Story Clarinetti's Composition Corner (Open)


Have you ever struggled to find a piece of music to set the tone for a scene in an RP thread? Have you spent countless hours combing through YouTube, Soundcloud, and countless other sites in search of the ideal theme song?

(No? OK, maybe it's just me then...)

Well, if you can relate to the above questions (Or at just curious to see what the fuss is about), this may be the answer to your woes. As the title implies, writing music is one of my greatest passions, and am seeking to start some side-projects and be inspired to compose/ arrange new works. Whether it's for an RP, film, game, multimedia project, or something else entirely, I want to hear from you!

A few things to note:

-Please submit any questions/ inquiries here: once I've seen it, I will PM you to discuss the topic further. If there's a specific mood/ style of music you're trying to emulate, indicate that in your post (You can also add links to musical examples if you wish), as well as whether there's a deadline for the work.

-In considering the workload I currently have with school and work, I will be limiting myself to 1-2 projects at a time. I will keep this page updated to inform people when I am open or closed for commissions.

-I am dedicated to my craft, and when working on a piece aim to have it completed in a timely manner. However, this is indeed a side-project: as a result of the aforementioned IRL responsibilities, there will be times where I may be either delayed in working on pieces or am unable to take on projects because of it. If any such issues arise whilst I'm working on a current project, I will communicate with you and work towards finding a compromise which works best for all parties.

-The software I usually work with includes: Sibelius, Logic, Pro-Tools, and Cubase. These all contain/ include sound-banks useful for instrumental, electronic, and ambient music, but not so much for vocal works. I can still compose for voice, but it may be more difficult/ timely to make a good recording.

-To start, I have no interest in charging for short pieces: I wish to make this as accessible as possible to everyone. However, if what you have in mind is particularly large in scope, either with duration or scale of the piece, I may ask that we privately discuss the possibility of a commission fee.

So with that all said in done, let me know down below what you think and whether you're interested in any of this! And if not, well, thanks for taking the time to read my spiel.

All the best,

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