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Multiple Settings [closed] When a Human Meets a Demon |bxb|


satan's pet goat


"Did you seriously just punch a demon?”
“You told me to do something!”
“And the first thing you thought of was to sucker punch a greater demon in the balls?!”


In a world where magic is almost as common as breathing, Muse A was always ridiculed for not possessing even the tiniest bit of power. He's tried spells from countless wiki-hows and YouTube tutorials, without any success.

His latest exploit is trying to summon a demon with the help of an obscure book he found in a tiny shop tucked away in a dark alley. Not that he really believes in demons. No one does. But he's desperate, and if it means that he has to sell his soul for power, then so be it.

With the help of ingredients bought online, he draws a pentagram on the floor of his living room, and begins the ritual. At first, nothing happens. And then all hell breaks loose. Quite literally.

Dozens upon dozens of demons come pouring forth, screeching and cackling, desperate for freedom that has been denied to them for so long. In his panic and fear, Muse A accidentally ruins the pentagram, thus freeing all the demons trapped inside. They scatter to the wind, and amidst the chaos, Muse A is knocked out.


Muse B is a demon centuries old. But unlike most of his brethren, he doesn't wish for the destruction of the human world. Over his years of existing, he's come to care for the humans, and it all started centuries ago when a woman had summoned him and bound them together. He fell in love with the woman, but disaster was quick to follow. She was accused of witchcraft, and burned at the stake. Instead of developing resentment for humans, he only wished to help them. But he did swear to himself that he would never fall for a human again.

And yet he can't help but immediately hate Muse A, who not only brought destruction upon the human world with his careless actions, but is also grumpy and cynical beyond belief. Still, the human did manage to accidentally bind them together, and Muse B feels it is his duty to help save the world that had already been reduced to shambles in the few quick hours that Muse A was out cold.


When Muse A wakes up, he finds the world a ruined mess straight from apocalyptic movies. He knows this is his fault. He knows he has to save it, because even though some of the powerful sorcerers can keep the demons at bay, they can't do so forever, and he learns that only he can banish them forever. Because, would you look at that, it turns out that he is, indeed, a sorcerer. The magic to summon, control, and banish demons is the rarest in existence. And he has it.

As days pass, he struggles with this newfound power, and with his own conscience. He's not so sure he even wants to save this world full of high and mighty sorcerers that only ridiculed him all his life. Do they even deserve salvation?

And along the way, the two find themselves developing feelings for each other.
Muse A refuses to acknowledge them. What good could come from loving a demon that he is certain he will have to send back to Hell once this is all over?
And Muse B still tries to stand by his promise to never love a human again. The death of that woman has hurt him too much, and demons have long memories.


“Can't you use those powers of yours to cast a spell that grants me eternal riches?”
“I'm a demon, not a goddamn movie witch!”
“So basically, what you're saying is that you're useless.”


Name (I'd suggest giving him some badass demon name and a human nickname or something along those lines)
Age (actual and of appearance)
Short bio


•These demons come in different ranks. The higher ranks, such as demon princes, can physically manifest to appear human, and are much stronger. The lower ranks can only manifest as an invisible force, but they can possess human bodies.•
•We'll make up demons and their powers as we encounter them in the story, depending on where we want to take it and what fits best.•



Write in third person, past tense.

A minimum of fifteen sentences per every post, though I'd prefer more. I understand if the story itself calls for shorter posts, such as in action scenes, or it's slowing down.

You have to be comfortable with death and gore.

No sexual scenes. We can do kissing and things leading up to that, but then we do a fade-to-black.

Sometimes, it might take me around a week or even longer to respond, because depression is kicking my ass and finding inspiration and the energy to write can be really damn hard. Please be patient.

I expect you to use proper grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.

Please don't try to rp with one of those meek, subservient, stuttering idiot OCs. They make me want to bash my head against the wall.

Use "this" for talk, 'this' or italics for thoughts.

I want to see an example of your writing before we start rping, just so I can see if I'd enjoy having you as a partner.

Please don't message me if you're under 17.

Heya, and welcome to my roleplay! Okay, so the blurb is sorta all over the place, but you get the gist of it.
You'd be rping as Muse B, our resident badass demon. Don't be afraid of making him a bit OP. He is, after all, a centuries old demon, so he's had plenty of time to perfect his powers and skills.
So if you're interested in this, just comment here or pm me and we can get to work.
And if you have questions, just ask!
I adore this prompt tbh, but I fear my posts may be a little short for your liking
Still, if you're keen I'd be happy to write out something new or send you an example from another rp ^^
I adore this prompt tbh, but I fear my posts may be a little short for your liking
Still, if you're keen I'd be happy to write out something new or send you an example from another rp ^^

Ah, thank you, but I already found someone for this rp

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