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Claire was sat on the sont, cold floor. She was begging on the streets, but hoping no one would take her as a Slave. She was a Neko, so many Vampires would be happy to capture her and take Claire. Nekos had a very poor defence system against Vampires. She was dressed in thread-bare clothes, a while- now grey- top with a dirty green cardi, a black mini skirt and no shoes. Her ginger hair fell in a wavy mass around her shoulders; she tried to keep her head down and hide her face. An 'Owner' as they called themselves, walked nearby, then grabbed her arm and hauled her up. For a moment, pure panic bubbled up in her chest, but then the Vampire just smirked and kicked her behind the knees. Hard. She fell head first onto the street and people around them snickered and carried on with their lives. Claire glanced up at the owner before he turned and walked away. With a sigh, Claire hauled herself back onto the curb.

Tap, tap, tap. Nathanial's boots tapped against the sidewalk as he walked along, hands tucked into the pockets of his long, patched-up coat. He was almost shabby looking, dressed in worn clothes that looked to be expensive at one time. He stuck out like a sore thumb with his big coat and top hat, dressed like someone from ages ago would dress. No one paid him any mind. He paused, watching sympathetically as a girl was yanked up then knocked down onto the ground. She looked to be homeless. He didn't doubt she was. He inched over to her side, pushing his glasses up his nose and giving her a small smile. "Hello... Ah... You look hungry." He said, pulling a loaf of bread from his bag of groceries and tearing a chunk off before offering it to her. "What's your name?"


Carina sighed loudly and curled up tighter under the covers on her bed. Today was the day. She'd lived here for the past nineteen years of her life, and today her owner had told her that someone was coming to look at her, maybe buy her if they liked what they saw. Carina was reluctant to get out of bed. She had a relatively cushy life; her owner was an elderly woman who was very soft on Carina, essentially letting her do whatever she liked. She didn't know if her new owner would be the same. She hoped they would be.
Claire glanced up at him wearily when he offered her the bread, unsure what he'd done to it. After a few seconds, she decided she was too hungry to care and took it with a shaking hand. It was obvious he was one of them, though this person didn't seem to be cruel. Yet. She started chewing on it just as he asked what her name was. She swallowed the food and stood up slowly, then remembered what he was and jumped back a few steps. "Claire." She said, then glanced over his appearence. It appeared he was wearing a top hat and overcoat. Claire suddely felt uncomfortable and scruffy in her tattered, worn out rags. She tried to remember some of the many manners her mother used to teach Claire as a child, "Pleased to meet you." She said quietly.

He held out his hand, offering a handshake. "Nathanial Kiel. The pleasure's all mine." He smiled encouragingly, hoping to show that he meant her no harm. He knew that more often than not, vampires were very cruel to the other species they kept as pets. His family had owned a few when he was a boy, but he'd never personally kept slaves.
Ebony did look quite classy - long, dark army jacket, cane in hand and a proud posture. She walked lazily and slowly to a house, where she was told about an opportunity of buying a slave. She wasn't in a desperate need for one, but she thought it would be interesting - basically, she was doing it on a whim.

As Ebony pondered in her thoughts, she found herself approaching the house. Ebony lifted her smooth and shiny cane and, instead of using her fist, knocked on the door with the cane. While waiting for an answer, Ebony crossed her legs and leaned on the cane, again returning to her thoughts.

The door was answered by a little old lady, who smiled at Ebony. "Hello, dear, you must be the buyer." Carina groaned when she heard her owner call her name. She hauled herself out of bed, going downstairs with hair still unbrushed and pajamas still in place. "What?"
Ebony smiled back "Hello. Why, yes, I am." Ebony was invited inside. She waited while the older woman called for the slave. Apparently her name is Carina. Ebony pondered about what race this "Carina" would be. Was she an overgrown, hairy werewolf, or perhaps a fragile, shy angel. Ebony chuckled at her own thoughts.

The neko looked at the stranger with distaste while her owner spoke. "This is Ms. Ebony." Said the elder. "She's here to take a look at you." Carina's ears pulled back against her head and she snorted.

"No." She turned and tromped back up the stairs, tail flicking back and forth. Her owner shook her head and looked at Ebony.

"You can just go up and talk to her. She's difficult."
Ebony was taken aback by Carina's actions. She's visited quite a few owners with slaves, but none of them ever behaved like Carina. Perhaps this would prove to be entertaining. "Very well then." Ebony said to the woman and made her way up the stairs. She knocked on the door with her cane, but entered without waiting for an answer, since she knew she would recieve a declining one. "So, what exactly am I being offered here?"
Jordan was trying to keep himself blended in the crowd. He had some dark jeans with a black hoodie on, and kept his hood over his black hair. It was crucial that he got somewhere, no- anywhere, away from his old owner's mansion. Although his owner had been ok, the man's son had been horrible. So, Jordan had just left the house. However, the marking on his neck, which was the insignia of his former owner, was easily recognizable and would probably give him away. Sighing, Jordan kept walking and hoped no one would notice him.
Claire hesitated before shaking his hand. For some strage reason, she found herself trusting this Vampire. She flicked her tail and twitched her ears before looking aroud. "You alone?" She asked, uncertain. She thought that maybe he had people waiting on the sidelines, ready to take her. But she couldn't see anyone...

He nodded. "Yes, quite. All on my lonesome. I was just out buying groceries, that's... That's why I have groceries." He smiled awkwardly and adjusted his hat. "What, uh, what might I ask is a young lady such as yourself doing out here on your own? Don't you have anyone missing you?"


Her owner smiled at Ebony. "Well, Carina's a neko as you can see. Very lovely girl, very... Feisty."

"Get out of my room!" She shouted, lobbing a pillow in the direction of the two of them.
Sacred sat in the corner waiting for a master. Of course, no one accepted her since she was a blonde. They thought she was an idiot. "D'awwww... I want a master!" She whined in her English accent. She looked at the Americans passing by. They were masters with slave. Sacred looked down as she waited until someone would walk up to her and ask her to be her or his slave. "All I have to do is wait..."
Claire was about to ask what a vampire needed with food, but then Nathanial asked the killer question. She shifted uneasily; he would surely jump at the oppertunity. "I have no family, or home for that matter... I'm-" She took a small breath, dreading the outcome of spilling this infomation, "I got kicked out of my last home because i spilt the soup over my, uhm, Master." She refused to look him straight in the eye, instead, Claire pretended to take interest in the sign to the Shoemaker's workshop.
((Busy guys, sorry :( ill reply in an hour or less. But I also have to work in four hours. Anywho, while I'm away, are any slaves actually attached or are we just hunting for them here? Do we need any slab since no one's replying?)) 
As a wolf Nadia trotted through the grimy streets. She didn't bother hiding the collar that marked her as a possible slave because no self respecting vampire would want a flea-bitten, mangy mutt to serve them, much less live in their house. Tongue lolling, she happily searched for scraps in the trash. Later, she would go looking for handouts from gullible rich people. Her sandy fur ruffled itself in the soft breeze, cooling her off.

((Sorry about the short reply. Not much to go off of yet.))
Rose sighed walking out of the crowd into the woods wearing a black duster with a hood to cover her ears and tail making sure nobody noticed her as she slinked off away from everyone grateful to finally be free. Rose had just ran away that day after her so called "owner" had tried to kill her she had lived with that man since she was 5years old she had been born half blind and when she turned 11 her started to beat her so now that she finally escaped she will hide herself away from the people who only hurt and abuse her kind by living in the woods in a cave behind a waterfall she found a week before.

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