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Graded [Cleansed Curses Shrine] Falling to Rise Part 3: The Toad, the Witch, and the Dream.



The Setup
  • Locations:The Republic, The Nara no Nox Shogunate, The Koyake Clan, Shrine of Cleansed Curses.
    • The Koyake are one of the three founding families of the Nara no Nox Shogunate, owning one of the largest rice territory blessed by the Shrine of the Fallen Blossom.
    • The Tengu are the second of the founding families, who focus more on scouting, hunting Hill Toads, and shadow craft.
    • The Tuskar are the third of the founding families, making their homesteads upon the many lakes dotting the region throughout the Shogunate. They raise swine, craft gear, and make herbal remedies.
    • There are other smaller clans closer to families, such as the Ryozo clan, which is stable and strong despite being mostly known as assistants to the Koyake Clan.
  • Time of Day: Eternal Midmorning
  • Weather: Warm air and cool breezes.
  • Goals: (1) Escape the Dreaming, (2) Solve the mystery of the White Witch, (3) get a Hill Toad.

Active Threats:
  • The Koyake Clan are best known for the abundance of Svelte Deer [G], whose glossy coats are like silk and meat succulent. There are also the full gambit of pigs [G-], hogs [G+], and boars [F]. The best and most sought after are the Hill Toads [F+ Large] called so, because at 8 feet and 500 pounds, they are large enough to treat the 2 foot Wolf Spiders [G] like flies.

This is an open thread! To participate, get your character approved. Please follow the rules Fantasy - Isekai Hell Rules and post your character Fantasy - Isekai Hell Characters and notify Novama , who will review your character and invite you to the Discord Server being used.

Some useful tidbits!

  • A little about me. I am new to the Isekai Hell rule system, but I feel like I have a decent grasp on the rules. This is an exercise in exploring the rules while running a game. I really enjoy running games and find myself doing that quite a lot. In fact, I’ve been running games for over 20 years, and I have an Isekai campaign that I want to eventually run in this universe. Before that, I want to run a few one-offs or maybe it’s all tied together. We’ll see.

The Cast

  • Yukan the Leader
    1. Protect/assist people by vanquishing hostile threat so it stops hurting/killing people (most important)
    2. Continue to leverage self to rise in rank in clan
    3. Increase chance of Successful hunt (edited)
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Lore: Places -- Shrine of the Cleansed Curses
The newly established Shrine of the Cleansed Curses, now under the divine protection of Uriel, the Shield Archon, is a sight to behold. Reborn from the darkness of the Nightmare Swamp, the shrine stands as a testament to the celestial purification and renewal that have taken place.

The shrine is nestled in the heart of a vibrant, sprawling tree that has emerged from the swamp's remnants. The tree, now called the Sacred Tree of Aegrizora, is a towering marvel of nature, its branches reaching high into the heavens, shimmering with a gentle golden light that seems to pulse with the tree's life force. Its bark is an intricate mosaic of earthy hues - deep browns, warm ambers, and rich greens that blend seamlessly with the surrounding foliage.

The shrine itself is nestled within the tree's massive trunk. Carved out of the living wood, it is a cavernous sanctuary, its walls adorned with intricate celestial symbols and runes that glow with a soft, ethereal light. The air within the shrine is fresh and invigorating, carrying the faint scent of fresh leaves and blooming flowers, a constant reminder of the shrine's strong bond with nature.

Above, within the massive canopy, a series of wooden platforms and dwellings have been constructed, offering living quarters to Uriel's celestial forces. These structures are seamlessly integrated into the tree's design, appearing as natural extensions of the branches they are built upon. Here, amidst the rustling leaves and chirping birds, the celestial beings find their rest, their radiant forms blending with the golden light filtering through the leaves.

Around the shrine, the swamp has been transformed into a serene lake dotted with verdant hillocks. The water is crystal clear, reflecting the sky above and the radiant glow of the shrine. The hillocks, each a miniature island of flourishing green, provide additional space for conversation, contemplation, and camping, their grassy surfaces soft and inviting.

Overall, the Shrine of the Cleansed Curses has become a haven of tranquility, a beacon of celestial light in the heart of the forest, radiating an aura of peace, hope, and divine protection under Uriel's vigilant watch.
Lore: Places -- Interchange Portal between the Shrine of Cleansed Curses, The Republic, deeper Nightmares and celestial dreaming.
Once a chaotic, contested space, the portal area now shines with a new sense of order and serenity under Uriel's reign. The Fair Folk, once the unruly denizens of the place, have been driven off, and in their wake, celestial forces have instilled an aura of tranquility and divine authority.

The portal itself, once pulsating with a wild, unpredictable energy, has been stabilized. It now emits a steady, iridescent glow, the colors dancing and shifting like the surface of a soap bubble. The violent eruptions of magic and reality distortion that once characterized it have ceased, replaced by a serene hum that resonates with the celestial harmony that Uriel and his forces represent.

Around the portal, the landscape has been reshaped and sanctified. The wild, untamed vegetation has been tamed and arranged into a lush, orderly garden of heavenly blooms that exude a soft, ethereal glow in the moonlight. The ground, once littered with the remnants of the Fair Folk's mischievous deeds, has been cleansed and covered with a carpet of soft, vibrant moss that seems to pulse with the heartbeat of the celestial realm.

Guarding the portal are Uriel's celestial forces, their radiant forms standing tall and vigilant. Their shining armors and serene faces radiate an aura of calm authority, their gaze unwavering as they keep a watchful eye on the portal and its surroundings. Their presence alone discourages any ill-intentioned creatures from approaching, providing a palpable sense of security to those who walk this hallowed ground.

The air here is filled with a heavenly melody, a celestial hymn that seems to seep from the very fabric of the place, enveloping all who step into the portal area with a sense of peace and reverence.

What was once a chaotic, dangerous place has been transformed under Uriel's watchful eye into a sacred gateway, a serene bridge between the celestial and earthly realms, reflecting the divine order and peace that now rule in the heart of the forest.
Lore: NPC -- Uriel and the Celestial Host
Uriel, the Shield Archon, is a figure of celestial majesty, standing tall and imposing. With his hair a radiant gold and eyes a luminous blue that echoes the clarity of a serene sky, he carries an aura of divine serenity that is both comforting and awe-inspiring. His complexion is a flawless ivory, and his strong, chiseled features bear the calmness of an eternal guardian. Dressed in gleaming white and gold armor, Uriel emanates a soft, warm light that seems to pulse in rhythm with his calm, measured heartbeat. His large, majestic wings shimmer with iridescent feathers, each one catching the light in a dance of colors, from the purest white to the softest gold. In his hand, he carries a mighty shield, an emblem of his unwavering dedication to protection and justice.

Uriel's celestial forces, his loyal compatriots, mirror his divine magnificence in their own unique ways. Each one is a being of celestial grandeur, their radiant forms varying from the humble yet firm Hound Archons to the majestic and awe-inspiring Planetars. They all bear the markings of their divine origin – the radiant glow, the colors of the sky and heavens, the strong and noble features, and an aura of peace and tranquility that seems to follow them wherever they go.

The Hound Archons, humanoid in form but with the noble and loyal features of a hound, serve as the loyal foot soldiers. Dressed in armor that gleams with a heavenly light, they carry their weapons with a disciplined grace that speaks volumes of their training and dedication.

Planetars, the towering celestial beings, bear a striking resemblance to Uriel himself, with their massive wings and shining armor. Their presence alone is enough to inspire awe and respect, and their strength is a testament to their role as the mightiest warriors of the celestial forces.

Together, Uriel and his celestial forces stand as a beacon of hope, their divine presence a testament to their ceaseless vigilance and unwavering commitment to their protective duty.
Lore: NPC -- Flying Monkeys
In the aftermath of Kai's attack and the subsequent driving off of the Fair Folk, the flying monkeys found themselves in a state of disarray. Once under the thrall of the Fair Folk, these creatures had been used as scouts, messengers, and sometimes even as soldiers. But with the Fair Folk gone, they were left leaderless and confused.

Their numbers had been drastically reduced in the conflict. Many had fallen victim to the intense combat, leaving the survivors injured and demoralized. The once lively and chaotic chatter that filled the air had been replaced with an eerie silence. The monkeys huddled together in small groups, their wings folded tightly around their bodies, their eyes reflecting a sense of loss and uncertainty.

Despite their plight, the inherent adaptability of these creatures began to show. Slowly but surely, they started to reorganize themselves. The stronger and more experienced among them took charge, leading the others in search of food and shelter. The flying monkeys began to claim the trees surrounding the swamp-turned-lake as their new home, their chitters and calls gradually returning to the air.

Interestingly, their interaction with the other creatures in the area also started to change. No longer seen as a threat, they were now being tolerated, and in some cases, even assisted by the other inhabitants. They cautiously began forming alliances, trading their skills of flight and keen eyesight for protection and sustenance.

However, their future remained uncertain. Their numbers were still precariously low, and the power vacuum left by the Fair Folk continued to loom over them. The flying monkeys, while slowly adapting to their new circumstances, remained vigilant, ready to fly at the first sign of danger.

1. **Zephyr:**

Zephyr is a relatively older flying monkey who has assumed the role of the de facto leader after the Fair Folk were driven away. His fur has turned silvery-grey with age, and his wings, while not as spry as they once were, still carry a powerful beat. His eyes, wise and observant, miss nothing.

Zephyr is respected and often looked upon for guidance by the other flying monkeys. His experience and wisdom, acquired over the years, have proven invaluable in their attempts to reorganize and survive in the new environment. Zephyr, despite the burden of leadership, has a warm and nurturing side, often seen looking after the younger members and the injured. His voice carries a note of authority, but also a comforting warmth that has become a source of solace for his tribe in these trying times.

2. **Kiki:**

Kiki is a young, vibrant female flying monkey known for her agility and quick wit. Her fur is a glossy, dark brown, and her eyes sparkle with mischief and curiosity. Despite her youth, she has proven herself to be a capable scout and messenger, using her speed and keen senses to her advantage.

Kiki is adventurous and fearless, often volunteering for the most challenging tasks. Her spirited personality and courage have made her popular among the younger members of the tribe. However, her impulsiveness can sometimes land her in trouble, and she often relies on Zephyr's wisdom to bail her out. Her laughter and chittering are a common sound in the trees, bringing a sense of cheerfulness and hope to the otherwise grim situation. Despite the hardships, Kiki remains optimistic, embodying the resilience of her tribe.
Lore: NPC -- Riku, Yumeko, Dire Boar Calvary, and other forces
Riku, once a man of slippery smiles and slicked-back hair, was a figure that had evolved significantly in the midst of their trials. Still donning his signature black leather armor, holding his yari with a nonchalant ease, he had an air of a charming scoundrel, a merchant who'd managed to talk his way into the role of a cavalry captain. Yet, there was a new layer to him, a subtle polish added by the realization that aligning himself with Yukan could be a beneficial move. The sleaziness was not entirely gone, but it had been tempered, somewhat, by a newfound sense of respect for Yukan and his circle.

He stood tall amidst his forces, a motley collection of beastkin warriors. The dire boar cavalry was a formidable sight, the warriors astride their massive, snorting mounts, their bodies clad in the same intimidating blend of leather and iron as their leader. The Tanuki spear wielders stood at attention, their agile forms poised for swift movements, while the Tanuki archers, their bows at the ready, scanned the horizon with keen, vigilant eyes.

Among them was a Shrine Maiden, Yumeko, whose presence was a calming contrast to the battle-hardened warriors. Her faded indigo robe was a stark difference to the intimidating armors, and her soothing green eyes held a wisdom that came from years of healing and nurturing. Yumeko stood as a beacon of hope amidst the warriors, her gentle demeanor providing a sense of comfort and tranquility.

Riku's interactions with Yukan and his companions were charged with a different energy now. The slick, fast-talking merchant was still there, but he seemed more conscious of his words, a charm that was no longer just superficial. He addressed Yukan and his allies with a respect that was genuine, his sly smiles now carrying a hint of admiration. The dynamics of power had shifted and Riku had adapted, realizing that in unity and cooperation there lay a strength that could be more valuable than any solo victory.

As the forces prepared to leave the now tranquil swamp, the sense of unity was palpable. The usual cacophony of preparation was replaced by a harmonious symphony of collaboration. This was a new chapter in their journey, a chapter that promised a future where their collective strength could overcome any adversary, be it the elusive Hill Toad or the formidable White Witch.
Lore: NPC -- Masanori Toshigoto
Masanori Tashigoto, a figure of authority and influence, was a notable presence in the group. A full-blooded Tanuki and nephew to the clan leader, he carried himself with an air of dignified assurance, reflecting his lineage and standing. His fur was a rich, dark russet, his eyes a deep, thoughtful brown, always analyzing and strategizing. A pragmatic leader and a shrewd negotiator, Tashigoto was always found in the thick of logistics and planning.

Unlike the flashy Riku, Tashigoto's command was understated yet firm. His voice carried an even, measured tone that demanded attention. He was a leader who understood the value of every individual's contribution and the importance of distributing credit evenly. In a group teetering on the brink of internal power struggles, his balanced approach was a stabilizing factor.

Tashigoto's attire was a reflection of his practicality. He wore a simple but well-made kimono, dyed in shades of earth and forest, with an understated pattern of swirling leaves. His obi was a muted gold, cinched neatly around his waist. His gear, mostly consisting of scrolls and pouches filled with maps and tools, were neatly arranged around his person, always within easy reach.

His strategy was not limited to the battlefield alone. Tashigoto was adept at navigating the intricate maze of clan politics and interpersonal dynamics, a skill that was increasingly necessary as the group's journey progressed. He was a master at maintaining a balance, ensuring that no one's contribution was overshadowed by another's ambition.

Tashigoto's relationship with his cousin Riku was a complex one. While he respected Riku's leadership skills, he was also wary of his cousin's ambition and knack for hogging the limelight. Tashigoto understood the potential fallout if Riku's actions were left unchecked, and he was not hesitant to express his concerns to Yukan.

Despite his stern exterior, Tashigoto had a softer side as well. He was deeply loyal to his comrades, always ready to back them up in times of trouble. His concern for the team's unity and morale was sincere, a trait that endeared him to many within the group. He believed in the strength of unity, and he was willing to go to great lengths to preserve it.

Masanori Tashigoto, a true-born Tanuki, was indeed a crucial part of the group's dynamic. His practicality, keen insight, and dedication to the team's well-being made him an invaluable asset in their ongoing journey.
Lore: NPC -- Shrine Maiden Gyoubu
Gyoubu, the tanuki Shrine Maiden, was a figure of ever-shifting moods and expressions, much like the seasons that shaped the land she served. With her short hair the color of aged bark, she was a distinctive presence amidst the group. The way her eyes twinkled with mischief one moment, then softened into serene contemplation, or hardened into a vindictive glare the next, kept those around her on their toes.

Her face, often serene, was like the tranquil surface of a pond, reflecting the world around her with a stillness that belied the depths beneath. Yet, in an instant, she could shift, her features lighting up with the impish charm that was a signature trait of her tanuki heritage. It was in these moments that her true nature shone through, her eyes sparkling with mischief as a grin tugged at the corners of her lips.

Yet, there was another side to Gyoubu, a vindictive streak that flared up when the sanctity of the shrine was threatened or when she perceived an injustice being done. In these instances, her eyes would harden into flint, and her usually soft voice would adopt a steely undertone. Despite her small stature and gentle demeanor, she had a powerful presence that could silence a room.

Gyoubu was clad in the traditional attire of a Shrine Maiden, her kimono of pristine white contrasted against her dark hair and the deep red of the obi sash at her waist. She moved with a grace and precision that spoke of years of ritual and reverence, her hands often busy with charms or prayer beads.

Yet, for all her changeability, Gyoubu was a steadfast constant when it came to her feelings for Yukan. Her affection for him was as subtle as it was enduring, glimpsed in the fond glances she cast his way when she thought no one was looking, or in the extra care she took when offering him her healing abilities.

Gyoubu, in all her seasonal shifts and moods, was an integral part of the group's dynamic. Her steadfast devotion to the shrine, her ability to adapt to situations, and her unspoken love for Yukan, all combined to create a character of great depth and intrigue.
Lore: NPC -- Whiteclaw and the scouts
Whiteclaw, the Owlkin scout, was a figure of quiet authority amidst the troops. He hailed from the Ryozo clan, a group once known as the powerful Aritomo clan of white owlkin. Now, they were a diminished but crucial part of the Koyake Clan, where Yukan, Gyoubu, and Masanori belonged. His plumage, a pristine white, hinted at his clan's former glory, and his sharp, amber eyes held the wisdom and alertness inherent in his species.

Whiteclaw was tall and imposing, his wings folded against his back when not in flight, and his talons clicking softly against the ground as he moved. The rest of his unit consisted of two other owlkin and two Tengu Shadow Assassins, forming a capable and coordinated scouting team. Despite the diversity in his unit, he led them with an easy calm, his orders clear and concise.

During training drills, Whiteclaw often let silence spread around him, allowing his team to communicate through the minute movements and signals they had developed. His guidance was subtle and his trust in his team apparent. He was also an effective communicator, explaining the quirks of their prey, the Hill Toads, with the expertise of a seasoned hunter.

In battle, Whiteclaw was a force to be reckoned with, his taunts echoing from the trees as he and his team launched their attacks. His agility and ability to use the environment to his advantage made him a formidable adversary.

His Tengu Shadow Assassins were skilled in their own right, their black-feathered wings allowing them to glide back and forth in the midst of battle. Their laughter was eerie, their attacks precise, and their use of alchemical smoke balls for quick getaways a testament to their cunning. Their attacks may not have always been the most effective against heavy defenses, but their ability to create confusion and disorder within enemy ranks was invaluable.

Together, Whiteclaw and his unit were a well-coordinated and highly skilled team, their diverse abilities complementing each other to create a formidable force. Their loyalty to Yukan and the Koyake Clan was unyielding, their determination unshaken, making them an essential part of the Tanuki forces.
Ch3, Scene 1: "Exit From the Dream, Onward to the Toad and Witch"
A Morning of Departure

As dawn broke over the tranquil surroundings of the celestial shrine, the former swamp shimmered with dew-kissed light, a serene lake now occupying the heart of the terrain. The hillocks, once detestable mounds of swamp muck, now stood as verdant isles scattered across the azure expanse. At the center, the celestial shrine glowed with a soft luminescence, a constant reminder of the victory won and the transformation that had occurred.

The inhabitants of this dreamlike landscape began to stir, each to their own rhythms. Yukan and his allies woke up to the serene chirping of birds and the soft rustle of leaves, a stark contrast to the eerie silence that had once gripped the swamp. The familiar smell of cooking wafted through the air as the group began preparations for their morning meal.

A sense of calm anticipation filled the air. This day marked their departure from the dream realm, a step back into their pursuit of the Hill Toad and the White Witch. Despite the enormity of the task ahead, the group was in high spirits, buoyed by their recent victory and the promise of the journey ahead.

Across the lake, the celestial figure of Uriel stood watch over the shrine, his armored form shimmering in the early morning light. His celestial force, a host of gleaming warriors, patrolled the perimeter of the shrine. Their presence was a comforting assurance, a strong deterrent against any who would dare threaten the sanctity of the shrine.

Everyone busied themselves with packing their belongings, their movements efficient and swift. The dire boar cavalry, the Tanuki spear and archer units, and the healer, all played their parts in the preparations, their actions a well-rehearsed dance of readiness.

The morning wore on, and as the sun climbed higher in the sky, the time for departure drew near. One by one, the group gathered around Yukan, their faces reflecting a mix of determination and anticipation. The serene lake, the hillocks, and the celestial shrine were soon to be a memory, a testament to the journey they had undertaken.

With a final glance towards the shimmering shrine................

OOC Start posting based off this prompt. Prepare to return back? or convince folks to go deeper after the Fair Folk? or explore further out where the dreams of hibernating Hill Toads?
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Ceylan (Event) - Granblue Fantasy Wiki
Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer | Yukan TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo

Out of his many questions, only a few had been answered. The new guardian was Uriel, Bastion of Heaven's Might. He was indeed a good choice.

Swazuki's tale was a peculiar one. She was after some sort of white witch. The same one involved with Indicus' potions. “This witch must be stopped.” He simply concluded. She was clearly more involved with the shrine's corruption than expected, having used Sawazuki as a tool for her nefarious purposes.

He then turned to the others. “Now that I no longer have to hide myself, I'd like to discuss our goals here. I'd like to find this White Witch and see if she's responsible for the Shrine's former state. I'd also like to meet Longfeather, to question him about his knowledge and involvement in all of this. Truth be told, I have little interest in this Hill Toad I heard about, but in exchange for the help I was granted cleansing this shrine, I'm willing to aid the quest to find it. Of course, as a Syncretist Bishop, I am generally bound to aid whomever is working towards the greater good in the world, so I shall not abandon those that are in honest need of aid.” He looked at the others, unsure of where everyone's thoughts and plans were at.

Interactions: Ceylan Elvario Elvario

Newly equiped, Ko gazed around once more... Beautiful Just beautiful... If he were a writer he'd make a haiku about this place. But each moment thinking about poetry reminds him of his father who tried beating it into him, so, he'd rather not go back there mentally. Physically he'd like to burn that study room to the ground with his father in it.

But thats a story for another time for he was being addressed by the fellow canid, which he was bound to listen to. The younger man heard his words, dripping with sincerity and goodness, who was Ko to deny him, if he had done all this...

Wait a second.

"If you could do all this, why are we waiting here when that lady from before who got stabbed by that assassin is still probably on death's door? Unless the land burst with your magic...

And why didn't you do something powerful to save her then? Is your strength so controversial? Worried people can demand of you? Because they will, give em a chance and they'll try to even make the holy beings here bow." Ko opened his arms wide, he'd stepped out for abit as others had done work... Hop in a portal, hop in another... But here he was back.

With a fancier mithril sword and a duo of blades at his waist, three swords now hang upon him. The mithril blade hummed softly with a soft buzzing, it seems he has yet to fully figure out how to turn it off...

"But, with that said, I need a job, and if theres work I'll be here to do it. Though I don't know why so many are out there with noble flitting about..."
Indicus did not have much to pack so after eating breakfast he decided to relax in a meditation pose because he felt like looking like he was doing something important. That and the aura around the shrine was quite nice. So there he sat as hel listened for the call to move out. He had a feeling he would get to see this white witch in time though and hopefully he could drag all she knew out of her.
It was a busy time with Kai, as he was the one that had given the orders to run the fae out of the area, in a way he could have been considered the leader of the monkeys, however, Kai himself denied this. He had explained to the creatures, that he was thankful for assisting him, however, he would not rule over them, he would not have them trade one master for another. Besides he did not wish to spend his years in this plane and wanted to get back to reality as he new it. Kai did however, try his best to get the rest of it's denizens to accept the flying primates, even talking to Uriel the guardian of this shrine to help smooth over their transition. Kai while not agreeing to rule over them, still held responsibility to their existence and their current state. He was glad that the Monkeys seemed to be following their own direction, under the wisdom of Zephyr.

Kai would approach the rest of the group with Ceylan being their guiding light, Kai himself didn't get much time to interact with the rest of the group as he focused on repaying debts in order to help the flying monkey's transition into becoming part of the shine's community of guardians, along with procuring another weapon. "I don't really know who this White Witch is or whatever is going on, but I've got nowhere to go, so ya don't mind if I tag along?" Kai would ask Ceylan and Yukan in particular as they seemed to take a leadership role in this. Kai then looked at Ko and then Yukan, waiting for a sign for him to remember what he had been told, before sighing. "Speaking of nobles, Yukan, a certain Baroness Caelia, from the country of Ryken would like to meet ya." Kai would send the message along to Yukan.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo
Yukan Koyake
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer Shiyonichi Shiyonichi

For Yukan these events unfolding favorably was quite a relief given his position in the whole situation. The fact that no allies had perished was pretty miraculous in it's own right. Even now it seemed that Riku saw Yukan more favorably after their success, whatever the reason was, Yukan wasn't bothered by it, as truthfully the more allies he could get, the better his long term aspirations would be. He needed to grow in power to actualize what he believed was just. In addition seeing the shrine in such a grand state now made Yukan feel relieved, the fact that they had restored a religious site which was significant to Kuridan's traditional main religion was most refreshing.

Truthfully the god(s) had smiled favorably upon them that day, or he had been incredibly lucky, it didn't sound like he'd be finding out very soon one way or another.

What Yukan hadn't been entirely expecting to hear however was Ceylan come forward and disclose information about himself to the group at large. "I see..so you're with the Syncretists.." Yukan said sounding serious and neutral on the topic.

"I suppose it's understandable that you are not interested in a festival which is taking place beyond your own region's borders as far as the toad goes. Regardless of that I too personally am of the belief that we should make it part of our integral function moving forward to find and cease this witch's activities. While I originally came through to hunt for the hill toads, the main reason I've been pursuing other trails with the resources I've been a lotted is to find out exactly what was sewing the destruction, and now apparently corruption as the shrine's former state suggested, as I view it as a great security risk to Kuridan if this witch is capable of all of what we have seen today, I am certain that we would be hard pressed to find one among us who does not view this as a most serious issue which needs to be addressed, the toads will still be waiting for us after she is vanquished."

Truthfully Yukan did not believe in the current state of Kuridan's administration that any serious action would be taken quickly enough even if they reported it to the proper authorities and went on with the hunt. More lives would be lost if they did not act with haste and precision.
Yukan looked to Ko then back to Ceylan, as well as Ko's points were taken that why hadn't Ceylan been more forth coming if he had the abilities since it was pretty clear he could have acted more to his full potential earlier, Yukan did not feel it necessary to push the topic.

Instead after looking to Ko, he went into a small bow, "Indeed I believe that there is work for you to be done, in assisting us with stopping this witch."

Yukan found Kai's next bit also..interesting, He wasn't sure what Kai meant that he had no where to be, but if he was offering to help deal with the issue of the witch that was no issue to Yukan.

Yukan gave a small bow toward Kai as well.

"I am personally inclined to allow you to join us in our quest as you understand the risks and still wish to proceed with us. You went against all odds stood up against very powerful adversaries, and have set us up to proceed forward, I believe that someone of your abilities would be most beneficial."

He looked curious when Kai mentioned Ryken, A Barnoness from Ryken of all people? Ryken was a place of many humans, Yukan knew that much.

"A Baronness from all that way away wishes to see me.." Yukan repeated to no one in particular.

"Very well, perhaps I'll have to go and meet this Baroness at some point when I have finished my tasks at hand."

Yukan found that to be most peculiar, never would he have guessed a baroness would want to meet someone like him, he wasn't even a particularly a high rank yet in Kuridan, sure he had noble blood, perhaps that was enough for her? Someone must have spoken to her about him in a positive light for her to even know of his existence. Regardless it sounded like this created a potential opportunity which could be beneficial for him.

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Indicus Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer | Yukan TheTimePiece TheTimePiece | Paru StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal | Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo

For just a split second, he was a bit annoyed. Then the emotion faded and turned into a gentle smile as he turned to Ko. “As I explained before, I was asked to keep a low profile by Longfeather, the priest who asked me to come here. Considering I didn't know the reason for this request, I tried to abide by it until I was forced to stop doing so. I can also assure you that I've healed Sawazuki to a stable and healthy condition.” It was almost like Ko had missed an entire Ceylan post of him doing and saying all that.

As for the other part, Ceylan shook his head. “I'm afraid I'm unaware of the reason for Longfeather's request. It's what bothers me, considering I wasn't able to abide by it and don't know the consequences of it. Perhaps your guess is correct and I'll have people come after me for my powers. It wouldn't be the first time either, especially going close to the East Empire borders is a risk for someone like me.” He still remembered how he almost got enslaved. That wasn't a good time. Or how he had his legs chewed on like a piece of gum by ogres. He should probably hire a guard or find a paladin to support him... Well, that was a worry for later.

He was a little surprised that he seemed to be considered part of the leadership by Kai, as the latter didn't seem to solely address Yukan with his question. “I'm afraid it's not up to me to make the final decision, but I would welcome any extra aid in getting this all sorted out.” He replied, his tail giving a gentle wag.

As Yukan replied to him, he tried using [Empathy D] to see if there was more to the neutrality in Yukan's tone. Did he not like the Syncretists? That might be problematic. He was surprised by Yukan's next words. “Truth be told, I wasn't even aware this hill toad was part of a festival.” He admitted. “I am glad to hear we're in agreement.” He replied to Yukan listing his priorities, his tail wagging in agreement as well.

He heard mention of some baroness, but wasn't sure what to make of it. He preferred not to deal with nobles too often. Those things got messy. Yukan might be an exception, in as far as the Tanuki could even be counted as a noble. That said, he still commanded an army. An army Ceylan could use a favour from. “Say, Yukan, would you allow me to question Gyoubu about her tasks as a healer during battle and her to freely answer my questions? I believe I still have a lot to learn from her in that regard.” He'd mentioned it before, but he wasn't sure how freely people would be able and/or willing to talk about such topics, so he figured it best to check again. He'd rather not be considered an enemy spy or threat to their army's secrets on accident.
Kai nodded at the agreement to letting him join the group, saying nothing much about the statement than a simple nod. Before adding. “I see, I’ll be in yer care.”

Kai then responded to Yukan’s confusion on Regula’s message. “Don’t worry too much about it, I met the Baroness, she’s a upright person.” Kai would explain, remembering his previous experience with the meeting with Regula.

“Though if she’s asking for ya, I’m pretty sure that she has a good reason for her to want to met ya and not some silly reason like wanting to pet your tail or something.” Kai would say jokingly, ironically unaware just how on the money he was.

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

"....Are... You speaking of... Regula...? That... Baronness?" He shivered lightly, a small tail wag. "Look, just... Right, yes she's fine. Shes the one who made my weaponry here." He showed the swords on his belt, but looking a light bit pale.

"She likes beastfolk, like, really likes beastfolk..." he trailed off, not... DAREING to speak anymotr on the matter...

Though... Kai saying that, he twitched lightly. "Tsk, as if somebody would condone such a thing. It'd be silly to be petted in such a manner. Lets go speak of something else lest we become distracted!

A witch! Toads!

Hill toads! You need them for something yea? Then we find the toad! Surely it'll be on a hill or something like their name. Theres no reason to dwell on any foolishness when we have work to do!" He did his best to try and sound convincing, which, he was right... But... seemed to be hiding something for sure. "...What even IS a hill toad? Is it speacial...? Is it a person toad or a toad toad...?" He began to question this now... Unsure what they were even looking for...

"Does... Anyone know what it looks like?"
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3204413516.png

Paru leaned against the shrine and watched while the others talked. She had never been good with these noble and scholarly types, preferring to spend her time with the rabble and soldiers. She didn't mind the holy dog, finding him one of the easier members of the group to converse with, but she was glad the scruffy mutt was back. Aside from a social discomfort, she had no clue what any one was talking about either. She had literally just been dumped into the middle of something that seemed so far beyond her. But it was an opportunity to progress her mission, so she would take it. She didn't mind swinging her sword, even better if she was told what to swing it at first.

She stepped away from the wall and made her way back over to the group. "I'll do what I can to help, though I don't know what exactly that is. I've got a sword and I can swing it, though not as well as this one." She pointed with her thumb at Ko.
Scene 2: Leaving the realm.
Leaving the Dream Realm

Kai, standing tall beside Uriel, was engaged in a deep conversation with Zephyr and Kiki, the newly appointed leaders of the Flying Monkeys. The woods around them buzzed with activity, monkeys darting between branches, their playful hollers echoing throughout the trees. This cacophony of life was a welcome change from the eerie silence that had preceded their victory.

Although he had played a pivotal role in the transformation of this realm, Kai was hesitant to assume the role of a leader. Kai himself denied this possibility. He had explained to the creatures, that he was thankful for assisting him; however, he would not rule over them. Besides he did not wish to spend his years in this plane and wanted to get back to reality as he new it. Kai did however, try his best to get the rest of it's denizens to accept the flying primates.

Zephyr, a seasoned flyer with striking gold eyes, nodded, understanding the sincerity behind Kai's words. Next to him, Kiki, a younger and more impetuous monkey, twitched her tail in anticipation, eager to help lead their newfound freedom.

"But we will need guidance," Zephyr asserted, his voice filled with the gravitas of his new role. "We are grateful for your help, but we are unfamiliar with the ways of the realm. Your wisdom would be invaluable to us."

Kai gave what advice he had to offer. He would not have them trade one master for another. He was glad that the Monkeys seemed to be following their own direction, under the wisdom of Zephyr.

The monkeys nodded, respecting Kai's wishes. However, Kai was not about to leave them high and dry. He turned to Uriel, whose celestial presence was comforting and reassuring. He talked to Uriel the guardian of this shrine to help smooth over the flying monkey's transition. Kai still held responsibility to their existence and their current state.

Uriel, wise and patient, nodded in understanding. "I'll do what I can, Ser Kai," he promised. "The monkeys are a welcome addition to this realm, and I will assist them in finding their place here."

With that, the conversation drew to a close, and they turned their attention to the portal. The departure was imminent, and while Kai was looking forward to returning to his own reality, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. He had become fond of the monkeys and the dream realm that had been their home for what felt like an eternity.

But change was a part of life, a lesson they had all learned all too well in their time here.


Before they had set out, in the dusky half-light before dawn, Ceylan had approached Yukan. “Say, Yukan, would you allow me to question Gyoubu about her tasks as a healer during battle and her to freely answer my questions? I believe I still have a lot to learn from her in that regard.” He'd mentioned it before, but he wasn't sure how freely people would be able and/or willing to talk about such topics, so he figured it best to check again. He'd rather not be considered an enemy spy or threat to their army's secrets on accident.

Before Yukan could answer, a soft, melodic voice interjected. Gyoubu, who had been tending to the charms of her shrine, had risen gracefully to her feet, a slight smile on her lips. "It's not for Yukan to allow or disallow, Ceylan," she gently rebuked, her voice rich with amusement. "My knowledge and experiences are my own. If you wish to learn, I would be glad to share what I know." Her statement was not a challenge, but an assertion of her independence and a gracious offer of guidance.

Just as the Tanuki Shrine Maiden was about to continue, Riku interjected, offering to have Shrine Maiden Yumeko join the conversation. Yumeko, with her vast knowledge and experience as a healer in battle, would no doubt provide invaluable insights. “A convention of holy healers, what say you, Yumeko?" Riku suggested, a glint of genuine respect in his eyes. His customary flippancy seemed muted, replaced with a clear appreciation of the healers' roles in the trials they were about to face.

As the conversation flowed, they began their walk towards the portal. The air around them was alight with the energy of the impending ritual, the very essence of the dream realm pulsating in anticipation.


As the dawn painted the sky with soft hues of rose and gold, Uriel's commanding voice cut through the tranquil silence, setting the tempo for their march towards the portal. His eyes, as old as the stars themselves, swept across the assembled host.

"Brothers and sisters, as we embark on this journey, it is only fitting that we do so with our mortal healers at the fore," Uriel began, his voice ringing out clear and resonant. The holy trinity of mortal healers - Ceylan the Wandering Saint, Gyoubu the Seasonal Shrine Maiden, and Yumeko the Battle Shrine Maiden - were called forth. The three stepped forward, their faces serene, their presence commanding a sense of awe and respect amongst the troops. "Ceylan, Gyoubu, Yumeko," Uriel intoned, "your wisdom and compassion will guide us. May your healing light illuminate our path."

Then, Uriel's gaze fell on Yukan, the tanuki commander. A figure of authority, Yukan was respected amongst his kin not only for his cunning but also for his just leadership. "Yukan, the trials ahead require your deft command. Your secular troops and the celestial host will look to you for guidance." Uriel's voice filled the morning air, carrying a weight of respect and expectation. He knew Yukan was up to the task. He waited patiently for Yukan to assemble his host and give what speech a leader might want to.


With Yukan leading the secular forces and the healers leading the mortal component, the remainder of the celestial host fell in line. A celestial procession, it seemed, in stark contrast to their rustic surroundings, yet it felt right. As if the celestial and the terrestrial had found a beautiful harmony, creating an enchanting tapestry of nature and divinity.

As they marched, the rustling column of tanuki blended seamlessly with the verdant woods. The chittering monkeys, like aerial jesters, darted about, their playfulness adding a touch of whimsy to the proceedings. The journey towards the portal had begun, and with Uriel's call to the mortal healers and Yukan, the march was already charged with a sense of purpose, hope, and determination.

The woodland was nothing short of enchanting, a storybook fantasy come alive. Sunlight filtered through the leaves overhead, painting dappled shadows onto the forest floor. The celestial energy imbued into the land by Uriel and his celestial forces had encouraged an explosion of verdant growth. Flowers bloomed in profusion, their fragrance sweet in the air, and the trees themselves seemed healthier, their leaves a vibrant green, their trunks strong and straight.

Standing tall and resplendent, Uriel guided the way through the undergrowth. His aura cast a protective glow around the group, a celestial barrier against any lingering dark magic. His eyes, the color of a clear sky, scanned their surroundings, alert to any potential threats. With Uriel at their lead, the group felt safe, confident that they could face any obstacle in their path.

As they neared the portal, the forest transformed. The trees thinned, giving way to an open meadow. Here the land had truly been reborn, the wild growth of the Fair Folk's reign replaced with a celestial garden. Heavenly blooms glowed softly in the morning light, their petals opening to the sky. The ground, once rough and littered with debris, was now a carpet of moss, its vibrant green a stark contrast to the celestial white and gold that marked Uriel's reign.

The portal itself stood at the center of this celestial sanctuary, a beacon of iridescent light. Gone was the chaotic energy that had once marked it as dangerous and unstable. Now it pulsed with a steady rhythm, the colors shifting in a calm, predictable pattern. Around it, Uriel's celestial forces stood guard, their radiant forms casting long shadows across the meadow. Their presence gave the area a sense of sacred peace, a stark contrast to the disordered energy that had reigned before.

At the sight of the portal, the group fell silent, their conversations tapering off into whispers. The shimmering portal was their exit, their way back to reality. It was a symbol of hope, of the promise of a return to their own lives, their own world.

Yet the thought of departure brought with it a sense of melancholy. This realm, this celestial sanctuary, had been their home for what felt like an eternity. They had faced trials and tribulations here, had fought and won against an overwhelming enemy. They had formed bonds of friendship and camaraderie, bonds that would not be easily broken.

As they approached the portal, the flying monkeys flew ahead, their excited chitters filling the air. They swooped and dove around the portal, their aerial acrobatics a display of joy and relief. For them, the portal was not just an exit, but a beacon, a symbol of their newfound freedom.

They had claimed the fairy tale forest as their new home, turning it into a vibrant, bustling area. Under the wise leadership of Zephyr and the spirited guidance of Kiki, the flying monkeys had flourished. They had built their nests high in the trees, their laughter and playful chattering a welcome addition to the forest's soundtrack.

Their journey was not without its hardships, though. The Fair Folk's departure had left a power vacuum, one that threatened the stability of their newfound home. The monkeys were constantly on the lookout, their keen eyes scanning for any sign of danger. Yet they faced these challenges head-on,

their spirit and determination a testament to their resilience.

As they gathered around the portal, a sense of anticipation filled the air. This was it, the moment they had been waiting for. With one last glance at the celestial garden, they stepped into the portal, their hearts filled with hope and uncertainty. The realm they left behind was forever changed, but they were ready for whatever lay ahead.


Uriel's rich voice rang out over the expanse, pulling their attention back to the matter at hand. The process of leaving the dream realm was intricate, steeped in ancient customs and rituals that couldn't be rushed. He looked towards Kai, Ko, and Indicus, explaining their integral roles in focusing the portal.

"Kai," Uriel started, his gaze piercing, "Your affinity with the Dream has made you sensitive to its deep essence. We need you to concentrate, use that attunement to help us focus the portal."

Turning his attention to Ko, Uriel's voice softened slightly. "Ko, you might not realize it, but you are the master of this portal, the creator who brought it into existence. You hold the key, the potential to wrestle the portal and force it to take you back home."

Lastly, he addressed Indicus, his voice reverberating with the weight of his words. "Indicus, your lineage is sacred. The blood of lunar dragons runs in your veins, they who guard the night-time realms from afar. Your essence is intrinsically tied to the Dream, and we need you to ensure the passage reflects the reality you seek to return to."

"These three amongst you, no-" At this point, Uriel paused, his gaze settling on a small, yet imposing figure among the crowd. "Ye four have crucial roles to play," Uriel corrected himself, his voice echoing through the hushed gathering.

"I see you Paru," he called out. Paru stepped forward, her graceful strides radiating a sense of quiet power. "Her lineage is sacred. Born of the Kirin, protector of the deep woods and master of the celestial passages found therein, you carry the power to guide these mortals through the ley lines and fairy rings. A fairy ring would do well to encircle this interchange and ensure it serves the Shrine and not others."

The beginning of the ritual was marked by a profound silence that seemed to permeate every corner of the celestial garden. The only sounds were the gentle hum of the portal and the soft rustling of the ethereal blooms. Uriel waited until the four cardinal points of the ritual stepped forward. Ko in the north and Kai in the south, Paru to the east and Indicus to the west.

As the four cardinal points of the ritual stepped forward into their positions, Uriel allowed the pause to extend, his quiet composure radiating outward to settle the crowd.

A wave of respect swept across the crowd as they beheld the four positioned in accordance with the cardinal points, the key figures whose efforts would navigate their passage through the portal. The tanuki forces, their bushy tails held high, chittered softly among themselves. Each one was a whirl of brown and gold fur, their wide, button-like eyes reflecting their anticipation and apprehension.

Standing upright in a disciplined manner uncharacteristic of their playful nature, the tanuki murmured words of encouragement, their small hands clapping together in a rhythmic pattern. Their unified voice held a profound sense of awe and hope. These creatures, who had often seen the brunt of reality's harshness, were a picture of stoic optimism as they silently lent their support to their heroes.

The assembled celestial host, their radiant forms flickering softly under the gleaming sunlight filtering through the canopy, stood in solemn silence. Dressed in shimmering armors that seemed to ripple with divine light, their faces mirrored the resolve and faith they had in the ritual. They emitted a palpable aura of tranquil anticipation that further accentuated the sacredness of the moment. Their gazes held a mix of reverence and anticipation, their silhouettes standing tall and firm in an unspoken promise of steadfast support.

Overhead, the flying monkeys filled the sky, their forms darting about in an intricate aerial dance. Their chitters and calls echoed through the trees, adding a vibrant note to the atmosphere. They were a flurry of movement and sound, their energy a stark contrast to the solemnity below. However, beneath their playful exterior was an undeniable sense of tension and trepidation, reflecting their understanding of the monumental task that lay ahead.

Their eyes, usually sparkling with mischief, were now focused on the four figures positioned around the portal. Their calls subsided into a low hum, their actions paused in mid-air as they awaited the commencement of the ritual. The monkeys shared quiet whispers, their voices carrying high into the branches, filling the air with a melody of hope and anticipation.

As Uriel finally broke the silence, indicating the beginning of the ritual, the crowd held its collective breath. The tanuki forces, the celestial host, and the flying monkeys overhead - each participant, observer, and creature in the surrounding woods waited in a palpable, respectful silence. In their hearts, they held the hope for a successful passage, their faith entrusted to the four standing at the cardinal points of the ritual. The start of this crucial journey was met not with fanfare, but with the solemn quietude befitting such a momentous occasion.




The scene is set, dear writers. The journey to the portal has begun, led by our brave guides – Kai, Ko, Indicus, and Paru. The process of transitioning from the dream realm is an intricate dance of ancient customs, celestial harmonies, and personal intent.

What happens next? How do our guides navigate through this complex journey? And what awaits them on the other side of the portal? Let your imagination take flight as you continue to build upon this momentous scene. This is an invitation to infuse your creativity into this tale, adding depth, intrigue, and your unique perspective to this story.
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Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: Ko Orikanyo Orikanyo | Gyoubu/Yumeko gmimperfecti gmimperfecti

He had no idea what Kai was speaking off, nor what Ko was on about, when it came to some sort of baroness. Still, he felt an odd shiver run down his spine and into his tail. As if his sixth sense was warning him to never meet that woman. As for the hill toad, he shook his head. “Truthfully, I just imagined it to be a toad the size of a hill...” He admitted.

Ceylan was somewhat surprised to learn that Gyoubu didn't need Yukan's permission. The hierarchy and rules within these groups were still entirely lost on him. “My apologies, I did not mean to offend. As you may have noticed, I am as unfamiliar with the rules, laws and hierarchy amongst armies such as these as I am with healing during a war.” Still, he couldn't stop his tail from wagging a little when she agreed to share her knowledge. “Thank you for your willingness to share your wisdom.” He replied, already coming up with a fair few questions.

His tail only started to wag faster when Yumeko joined in as well, feeling pretty confident he'd be able to learn a lot from the two of them. His calm and priestly demeanour was forming a fairly stark contrast with his happily wagging tail. He was both surprised and honoured when he was suddenly called forwards by Uriel. “I... am unworthy of such high praise, but will thank you regardless.” He ended up replying with a bow.

Well then, it seemed like he finally had a good chance to start asking some questions to the two other healers. There was one that had been at the tip of his tongue for a long while. “Say, out of all the questions I might have, this one has been on my mind for the longest. In the battle that occurred, many people were getting wounded. Some more severe than others, but wounded nevertheless. How do you decide whom to heal? I instinctively wish to fully heal whomever I see hurt, the very moment I see them get hurt. Being asked to hold back was a trial, especially with miss Sawazuki, but it did teach me one thing. In a larger battle, I would wear myself out early on if I don't limit myself. While my aid would be needed all the more later on, I'd just grow more tired and less capable. How do you find a balance in whom to aid and when to aid them? How do you know whom needs your healing the most? How can you chose between healing the most injured person or the person most critical for the fight to turn in your favour? How do you manage to keep a good enough eye on all that's occurring to spot where you might be needed? The battle was far more chaotic than I felt I could keep up with, yet it seemed like the both of you were having a decent grasp on almost everything? How is that possible? Also, I saw you knew more than just healing, what types of magic were those? I believe I might learn a lot from it and...”

He fell silent, realising he intended to ask just a single question, yet had started a flow of questions instead. “My apologies, I went overboard with my questions.” He figured he'd remain silent for now, to see which of his barrage of question they would deem worth answering (first, possibly at all) rather than risk falling into another barrage of questions.
Yukan Koyake
gmimperfecti gmimperfecti Elvario Elvario Orikanyo Orikanyo StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Shiyonichi Shiyonichi

Thankfully nothing Kai said to Yukan was particularly surprising there, he knew a many nobles who were upright so to speak, but so it came with the business of having to deal with important affairs. Yukan couldn't speak terribly from first hand experience however because his pure noble blood was about as far as his nobleness went. He hadn't exactly acquired a vast fortune, nor was his clan ranking where he wanted to be, he was in the records of being part of the Koyake Clan but there were others much more prestigious than hm, he did hope to change that soon enough.

Nevertheless he gave a small bow to Kai once more. "Of course not, I assume at the very least she sees [beast]s more favorably than the Empire does.." Not that, that wa setting the bar very high. "Thank you for your information."

He also gave Ko a small bow of acknowledgement, "I suppose that's reassuring to hear, and yes, Hill Toads are simply large toads, but they aren't like you or me, They do not walk upright they are probably the prevailing ancient ancestors of the toads among us who do walk upright.." Yukan declared. "But that matters not for in nature, there is always the hunter and the hunted, their bodies provide a bounty of valuable resources, and they serve an importance in the up coming festival, so even without an image for reference you will quickly know based on their size and where we will go to find them."

Before Yukan really addressed Ceylan he was already off talking, there wasn't really any need for him to give clearance for something like that people could speak to who they wished after all. But it still felt nice that Ceylan had felt inclined to ask. Ceylan's Empathy D likely revealed Yukan seemed a bit skeptical

Yukan also took note of Paru. "Well you are certainly welcome to join us in this noble quest to stop the witch..of course if you are so inclined you may also help with retrieving the toad, regardless your assistance is most appreciated."

While all of this was transpiring Yukan went back to attention to Uriel. "Once again you humble me." He gave a lower bow, showing an increased sign of respect given Uriel's origin.

It looked like it was time for a speech once again before the group moved forward. Yukan would use Republic of Kuridan Etiquette F + Leadership F

We have all come a great way since the start of our initial journeys, whether that was through a quest, a summoning, being manifested, or appearing from elsewhere, I truly believe that all of you here today were. brought together by fate and the gods will. The shrine we have liberated together will be left in the most suitable hands. Those of you who found yourself just being created have found a home where you will be accepted and learn our ways."

He'd refer specifically to the monkeys on that later part.

"I want to again thank those of you who risk your lives and continue to do so moving forward , It is an act of bravery and selflessness to agree to partake in a quest of this scale with no obligations. By helping defeat the great evil which has manifested itself in the form of this witch, you are doing the people of the The Republic of Kuridan a great service. Never again will people have to watch their families and livelihood ravaged and destroyed by this nefarious magic I witnessed. For you helping me to resolve this great injustice I will be forever grateful. Moving united into this unknown we will succeed."

Yukan said the last line as if it was a definitive, failure was not an option with so many great people there and their teamwork they could achieve anything. After his mini rallying speech of sorts. he went quiet with the rest of the group an got into proper formation. He too felt the anticipation of what was to come, what kind of land would they need to transverse? It was all so unknown, but deep down he knew they had been brought together for a reason, and that reason was to work for the good of Kuridan. The guides had been set and everyone was in position, what was going to happen now?

"...Yea know it must be as awkward as it is for Ceylan and I to meet a wolf for a person like them to meet these hill toads..." much less the hounds... He... Had witnessed one get pet and it reminded him too much of Regula that he had to force his tail to remain still. He didn't love the woman particularly... but... Being pet was nice...

"So... Howd do we proceed? Do... I cut another hole? I didn't exactly know what I would we doing last I tried doing that. I was just intending to kill the tree... Now were here.

In a fancy shining land. Full of monkeys and rather aggressive light that stings the eyes..." he couldn't help but wince looking around his dark bagged eyes tiredly looking at the world around...

He said he wasn't sure he could cut another hole but...


His hand WAS on his sword right now... As he said it...

"...Should... I try?" He asked, looking at the others with a small degree of expectancy somebody would stop him.
Indicus picked up on what Uriel just told him, how he seemed to be descended from Lunar Dragons and kept that in mind as he walked towards the west side of the ritual circle. once he arrived he had little idea of what to do so he just followed the instruction given by Uriel and imagined vividly in his mind the area around the tree feeling something click he smiled and continued as he let a previously unknown instinct guide him. Indicus felt energy radiating around him if he opened his eyes he would notice he was centered in a small whirlwind of blue magic with whispers of silver sprinkled in.
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Kai looked on to the portal that was going to hopefully get them home. He looked down on his hand to see the moon tattoo on his palm, now decorated with shards which to him made it seem like cherry blossoms. Kai had already done it before so he was certainly confident in the fact that he could do his part.

Kai looked over at Ko, who in contrast was uncertain compared to himself. He did hear that the cut was made by Ko, but since it did let him leave he wasn’t about to question it, instead gave him an answer based on his experiences here.

“It depends, but the main thing is yer will and desires. This world responds to yer willpower and yer wants, as long as ya focus yer both into it, it should respond. If ya need to use a sword to focus it, then that should work fine.” Kai stated as he had focused his will through the Moonblade to drive off the fae. “Though ya might shatter yer blade. Either way this shouldn’t be too difficult, only a two-bit swordsman would lack the mental discipline to fail at something like this. In fact, I can’t see any warrior worth their salt failing at something like this.” Kai would say in a rather matter of fact way, framing it as a challenge towards Ko’s pride as a swordsman, as Ko seemed like the kind of person who would do better when challenged.

Kai would focus on his part of the process. It was already familiar to him, as he had been in this realm for so long. Kai focused on the leaving the realm and focused his will and desire to reach the physical world. Kai raised his tattooed hand towards the tear in the dream world, as he also followed Uriel’s instructions.

Orikanyo Orikanyo

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