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Fantasy Cledonia OOC

That gives us what? 4 days to get out first class done? If anyone thinkss progression is going to slow or fast let me know.
People who haven't posted their characters heading to class, this is a warning that tomorrow morning I will be ringing the tardy bell, as well as writing my post of Kenso and my student characters. littleberry littleberry peachpuff peachpuff
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Does that make those walking late or will they be counted as on time?
They will be counted on time if they posted that they were walking to class before me announcing tardy. Or if you wanted them to be late, that's an option
I think I do want him to turn. However the way he does... I don't know for sure how to do that with him. Despite him already fitting the 'villainous' archetype to an extent.
Well if you ever want to talk more about it pm me, we gotta keep it hidden from le others
Im so tired but I can't sleep cause I don't have my medicines to help fall asleep. Ughhhh
I do have a random question for anyone who wants to answer: who do you think is more likely to turn and why? Me and pastel brought it up about our characters and im curious what everyone thinks. Options: Gabe, Sayoko, or Bree
I do have a random question for anyone who wants to answer: who do you think is more likely to turn and why? Me and pastel brought it up about our characters and im curious what everyone thinks. Options: Gabe, Sayoko, or Bree
Gabe or Bree in my opinion. It depends on how Bree is swayed or what Ace thinks. Gabe has a more emotional reason to join the forces so idk it's between them two.
I do have a random question for anyone who wants to answer: who do you think is more likely to turn and why? Me and pastel brought it up about our characters and im curious what everyone thinks. Options: Gabe, Sayoko, or Bree
Probably Sayoko because Oki has already started talking to them so if they bond more and oki turns, then maybe Sayoko will turn as well 0.0
peachpuff peachpuff
Pastel your new user tripped me up, I thought someone just randomly commented on the main threads.
A warning next time would be appreciated.

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