• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Claw & Fang Characters


You are lost


1.Yes, you can take more than one character - two familiars are maximum. If the number of people who want to be the heroes with familiars increases, I will change the number
2. As of right now, only accepting 10 familiars - may change.
3. Yes, you can be a villain. But, this is only open to those who I approve. (I suppose, you could see this as a co-GM, as you will ultimately be helping me plan parts of the roleplay)
4. Any race is accepted - vampire, warlock, vampire, human, elf.
5. Balance the strengths and weaknesses - If you're character already has a power because of their race, you must limit either power.
6. Minimum age is twelve.
7. Please, don't have the same familiar animal as someone else (No, you can't have a fox familiar if someone else already has a fox familiar, be creative! But keep them medium - small sizing.)
8. No, you don't have to use the template below, you can use code to make it pretty, but generally include all the information needed.
9. I will like your post when you're accepted. If not, I will PM you with any issues.
10. No firearms allowed as weapons.
11. If you want your character to have a secret/twist/ect, PM me and we will discuss.


#1 - Raku Raku [The Wolf Familiar]

#2 - ???

#3 - ???

#4 - ???

#5 - ???

#6 - ???

#7 - ???

#8 - ???

#9 - ???

#10 - ???

Villains - ???


  • Full Name: Include first and last name - middle name is optional.

    Nickname: Optional.

    Age: Include age - birthdate is optional

    Gender: The character's gender.

    Race: Sorcerer, vampire, tengu, human,ect.

    Familiar: What animal if your character's familiar?

    Personality: Brief or detailed..brownie points for details.

[tabs][tab=Basics][b]Full Name:[/b]











[b]Magic Abilities:[/b]











[b]Familiar's Personality:[/b]


  • Full Name: Include first and last name - middle name is optional.

    Alias: Optional.

    Age: Include age - birthdate is optional

    Gender: The character's gender.

    Race: Sorcerer, vampire, tengu, human,ect.

    Personality: Brief or detailed..brownie points for details.

[tabs][tab=Basics][B]Full Name:[/B] Include first and last name - middle name is optional.

[B]Alias:[/B] Optional.

[B]Age:[/B] Include age - birthdate is optional

[B]Gender:[/B] The character's gender.

[B]Race:[/B] Sorcerer, vampire, tengu, human,ect.

[B]Personality:[/B] Brief or detailed..brownie points for details.[/tab]


[B]Appearance:[/B] Include a reference picture, descriptions are optional.



[B]Magic Abilities:[/B] Will be posting a list of possible powers [Link will go here] - you may PM me to discuss other powers.  Include skill level.

[B]Strengths:[/B] Both physical, mental and emotional strengths.

[B]Weaknesses:[/B] Bother physical, mental and emotional weaknesses.

[B]Weapons:[/B] Optional - include pictures.



[B]Likes:[/B] The character's likes.

[B]Dislikes:[/B] The character's dislikes.

[B]History:[/B] When, how and why did they join Yuvak? Or do they have their own plan in mind?[/tab]


[B]Aims:[/B] What do they intend to do? [Keep it vague. We will discuss in detail if I approve you as a villain]

[B]Notes:[/B] Anything else you want others to know about your character.

[B]Introductory Post:[/B] A roleplay sample, random or of your character. [/tab][/tabs]


Information || Regions [TBA] || OOC [TBA] || RP [TBA]​

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I gotta go out for a day or so and won't have access to my PC, so I'll post my WIP CS here. It's 70% done and I'd like to hear your thoughts. In case you have any problem, I will either fix them through my phone or w8 for tmr and do that along with finishing the CS.

Edit: It's done!

  • Full Name: Zelenia L. Milstein

    Nickname: Zel

    Age: 13

    Gender: Female

    Race: Human

    Familiar: Lucrecia or Luke, a rabbit

    Zel is a sweet and polite girl who is overly kind and altruistic, always cares for and help anyone whom she has not considered an enemy. She is also a honest individual who is direct and open with her emotions, thus easily swayed by people around her, especially her own mischievous familiar.

    In the past, Zel used to be a naive and innocent girl who never wanted to hurt anyone to the extent that she can't even kill an insect, but the event 2 years ago has dramatically changed her. Now she can be stoic and perfectly hide emotions and kindness in front of enemy. Also, she is now used to violence and is more willing to fight, although she still doesn't fight unnecessarily and avoid the kill at all costs.

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  • Full Name: Edward Lauren III

    Nickname: The Wolf or just Wolf



    Familiar: Lupa, a wolf

    Personality:Edward is a strong willed and determined man. He fights with every ounce of his energy and does not stop until the job is done or he can't move. He is loyal to those he trusts and protects them with his life, but he prefers to be alone. He is decently intelligent and can fully handle himself in most situations. While outside of battle he usually shows a calm, quiet demeanor.
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  • Full Name: Meldiron Sadron (Elvish) Translates to Loyal Friend in Common

    Nickname: Dakota (I will most likely introduce him with his elven name but then call him by Dakota)

    Age: I am 102 years old in Elven years but I suppose I would be 22 years old to those who do not age as we do. (Elves mature at 100 years old in D&D so I guess that'll be alright. His age in regard to power is 22.)

    Gender: I am male, thank you.

    Race: I am of elven descent if you have not seen my ears already.

    Familiar: My companion so happens to be a fox named Ruscion (pronounced Roos-kee-on). She has been a great friend for many years and you should be advised that she comes before anyone, so I would not lay a finger on her lest you want to lose it.

    Personality: I have been told that a am an odd creature by others but I take no offense since the odd ones are always the ones remembered. I love to hear the stories of others and because of my age, I know quite a few. I savor good food and drink above fortune, but it often falls short of my standards. I live every moment with passion, as do my kind. I honor the alliances my people made with other races by showing them deep respect, but my people have been so often betrayed, and my memory is long: my trust is hard-earned. I am on the serious side, always cautious around anyone, even my own kind. My sister, Annalise, and Ruscion like to try and bring me out of my, what do they call it? Ah, yes, shell! With a bit of fine wine and a book, I am at ease.
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  • Full Name: Indicus Vencule

    Nickname: Indi

    Age: 30

    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Familiar: Falcon

    Personality: Indicus is quite a relaxed person often trading jabs with others or his familiar. He tends to get himself in plenty of trouble and his only concern is himself and his familiar.
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Sorry, I won't be able to join this RP for now. I might be able to join at a later time, but right now I can't.
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Magic is a powerful thing

  • Full Name:
    Lady Dove Evermore
    Before she became Raven she was a sweet and gentle girl. She was also shy but could carry her own when needed to. But when she changed she became what some might call pure evil. She no remorse for what she does and will kill you with out a second thought. Though she does like to play cat and mouse. She is cocky self absorb and a flirt. She also has a scary temper and no one dares to set her off knowing she wouldn't hesitate to dispose them.

If not careful it can take control

  • Likes:
    Diamonds, revenge, chaos
    Her ex lover
    In Qual lived a very wealthy and noble family Evermores. They were known for their generations of powerful sorcerers and sorceress. The moon on their head was how you could tell who was part of the family blood line. The Evermores were known to be very kind but also strict. When Dove was born her parents became aware of her power levels and how they would react to her emotions. They knew that could be dangerous so they raised her and kept her away from the outside world so she would never lose control.

    As the years went on Dove lived a very happy life not knowing how scary, or sad the real world could be. She grew up in a fantasy world which she believed to be the same everywhere. But she always did wonder what it was like outside the walls of her home but of course her parents never let her out. So one day when she suppose to be in her room doing her studies she snuck out and went into the city. When she got there she was happy with what she saw. People smiling, children playing in the streets and young lovers walking hand in hand. She didn't understand why her parents wouldn't let her out. While she was walking through town she met a boy who wasn't to kind to her at first but soon enough they started to become friends. She would sneak out now and then to see and play with him. As they got older they started to develop feelings for each other and soon fell in love. But she knew her parents would not allow it. They had already promised her to someone else.

    One night she decided to talk to her parents about the man she had fallen in love with and that also meant telling them she had been sneaking out all these years. When she arrived in her parents room she was horrified at what she saw. They were dead and unmoving. She fell to her knees not making a sound in to much of a shock. But then she noticed someone else was in the room. It was dark male figure but she couldn't see his face. She asked a in a very quiet and shaky voice who he was and why he did this but when turned around and saw his face her mind went completely blank. It was her lover. Tears slowly started falling from her eyes a white light was glowing around her and was slowly starting to turn black but suddenly without warning she made a terrifying scream and the white light went completely black and shot through the ceiling. She then stood up and the crescent moon on her forehead turned black. As the this black light was shooting up into the air she slowly stood up with tears coming down her face but her eyes were dark and full of rage. She yelled out that she would kill him but as she tried to he disappeared and then suddenly everything went black and she passed out.

    When she woke up she found herself in bed but she felt strange and different. She got up and looked in the mirror to see someone that she didn't recognize. Her looks had slightly altered but you could tell there was a dark aura around her. Like this new feeling she smiled but then remembered what happen last night right before she was about to lose it a man walked in. A man she had never seen before. He introduced himself as Yuvak told her he was here to help get revenge for her parents murder. But she had to had help him in return she agreed to the deal and basically became his right hand and most trusted. Dove also changed her name to Raven not wanting anything to do with her old self.

    Poor Raven is now consumed with dark magic it's basically taken her over and is clouding her judgement. Yuvak is basically controlling her now and also he is hiding the truth it wasn't her lover that killed her parents it was him. He wanted her power. He knew what to do get her over to his side also her lover happens to be part of the ten heroes he is after which works perfectly to his plan.

And change you completely

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Don't respond to this. I will delete this message when I've seen that there have been some edits in the character sheets. (Because I don't want to send several PMs)

Severia Severia - Mainly because of her age, you should limit her powers more.

LunaticLove LunaticLove - I love him already, but I just need you to fill out the magic abilities section. (The link to the list is in the first post, but you don't necessarily have to choose from that.)

Shadow Dancer Shadow Dancer - Missing race and familiar. Please edit.

Cheryl Cheryl - That's fine. However, you may not be able to join later. Sorry.

animegirl20 animegirl20 - A few things; She can be apart of a high-class/rich family but not a princess. Missing magic abilities. And the kingdom does not align with the regions of this world (See first post, "Information" link).

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