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Realistic or Modern (Closed) When it all falls down...



Zombie Enthusiast
Some people in this world hold issue with the way it runs, that's no secret. What is strange is when people act upon their twisted ideas. When a person believes in their own agenda so fully that they take it upon themselves to act irrationally and affect the lives of others. That is where our story begins... When a man with great respect and following decided that this world was plagued with sin and needed assistance getting back on"God's Path".


Our story begins in Portland, Maine when it all turns to shit. Our 8 strangers meet when in a small grocery store in the popular tourist town. Tornado sirens begin to flare and the mad rantings of a deranged man sound over all the radios whether they like it or not.


This is a closed RP. All spots are already fulfilled.
1. Myself
2. Myself
3. Sir Damien Sir Damien
4. EclipseRosee EclipseRosee
5. Colt Voltage Colt Voltage
7. Pax Pardus Hale Pax Pardus Hale
8. Pax Pardus Hale Pax Pardus Hale

The area of Portland affectionately known as "Old Port" was beautiful year round as well as home to many of the cities lovely tourist spots. This is also where the shoppe known as "The Place" had its home on the snow covered streets of the town. It's early evening when our story begins, 6 p.m., and the weather is looking worse by the minute as the town readies itself for yet another blizzard.

Grocery Store Interior
Old Port Winter

Lo brushed aside some of the fire colored hair from her face as she stared quietly out the storefront window with glazed olive toned eyes. Snow was already starting to pile up on the roads and she silently praised herself for the decision to send the two employees who had been helping with the store today home early to avoid dangerous road conditions. She herself only had to bundle up and walk to blocks back to the Inn thank god. After another few moments of gazing into the wintery scene outside the 5'8" tall woman stood up straight and stretched her arms above her head as she glanced around the store. It still looked like the day it was built, all the shelves were handmade from dark stained wood that matched the walls and floor. A small deli counter was in the back and still was home to the bell that had sat on its counter since day one. Various candies filled three large wine barrels near the front counter and the vintage cash register that sat before her was mostly for show but still worked! Words couldn't describe the love that Lo felt for this place... this city in general. It was more than her hometown, it was her best friend and her drive.

Today felt like any other day. The red haired young woman even looked like she looked every day. Her shoulder length locks were straight and hanging around her face, she was wearing a tight white turtleneck that was tucked into a pair of dark skinny jeans that were also tucked into a pair of knee high brown leather boots. Her makeup was minimal and her accessories non-exisitant save for the wide brown belt around her waist.

The store was a little busier than usual but with the storm she supposed everyone was just trying to get settled for the night before heading home. There was a face or two she recognized but no real regulars or friends of hers. Lo leaned against the counter once again and was about to begin day dreaming once more when a high pitched wail came over the radio sitting on the counter. "Oh my! Sorry everyone!" Lo reached to fix it but even changing the channel wasnt working. Did this damn thing break or something? Just as the thought crossed her mind the noise stopped and a voice rang out from the speakers.

"Good evening my friends... My name is Sullivan Montgomery . I'd like you all to please listen closely... I am the man who will lead the human race to new heights, your new father, your new governing body, your new god." The man paused and Lo stared at the radio with a raised eyebrow for a moment before reaching out and switching the channel. Must be some weird radio show like the Twilight Zone or something... only when she changed channels the man was still ranting on about cleansing the human race, starting with America.... she changed the station again and again. He was everywhere. "... please do not be afraid. I am sure that even those of you who need to be eliminated for the good of all will be blessed by our higher lord. Your sacrifice will save us all. Please... do not run." Then the voice cut out and instantly Lo heard a scream ring out from somewhere downtown.

"What the fuck?" Lo scooted out from behind the counter and opened the door to the shoppe as she fought against the wind and peered down the road to find a group of armed men slowly walking and breaking into smaller groups, heading into shops and pulling patrons and workers alike out into the cold streets. Shit. Shit. Shit. Lo didn't take time to offer anyone in the store another option. She quickly reached over and killed the lights and slammed down the cage that closed behind the glass storefront windows. With shaky hands the closed the padlock and tossed the key in her pocket. She turned to the customers and stammered for a moment. "U-Uh there's a cellar in the butcher room, it has outdoor access to the alleyways but I-" She didn't finish the thought and just moved in the direction of the back room.

"I don't understand why you're so upset about this one flight. It's not like we can control the weather, I'm sure dad will understand. We'll call him from the landline when we get to the hotel room. Cell service must be down because of the storm or something." The 5'2" platinum blonde plucked some microwavable popcorn off the shelf and stuck it in the basket her tall brother held. Bright green eyes looked up at him as she gave a small shrug. "I think that covers snacks for the night, we'll eat better tomorrow when we get home." Anything microwavable was forbidden food in their childhood home. Everything was healthy and good for you, but since the two were on their own (save for occasional inspections from their parents) they cheated on their healthy food from time to time.

"Why does everyone here look to be in a hurry--" Callie's manicured hands covered her ears quickly when she heard the high pitched wail come from the front of the store. "Ah!" The noise wasn't stopping. What was it? "What's going on?" By the time they got to the front of the store the noise had stopped and a voice was speaking.

Not just any voice. Her dad's voice. He was talking about how he was their new father, government, the new god. The past years he had changed but...what was his goal here? "Sacrifice?" Once her father had formed their group and started to have regular sessions she wasn't allowed to go. She was sent to the parlor to talk with the other women. Did he think eliminating people was really the sacrifice God wanted?

"Gill, I-..." The lights went out and the cage closed around the glass of the store. What was she supposed to say? Did Gill know about this? Was that why he was so freaked out when the flight was canceled? No...Gill would have told her. Besides, they had bigger things to worry about right now. Like getting out of this mess, getting home, and confronting their father. "Let's go." She couldn't make eye contact with him, Callie merely turned and followed the shop worker towards the back. "This the cellar?" Although she asked the question she didn't wait to open the hatch to the cellar, several of the customers rushing through the entrance.

Callie wasn't her father. If he wanted to terrorize people then she'd be the one to help the ones being terrorized.

After a long 24 hour shift Doctor Haruka Suzuki was exhausted. The last 4 hours was spent taking care of a pretty gnarly femur shatter. It was basically a jigsaw puzzle, the car crushed the mans leg so bad the bone shattered. Haru was determined to save the mans leg though and, thankfully, it worked. Now it was time to go home and sleep.

Unfortunately Haru has nothing to eat at her house. Or if she had anything it wasn't good, she had been spending so much time at work lately. If only the weather wasn't so crappy. She couldn't make her way to her favorite organic store so she ended up having to go to the little store down the street from her house. It'll do. "Why is it so busy?" The 5'9" thin woman let out a frustrated sigh as she entered the store. Her auburn hair was clipped up to the back of her head, her dark chocolate brown eyes glancing at everyone moving about. Was it the apocalypse or something?

Haru moved throughout the isles and grabbed some essentials like eggs, apples, bread, and soy milk. As she moved throughout the bustling isles in her navy scrubs she found herself wincing slightly at the high pitched noise. What in the world? Haru stepped from the isle in time to listen to the announcement. Sullivan Montgomery. She had heard that name before...but where? People began to murmur to one another and Haru walked to the window, peeking outside and squinting in time to see people being dragged into the street. Her breath got caught in her chest. It wasn't until Lo closed the cage did she find herself able to breath again.

She needed to get out, fortunately the girl knew an exit into the alleyway. If this was an army they had to move quickly. Haru followed the swarm of people and watched people practically trip over each other to be before the other. "Everyone careful, we don't need anyone getting hurt." Haru let out a sigh as she watched the store clear out. "Stay warm and keep moving. If it gets too cold and you stay out too long you'll get hypothermia." Haru sat down her basket and zipped up the plush white coat she wore before she followed everyone out into the alley. Taking her car was probably a bad idea. If she took the woods she would run into a cabin eventually...

When they came to Portland he had one job and that was to get Callie out by Tuesday. It was Tuesday, they needed to be home. He didn't expect such a bad snow storm to cancel their flight. Today was the day everything was happening. He had to fuck up today? Roads would be closed, and even those open their soldiers would already be there. They were supposed to meet their driver in D.C. Here? Here they're just regular citizens. He was the Combat Specialist of his the army, he overseen the training of the army. No one would be allowed to pass for a few days. Women and men were to be captured. Sinners like priests, rabbis, gays, doctors and anyone else in the medical field were to be hanged,. All other women were to be sent to the their reprogramming, men were to assigned jobs. His father designed a system where there would be no confusion, no poverty, no violence, and to reduce humanity's damaging footprint on the earth.

As Gillian stood nervously by his sister he couldn't take his eye off of his gold watch. An hour ago the bombs went off. The pentagon, the white house. Major locations to scare the country, scare the senate into signing the country over to their father. Right about now the announcement would be sent across the states. Almost on cue the wail sounded from the front of the store and Gillian couldn't help but feel the beads of sweat forming on his forehead. The tall 6'4" blonde man followed his sister to the front of the store. He heard his father's voice, he felt his sisters glance towards him. It felt like the entire weight of the world was sitting on his chest.

"We'll talk later." He followed everyone to the back of the store and stood next to his sister as everyone crowded the cellar. Once mostly everyone was gone he escorted his sister and him into the alleyway and was immediately greeted by soldiers rushing into the alley. "Shit." He turned to make a run for it with his sister but a few solider's ran in from their only exit. The soldiers were dressed in all black and were equipped with AR15's. They started to grab the people in the alleyway with them. Gillian panicked. Quickly he pulled out his pistol he carried on him and whipped one of the guys that went to grab Callie. "Go, I'll take care of them. I'll find you later." With that said he grabbed a hold of the unconscious soldier and used him as a shield in one arm and the AR15 in the other. He shot one of the soldiers in the leg to distract them from the other.

Marco's flight to D.C. was canceled. His co-pilot headed back to the hotel, if you wanted to even call it that. The place didn't even have a bar. Marco needed a few bottles to keep him company for the night. He had no one in the world since his family passed a few months back. Women loved him but he was never in one place long enough to get to know anyone. Maybe that was best, huh? Not getting attached to anyone ever again meant there was no pain when they died. In his depression and grief he found comfort in the bottle, so when he wasn't flying across the world he was drinking, be it with beautiful women or by himself he didn't care.

The 6 foot 2 raven haired man stared at the small isle of liquor in the store. They didn't have the fancy top shelf but, hey, they had jack. That would do. The handsome and fit pilot grabbed two bottles of Jack and put it in his basket when the radio made that uncomfortable noise. He sat down his basket and ran to the front. "New God? Is this some prank?" Marco scoffed silently and rolled his eyes. Everyone seemed to be freaked out though. To be honest Marco didn't pay much attention to the news lately...was this really a thing people were scared of?

The cage closed and Marco's heart skipped a beat. This was real. Soon everyone was running out through the cellar into the alley. He staggered behind the group mainly because he was still in shock, praying that this was some kind of prank or something.

When he got into the alley they were greeted by at least a dozen men in black with rifles. Yup, this was real. The soldiers were closing in on them, one even grabbed the blonde girl. The guy with her pistol whipped the soldier and even stole his gun, like he was trained to do this or something. Some military guy? "You heard the guy, let's get you gals out of here." Marco grabbed the rifle from one of the fallen shot soldiers and waved to the group to run towards the woods.

“Hmm...” Ava hummed quietly to herself as she ran her fingers over the different options of apples the lovely little store had. This town was kinder to Ava than most had been in her life, they knew the kind old woman that used to own the shop Ava now resided in and chose to look past her dramatic style. At least the town locals did. Tourists still looked at her like a member of the side show. That was why she chose to support businesses like the Ellsworth grocery store a few blocks from her own. “Ooo Granny Smith sounds delightful for tonight’s tea.” Ava hummed cheerfully and places a few in her basket before bouncing down to another aisle.

The world around her had been drowning in bad mojo for a while now but she couldn’t place the reason. Ava had done readings and such for any direction, thinking it was something that would be a little more personal but... nothing. Witchcraft wasn’t science, it was about feelings and emotion. It was about energy and harnessing it. But this was different....

When the radio screamed she dropped her basket to the ground with a clatter in order to cover her ears with both hands.Then the voice started and she went pale, well paler. A chill instantly ran up her spine and she swore she could hear Ereshkigal whispering her warnings. It caused poor Ava to space for a long moment, only to pay attention once more when the cage slammed shut and Lo went moving passed everyone to the back of the store.

Ava let out a small whimper as she slowly followed, suddenly wishing she never left her house today. Her hand instantly went to the satchel at her side, feeling for the comforting leather spine of her grandmothers book. It was always there when she needed a friend.
Most of the other customers had gotten away by the time Ava finally stepped out into the blistering cold. It was just then that she heard the yelling and fear froze her black boot clad feet to their spot. It was a fear that only heightened when the blonde man hit one of the shoulders and told them all to run.

Violence had always been one of Avas biggest hates. This whole thing was already starting to burn a fire deep in her stomach that she didn’t want to deal with. Her wide eyes looked over the people around her for a moment, one man with dark hair already heading away from the confrontation but by the time Ava finally had control of her feet back she felt a hand clasp around her small wrist.

“H-Hey!” Ava yelled timidly and yanked her arm as hard as she could, leaning her whole body weight in the opposite direction. Unfortunately when you’re a tiny weakling of a human all that does is causes you to loose your footing and fall to your back.

Drake was starting to lose his mind in this town. Portland may be the largest city in Maine but it was BORING. When you grow up rich in New York City... every night is an adventure and even when he gave up that life! Being able to go out on his investigations gave him LIFE. He tried to do that here... about all he found was a guy cheating on his girlfriend which oh well. Who really gives a shit. Drake had gotten so bored that he had memorized the layout of the Inn he had been staying in. Read 10 books. Got two new tattoos. And now he was working on counting every piece of candy is this stupid store. FOR FUN. Sure there was bars and stuff but that was full of loud people....

“Fuck.” Drake groaned and slammed his head against the wall before shoving a hand through his long black hair. He gained a few strange looks but at this point fuck em. “This place sucks so much.” It was days like this that he wished he had never gone to the cops about what he saw. Maybe they were right! Maybe him getting the SHIT beat out of him caused him to see things. I mean sure the mayor was into some shady shit, politics, but a plan to gather women into camps of sorts to train them back to when it was 1950 damn near? Fucking delusional!

A loud noise pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up from the barrel of candies towards the counter where Lo was fucking with the controls. He’d gotten to know of her from staying at her family’s place but that was about it.

When the man began he couldn’t believe his ears at first... was he asleep? Dreaming? No this was real... the panic around him assured it. And this was connected... he could tell. There was no way he was missing out on the adventure this time! Oh no no! Instantly he sprang up from his spot on the floor and followed the group outside, only unlike these idiots, he placed himself flat against the brick wall of the alley and scooted until he was behind a few trash cans, peering out from between the metal bins.

Shit started quick.

Some blonde dude was acting like fucking G.I Ken doll protecting princess Barbie while the mousy little goth was getting knocked on her ass. In a less terrifying situation... he would have laughed.

Drake choose to stay behind the trash cans when some of the group ran off, honestly he was hoping to have all these idiots pass him so he could slink off in the other direction but the way this was looking a fight might actually break out... well more of one.
Slade didn’t venture into town often, he preferred the company of the plants and wildlife out at the park. But with the storm coming he knew he needed to head in and at least get some groceries in the likely event that his cabin gets snowed in... again. Fool him once and all that Jazz. So today he put on his work uniform and headed into town, choosing the little family owned shop over the busy commercial grocery store. He wasn’t a fancy man, he was practical and just needed simple things... bread and peanut butter.

“Fucking hell.” Slade tried to get his phone to call his supervisor a few times but there was no god damn service. He apparently hadn’t checked his phone in a minute and the last message he got was about the bombings. Slade wouldn’t pretend to be a real police man but he was technically a law enforcement officer, he just preferred to deal with savings trees and animals than punk kids with spray cans. But despite the differences, he was still a federal employee in all rights. He needed to get his shit and head back as soon as he could.

Then the radio started and he turned to the noise and banter with raised brows. What the hell? Was this actually happening? The reaction of the store keep girl made him realize this was no joke.

Slade stayed back and made sure the store was clear, checking each aisle before finally leaving himself. Just in time too apparently. As soon as he stepped onto the snow he heard the crack of bones and turned to see the blonde male from the store pulling a girl from one of the armed men and telling her to run. It took one look at the guy to realize he knew what he was doing... he would get away. But some of these people wouldn’t. That was also apparent. A man with longer dark hair yelled for them to get out of there and started booking it for the woods... they’d die out there if they got lost. It was freezing out and if you didn’t know the trails you could get lost for days.

“Ah shit.” Slade reached out and gently pulled the blonde girl in the direction of the forest, “He’ll be fine but let’s give him less to worry about okay?” He pushed her after the other guy before turning to the noise of a struggle, as he moved to help a few of the man began to advance once more and Slade let out a long his before taking a few steps back. “You! Move!” The red haired shop keep had just been standing in horror, he reaching out and pushed her along too before running to catch up with the small group of strangers who had suddenly been thrust into camaraderie.

“Listen stop running!” Slade hissed, slowing a jog and then a walk. “Stop stepping in fresh snow you’re creating tracks!” He said it harsher than he had intended. He commonly forgets most people don’t think about these things. “We need to be walking in a group and get to some mode or transportation without being on the main roads long...” he said it as a statement but it was more of an invitation of other ideas.

Lo was ... angry? Confused? Sad? Suddenly this place that was her sanctuary was a personal hell! All around her the city that usually murmured with pleasant chat and shop bells was suddenly riddled with screams and gun fire. Her brain was so dead focused on the noises that she forgot her coat and forgot to move. She didn’t even hear the commotion of Gil and the officer , or of Ava being tossed to the ground. It wasn’t until Slade physically moved her that she was back in her own body.

Lo moved as fast as her feet could carry her until they were into the thick of the woods and Slade was telling them to stop. “What why?!” Again, Lo knew this town like the back of her hand and everyone in it even if they didn’t know her. She knew Slade worked as a hiking instructor but she didn’t really want to be lectured about stomping on native plants while running for their lives. “What? Oh.” She turned and looked behind them, the footprints in the snow like four erratic but straight lines to their location.

“Okay so we weave in and out of each other’s paths for now.” Lo looked around at the other two and sighed a little, keeping her voice quiet as possible. “The Inn backs up to the woods somewhere... we have a few snow mobiles in the garage?”

Never in all her life did she think she'd be on the wrong side of her father's religion. If Sullivan had his way Callie would be in the parlor spending her days sipping tea with the other women and popping out babies, he openly rejected her going to college. She did everything else right, she didn't think she'd be against the soldier's he was creating in secret. Should they have just announced who they were and get out of the situation?

Too late.

A hand gripped her wrist roughly and fear instantly washed over her. Thankfully her brother was there. The man fell to the ground and Gillian was picking up the man and the rifle, fighting the other men in black. Her heart beat anxiously as she stood frozen in place staring at him. He wanted her to do what now? Leave? Without him? The dark haired man was encouraging her to follow him but she couldn't move. Before she could voice any of her protests she found herself being tugged away from the alley. "W...What?" Her big green eyes looked anxiously between her brother and the woods she was being forced towards. "Alright..." Big tears welled in her eyes. Callie knew her brother would be fine, he was always going through some type of rigorous training. She was concerned about what she was going to do on her own.

Callie ran into the woods, her white winter boots stomping through the snow with ease. Thankfully she dressed warm today in a white turtle neck sweater, black jeans, the plush white coat, the warm boots, and leather white gloves. "W-What?" Callie stopped mid run when the other guy yelled at them. "Tracks?" She hadn't even given those a thought. Sparkling eyes looked down at the tracks she was making. "Weave, got it." From the way these people spoke she assumed they were locals. Made sense, they were in a small grocery store. "How far is the Inn? Will we make it?" The wind was vicious and chilled her to the bone even through her thick clothing. The snow was thick, heavy, and hard to walk through.

The dozen soldiers waiting for them didn't surprise her in the least. They moved perfectly like they had been planning the invasion for a while now, they probably knew every entrance and exit in the town and were prepared for everything. The only thing she could hear over the howling of the wind was screams and gun shots. That didn't seem to stop the blonde man from fighting back. Everyone else was running but the guy was outnumbered. She didn't leave a man behind. "Fine." Haru let out a long sigh as she pulled a taser and some mace out of her purse.

"Do not touch me, cretin." Haru pressed the taser to the man approaching him, pressed the button, and watched the man fall to the ground. A small smirk took over her lips as she sprayed mace in a few more of the men's eyes to blind them, then she proceeded to tase them as well. Soon enough all of the men were on the ground. The group that ran towards the woods were long gone by now. "You guys want to trek it on foot or see if we can drive out of here without them noticing?" She pulled the keys from her purse before unlocking her lexus and turning it on with her key fob. The car was noise cancelling, perfect for getting around unnoticed.

She hopped in the drivers seat and waited for the others. "I don't know where I'm going so someone best get in and guide me." The only layout she knew was the one for the hospital.

The training on these soldiers to most seemed advanced, but to the man that set the bar and set the expectations of this militia? These soldier's were boys, nothing but novices. He didn't have to hurt them too bad in order to make them fall. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the smaller girl with black hair struggling against one of the men. Gillian smacked the rifle against the top of his head and watched the man fall to the ground. "They're unconscious, not dead. Don't freak out."

He held out a hand to the girl to help her get back up on her feet, his blue eyes glancing over to see the asian woman macing and tasing the group of men going after her. Huh, a woman with self defense training? She wouldn't last long in the reprogramming. They'd beat her, torture her, degrade her, anything to get her to break and conform to her role. "Not too shabby."

Gillian watched as the woman hopped into the nearby car. He should be in the woods tracking his sister down and getting her out of town. Half of that plan involved getting a car though, and there was the perfect one right in front of him. Plus someone here must have known where the others went, right? They'd go there, Gillian would get his sister, and they would drive to D.C. and be safe from the reprogramming camps. "I need to find the blonde girl, any idea where they went?" Gill hopped in the passenger seat and adjusted the collar of his white button down shirt.

"It's not too far, if we just head East we will hit the river and we should be able to see the little bridge from there." Lo eyed the blonde girl cautiously as she whispered and began moving once more. She had sighted this girl and the man she was with a few times around town but really didn't know much about them and now wasn't really the time to ask. "It's this way just a few hundred feet..."

Lo hugged herself tightly as she moved in curving motions through the woods, on a few different occasions she would pull out her phone and attempt to text her parents overseas but nothing would send...

After a few minutes of walking they finally reached the point where the trees touched the water and she let out a sigh of relief she didn't notice she was holding in. "There!" Lo exclaimed a little louder than she wished and began running over to the old handmade bridge that crossed over the shallow river and led to the back yard of the Inn. From here she could already tell that the place had been ransacked... doors were busted open and a few windows were shattered. The tires on her truck were all slashed and blood stained the snow here and there. "Fuck." She hissed as she stepped off the bridge and closer to her home. If her heart wasn't already shattered into a million pieces it was now...

It was all she could do to keep her legs from buckling under the stress and keep moving forward. "Well they've already searched the place so I doubt they'll come back. Let's go find the keys to the garage and warm up." Lo slowly pushed the broken door all the way open and gasped a little at the scene inside, it was clear a few of her guests must have put up quite the fight... she hoped they got away. Turning to look at the others behind her she eyed Callie again, "The kitchen has a wood stove and should have some coffee on and ready to go, you should go warm up."

Without another word Lo went upstairs and climbed over broken furniture and found her room, first on the docket was a coat. Second keys. Lo found her dresser turned on its side and dug through the drawers to pull on a big hoodie over her turtle neck before grabbing a snowboarding jacket and digging around for the keys in the pocket. Bingo.

"They've jammed cell signals. Whoever is doing this is advanced as hell... honestly might want to throw your phone in the river. With how he was able to take over that radio I would assume he can pin cell activity." Slade watched as Lo pressed at her phone screen and pulled out his own, tossing it behind him and into the snow as he trailed behind the group, making sure to do his best to mess with the tracks. Thankfully snow was falling pretty quickly and would cover any of it pretty fast but he didn't feel like taking any chances.

As they neared the Inn he surveyed the area from on the forest side of the small footbridge. The place had clearly been attacked pretty brutally, not too surprising. Any sort of hotel would be a hunting ground for people. It looked like activity was done and over at this point but Slade couldn't be sure there wasnt any stragglers.

"Hey!" He started as the red head ran off, "Be careful they could have left a scout or something you idiot!" He moved after her and turned to look at Callie. Poor thing looked so out of place hiking through the Maine terrain. "Here." Slade reached out his hand and held her elbow to help steady her as they crossed the narrow bridge. As soon as they reached the other side he let go and pushed her in the direction of the Inn. Something about her reminded her of the type of people his mom spoke about, they type of people who were so different from us so it was so much more important to show them kindness. She was also kind of like a injured fawn... ever since she left the guy she was with back there she seemed uncertain.

Inside the Inn Slade took the time to check the few bottom rooms as Lo went upstairs. He tried a few light switches and the TV only to find electricity must have been cut. Great.

Drake watched it all from behind the trash cans and only stood up when all the big baddies were laying on the ground knocked the fuck out. "Huh well now they're much less scary." The one woman absolutely kicked ass. Kind of impressive... a lot impressive. He reached out his foot and kicked at one of the mans shoulders a few times before breaking out in a smirk. A smirk only a true sadist could have in this situation. But seeing these fucks on the ground gave him joy, as fucked as that was. But they did the same to him months earlier! Left him for dead. At least these douche bags would just wake up with a killer headache.

While he gave into his giddiness, the female in scrubs had pulled up a car and yelled something over to the rest of them.

"Oh sweet ride. I'm in." Drake stopped prodding at the man and slipped out of the alleyway and into the back seat of the car, fully welcoming the shelter from the wicked wind. For a few silent moments he just picked at his nails, content to go wherever this ride would take them when suddenly the Ken dolls words made him realize something. "Oh wait yeah. Blondie went with red right? They both ran off?" Drake hummed a little, his social skills were absolute garbage. "Right right. Yeah the red head owns that boring ass hotel or whatever. I'm sure they went there."

Drake went silent again and leaned his head against the back of the seat.

"Oh shit you probably don't know where that is well... I think it's like that way?" He jabbed a thumb in the direction of a side street and shrugged, "Yeah that way."

Just as Ava was prepared to stop fighting the man holding her wrist dropped to the ground with a gross thud and she gasped. In front of her the blonde guy stood and held out his hand to her and she timidly took it to pull herself back up. “Thanks...” she whispered, honestly she didn’t even know if he heard her because he was onto the next thing so quickly. Her hands were shaking not from the cold but from terror, how was this real? How was this actually happening in today’s world? Intolerance was an evil beast but this was something OTHERWORLDLY!

Before she knew it the other three that had been with her were getting in a car and Ava hurried after them to get in as well. She was wary... But something told her she could trust these people.

“H-he’s talking about Ellsworths. If you turn down Main Street and then onto that dirt road on the left and drive for a few minutes you’ll reach it. If your friend stuck with Lo then that’s where they’ll go.” Ava spoke up in a small voice as she nervously pulled at the tips of her long black hair. “If not there then I really have no idea where they would have gone. I’m sorry I’m not much more help...”

The walk through the woods was numbing. This was a whole new world with strangers, without Gill she felt like she was helpless. Callie had become dependent on her brother over the years and she didn't even realize it. Not until now. Was that her fathers intention? Make her dependent on her brother, make her always need someone? "Huh?" Cell service. Tracking? Her heart skipped a beat. Would her father be tracking her right now? Her hand gently touched her pocket. She had to ditch her phone, she didn't want these people caught up in whatever was going on.

Once to the bridge Callie watched everyone move across the narrow handmade bridge. It was terrifying, she was going to fall in. "Oh, uh, thank you." Before Slade could help her across the bridge Callie tossed her phone in the river. Soon they were moving towards the Inn. The white snow was stained with blood and Callie felt the blood drain from her face. People were seriously getting hurt because of her dad. Her knees felt weak as she made her way into the Inn after the others.

"Wood stove, got it..." When Lo spoke Callie realized how cold she was. She rubbed her hands together and moved into the kitchen. By the wood still crackling in the stove she could tell people were recently here, the raid wasn't long ago. Her heart broke and guilt weighed heavily on her. Tears burned in her eyes as she filled up a teapot. Her free hand wiped the tears away as she put the pot on the stove. After opening a couple cupboards she found the tin of hot cocoa.

By the time Callie prepped the cups and cocoa the teapot started to whistle. She poured the steaming hot water into the mugs and stirred the drinks together before putting the mugs on a circular tray. "Guys? Are you still there?" Callie's gentle voice echoed through the Inn as she made her way to the couches in front of the fireplace. She sat the tray down on the coffee table before she sat in one of the chairs.

Soon enough the car was filling up. Blondie, some random guy that appeared from behind the trash can, and the little goth girl. Trash man just sat in the back acting like nothing happened spouting some piss poor directions to some inn. Before Haru could give the trash man a verbal lashing the little goth girl chimed in with some legitimate directions. "Thanks." She put the car in drive and slipped out of the parking space quietly.

Haru followed Main street and tried to keep her eyes on the road, though it was difficult with the distractions all around the town. People being pulled from their homes and businesses, people being shoved into vans, people being shot...it made her feel sick to her stomach. What kind of monster would do this? She didn't agree with most of the things humanity did either but this wasn't the way to fixing things.

"What's the plan after we get blondie? I have a feeling life will be kinda different if we get caught." The car turned down the dirt road and looked back at the others in the car. Haru turned up the radio and scrolled through the stations. It was nothing but that psycho's voice playing over and over again on every station. As they pulled next to the Inn you could see the raid, you could see the blood. "I'm sure they're here by now, right?" She turned off the car, tightened her coat, stood from the car and walked into the inn.

"Everyone in one piece still?" She walked in to see the blonde girl on the couch sipping cocoa. Haru picked up one of the many mugs and leaned next to the crackling fireplace before taking a small drink.

The man that joined them was useless, thankfully the small black haired girl knew the way. "Thank you. She's my sister, I'm very worried about her." If anything had happened to her he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. Hell, if anything happened to her he was sure his father would hang him. He looked over at Haru as she questioned the group, though his eyes focused on the scene around them. All Gillian felt was guilt. Was this what he wanted? No, but after years of abuse and brainwashing...well, this was the reality Gillian was ready to accept. The hierarchy, the murders, the slavery, the forced marriages...he was the prodigal son, he couldn't disappoint his father.

"Don't get caught. I know people that followed these believes, it's not pretty for most people. Go to the mountains, hide. Get out of the country. The number one thing is just don't get caught." Gillian hopped out of the car before it was even off, he was rushing into the inn armed with the rifle. He wasn't letting this go until Callie and him were safe.

Once inside the inn his stern face cracked a smile when he seen his platinum blonde haired sister on the couch. "You're safe, correct?" He knelt in front of her and looked her over a couple times to make sure she wasn't wounded. "Praise be." He let out a relieved sigh. "I'll have to thank the others for keeping you in one piece." He stood and his large hand pat her head a couple times before turning and looking at the crackling fire. Portland was nearly 600 miles away from D.C. That was a 2 hour flight or a 9.5 hour drive on the expressway. They would need to take the back roads to avoid the militia. How would they talk the others into taking them to D.C.?

The whole walk to the bridge they weaved in and out of each others footsteps and created paths to confuse whoever may follow them. Marco was silent and followed the others, though he did notice that the snow was filling their tracks rather quickly. No one would track them here. It didn't help the sickening feeling in his stomach. What was happening? He wasn't even a citizen of the US, would they kill him if they found him or deport him? He prayed to be deported but he was smart enough to know otherwise. That or they'd put him to slave labor. He didn't want that, he wanted to escape this hell. He was sure the others wanted to do the same.

Marco tossed his phone into the stream as he crossed the bridge, being tracked was the last thing they needed. He held onto the strap of the rifle he had on his back, prepped to defend themselves as they entered the Inn. He scoped out a few rooms before he let out a long sigh. Could they really survive this? The one guy seemed to be a survivalist but the others didn't seem too resourceful. The red head seemed to know things about the town but would she make it outside of the town? Would any of them really make it out of this mess? Once again everything in his life seemed hopeless.

The scream of the teapot forced Marco to his feet. He strolled back into the living area and grabbed a cup of cocoa. "Grazi, dearie." He raised the cup to the others as they made their way into the inn. "Welcome everyone. Should we start with introductions? Becoming familiar with our fellow escapees might make us all feel friendlier. I ah, I'm Marco Russo. I'm from Italy, I'm a pilot. My flight got canceled." His heavily accented voice chuckled sadly before taking a sip of the hot chocolate.
Once Lo returned downstairs she was met with more people as well as the comforting smell of hot chocolate that seemed disturbing amongst the horror surrounding her. But still… welcome. She reached out and took a cup in her hands, turning it over a few times and staring at the decal of the Inn on the plaster. Just this morning everything was so different… it only took a few minutes for life to be thrown to shit. After a few seconds of thought she dropped into one of the cozy arm chairs and listened as Marco spoke up.

“Well that fucking blows.” Lo couldn’t help but huff at this poor guys luck, though in all honesty…wouldn’t any method of structured transportation be dangerous right now? “I’m Lorna but call me Lo, please.” She paused for a moment to take a sip, “My family owns this place and the grocery store. That’s about it really.” She tapped her foot against the ground a few times before looking around at the others and suddenly feeling plain and kind of screwed in this situation. Lo lived and breathed this town which was fine and dandy but the moment she left? All of her expansive knowledge was useless! Could she run like hell? Sure she played sports all her life. But did she know shit about surviving in the wild or first aid? Nope.

“I don’t know about you guys but I sure would appreciate sticking together for a while longer, strength in numbers and whatever you want to call it.” Lo downcast her eyes as she spoke, half embarrassed and half scared. “My family is overseas right now. Which I’m thankful they’re safe but it also means I’m kind of alone here…”

Slade entered the room where Callie had served up some hot coca and raised a brow as the others rejoined them. Haru made a comment to which he simply nodded before responding “Were in one piece but the power isn’t, the lines have been cut. I’m assuming they’re supposed to be doing whatever they can to push any stragglers to turn themselves in… or die in the cold.” He gestured time the fire. “Thankfully a lot of folks around here have wooden set ups so if they got away they can last for a while but.” He trailed off without finishing and leaned against the wall as Gil went over to Callie.

Something didn’t sit right with him about that guy… Slade was a trained federal employee and the way that guy moved surpassed most military men he knew. It wasn’t a bad feeling really but … there was more than what was at the surface.

The guy with long hair who introduced himself as Marco started with introductions and Slade scoffed a little. In this situation it seemed appropriate to be a little… annoyed… by basic social pleasantries. A few others followed in suit and Slade finally felt some eyes on him, “Slade. That’s it.” They didn’t need to swap camp stories.

Once done he turned to Lo as she questioned them, “It’s smart to stick together for now. I’m sure that despite how scary this all… someone… government or not, has started some form of relief effort. We would just need to seek that out. Or head for Canada.” Slade shrugged and pushed off the wall. “You said you had snow mobiles right? What other toys you have? Something we can off road in would be best. I’m sure they’re going to barricade the main roads.”
Ava followed, shivering as they walked through the cold. Thankfully there were inside again almost as soon as they were left to the climate. “I’ve never been in this place. It’s pretty… or was.” She spoke absentmindedly as she looked around the hall of the Inn and the sitting room the others had been accumulating in. If it wasn’t for all the death and destruction this place would have been adorable.

The blonde girl was sitting in a chair and Ava let go a slow sigh of relief, somewhere along the line she herself got worried. Honestly she was worried about everyone, she was almost too empathetic her father used to say. “Thank you.” She gently took the cup of hot coco and perched on the arm of one of the couches as she took a sip.The warm liquid seemed to melt a little more of her tension and she let out a long breath.

These people seemed good. That made her feel better despite the terrifying situation they were in. At first all Ava could think of was getting back to the shop and hiding but even if that happened how long would she last? A day? A week? Sure she had her own indoor garden but that too would need supplies. Plus whos to say her shop didn’t look like this place? The idea of it made her want to cry but for now she had to push the thought out of her mind and be strong.

Marco mentioned some introductions and it made her smile a little, that sounded nice. He went first and then Lo followed and soon they fell silent. Ava waited a few seconds before finally speaking up, “Uhm I’m Ava, I own a tea shop in Old Port.” She chose to keep quiet about the Wiccan part, it freaked some people out. Lo spoke up once more and Ava ran her hands nervously over the ends of her long black hair. She too had the thought… these people would
probably heighten her chances of survival but there’s also the fact that it would be easier to travel alone. Plus where would they even go?

As they pulled up to the Inn the crude male couldn’t help but let out a small oof noise at the sight of the place. He’d seen shit like this a few times now and never was it pretty. Drake felt bad for the people that got hurt, he really did, even though he really didn’t know how to express that emotion. Especially when he was just always so obsessed with tracking down the answers. And this situation was kind of near and dear to him... so as he looked at the blood stained snow all he could feel was the bubbling of questions in his mind. The biggest one was why? Not how or who... but why? This dude ranted on the radio about how they needed to be cleansed or whatever but... was it a religious thing or strictly narcissism?

As he pondered the others had all already streamlined into the building and Drake finally followed in after them. “I-wait. You made hot chocolate? With all this around you? You- oh my that’s amazing.” He nearly doubled over laughing as he picked up a mug and stared in amusement at Callie. Just-what? “Well I appreciate it girlie but man I tell you nothing feels stranger than the smell of iron AND chocolate in your nose.”

The others were introducing themselves and suddenly friends and Drake rolled his eyes. “David. I’m a photographer.” Let’s keep up the story of witness protection for now. Just in case... as if he really gave a shit at this point.

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