Cloning Gone Awry (ivysaur and Vibora)


New Member
In the year 2126, cloning humans and creating life from matter has been perfected. The component that changed this all is a single cell, named the nuclei cell. Before this, the human clones created were simply sacs of lifeless skin. The nuclei cell was difficult to find in the brain. It was the first cell born in a human, and one of the last to die before death. That meant you had to find the single cell in the brain of a living specimen. While this cell was partly formed in human reproductive cells, they lay dormant until the meeting of the two. Once researchers had two of the nuclei, they began producing them. As they soon found, this single cell was the difference between a doll made of skin and bone cells and a living, breathing human.

Furthermore, adding more cells would increase aging exponentially. Of course, you couldn't let the two cells meet, or the sexually reproducing cell would reproduce quickly inside the human with disastrous effects. This powerful cell could even be modified to increase life expectancy.

The scientist then thought of something strange. They wondered just how close clones would be to the originals. If the memories were even intact, they could even replicate geniuses to rapidly increase the technologies of mankind. So they went to work ____ volunteers (the amount of our characters) were cloned, and nine months later, the newborn clones were injected with more nuclei to age rapidly to the exact age of the volunteers, and then the cell was removed.

The clones were similar for sure, yet while they retained their original's memories, they were easily persuaded, taught and modified.

The scientists were fascinated. Disaster soon struck. The universe, which decides the lifespan of each nuclei cell, began trying to destroy either the clones or their originals. Either one of the clones had to kill each other, or they would both die.

But how can you kill yourself?

-Written by Vibora
Alright, lets get our character forms! Long, but helpful! This will take a bit. Do one for each character you're doing.

Full name of Character:

Nickname (optional):

Reason for nickname(optional):


Social class:


How old they appear:

Eye Color:

Glasses or contacts?

Hair color length and style:

Skin color (fair, bronze etc):


How do they dress:


Greatest Strength (personality):

Greatest Weakness:

Are they a daredevil or cautious?

Do they act the same alone as when with someone?


Philosophy/religion :

How they feel about themselves:

Past failure they would be embarrassed to admit:


Are they bold or shy:

Optimist or pessimist?:


Biggest accomplishment:

Most prized possession, why:

Type of childhood:

First Memory:

Most important child hood event that still effects him/her:




What hobbies did they have? For how long? do they still do it? were they good at it?:


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