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One x One Clash of the Gods

Living Owl

The Wise One.

The Character Bio:




(Mainly what age they resemble)

Type of God:

(God of what? Ex. God of Nature, God of Fertility, etc.)






(What symbol or animal is associated with the God, if there is any? Ex. An Owl symbolizes Athena. This can be made up to best accommodate the God's personality.)
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Ithas Othitas


(Without Horns.)



Appears to be 19 years old.

Type of God:

God of Destruction/Chaos


Breathe Fire

The tentacles from his head can electrocute people

When Ithas isn't in his full, god-like form, he can control fire and electricity. He can also shoot fire from his palm, but cannot utilize his electric abilities unless he is in his full form.


Ithas's strength comes from his size, weight, and brutality. For example, due to his massive size when in full form, he attempts to tackle his enemies to the ground in order to rip their necks off without the use of his magical abilities. He also gains his strength mainly when he's in his territory located in the Underworld; however, you would rarely see him on his land because he enjoys a journey and challenge. He enjoys hunting at night because he utilizes stealth in his combat, which he finds extremely helpful.


Ithas is more vulnerable with water based abilities due to his fire and electric nature. He also finds it difficult to attack an enemy when he is on their land. When in his human-like form, he is slightly more vulnerable despite the fact that he could still access a limited supply of his abilities. If fighting with an enemy, Ithas needs to protect his chest. Unfortunately for him, his heart is not hidden within his chest; it is located outside of his chest. So throughout his entire body, it is wise to hit more toward the heart, even though it takes many hits to kill him due to the layers of tentacles protecting his vulnerable area.


Despite being the God of Destruction, Ithas can obtain a generous trait in his personality when necessary. Other than that, he is more cruel and playful. He tends to take life as a joke and plays with his enemies rather than simply killing them. He may be cocky, but hubris isn't entirely his main, or favorite, characteristic. It is rare to find Ithas in a stern state unless an enemy really catches his focus in combat, or he must set out in a serious mission.


Wolf or Claw Marks

Humans would associate a raging wolf that kills its own kind with this god.​
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Rosemary June


Rosie or Rose


Usually appears to be 16

Type of Goddess:



~Creating small life forms and plants~

Can calm down anyone/thing~

Her DNA contains healing magic, so her touch will heal almost everything~


Since Rose is usually calm, she can call to nature for help, and they will usually listen. What she lacks in size and strength, she makes up for with her natural ability to calm people down and stop fights. She is gifted with a bow and arrow, and prefers long distance combat. Very much like Ithas, she can be stealthy and people often don't realise she is there. This may be because she is quiet, or it might be... Something else...


While most Gods and Goddesses can get extremely aggressive, it is hard for Rose to find this side of her. She isn't very good with a sword or dagger, and she is pretty much hopeless at hand-to-hand combat. Also, she believes to it wrong to kill, so quite a lot of the time she will back away from the fight. She feels like she must protect forces of nature, and this cam sometimes be the downfall of her, as it distracts her.


Rose is usually calm and tends to not get mad. This is probably just because she is the Goddess of Peace, so she is naturally peaceful. She enjoys sitting in fields or forests, just watching the world go by. She is quite quiet, so she doesn't speak much in public. This is hard when your a Goddess, but she manages. She believes killing is wrong, and is a little overprotective of nature.


A single flower embedded with a sapphire​

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