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Allah is the Greatest
Dragons. Rumored beings of the past that obtained the ability to conjure up amazing powers, just from the elements chambers in their DNA. They roamed the earth long ago, alongside the humans and creatures of the world. But the corrupt of them sparked a war, believing Dragons to be a threat to the human way of life. They felt powerful with their amber weapons, and with them, killed off the retaliating Dragon races.

Those that survived the war were forced into submission for the rest of their lives. The others kept hidden away. And generation after generation, their numbers kept depleting. Thousands of years later, they were officially marked as extinct, and even later after that, they became mere fairytales. Dragons became fictitious beings. A beast that could only ever exist in cartoons or fabled. No one knows that there's just one left.
°•.· ° • .• ° •.• .• °·

Claire watched as rows of pink hexagonal patterns skimmed across the skydome. "I think our city's dome is broken," she huffed, reciting words in French to her pen pal Michelle. Claire plopped down onto the bus shelter bench. She brought her legs up too. That's the way she always sat.

"But it's still pretty out, see?" Claire took out a camera then shot a photo of the sky. It showed up on her phone just seconds after. "So it's way too hot for this," She tilted the camera down from a clear, sunny sky; to the long, white, stuffy raincoat her father told her to wear and snapped a photo.

"No, it's raining here. And if you don't like it, why don't you just take it off?" Michelle asked, in English.

"Because my dad wants me to keep it on." Claire sighed, fiddling with the coats metal clasps. "At least it smells like flowers—" the buzz from her phone interrupted. Michelle looked up from her screen. "Who's that Claire?"

"It's a notification for my morning appointment."

Michelle groaned. She covered her eyes and dragged her hands over it till her eyes sagged. "It might not be a good idea to go! You know some people who've traveled far back haven't returned. Right?"

Claire nodded, she knew the risks, but the reward was so much greater. "This is for research Michelle, besides I'll be gone and back in a week," She tried to reassure.

Claire let her legs down and leaned forward to adjust her boot when she saw a person's shoes facing her. His dungy, family heirloom, old man shoes. Only her Dad wears those shoes. "Gotta call you later Michelle," Claire hung up, then she stared at the familiar, so-serious face of her father, Ricardo. As per usual, he didn't look pleased. "It's 8:01, Claire," he let out calmly, accusingly nonetheless. 'It's not my fault the bus is late'; is what she wanted to say, but Claire knew better than to start up with her dad. And before she knew it the bus flew up and parked at the station. A group of people fled in, a group came out, and Ricardo looked down at his wristwatch. "Right on time. Come on, let's go."

°•.· ° • .• ° •.• . °·

Claire and her father left the bus hand in hand, making their way to a memorizing building with a tinted glass dome. A tall beautiful structure called the Time Travel Station. Claire loved the way it stood. How the simple concrete bottom joined with the black triangular windows and built up till they collided with tiny gleaming solar panels. "You know, this sight never gets old, Dad. You gotta at least admit its a pretty cool skyscraper," Claire urged.

Ricardo only sighed. He cleared his throat before speaking; begrudgingly. "Architecturally, this building shouldn't be stab—"

"Hey, Claire! Hey Ric!"

Her Dad grumbled at the voice while Claire searched for it. His eyes landed on her father's friend, Victor, dashing toward them. Ricardo coughed into his sleeve, "It's Ricardo, actually," he corrected, quiet enough so that Victor wouldn't hear. Victor, or Vic as he preferred, gestured for the pair to walk with him.

He grinned when Claire and Ricardo caught up. Claire smiled too. Vic was one of those people with contagious smiles. "I haven't seen you for a while now Claire. Are you excited? Your father told me you're planning a trip today," Vic peered. Claire planted hands low into her coat pockets, "Yeah I am! I've never traveled that far ago." Vic chuckled, "Alright kiddo, you just stay safe when you go."

Ricardo side-eyed Vic. "So Victor," he started through a tone of uncertainty. "Why exactly did you decide to walk with us?" Claire poked an ear out. She really, really wanted to elbow her dad for prying, but she was curious too. Vic raised a finger, "Listen, Ric. How long have we known each other? You gotta call me Vic!" He seemed insistent on keeping a light mood. He peered Ric over and hushed to a whisper. "And I actually need to have a word with you."

Claire stared at her phone, pretending to be laser-focused on the screen. "What for?" Ricardo asked. He didn't care much about his volume. "Something about the new capsules," Vic whispered back. New capsules huh...

"Anyhow... We're here!" He cheered, waving his hand in the air with his key card. He awkwardly broke a path between the two approaching the tinted double doors. Then he pushed his card and into a reader slot. "You can go ahead Claire," Victor urged. "Your father and I have to talk." Claire nodded and rushed inside. She could barely wave goodbye before the door shut behind her.

She was escorted by a custodian into a hall lined with wide entryways. Each room they passed was empty, identical. The same eight walls and three travel capsules on each side.

Claire was lead to the very last room. The worker pushed her card through a reader. Through the rising glass emerged a face. "Greetings Claire," a cheerful voice welcomed her.

"Hi, Zack!" Claire shouted, extending her waving hands. Claire pulled Zack by the shoulders just to hug him.

"You ready to go?" He asked as he straightened. Claire sighed as she crossed her arms. She poked her elbow in his side. "You always gotta rush away, huh?" The two stared at each other with the same subtle expression. Zack was best known for his wanderlust.

He mimicked her tone, "Yup. But I'm guessing you want to wait for my brother, huh? And right on cue... Hey Ricotta," Zack waved his fingers, "Always making silent appearances."

"Don't call me that," Claire turned around to her Dad and leaned into the hug he pulled him in. "See you in a week."

"Love you Dad."

After they waved their goodbyes, Claire followed her uncle into a ready pod. The glass four shut behind them and they were sealed in.


"Why do you and my Dad call each other names you hate?"

Zack sighed and crossed his arms, looking toward the pod ceiling as it elevated. "I don't know why Claire, it's just our thing."

· ° • .• ° •.• .• °·

Claire woke. Her eyes opened to see nothing, just a pitch-black area. She lay settled in something cold and wet and felt piercing pain in her skull. Her now damp hair stuck to her face. "Luckily I'm not afraid of dirt. Is this the past," she whispered as she stood.

Her standing was like a trigger. Her skin started to feel warmer, the black surroundings filled with light, and all pigments faded into view. Claire was stunned at the structure she saw. A giant clock tower, made of white stones just a meter ahead. Ticking hands and moving gears echoed in her ears. " Wow. That's amazing."

"Claire!" Zack called.

"Over here," she shouted over her shoulder.

· ° • .• ° •.• .• °·

Zack let down his binoculars and scanned around the sandy landscape. "Where is this girl..." He thought. He knew she was somewhere near grass, she just had to be. He turned around and stepped on to a mossy rock where the desert met the pasture and viola! There she was!

—About to fall over a cliff. "Claire what the heck!" Zack called after her. He sprinted so fast that his jacket practically flew off his shoulders. "You have zero– depth perception!"

"I know, I know," Claire asserted as she pulled back to the ground. She knew better than let her uncle do it. "But that clock tower! Wow!" She gestured to it as if she was showing off her best work.

Zack propped on his knees to catch his breath. He squinted hard at the large clock tower; then back to his niece. "Claire... You're covered in mud..." He huffed.

"I don't care, Zack," she cheered, raising her up into the air. "We're here!" Claire smiled down at her brown coat, she couldn't care less about the dirt o the rock. "You have no idea how excited I am."
Only a few dozen kilometers away, a huge dragon laid in their lair. They were perfectly still, and their eyes were closed. A hand resting on a block of stone another dragon had offered him gracefully for his services. This gift would be useless to many dragons, but this was the perfect way for him to train some of his powers. He dug his claws in the stone and focused, his body perfectly still until the hand resting on the stone started vibrating. He took a few dozens of years to know how to adapt his sand powers to stone, but training every chance he could was important to keep improving, or at least maintain his level. As the stone hit the resonance point, the edges start to slowly erode into sand. With the precise work he was attempting, he would take weeks, if not month to finish his project- a detailed statue of one of the other dragons. He was not sure which one yet- but the rough shape would start the same, and he would figure out which of the other dragons deserve one during the length of his project. Of course, if he wanted to completely turn the stone into sand, it would take much less time. Maybe a few seconds with this size of stones, a dozen meter long and wide.
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Bright pink eyes of the respectively large dragon sat motionless upon the edge of a narrow cliff. Overlooking the trade route below with a narrowed gaze, she had been waiting for hours, really it was 30 minutes, but felt like hours. The crystal aligned tail at her end curled in a repetitive motion of curling in and out of rotation. For a moment, it seemed the dragon of bright spectrums of metal and crystals was going to call it a day as she began to get to her feet, but alas, it seemed she had spotted something. The magnificent beast leaned over the edge of the chasm, spying but two small specks at the bottom; a mischievous and toothy grin slid over the dragon's snout before it loosened her grip upon the solid rock at her feet. With that, the winged lizard began her descend at a dive, the chasm coming to meet her at the match of her bolting speed. The dragon moved through the air like a bullet, winds streaming off of her as she broke through the currents like a blade cutting across paper, it was only when the dragon gave a roar and opened her wings, that the beings below were notified of her presence. They ducked as razor claws opened before the large wagon that they were hauling, aligned with trinkets and items to trade. It seemed they had crossed this route at a wrong time, because in the blink of an eye, half of the items that were on the wagon, was snatched.

The man in front shook his head at the dragon, though as one would think he would shake his fist and curse the beast' at the beast, he only picked up the large ruby crystal before him, shrugging his shoulders as he hauled it toward his wagon; it was nearly the size of him.. "That'll do.." The traders then continued, as if nothing were out of the usual.

In a casual flight, the dragon beat their wings in route of a familiar den, not taking her long, not at all. Why the crystal mountain range was only a few minutes of flight from the sandy desert. Though something of interest caught her eye as she flew overhead the usual clock tower, why it was a pair of humans, one with-...some kind of device over their eyes. She only titled her head toward them before flying ahead, the shiny trinkets she had, unfortunately bought, only because she rather not be hunted by a band of angry traders today. Especially when such shiny treasures could be traded with a simple dusty ruby that naturally grew in her cave.

Soon enough, her talons touched down upon the sandy entrance of a lair that was all too familiar, it almost felt like home, almost. An enlightened roar came out of her as she happily trotted inside on three legs, her final forearm holding a pile of treasures she'd obtained. The young dragon morpher seemed to have no problem just waltzing into the den of old buzzard, "Azzyyy!! Look at what I've gotten from the trader! I think it's one of those hats the humans wear, it's shaped really weird though..." She casually growled before extending the golden Viking helm toward him, inclining him to take a look as would a child showing off their new toy. The younger dragon was only half the size of the sand beast, and his age consisting of at least 3 times of her own.

Happily plopping the Viking helm onto the sand dragons head before tilting her head to the side, a small croak-like growl then resided from below her throat. "You know though...I don't think it fits your style..." Then as if to flip a switch, her ears perked up as she nodded toward the outside of the cave whilst letting out a deep hiss. "OH and did you see those humans, they have some really weird clothing-...and one them uses-" She pressed her talons toward her eyes to indicate what the item looked like. "-these awkward-looking opticals. You ever seen them before Az?"
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Interactions ( SadSnake SadSnake )

Riza walks in human over to the familiar woods. I notice some new people I decide to move closer to observe them. I study them closely. They have weird clothes, I note. I then turn and go back into the woods to my underground cave. I walk in and sit down on the bed of sod and moss its quite soft.i curl up drifting asleep.
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First Rose First Rose
Azdormu turns his head over to the loud newcomer, his claws let go of the stone as he opens his eyes, only to be welcomed by a shiny helmet, and the relatively small dragon holding it proudly. "Ruby..." The dragon sighed. She had never learnt to knock, and all attempts to teach her had been infructuous. He was pretty sure that it had accomplished the very opposite of teaching her manners, and she made sure to make as much noise as possible when she entered his lair, just to spite him, at least when she wasn't trying to... borrow some of his riches. But he would not play into her little games-

His train of thought was interrupted by her words, and the tiny helmet being put on his muzzle. His eyes crossed to stare at it, before he simply tilted his head to the side to make it fall to the ground with a loud clang. "..That's a helmet. It is meant to protect the humans from harm, like our scales. As it is meant for humans, it will not fit me in any way, shape or form." "Azzy" knew she probably did not care, but maybe it would inspire her in some way. while he disliked admitting it, the little runt had quite a bit of creativity. Maybe she will come up with a crazy idea that helps dragonkind, one day. Or maybe she'd get caught stealing from his hoard again and he'd actually report her to the guards. Maybe. Although he was probably just going to slap her on the metaphorical wrist. again.

His interest was spiked, just like hers, as she mentionned the two humans. "Weird devices on their eyes... weird clothings?" he craned his head towards her. This may be an important new weapon or armor that they created to try to fight dragons. "I see, I see. Describe them more. Was the clothing shiny, or thick? Did it look sturdy? What about the eye thing...were they able to spot you from farther apart, prehaps? Or maybe they were using it to tend to some kind of injury...describe the two of them as accurately as you can, please." His claw reached up to stroke his viney beard, looking at her inquisitively. Actually, the only way he could know for sure what those weird clothes and optical instruments were used for would be to check them out himself. The humans were pitifully slow, compared to dragons, so they had time to discuss before choosing wether he wanted to fly there himself or not.
Jowtrick Henri

Today... like the many others he spent on his own, it started out with the dwindling embers of a dying flames of a camp fire, and with it, the light of new entered his eye, as the day was officially started. Getting off the ground he slept on, he then did a couple of morning stretches, moving his arms into the air, before eventually beginning his schedule for his time out here. First things first, was to remove the remaining embers of the camp fire to eliminate the risk of a fire.... as Henri went on to kick the ground, sending dirt to the remaining pieces of burning timber, taking out the already small amount of flames,

Next, time to take inventory, the man going back to the spot where he slept at, before checking both his equipment and gear within the backpack he slept next to.... counting the same amount he had before he had went to sleep, good, that meant no one wasn’t going through his camp site during the night.... but sadly, even if someone did arrive, waking up to fight them would have been.... able to make him feel... ‘alive’ again, even for a couple of minutes when not using any of his equipment... oh well, there is always next time. After thinking a bit of where to head, as well as placing on the backpack, Jowtrick continued on his travels, holding the Henri rifle with both hands, pointed downwards to the ground, but at the ready in case some... action were to come around.

During his walk... nothing of great interest have popped up anywhere, Jowtrick continuing his wandering... perhaps he would come across an hostile animal or bandit... or come across a traveler or two and trade stories. Ah, the possibilities of what fate may hold in store for young wandering mercenary such as him... but eventually, he had caught sight of something rather tall, a tower like structure, which seems to be on top of a cliff. As well as what he believed were human figures on top... but he couldn’t get a clear look upon them. There was always time to make a detour, as he headed his way towards the cliff, gaining a much better look at not only the tower itself, but the two interesting individuals as well next to it.

They wore the strangest of cloth, and from what he could tell from here... had even stranger equipment as well. My my, what an strange set of events he managed to come across.... still, it did nothing to stop the wall of the man towards the two, resting his rifle upon his right shoulder as he continued up the walkable side of the cliff. Eventually, he was but a couple of meters away from the two, and now, it was time for a conversation to talk hold.

“Bonjour, madam, sir.”

He said outloud, loud enough to be heard by the two... as he waved with his left hand. He then stopped at a good enough distance, before looking at the tower once more, taking a greater look upon the physical structure, before looking back at them, saying once more.

“Due to your weird taste for clothing... I take it you two must be new around here, but not sure where. Ah, but excuse my manners, haven’t told you my name yet... the name is Jowtrick Henri, wandering mercenary. May I know the names of the people I’m talking to.”

He finished, now awaiting an response from either of the two, a small smile forming underneath the cloth that covered his face, his one good eye looking at them, while his other ‘eye’ remained covered by his black eyepatch, as he simply waited.

Kana.M. Kana.M.
Like most days, Aron was busy working the forge. As he silently worked his apprentice, a young lad around the age of 17 named Samuel, made himself busy by dealing with a customer outside.
As a young want to be adventurer pointed at a large sword Samuel would retrieve it before handing it off to the customer. As the boy took it the sword fell to the ground with a loud "clank" causing Samuel to wince a bit in response.
"Maybe you should try something smaller," He suggested. This had been going on for around five minutes now' the boy would point at one of the largest weapons only to not be able to bear the weight one he was handed it.
"Well obviously these weapons were made too heavy! how could anybody be expected to wield them!" As the boy spoke Samuel's irritation only grew. He picked the sword up and swung it at the boy, stopping a mere couple inches from his neck.
"This is how. Now. Now I suggest you try something smaller," Samuel retorted, his voice becoming low and menacing. The boy gave a quick nod and rushed over to a small mace and held it up.
"I'll just take this one," the boy's voice quivered as he spoke. Samuel simply held out his hand and the boy dropped a small pouch of money into his hand. Smiling Samuel nodded to the door and watched the boy rush out.
As Samuel was returning everything back to their spots Aron walked over, carrying a magnificently and intricate sword. He had even crafted a custom leather sheath with intricate patterns carved into it. The project had taken well over a weak but the care put into it was evident.
"Samuel, wrap this in the finest fur we have. He'll likely be coming to pick this up in the late afternoon. For now I'm going to grab a meal, do mind the shop while I'm out." Aron instructed before heading out.
Riku Suzuki

Flying through the air, passing through the clouds, Riku’s joyous laughter filled the air around him. Angling his wings, he dipped and twirled himself, opening his wings again right before hitting the ground. The thrill was amazing! He felt so free like this. Flying back up towards the heavens he let his wings guide him. He he slows when he sees a clock tower of some village and turns himself on his back, watching the active and cluttered town. As he flew upside down, he heard his stomach rumble. Seeing all the food stands was making him hungry. He glided himself down to a nearby woods, and changed himself back into his ‘human’ form.

Luckily, he kept a bag of his clothes carried in one of his large claws. He quickly changes, puts on his glasses, and heads towards the town, drool provoking food on his mind. He approaches a stand that’s selling freshly cooked lamb chops. He eagerly pays for five orders, and gives them a thanks. Stuffing his mouth as he walks, he people watches. Most seem happy, some seem like travelers, and some... were just plain odd. Even though he knew these humans were weaker than a pair of dungle bees (that’s what he calls Dung Beetles), he had to admit they made great food, in more ways than one. He sits by a building, with shade covering him, and finishes off his delicious lamb chops. He stuffs the bones in his bag for later, and stalks back to the forest.

Once again taking off his clothes, he fits them in his bag and throws it on the ground. He morphs back into his dragon form once again, and picks the now small bag up in his claws. With a running start, he jumps and sours back into the sky, wind brushing up against his scales. With a loud rumble from his chest, he flies even higher, enjoying the freedom he feels.

Once he feels tired enough, he heads back to the den, dropping his bag on the stone ground, and taking out the bones from before. Laying on a high ledge, his tail swoops down and catches a stray bone he dropped. He flicks it up and tosses it into his jaws. Them crunching down on it like a small sugar cookie.
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SadSnake SadSnake

The young Ruby had pretty much made herself at home within Azdormu's cave, having sprawled herself out upon the sandy floor on her side, she looked over the pile of shiny items more attentively. Scanning over their design and guessing their possible function, as she usually just took things, not really knowing what they did. In fact, most of the time, it was for her to decide. Ruby loved to take things and reuse them the way she saw fit. Though, whilst in the middle of thinking about what she could do with the tiny spear, she bat an eye over just in time to see Azdormu move to let the golden helmet fall off the edge of his snout. "HEy Hey HEeeyy...!!!" With a quick beat of her wings after staggering to her feet, she dove over to catch it right before it hit the ground. To her avail, Ruby let out a relieved sigh as the tiny trinket landed in her cushioned talons. She then rose to a sit, eyeing him with a skeptical expression as he spoke, she may have been half his size, but the fact didn't put a single dent in the young metal dragon's coat of moxie. After all, it was only going to be so long until she surpassed his size and mass. A dream it's been of hers to finally obtain the size of a, Real, dragon. But alas, until then, "I'll have you know...I'd like to keep this- "Protective Helm"- in mint condition." She said in a quick snappy rebuttal. One could never know what Ruby intended on doing with her horde of treasures, only that she wished to make it grow. With that, she paced back to her pile of trinkets and laid the helmet within them.

"Hmm.." Suddenly seeming too moody to answer his question after what he did, but once again, the switch flipped and she exuberantly outstretched her wings. "Well, one had one of those, like...long coats that the humans would wear..but it's like...shorter and- more fancy." As she spoke, she had wrapped her wings around herself, mirroring the image of a large coat. The gentle glass-like clitter-clatter sounding from her garnet-toned spikes as she did so. Ruby didn't know how to describe them; it was like leather...but thinner and kinda looked like cloth. Soon enough she gave up and simply shook her head. "I don't know just come look." Excitedly, she ran over to him and jumped up and down before him. "Come on, come on!" Though of course, she quickly grew tired of his slow movements and began to make her way out of the cave ahead of him. "Azzy you're so slow! Come on you old buzzard." She yelled from her now current position outside the cave entrance. Once he finally got to a move, she'd have her spread her wings and already be rising into the air, a gesture to follow.

Ruby was no dunce, she didn't lead him straight to the position of the humans; her wings beating over the calm winds, she finally slowed to perch upon a sandy hillside overlooking a small valley with a few cliffs. One in which, held the location of the, well, now three humans conversing in the distance but a mile or so away. Expecting Azdormu to soon land beside her, she spoke and pointed a small talon toward them. "See, What I tell you. Those two look so much different than that other guy.....OOOoo..What if they are WItCHES!!" Suddenly much too excited. "Wouldn't that be cool? Hm...or maybe they're travelers, we should go and say hello!" An optimistic toothy grin upon her face as she looked up to him.

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