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[CLOSED] Needing Some Partners


World-Renowned Dawdler
EDIT: Well, I've gotten way more partners than I expected! Looks like this is closed, for now. Sorry!

As of late, I've been craving a good fantasy roleplay, although I currently only have three roleplays going on at the moment. I'm not terribly picky, but I do need a literate partner. As in, using proper punctuation, capitalization, grammar, etc., and at least three lines per post. If we're RPing and you're really stuck, I'm okay with a smaller reply. I always try to have a minimum of three lines, though will push for more if you tend to write more.

Anyways, onto the fun part -- the ideas.

As the prefix says, I'm interested in mainly Fantasy roleplays at the moment. I'll post some basic ideas here (pairings and general description), and whoever is interested and would like some more details can PM me. All of these are Renaissance-era RPs, as I'm not too big on modern fantasy.

Opposing Sides -- Two members of warring countries fall in love/befriend each other. They can be just plain citizens, or nobles/royals. Conflict arises, of course, with them being star-crossed lovers, and the destruction of war. (MxM, MxF or FxF)

Soldier x Royal -- A soldier and a prince(ss), who are either romantically interested in each other or close friends, are separated when the soldier is sent off to war. The soldier can either return home a couple years later, damaged physically and generally just a mess, or the royal can disguise themselves and go after the soldier into war. (MxM, MxF or FxF)

King x Queen -- Two monarchs of a country rule happily until one is captured by an enemy country. RP can consist of the husband/wife pursuing and rescuing the kidnapped monarch, or them being rescued/suddenly showing up again a few years after and the RP focusing more on the damage that the enemy has done. (MxF, romance only.)

Werewolf x Peasant -- A person stumbles across a werewolf the morning after a rampage, whose head is wanted by the nearest town. The peasant is surprisingly understanding, and takes the werewolf in. They then befriend each other/fall in love. Conflict can come from transforming during the next full moon, of course. (MxM, MxF or FxF)
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I would be interested in role playing with you but i tend to do science fiction and adventure type of role plays.
Well, these can be adventure roleplays. I do occasionally do sci-fi roleplays, but at the moment I'm not really craving anything in that department.

If you're interested in any of these ideas, or if you have some of your own you'd like to share, you can send me a PM.
sleeplessCartoonist said:
Well, these can be adventure roleplays. I do occasionally do sci-fi roleplays, but at the moment I'm not really craving anything in that department.
If you're interested in any of these ideas, or if you have some of your own you'd like to share, you can send me a PM.
Just send me a good plot then we can start role playing!
I love the soldier and royal plot. I like to play a girl so we can either go FxM or FxF. I'm okay with both.

Would you please pm me so that we can talk about this?
Hey, I'd be interested in a FxF if you're still looking for partners ^.^

"Opposing Sides" sounds cool, or "Soldier x Royal" though I see you've gotten someone for that already.
If you're willing to have another person to RP with I'm willing to do any of your listed ideas.
are any of these still open by any chance? I really love the ideas that you have >///<
Well, I do have a lot of RPs going on now, but it wouldn't hurt to have one more, I think! Shoot me a PM and we can figure out which one you like best.
sleeplessCartoonist said:
Well, I do have a lot of RPs going on now, but it wouldn't hurt to have one more, I think! Shoot me a PM and we can figure out which one you like best.
I would but since I'm fairly new to the site, I don't have the privilege yet ^^;;
I maaay be able to take on one more (although there is an absolute flood of them now, I'm not sure how I'll keep track of the characters!) so sure, send me a PM.
WAITWAITWAIT NOOO. WAIT FOR- *door slams in face*. Awww... I'm always late to the fiesta.
Well, I don't see why I can't take a couple more, seeing as a lot of RPs tend to die pretty quickly, anyways. So, yeah, send me a PM and we can work something out!

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