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New Member
About Me

I'm a 25 year old gamer and writer who is seeking a long-term partnership! I work full-time as a receptionist in a family doctor's office and am currently teaching myself sign language as a future career choice. I'm also a Dungeon Master to a pathfinder game on Sundays which is always a lot of fun. I love everything fantasy, medieval, horror and am starting to lean toward slice of life as well! I've been writing for several years now, but I had some emotional struggles within the past year that have tried to crush my confidence. This is my attempt of getting back to the way I used to be and want to be. <3

Any other questions that I didn't answer about myself? Feel free to message me! Discord friendly! :D


Requests from my partner(s)
I try to be reasonable and not restrict anyone too much, but I do have a few rules:

1) No god-modding
Please just don't. It's not friendly.
2) Please no one-liners
I understand struggling to write, but it's hard to respond to a single sentence.
3) Please don't ghost
I try and be a very friendly and open partner who will communicate if I can't respond so I ask that you do the same. If you don't want to write with me anymore, that's no problem - just please let me know. c:
4) Let's talk!
I would love to get to know you and become friends if that would be alright! However, plotting and working out a story together is a must for me. It should never be only one person's job for in the end, it's our story
5) Have fun!


What's Currently for Sale (updated 3/25/19)
(Please note, you are allowed to play OC characters or Canon for fandom)​

<>Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (dark / adventure )
This would take place in-game, where Zant has conquered the lands of Hyrule.

Character(s) available:
  • (in progress)

<> Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (slice of life / adventure / dark*)
This would take place before the days of war, when Hyrule lived in peace and the Guardians were not a threat. Please note that if we so desire, it can progress into the storyline setting of the game itself. For the dark* option, this would take place during the war that ultimately destroyed Hyrule.

Character(s) available:
(*please note I have a more detailed description that I can provide if you'd like.)​
  • Emah: A Zora who craves adventure, no matter what it is or with who! She wants to be a hero so she's always eager and ready to jump out and try to save the day or take down some mean Bokoblins.​
  • Aukiele: A Gerudo artist who travels the world in search of new sights to inspire her artwork. Company is always appreciated, but she doesn't mind being alone.​
  • *Anzu: A Sheikah who lost her parents to the war that forced them from their homes. In her anger and rage, she joined up with the Yiga Clan to seek revenge on the filthy hylians that betrayed her.​

<>Miscellaneous Desires

Slice of life (modern or fantasy)
Horror (modern or fantasy) -- <3
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