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stairway to hell
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Hello all! I've been wanting to get back into roleplay for a while, but being a student with a part-time job has come with some limitations. For this reason, I'm only going to be committed to one roleplay at a time. Don't be discouraged to reach out to me if you do find this post a little later, though!

So a little bit about myself...

I've been roleplaying on and off for a handful of years, both on RPNation and other sites. It's been a while since I've had a long-term partner and I'm unsure of how much time I can dedicate to roleplaying due to my schedule. If I do get really invested in a roleplay with a wonderful partner, I will do my best to continue it, but If you are looking for a consistent, long-term partner, I am probably not a match for you.

What I look for in a partner:

- Someone who is willing to accept that I may not be able to reply every day or need to take breaks sometimes. Life can get busy, and I would understand if my partner wanted to take some time for themselves. I'm hoping they will do the same for me!

- I'm not very picky about reply length, but I would appreciate at least one well-developed paragraph so I can have something to work with. I enjoy reading descriptions of setting and character and being able to visualize what's happening. As long as you can be fairly detailed and organized, that's fine by me.

- Lastly, I hope my partner and I can talk openly to each other about our ideas and what we want from the story. Communication is very important to me, so chatting OOC would be much appreciated! (I use Discord most often, but Kik and PM are also okay). Also, if you do lose interest or wish to end the roleplay, please be upfront about it and let me know.

Here are some prompts I've thought about and are interested in doing. I'm always open to new ideas however, so if you have one that isn't on here, feel free to PM me!

(*Pairings aren't listed on these, since I find them optional. I'm totally okay with having a romance plot/subplot if we feel it fits! I just don't like romance for the sake of having romance if it's not an important part of a story.)
"This Thing Of Ours"| American Mafia RP | Modern/Action/Drama
The Falco crime family is known for their long history of human trafficking, kidnapping, and hits. All made men are trained to be able to track down a target, and if necessary, to dispose of them quickly and quietly. They have a remarkable track record, but there is no such thing as perfection. It is easy to make a mistake during a hit, but even worse to get the target utterly wrong! Instead of the bloodthirsty head honcho of a rivaling family, the boss is presented with a completely innocent bystander who now knows too much for their own good. There is no choice but to kill the witness quietly... but perhaps, there may still be a use for them.

"Thicker Than Water" | Magical Bond RP | Fantasy/World-building
Making bonds with magical creatures is a rare, but accepted practice in the more isolated villages of the kingdom. It is said to reverse the effects of curses and provide formidable protection against harm, physical or magical. Though of course, none of the upper-class, civilized folk would be half as crazy enough to make a deal with one of those "monstrosities"--- which is why it was such a shock when King Eloysius himself employed a magical creature to make a bond with his child. The kingdom of Roma had just entered a war with the neighboring crown, and it seemed like they had found a way to fight with magic. The King had to do everything in his power to protect the kingdom's only successor, even if it meant permanently bonding a divine creature to them.

*I roleplay OCs for a majority of the fandoms, and would prefer if my partner did as well. This might change in the future if I find a character or pairing I do want to play, or if you can convince me.

"The Average Agency" | My Hero Academia RP | Action/Comedy/Slice-of-Life
Two fresh-faced pro heroes decide to start their own Hero Agency. Shenanigans ensue.

Please PM me if you're interested! (:​
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