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Realistic or Modern (CLOSED) Supers, High School Edition

The Suspicious Eye] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/30531-brinni/ said:
@Brinni[/URL] Are you talking to Min?? Because Min has silver hair and a purple dress.
Yeah. Sorry I was only looking at the picture for a quick reference and it looks like a light purple to me O.o sorry for confusion, I'll go and edit it.
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xD It's fine, the color is really light silver. But I figured you meant me

Next time just Tag me it makes things clearer.
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[QUOTE="The Suspicious Eye]
xD It's fine, the color is really light silver. But I figured you meant me
Next time just Tag me it makes things clearer.

Sure...I assmue tagging is @ and then the user? still a bit new to the site and have only done 1 on 1 here so some things are still unknown to me
Brinni said:
Sure...I assmue tagging is @ and then the user? still a bit new to the site and have only done 1 on 1 here so some things are still unknown to me
Lol, it's fine. Yes tagging is @ and then the user.
@The Suspicious Eye I'm glad my dice decided to give the flower to Min. I rolled to see who I'd pick to follow around and give the flower to lol. Her crushing on Léon is adorable...at least I assume that's what it is and not just social awkwardness.
Yeah but....who's making/controlling the evil studies teacher? or are we glossing over the class in the interest of time xD
Darke is actually important. I want us to get the new guy interacting abit before time jumps.

Clara is going to go over what to expect for halloween
Character cheating.

You fail the dice roll you fail the dice roll, but if you win the dice roll and go....you know what my character totally cheated and sabotaged this character.
CosmicChangeling said:
Character cheating.
You fail the dice roll you fail the dice roll, but if you win the dice roll and go....you know what my character totally cheated and sabotaged this character.
(>u>) Of course.
CosmicChangeling said:
Why am i not getting notificationa for this.
We're all putting "@[someone]" then removing it so it doesn't notify you. Muahahaha!!


You are talking of Nickolaus, right?
Coriandr said:
We're all putting "@[someone]" then removing it so it doesn't notify you. Muahahaha!!

You are talking of Nickolaus, right?
Yeah, sorry. Tagging isn't working on my phone right now for some reason

Anyone in Darke's class, I'll start as soon as everyone who volunteered for the torture of his class has sat down.

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