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Fantasy Cliches can be fun sometimes

As the title implies im really just wanting to play something somewhat cliché.

I am 26 Male presenting but when it comes to RP I play both male and female.

Just because I think it will be somewhat awkward to play against someone who is still in all respects a child I am looking for someone 18+

I have been rping for many years off and on. On sites still existing and sites long dead. I am a bit rusty but I’m ready to get back into it

My posting frequency/length really depends. I tend to reflect what I get. Both in quality and quantity. If I get a sentence I tend to give a sentence. If I get a couple paragraphs I give a couple paragraphs. More then a couple paragraphs is when I flounder though on average 1-2 paragraphs. Sometimes 3 if I’m really into it. As for how often I post. Well I’m 26 and work a full time job and have other hobbies and duties, chores etc. I try to post at least once a week that is my promise to any partner. That once a week will be the longest you wait. And you are free to poke me if it does go a week without a post. But I certainly can and will post more often then that as well if the gears are turning!

As for the story well I’m pretty open. But what I am really craving is to do a classic sort of Gentleman Rogue/Thief X Wealthy Aristocrat/royalty.

Genders/sexes for both roles are to be decided. But I personally am not a fan of MXM

But the idea of the rogue gentleman thief who is attending a grand ball solely for the excuse to scope out the building for the big heist finding himself attracted to his (or her or their) very own target (really probably more like the son/daughter/ward of his target though) just sounds like the kind of cute cliche plot I want to play right now.

Kinda thinking themes of Vin/Elend from mistborn or Sly Cooper/Carmelita Fox from Sly cooper trilogy

I would prefer to play in chats/dms or possible on discord or something.

Hope to hear from ya!

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