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Active [Clockhaven - Widersia] Wings and Steamy things (1x1)


Junior Member
Moonberry Moonberry

Time: 5:18 Pm

Location: Clockhaven, Widersia

TLDR: Introduction of Astolgia Artifices, a business owned by Julius’s father that invents and performs repairs. Broggamyr is an employee who is the face of repairs. Julius has arrived to retrieve a congratulatory gift for the start of his business from his father.

Even as the sun began to turn in for the night, The bustling city of Clockhaven would maintain its flow without any sign of losing steam. Cogs moved in a rhythmic cadence that matched the footsteps of its hardened residents. The horns of trains blared loudly in the background. Steam billowed out of rustic factory buildings in a continuous vapor that touched the sunset. The constant chatter as they roamed the street. All these comments contributed to the natural charm of Widersia..


9th Street, Astolgia Artifices

Known for being a highly competitive place where seasoned inventors tackle many problems that plague not only Widersia but other countries as well. 9th street was known as a hub for innovation, lining the streets would be many known workshops, owned by some of Widersias brightest minds. hardened workers of all shapes and sizes from small gritty halflings, to men clad in business attire striking deals, to large constructs used for transportation of heavy building materials traversed amongst the streets to and from buildings. Perched on the corner intersecting 8th and 9th street stood Astolgia Artifices, a large workshop which has established itself as a dependable business that offers a wide range of services.

The interior shop was just as appealing as the outside, there was a small shopping area with mundane tech lining the shelf’s. Tools, lubricants, weapons, and even constructs were available for purchase. On the far end corner of the store was a large sign stating ‘REPAIRS’. A single dwarf stood at the Kiosk, small yet might in his stance, it was easy to see that he was well seasoned



“Oi mate, you’re looking at a completion date of about 6 weeks out“ The small fae creature replied with a bolsterious yet raspy voice, his metal eye delivering a piercing gaze towards the well dressed customer.

“3 weeks?! Don’t you think that’s a bit much Broggamyr? I’ve been coming to you guys for years and your turnaround hours have never been this lengthy. I need this not working for the grand opening of my pub next week. Surely there is something you can do to help me out?” The man pleaded

Broggamyr would stroke his beard, his expression indifferent to the man’s problems. “We understand your predicament Mr.Dubois. Astolgia Artifices truly appreciates your continuous business over the years. Unfortunately at the moment we are pretty backed up on request not only from within Widersia but outside as well. 3 weeks is the earliest we can do for new requests.” The Dwarf would fold his arms, indicating that he would be budging at all.

“That just won’t work for me, I’ll have to take my business elsewhere then.” He huffed, pulling the bot from his desk before departing, stomping his feet as he exited the building. “I recall a time when Astolgia Artifices was much more in tune with their clients. It seems like it’s all but a memory now.

Broggamyr would sigh, rubbing his face roughly as he tried to rid himself of the stress.

Julius Atreus Astolgia


Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Character Sheet

“You and my old man aren’t getting any younger, step aside and let the rookies take over.” he’d tease in his usual prideful tone.

Broggamyr would hear the familiar voice and begin to chuckle. “Hold your horses baby face, you think because you got your little company formed you can come in here talking big? get some skin in the game before ya come in here talking like that.” ]The Dwarf bellowed before extending his hand out, Julius would immediately receive it with a strong grip.

“You call yourself an inventor? Me great Grandma has rougher hands than ya.” He grinned, “I know what you’re here for, let me go grab it and send you on yer way.” The Dwarf grinned as he hopped off the platform he had stood on. Revealing his true height of about 3 ft 4 inches. Broggamyr would go on to disappear into the back room of the Astolgia Artifices. Leaving Julius waiting at the returns desk idly.
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Illya Mellondew
As the last customer departed, a tiny, almost imperceptible figure slipped in, moving with the silence of a whisper. Barely six inches tall, she could easily be mistaken for a fleeting shadow or an errant bug. The young fairy fluttered through the door, casting a curious glance back at the grumbling man with a raised brow. What was his problem anyway? Her delicate wings hummed softly, the intricate mechanisms within them turning with precision.

Illya didn’t linger. She twisted her body mid-air, performing an elegant arc before descending gracefully onto the front desk with a soft sound and quickly adjusted her goggles. Pushing them above her forehead to reveal her large, pink eyes. Her dark green hair, slightly tousled from her flight, was swiftly smoothed down, restoring her appearance to one of poised readiness.

Her eyes, bright and inquisitive, scanned her surroundings, taking in every detail before settling on Julius for a lingering moment. With her hair now in order, she cleared her throat, drawing attention to her small yet confident presence.

“Hello there! I’m looking for Mister Jebediah Astolgia. I need to have some work done on my wings.”

Her voice, though tiny, carried a note of determined cheerfulness. Illya stood with a mix of spunk and stealth, embodying the perfect blend of cute and capable.

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Moonberry Moonberry



Julius Atreus Astolgia


Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Boggamyr would return just in time to greet Illya, “I’ll be right with you.” The dwarf said joyfully, in both hands he held a small crate about 2 ft tall and two feet with Julius’s name attached to it. “This is for you Julius, a congratulatory gift for starting your business.” Broggamyr would smile as he faced Illya, his brow would furrow slightly. “I’m sorry mam, the Master Tinkerer is currently out at the moment and I’m afraid to say we are fully booked out for 3 weeks.” It was easy to see that Broggamyr disliked relaying the news towards the small Fae.

Julius had been observing from the side lines, perplexed by the small person that had appeared. She claimed to be looking for his dad with confident certainty. Nothing that was new to Julius who’s been around his father’s business for many years. He was more intrigued with her appearance. Despite having the appearance of a Fae creature, the Tinkerer took notes of the Construct like appendages.

“What work do you need to have done? Perhaps I could offer my assistance as I am also a Tinkerer. Broggamyr could vouch for me” Julius would smirk towards his friend.

The dwarf would glare at Julius, shocked that he would try to steal a customer then ask him to vouch. “He is a capable Tinkerer indeed. Everything he knows was learned here.” Broggamyr squandered, “if the work needed to be done is urgent. My professional advice would be to try and fix it as soon as possible before it is too late.”

TLDR: Broggamyr relays to Illya that Jebediah is not available at the moment. Julius offers his help.
**✿❀ -ˋˏ ༻ Illya Mellondew ༺ ˎˊ- ❀✿**

The tiny fae stood proudly on the edge of the desk, her diminutive form barely six inches tall, but her confidence as bold as a thunderstorm. She placed her chin in her delicate hand, tapping her foot with a rhythm that matched the soft ticking of the gears within her steampunk wings. Her eyes, sparkling like dewdrops in the morning sun, darted between Brogamyr and Julius with a mischievous glint.

Fresh from a hair-raising escape and a wild ride up to the sky nation, only to be unceremoniously booted back down to Widersia—what a day! She huffed, puffing up her tiny chest as she tried to brush off the sting of indignation. But instead of sulking, she tilted her head and examined Julius with a curious, playful gaze.

"Hmm, I s'pose beggars can't be choosers," she declared with a lilting voice that carried the melody of tinkling bells. With a dramatic twirl, she turned her back to them, revealing the intricate masterpiece attached to her—a set of steampunk mechanical wings, all polished brass and whirring cogs, fitting snugly against her back like a tiny, well-crafted backpack. "These beauties still work, but they’re becoming a bit cheeky, y’know? They wait until I’ve nearly kissed the ground before they decide to catch me. Is there any way to fix it so I don't have to drop before the mechanism kicks in? I’ve got a bit of coin stashed away, and I’m not shy about earning more, if that’s what it takes."

With a quick, playful glance over her shoulder, she grinned at the two tinkerers. Without warning, she took a running leap off the side of the desk. For a breathless second and a half, she plummeted straight down, her wings stubbornly silent, before they suddenly whirred to life, buzzing like a well-oiled machine as they lifted her gracefully back into the air. She swooped around the room in a fluid arc, the light catching the gleam of her brass wings, before she landed lightly on Julius’s shoulder.

"Think you can help me, pretty boy?" she teased, her voice sweet and teasing, with just the right amount of daring to challenge him.

SixSense SixSense
Julius Atreus Astolgia


Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer, Tinkers Triage Owner, House Astolgia Gentry, Novice Artificer, Novice Enchanter

Julius would smirk when Illya relayed her problem to him, the old man must be getting too old now. The problem at hand seemed pretty simple.

“Well, that’s no good, good that you came in now to have it fixed rather than later. A component is beginning to fail but we won’t know for sure until we take a look at it.” The crimson-haired man would pull his coat tight, “We’ll have to take a short trip over to my business, I don’t think I caught your name Miss.” he’d grab hold of the package handed to him and smile back at Broggamyr.

“Say hello to uncle Gilly and the old man for me” Julius would smirk as he looked towards the little Fae upon his shoulder. “Of course, I can help” he’d wink at her as the two exited Astolgia Artifices.

“So tell me about yourself, Career, profession, aspirations? It’s not every day I run into a fae with construct parts.” Julius would smile as he waited at a crosswalk waiting for it to signal his turn. The sun had almost set completely and the street lights had begun to light up the city, motor vehicles would whizz by the two puffing out smoke and steam. Its passengers that of a higher class and unbothered, likely going out to eat at one of the many eating establishments Clockhaven has to offer.

“Pretty isn’t it? Some people hate how loud it is but I love it, it’s like the city has a rhythm that fills me up with joy. I’ve visited places like the Grand Duchy but the charm that Widersia possesses is unmatched.” The signal would give the crimson-haired man the go-ahead and they would cross the street in unison with many others who were also cogs within the system.

The two would arrive at a workshop, clearly worn and not nearly as nice as Astolgia Artifices, “Alright we’re here!” The appearance of his establishment did not detour the young man, his eyes were practically sparkling at the site of the rundown shop.

“It's not much but it's my company, welcome to the Tinkers Traige Workshop!” Julius smirked as he put the keys into the door and twisted it. It was clear that plenty of projects were under construction along with multiple workstations for the other 4, “Apologies for the mess, we’ve just recently come together and acquired this spot not too long ago.” Julius would place the box given to him on the counter before taking off his coat and sitting at his desk. A large hammer could be seen to the side, lined mechanical gadgets to the side along with different metals and burners. The crimson-haired man grabbed onto his engineer's goggles and strapped them to his head, hed pulled open one of the drawers and grabbed a kit with tiny tools essential to the job he is about to do.

“You can come watch me work if you’d like” Julius smiled as he invited Illya to sit wherever she’d like.

Moonberry Moonberry
**✿❀ -ˋˏ ༻ Illya Mellondew ༺ ˎˊ- ❀✿**

As they stepped out of the room and into the bustling streets, Illya instinctively sought refuge in the folds of Julius’s clothing, her tiny form nearly vanishing among the layers. The world outside loomed vast and imposing, a tapestry of towering figures and echoing footfalls. She nestled herself deeper into the fabric, pink eyes darting with nervous energy, taking in the sweeping panorama with a mix of caution and curiosity.

The city of Widersia unfolded around them—a labyrinth of shadowed alleys and gleaming mechanical wonders. Illya scratched her chin thoughtfully, the soft hum of distant machinery filling the air as they walked.

"I spent the better part of the last year hiding out in these streets," she began, her voice barely a whisper against the symphony of the city. Her gaze flitted upward, catching glimpses of faces in the crowd, each one scrutinized with the wariness of one who knows what it means to be hunted. "I've seen a little bit of this place. I suppose I should explain my situation... Since your father was the one who helped me initially, it feels only right to bring my business to you."

Her voice, light and fragile, seemed almost lost in the open air, yet there was a steely resolve beneath it. "I'm actually from the Fae See of Chaeron," she continued, her tone tinged with a bittersweet nostalgia. "I... am... was a soldier? I was in the midst of battle when... I was captured. Next thing I knew, I woke up on a chopping board. Some man... with a scalpel and tweezers..." Her words faltered, and she shuddered, her tiny frame trembling as the memory clawed at her.

She fell silent, the weight of her past momentarily overwhelming her. When she spoke again, her voice was softer, almost a whisper. "I managed to escape... through necessary means. But I lost my wings. That's how I met your da."

As they entered the shop, Illya’s eyes widened with appreciation. The space was a blend of the familiar and the unknown, a sanctuary of crafted ingenuity. She nodded approvingly, her wings twitching slightly as she took in the surroundings. "It certainly feels like an upstart shop," she remarked, her tone lightening. "Homey, but still professional. Good job."

With a sudden burst of energy, she dove off Julius’s shoulder, her wings whirring softly as she fluttered down to land gracefully on a nearby desk. She stretched out her arms, clasping her hands behind her head as she strolled along the length of the desk, a playful grin on her lips. "Who's ‘we’? Not working with your old man?"

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Julius Atreus Astolgia

Titles: Mundan Human, Novice Tinkerer
Character Sheet
Mentions: Moonberry Moonberry

Julius has been surprised that Illya chose to hide in his clothing, the first thought that came to mind was whether or not this particular individual was criminal. Could his father perhaps be in some sort of partnership with the underground crime world?

Even if he wished to out Illya right then and there, she already managed to infiltrate his inside. Perhaps possessing weapons of some sort on her person, she could make light work of Julius with ease. He’d utilize his best weapon at his disposal which was coercion for the meantime. Luckily for him he wouldn’t have to ponder on the thoughts for long as the little Fae began to share her story with him. Though he heard awful things his expression never changed, a professional throughout it all until he got to the shop.

Her question of whom is we would receive a chuckle
from Julius, “Working under my father isn’t a choice, at least for the path I’m choosing.” He smirked as he continued working on the Faes wings, “I will become a world Renowned inventor, if I were to be under him then any accomplishments I make would be overshadowed by him. Instead of being known as Julius Atreus Astolgia. I’d only be known as the Son of Jebediah Astolgia. Don't get the wrong idea though, I love my father greatly. Balancing being a noble, a father, and businessman is difficult work however I always appreciate the time we spent together. If it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here Tinkering right now.” A nostalgic smile would appear on his face as he reminisced in the memories. He recalled showing his father some of the first mundane tech he created like remote control robots and cars. Despite his father having worked countless hours and being up for days on end, he’d always make energy to be entertained and spend time bonding with Julius.

“We is me, along with an old time friend who’s moved back to Widersia and some others who’ve gathered.” The red haired human would nod his head in the direction of a photo framed on the wall that depicted the group consisting of Eriedeth, Erich, Francois, Leina, and Erich.

Julius would turn to Illya once more, “So that’s why I’m here, we just started and the road will be tough but I’m more than ready to get my hands dirty…now back to you.” Julius’s expression would stiffen up a bit, “I’m sorry to hear your wings were clipped off. I can’t imagine how hard that might’ve been for you. However I am curious, whom exactly are you hiding from? You could always go to the authorities since you are protected under Widersian Law. I can’t help but wonder why you must feel the need to be so alert?”

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