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Fantasy City of grudena! (Character sheets)



Honor. That's what I'm after. Fame. That's my goal
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Greetings citizens, hero's and villains of grudena! Before you can become a resident of this massive city! You must fill out information regarding yourself! (Up to 3 characters) [please refrain from chatting in this thread I will make a OOC thread shortly]

First up here are the basic things you need to fill out! And some examples!
Name/covor up name [real name: (I'm just gonna use a random name) tetsu. Supehero name: doomboom] (you don't hafto put both if you don't want to)
Appearance? [Reference Photo preferred but description is okay too]
Age? [Anything goes]
Gender?/pronouns? [Female/ she, male/ him, non binary/ them]
Role? [Citizen, to be determined, hero, villain]
Ability?/fighting style? [No powers/kung fu and gadgets, super powers and magic, etc]
Basic info [put any extra info you wanna add here]
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Name: surgess skull (no cover up name)
Age: 9
Gender: girl [she/her]
Role: neutral villain
Ability (S): demon summoning, shape shifting, and shadow/dark magic
Basic info: surgess wasn't born into the world but rather made into it in the depth of a dark creepy lab. Along with 399 siblings all having been declared dead. Now she works to revive her siblings all while taking revenge any way she sees fit.
Liliana/The Invisible

Age: 15


Role : citizen (and who know ? A future hero...)

She can become completely invisible (including her clothes) and not make any sound as well as making others thing inanimate or living invisibles as well, although the latter is something she does not yet control completely as it require heavy concentration/ She doesn't know how to fight and haven't receive any training

Basic info :
- Liliana ability albeit useful stunted her growth.
- She often inadvertently freaked out others peoples when she was little because she didn't know how to control her power, and would talk to them while invisible or randomly appear and disappear.
- Despite her less than stellar childhood in an orphanage, she is deeply idealistic and idolized anyone that could be define as a hero.
- She often daydream about being one of those princess saved by a gallant Knight. She is an avid reader and fairytale enthusiast.
- She look like a 9-10 years old to most people, a fact that annoy her so much, that she try everything from dubious potions, to wife tale to gain some inches.
Cover-up name/name: Warren Kuma / [Sol]

Role? to be determined
Ability?/fighting style: Gravity and lightning manipulation
the suit is what gives him the ability to lighting manipulation
He was taught some martial arts from some of the higher-ranking members of the family .Gravity is something is a power all blood members have.

Basic info :
He is an honest person to a point with a good amount of passion for things. He doesn't lack confidence either willing to tell people what he thinks despite the outcome. And if he owes you something he will return the favor of being your best friend while at it.

Background: Warren was raised in a mafia family which often meant he never had to care money. As soon as he could he started helping out getting to know most of the members well. At his tenth birthday party he got into a car accident. But after an investigation, it turns out someone tried to kill him.Afterwards he learned about his powers and was sent away for his safety but now that he is in this city he might as well as try to make some waves whether it is good or bad are up in the air.
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