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One x One closed:〈far away〉✈「cs」


gogo dancer
Everett Stone.
welcome to my account
Age: Twenty-three | Gender: Male | Sexuality: Bisexual | Occupation: Indie Artist + Part time grocery clerk | Hometown/state: Portland, Maine | Height: 186 cm | Weight: 67kg
Traits | Calm, Observant, Creative, wipwip
followers 8.6k _ following 8
posts 126 _ likes 126k

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin viverra tortor purus, id hendrerit enim dictum at. Nunc scelerisque eros mauris, ac tincidunt sem euismod at. Sed mollis sollicitudin enim, ut sollicitudin urna mollis et. Duis a risus quam. Mauris ultricies vehicula erat, eu tempus risus iaculis vitae. Fusce id eros in eros dapibus finibus. Sed vel imperdiet velit, ac auctor eros. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur dapibus metus et tellus accumsan feugiat. Donec est velit, porttitor vitae dignissim at, sollicitudin ac diam. Pellentesque condimentum augue eu magna facilisis, a ultricies felis ornare. Phasellus sit amet neque nisl. Maecenas fringilla, lorem et pharetra efficitur, justo urna consectetur erat, et porta dui libero vel tortor. Praesent vehicula, ipsum euismod consequat aliquet, sapien purus dapibus urna, sit amet tempus libero arcu eu quam. Aliquam nec turpis nisi. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuerecubilia Curae; Nunc porta mauris ex, non venenatis augue porta eu. Aliquam nibh sem, gravida non nulla nec, lacinia volutpat magna. Mauris semper massa eu turpis pulvinar semper.
Last edited:

age: 23; height: 5'4; weight: 100 lbs; ///​


Euijin is a very calm and collected individual, he doesn't talk to many people for multiple reasons that have to do with his past.When he was a child, Euijin was hated by guys all over the school for unreasonable reasons, though it was most likely because of how much the teachers adored Euijin. He was everything a teacher would want, intelligence, effort, creativity, and all in all he was a good kid. In highschool, he found out that he was bisexual after experimenting with every type of person out there, until he realized how many hearts he was breaking which brought him to an end of his experiments.


Eui Jin

The Quiet perches
My bosom burden true
Eyelids drooping
and then the quiet grew

It, from golden bowl
To quench its thirst
Drinks my soul

Now my legs are set in lead
And I lie welded to my bed

I should do something..


code by pasta pasta

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