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Realistic or Modern Closed as of Now!


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Bambi's Partner Search!

Pairings and Genres!
Genres First:
If it's bolded, that means I would be really interested in doing it ^-^

-Historical (Please be realistic with this one ^-^ Do your research!)
-Fantasy (We would need a really good plot for this)
-Realistic/Slice of Life
-Darker Themes
-Science Fiction (i.e Post Apocalyptic, Dystopian Society)

Pairings and Fandoms:

(Sorry guys, for fandom, I only do OCs.)

-Ghoul x Human (Tokyo Ghoul)
Demon x Human
-Vampire x Human
-Werewolf x Human
-College Students
-Friends with Benefits (Have plot idea for this. PM me for more ideas.)
-Unexpected Pregnancy
-Childhood Friends
-Celebrity x Average
-Time Traveler x Civilian (PM me for more details)
-Athlete x Average/Friend
-Soldier x Civilian
-God/Goddess/Divine Being x Human
-Drug Dealer x Innocent (Have plot idea for this. PM for more details.)
-Bad Boy x Good Girl
-Anything Anime related really...
-Anything with Studio Ghibli in it, I'm sold.
Feel free to suggest anything else ^-^ I don't bite!

Conflicts of the Heart
mxf|soldierxprisoner|Historical Fiction
Muse A is an average German boy. Born blonde and gifted with bright, cerulean blue eyes, he is the epitome of the idealized Aryan Race. By nature, he is not a bad child, his parents' rearing him to be a formidable young man. Quiet and shy, Muse A is not inclined towards violence, and prefers to spend his time taking hikes with the family dog, taking hours off from society and simply wander in the nearby forests where he can be alone with his thoughts, absorbed in nature.

Things aren't much different as the war starts, but more and more, Muse A becomes aware of the violence around him and the racism. Slowly his favorite subjects are replaced with Nazi propaganda, his long hikes in the comfort of his forest turn into dread lengths training and participating underneath the Hitler Youth.

One day, Muse A comes home to find his parents have decided to hide a Jewish family in the attic of their small home nestled in the outskirts of town. Muse B is an average sort of gal, and both she and the young boy are around the same age. Slowly, Muse B without much contact with anyone else, and Muse A, finding it increasingly difficult to talk and relate to his friends, they turn to each other for mutual comfort and support. Slowly but surely, their friendship blossoms into something more, but the bleak line between them remains omnipresent: their race. Soon, Muse A will have to enlist to fight in the war, and the safety of Muse B's family is up in the air in such a time of uncertainty.

((Many, many dark themes here. Please let me know if you have any triggers.))

Whispers of the Heart
mxf|arranged marriage|romance

In a futuristic world, where our countries no longer exist, a new society has risen. Kingdoms rise and fall again with the ebb of each rising tide. However, there is more trouble brewing after years of a tension filled peace between two countries worn ragged with endless wars.

The Princess of the opposing Kingdom is sent as a tribute in an arranged marriage to the Prince as a last desperate attempt to preserve the peace of the land. However, the tyrannical King that controls the Kingdom has his eyes set on something else beyond peace as his lands are brewing with rebels, fed up with his endless abuses of power.

Soon, after an assassination, the Prince and Princess are crowned King and Queen, and must begin to work together, no matter at what odds, to pull their world back together.

Scum's Wish
mxf|friends with benefits|modern/romance

Muse A and Muse B may be strangers, but they both have one thing in common. They are both incredibly lonely. Both are in the middle of college, and each has a crush on someone else who will never return their feelings or notice them.

One day by some stroke of luck, Muse A and Muse B start striking up a random conversation in one of their shared classes, and after a little bit, discover how similar of a situation they're in. Both of them are just looking for someone else to fill the aching gap of loneliness within them.

In the end, after a little bit more of talking, Muse A and Muse B decide to settle on an agreement to become "friends with benefits", serving to satisfy the physical need of someone, but both agree not to fall in love with the other.

However, as the days turn into months, things begin to change. Slowly, Muse A (or Muse B) begins to see the other as someone more, and their initial lust for physical contact begins to unfurl into something more. Their feelings begin to grow, and soon, Muse A (or Muse B) finds themselves falling head over heels for the other, but because of their previous agreement, becomes unsure whether or not they should revel the true nature of their feelings.

Ahh yes. Expect the angst, please.

1001 Arabian Nights
mxf|royal x civilian|fantasy

On the surface, Muse A is a crazed boy king. Each night, Muse A is forced to take a new bride, but like every other before her, the young woman is found murdered at the break of dawn. Without fail, every single night. No one but the closest of the Muse A's ranks know the truth behind the reason for the murders, but on the outside, people live in constant fear of having their heart and soul taken away only to be slaughtered like a pig the next day.

Muse B is selected to be Muse A's next bride, and like every other before her, she is escorted to the palace, where she is prepared for the wedding. However, this time, things end differently. Either through sheer cunning, Muse B is able to stay alive, and one day flows into the next and the next by telling stories every night. She is kept going by her desire to seek revenge on Muse A for murdering her best friend.

However, as time begins to pass and Muse B begins to understand Muse A more and more, she begins to find that there is more under the surface than she initially suspected. After all, every book has a story.​

Eternal Happiness
mxf|terminally ill x lover|slice of life

Muse A and Muse B have been the best of Friends for the longest time. For as long as they could remember, Muse A and Muse B had been attached by the hip. Slowly, they go from elementary school to middle school and eventually to high school, where the two finally confess their feelings for each other.

In high school, Muse A and Muse B became the envy of everyone. They were the perfect couple, and they certainly had it all. Everyone wanted to be like them, and they were completely head over heels in love with each other. The moment both of them graduated from college and became financially stable, the pair married as high school sweethearts, and for the first year, everything was absolutely perfect.

But, like all good things, everything came to a screeching halt the moment Muse A was diagnosed with cancer, ending their fairytale. Now, the uphill battle with cancer is all that looms on their mind, with Muse B constantly fearing the worst.
[color= ffffff][/color]​

The Secret Garden
mxf|slice of life

After an accident where both of Muse A's parents are killed, they are sent to live with a distant uncle near the mountains. Muse A's uncle hardly pays the newcomer any attention, and both lonely and upset, there isn't much to do in the unfamiliar area. The house itself is massive and an old, victorian era style building with large vines crawling up one side of the crumbling stone structure.

One night, in a fit of insomnia, Muse A ventures outside to the beautiful gardens that are the antithesis of their uncle. There, in the middle of the night, Muse A takes comfort in the winding cobblestone trails in the beautiful and extensive gardens, losing themselves in the cool night air until they finally realize how lost they are.

Perhaps by chance or fate, Muse A stumbles upon Muse B, the child of the distant uncle who had taken them in. Muse B is weakened by illness or any other health issue, and because of their overbearing father, can only manage to sneak out at night to walk in the gardens they so admire.

Muse A begins sneaking out every night to catch a glimpse of Muse B and inevitably, the pair become good friends, helping out each other, and keeping each other company during the day when Muse A finally finds their way to Muse B's room.

((Lame-ass explanation.. :<))​

Welcome, welcome to my humble abode where I try and please you with my crappy coding and horrible jokes! Ah yes. You have stumbled upon my partner search! But yes, please excuse me... I never know how to do these searches or how to start them off...

But before we get into the actual meat of this search, I'll tell you a little 'bout me self, since I know everyone's dying to know more about me. Oh yes. That's exactly it.

Moving on, I'm from the lovely side of the politically ruined East Coast of the United States of America, meaning my time zone is EST. I'm on fairly often, and for the most part, I do have RPN constantly open on my laptop during and after school, so if you're looking for someone who can squish in a few replies a day, I might be the one for you!

I'm a literate player, meaning my replies range anywhere from 300 words to 3000, depending on how into the plot I am. I like writing in extreme detail, and I do really enjoy it when my partners do as well! Tell me about the weather, the way the wind rustled the autumn leaves, the noises of the crowded, congested city, the way the character's hair flowed in the tousling wind! These little things make me super excited ^-^

Hm... When it comes to characters, I'm flexible in the sense that I can play both genders equally and may prefer male or female in certain situations, but that's not too big of an issue here. If you like/only play female or male, coolio! However, I do prefer using anime face claims over realistic ones, simply because I'm an awkward human being and have shirtless males on my screen make me uncomfortable. Especially when my super reliable laptop freezes on that and my mom walks in to question what the hell I'm doing.. @-@

My writing style is third person past tense, and I would really, really appreciate it if you wrote that way as well! For some reason, I have a lot of trouble getting into role-plays that are written in present tense or first person. As for where we role-play, I do prefer doing it on PMs, simply because I tend to lose threads and forget about them? I have the memory of a goldfish.. soo....

Despite being extremely socially awkward, I love having a constant OOC chat ^-^ I also don't mind giving out my discord, but it makes me feel so much more connected with my partner. Another thing, please plan with me! While I don't mind doing all the work, I do like it when my partner offers suggestions or shoots mine down, because then at least I know we're making a role-play premises we'll both enjoy.

Hmm... I don't believe there's anything else! Hopefully I've managed to keep your attention for this long!
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;3 ... I'm interested in a Victorian Era/Historical type of rp, with darker, more mature themes. I haven't found anyone willing, but if you're interested, do tell! Please and thank you!
the plot titled "Scum's Wish" is the only plot I have specifically for that pairing, but we can always come up with another... I only do mxf or mxm on the rare occasion. I'm not particularly good at fxf...
Hi there! (✿´꒳`)ノ°

You can call me by my internet name: Ringo. I noticed this post not too long ago and I thought I would send you a message. I became very interested in roleplaying with you after reading many of your original ideas so I was hoping to discuss them with you and perhaps combing some of them! I'm super into world building, character creation, and plotting out some angsty/fluffy/romantic scenarios. :) I'm very open to suggestions, enjoy creating different ideas to roleplay off of, and I am also very detailed. Actually, I've been roleplaying for about 7 to 8 years now and have experience with both original and fandom roleplays, the majority of them being anime-related. Lastly, I do prefer writing in third person and will match the length of my partner's writing.

The only question I have is if you are interested in doubling for original roleplays. :>

I hope you'll be interested in roleplaying with me, Bambi! Have a wonderful day and thank you in advance for reading my message. (〃 ω 〃)​
heyo !

i guess i should introduce myself a little? i guess i'll start by saying- we're actually in the same timezone, so at least there we'd be on the same page :0 // anyway i usually go by oli on here, and i'd prefer to trade discord's for this kind of thing personally. my replying schedule depends on how tired i am at the end of the day, but usually i'm not on the brink of death so it's okay.

for parings and all, i was thinking we could either do 'god/goddess x human' or 'conflicts of the heart'... like you, i love angst haha.​
Hi there! (✿´꒳`)ノ°

You can call me by my internet name: Ringo. I noticed this post not too long ago and I thought I would send you a message. I became very interested in roleplaying with you after reading many of your original ideas so I was hoping to discuss them with you and perhaps combing some of them! I'm super into world building, character creation, and plotting out some angsty/fluffy/romantic scenarios. :) I'm very open to suggestions, enjoy creating different ideas to roleplay off of, and I am also very detailed. Actually, I've been roleplaying for about 7 to 8 years now and have experience with both original and fandom roleplays, the majority of them being anime-related. Lastly, I do prefer writing in third person and will match the length of my partner's writing.

The only question I have is if you are interested in doubling for original roleplays. :>

I hope you'll be interested in roleplaying with me, Bambi! Have a wonderful day and thank you in advance for reading my message. (〃 ω 〃)​
oh my gosh, i'm so sorry, i just noticed your inquiry post today (>﹏<)

i'm definitely still up to discuss a roleplay if you're interested! i'm so sorry about not noticing until now
(。 ˇ‸ˇ 。)
Conflict of the heart and Whispers of the heart give me life as plots XD If you would like to rp still let me know ^.^
So I'm a huge sucker for some long term detailed stories. With lots of dark times between characters, some development and lots of heart break; and of course a happy ending. If maybe I'm your girl, just message me!

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