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Fandom [Closed] CanonxOC Double Up Fandoms

I'm new but here we go -

Yo - what up? I'm Glitzy, a new member here. I've looked around at a few of these here interest check things, so I'm pretty sure that I got a good idea of how to do this.

First off, a self intro:

As stated above, my names' Glitzy. 27 years old and livin' on a farm in Oregon. Out of characta, I tend to misspell a few things on purpose just 'cause I speak the way that it's all spelled, I have a bit of a country accent see, and I type the way that I speak. But I can assure y'all sugar plums that I don't type this way in a roleplay, only when I'm chatting outa characta.

Despite bein' a farm and valley girl, I'm also a big 'ole weeb. I'm not in a whole lotta fandoms, but I'm very knowledgeable of the fandoms that I'm in. Why? 'Cuz I was around before the fandoms I'm in were out yet, dats why.

Generally, I'm a fun and goofy 'ole person, I like to chit-chat out of characta, and I like to weeb on out about characters and fandoms and all of that good stuff. I also have a little 'ole tendency to call people sugar plum or sweetie or love just 'cuz that's how people talk to each other in my area, so I can assure ya that I'm not tryna be weird or anythin' like that when I call ya somethin' like darlin' or blueberry muffin.

Now, I don't think that there's much else to add, so let's move on to some roleplay info, shall we?

Roleplay info:

Lets start off with some good 'ole literacy. Despite how illiterate I might seem due to the way I type out of characta, I can assure ya that I'm a literate writer who writes clear, properly gramma'd and punctuated, and detailed sentences, and I also write about 2-3 para per characta that I play. I usually use third narration, but I don't mind what narration ya use as long as you're typing 2-3 para per characta that you play pumpkin!

As suggested by the title, I'm lookin' for some CanonxOC roleplays. I don't mind what gender pairing we do, MxM, FxF, and MxF is all fine by me! My OCs tend to be female, but I don't mind if your OC is male or female sugar!

Plot wise, I like to have action mixed in with romance. I'm also all good with angst as long as it leads to some fluffy moments that'll make us both swoon like a lova' swan. If you've read this all, be sure ta' tell me ya favorite color! It's just so I know that ya read all this.

Here's the fandoms that I'd be interested in roleplayin' with y'alls. I'll be sending canons that I can play and my OC for the fandom in DMs.

Assassination Classroom
Demon Slayer
Back Street Girls Gokudolls
Hazbin Hotel

Hope to find some of y'alls to roleplay with! Later sugars!
Hey there! My favorite color is pastel blue and I would love to do a Hazbin Hotel roleplay with you!

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