss the feeling that she is never alone. Little does she know she has already entered a world of murder, terrorism, and a man's desperate attempts find someone who understands.

Notes: The decisions Beta makes will define the outcome of the story. Genders may be swapped or altered. MxF, MxM, and FxF are all welcome, although no pairings are necessary.
I apologize for the constant editing... My spoiler wasn't working quite right.
@Dear Inspector Don't sweat the edits, coding mishaps happen to the best of us. As my account is still considered noobish, feel free to start up a Conversation, or I'll begin one tomorrow.
I got a couple samples

The scientist looked at his creation. It was his greatest achievement, and his biggest failure.

The replica was pretty, some might say even perfect. It had a slim fragile physique, with it's longing eyes and smooth skin.

He created it. He can't remember why anymore. Maybe a girl dumped him... Maybe he was bored... He did live a Lonely existence. He had spent most of his time and money to make it.

He walked around. The replica was hooked up to a computer. It was meant to install feelings. All the feelings of a perfect girl.

And that's all it was. Simulated feelings. Ones and zeroes. Not real. All those programs. Love, caring, lust, loyalty, humor. All nothing

She lacked two feelings. Anger and hatred. Those were vital to any living thing. Such as love exists, there must be hate, right? No one is incapable of hate. He hated this creation for giving him such an ethical headache. The replica hated him for not turning her on.

Every day he came down here to look at the girl. He walked upstairs. As he looked down, he could have sworn to see a glint in her eyes. A sign of life. A hint that maybe she was not just ones and zeroes. "Alicia." He said. That's what her name was. That was the one thing he was sure about.

The armies were at the ready at the barren plains, each wearing their colors. This was it. The final day. The Keyblade war was coming to an end. Many knew that this would be their final hour. That they leave motherless children, husband-less wives. But they knew that their death would be for a greater cause. For the cause of their lord. The great heart would be theirs.

Hikaru Mashima stood at the ready. He looked to his left, and saw Riven. His breath hardened. There was nothing to be afraid of. He was going to survive it. And then he could... He shook his head. He shouldn't jinx it. He looked ahead, and saw the leader, Freed Lerten.

Freed looked over to the other armies. "HEAR ME, KINGS OF NOTHING!"'he screamed. "MANY OF YOU WANT IT FOR YOURSELVES! FOR YOUR OWN SELFISH WAYS!" He lifted his Keyblade, Banner To Dawn. "THIS IS NOT THE WAY!" His charisma was powerful. "THE HEART IS THE HOPES AND DREAMS! AND SO!" He outstretched his hands. "IT MUST BE SHARED!" The other armies looked at him with a sense of confusion.

Rinku didn't care. The empire called on him. He knew who was going to win this. The empire had more. More wielders, more intellect, more everything. Him? He was just serving his time. No more, no less. He lived for nothing. Everything was taken from him. He just wanted this to be over. Emperor Deren Mathis looked at the leader of the outburst .

Deren laughed at the accusation. "Just the thought of that makes me laugh..." He said. "This heart is destined to belong to the kingdom of Celon. Just as the oracles foretold."

Then, to the left was one man and woman. All the other leaders looked at the two expectantly. "This is your army!" Freed yelled. Deren, however, reacted differently. The man snapped his fingers, and the earth rumbled. The earth cracked. Out of the holes, dark creatures protruded from the ground. "We have come for it." The man said. "It is the darkness incarnate. It belongs to us."

The three armies looked at each other, both knowing the power of the other.

This is the final battle.

This is the Wars conclusion.

The fate if the 200000 warriors that shook the world.

These are the stories of those unsung heroes that gave their lives.

The War- Prologue: End

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