City of Evil


Senior Member





Race: (human, vampire, witch, etc.)

Occupation: (can really be anything)

Weapon: (if any)

Side: (King, Neutral, Rebellion)

Powers: (if any) (if you have any powers they must have a weakness)

Bio: (can be any length)



Max's Daughter (message me)



Role: Princess/ (optional)

Race: (ill inform)






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Username: SnowStorm42

Name: Maximilian Devlins

Age: 148, looks 28

Occupation: King

Weapon: His Chainsaw Blade

Race: Human/ Synthetic Demon

Powers: Regeneration: Max's "human" form is simply a shell to cover up his metallic robotic skin. Any damage done to him in "human form" is almost instantly healed depending on the size. The bigger the wound the longer it takes to recover. In demon form eating any form of metal will cause him to regenerate slowly.

Speed Boost: In human form Max is really fast. He can cover large distances much quicker than maybe even a wolf. In demon form Max can teleport short distances, however he cannot do so while attacking

Strength:In human form a lone Max is strong enough to pull a side walk out or lift a fountain. In demon form this strength however does not exist and is traded in for speed.

Red Lightning/Blue Lightning: the source of this power is unknown. In human form the lightning is red and can only be shot out as lightning. In demon form Max can turn the lightning into different shapes, charge it, etc. the lightning seems to correspond with the regeneration.

Demon's Screech: As it sounds its a loud screech only available in Demon form. Movement is cancelled out but it usually does quite a number on enemies giving him time to flee or attack.

Enhanced Perception: In human form Max can only feel a presence if its close by. In demon form a large area of effect forms in which he feels and hears almost everything, the one blindspot being DIRECTLY behind him.

Bio: Maximilian Devlins was a lab rat, and an experiment gone wrong. He was created in a lab to be the perfect General. What they got was something that had feelings and didn't like being mistreated. Max escaped the scientists' clutches after destroying everything they had built. He then traveled near and far and learned everything he could and all that was available. In time he found an outpost, and using his power helped it prosper. It grew into a small village, and everyone in it dedicated their lives to him, becoming the first Templar. Max then proceeded to build a lab in which he could make more. He became fascinated with experimentation but never had enough resources for certain experiments. When he heard about Exodus City and how its King was going to war he struck. he killed the king and made his army into Black Templar. He proceeded to take rule in Exodus City and did the "nice guy routine until trust was earned and his lab was set up. Once his lab was set up underneath the city he became the tyrant he is today, experimenting and executing people all around

Other: He is very intelligent and can plan something grand and massive in a matter of minutes.

Appearance: Normal form

True Demon Form
Username: Czeshire

Name: Moira Goode

Age: 20

Race: Witch

Occupation: Medicine woman in Exodus City

Weapon: A large, leather-bound book hold various incantations, rituals, magic circles and instructions to perform more powerful spells. Aside from that, her shop holds host to every herb and plant one could imagine, both domestic and foreign.

Side: Neutral

Powers: The young witch has many abilities that she too is still discovering as she grows older. Though one of her most common abilities include conjuring emerald flames that crackle with otherworldly magic. She also tends to use her telekinetic powers, which cannot lift overly-heavy objects although one time she had lifted a huge boulder to collect the special moss growing underneath it. And one of her most personal favorites was ensnaring the mind and manipulating the senses of humans, particularly men, in order to get free clothes and food when she was low on funds. Since flying is still very difficult for Moira, her main form of travel relies on her power of phasing; her physical form almost appears to be skating on the ground, gliding quickly and leaving shadowy afterimages of her form behind her as her speed leaves even the fastest horses in the dust. But aside from all of her powers, she is physically very frail and has had no training in any type of fighting or martial arts. For all intents and purposes though, she despises using her magic to harm or control other living beings, wishing only to use it to heal and protect the sick and wounded.

Bio: The young witch had never known her true parents, being given away since birth to an elderly medicine woman in the city. Her parents wanted their daughter to live a normal life and make a name for herself in the city so she would not follow the rest of the coven, who were constantly running and hiding in the mountains from witch hunters. But even at the tender age of 5, Moira knew she was different from the other people in the city. The medicine woman knew as well, and had constantly reminded the young witch to never let anyone ever see her use her magic. At age 10, the young girl often went to the outskirts of the city to venture into the nearby forest area, where she would find herbs, flowers and mosses for the healing clinic the older woman had owned. And during her time out there she had slowly began to test the limits of her unknown power that appeared to grow as she grew older. Now, at age 20, the young woman had become owner of the healing clinic after her caretaker passed 2 years ago of old age. While also worrying about the integrity of the shop, she is also constantly on high alert not to reveal her true nature for fear of being burned at the stake..

Other: The shop has a secretive back room where Moira holds her 'special' ingredients and a black cauldron to concoct her many healing salves, medicines, etc. along with imbuing them with the witch's magical power.

Appearance: Moira is a tall girl at 5'9" without her boots on, usually seen in long sleeveless dresses and a shawl to drape over her shoulders. She steps easily in heeled boots, and loves to braid colored feathers in her blond hair. She is also a lover of accessories, usually donning several necklaces, rings, bracelets, you name it..<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_mzf4qneGqd1r72dfyo1_500.png.0f287f4e74a605d7c764f7711aa65cb3.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35721" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/tumblr_mzf4qneGqd1r72dfyo1_500.png.0f287f4e74a605d7c764f7711aa65cb3.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • tumblr_mzf4qneGqd1r72dfyo1_500.png
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Name: Aeo Bala'feey

Age: 23

Race: Higher Class Fae, Dullahan

Gender: Male

Occupation: Cook

Weapon: The Dullahan wield weapons they're able to summon innately. Most carry Scythes, which Aeo uses, however it is also a sniper rifle, one capable of extreme damage, and which he uses to propel himself in combat. The Scythe itself is very good, but not too well at direct piercing, or any of the sort. It is mostly used for smashing, slicing, or simply weakening opponents so Aeo could hit them with his sniper rifle.

Side: Neutral, (Can be convinced to Rebel)

Powers: Dullahan have very enhanced reflexes, summonable mounts (the modernization of this being a motorcycle) and weapons, and night vision. However, their head is separated from their body, and if it is destroyed, so is the Dullahan. The Dullahan can use it's head to it's advantage, and can see through it's eyes, if it is connected to the head. If the head is disconnected, or lost for more then two months, the Dullahan will lose the power to control it. Dullahan instead wear helmets for heads. Dullahan are not able to speak without their heads, but this can be replaced with the most common technique, writing. As the Dullahan are Fae, they are easily connected to animals, who they can speak to and control. Dullahans can make their heads glow, but this simply reveals their weak spot. Through their heads, they can see for miles, but are very limited in range when it comes to headless vision. Dullahan are burned and are afraid of gold, as they're creatures of death, not of life and it's greed. Dullahan can herald a normal human's death, and will know when it will occur, but they must call out the man's name for them to die if they choose to know.

Bio: Aeo grew up like any other Fae, with a large family under one roof, and everyone expecting you to become something great in life. However, his father, and his father, and the father before that, they all delved into the secrets of Fae cooking. Dullahans are rather known for ending mortals for the mistress Death, but as the world has changed, so have it's inhabitants. Aeo surprised his family when he said he wanted to pursue cooking, as they were hoping the man would do something for the world. However, it would only be expected from a man taught how to cook since he was only three years old. Since then, Aeo has been rather disconnected with the world, and he and his family run their own restaurant in the city. The only problem is, guards tend to bully the non-humans within, but generally turn away when Aeo confronts them. Aeo had been recently asked to rebel, by a wanted convict, right before he was caught by a guard and later executed the next day. Many of his family support rebellion, but Aeo has yet to resist.

Other: (Will Explain Later)

Sprite - Lower Class

Faerie - Lower Class

Wisp - Lower Class

Troll - Middle Class

Harpie - Middle Class

Shifter - Middle Class

Dullahan - Higher Class

Aviar - Higher Class

Elefael - Higher Class


His Head: (Yes, yes, it only looks girly because he takes care of it rather well, plus the fact he tends to let it's hair grow)

Normal Clothes: (Please ignore the man, just imagine him as a model)

Scythe/Rifle: Crescent Rose/Reference_zps3a0cab6b.jpg.html


Username: Hunter3659

Name: Zack Flynn

Age: 28

Race: Half Human/Half Demon

Occupation: Assassin

Weapon: His Saber known as "Ember."

Side: Rebellion

Powers: Zack wields the power of fire in it's different forms. He can use flames to fight his enemy's head on or he can use smoke to divert attention and create easy escape routes and create distractions. The weakness of his powers is that he has trouble fighting in rain and often turns to his close combat skills in order to survive. He has enhanced abilities due to his half demon blood. He has great agility, strength, durability, and speed.

Bio: Zack Flynn grew up in Exodus city with his mother and older brother Gideon. Zack and Gideon's father being a Demon neither one of them knows much about. After Zack's birth, him being the second child, their father left them and has not came in contact with his son's ever since. The two boys grew up in Exodus city where they cared for their loving mother. Trying to give her son's the best life she could provide. At a young age, Zack met his life long friend John Kota. Kota was a family friend who helped the family as much as he could. He at the time was a man of 48 years old. Kota was a Commander in the guard and helped to guide Zack a best he could, teaching the boys how to train with swords and different war strategies and techniques. At 16 Gideon left to venture out to far away lands. Zack now n=being 14 and at home with his mother. At 15 Zack's mother passed away from illness. Zack stayed the following year with Kota, where he continued training and education. At 16 the war began, and Zack left with Kota to fight, having nowhere else to go. After the many years Zack heard of what had happend to his city and home. Requested by Kota, he returned to try to build a rebellion, and stop Max's rein. This was not an easy the city of evil. He hopes to build a band of heroes to restore hope back to the people.

Other: Zack is a brutal fighter, but is passionate and brotherly to those on his side.

Appearance: Zack Flynn
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Username: TheAnimeRabbit

Name:Celestia Ludenburg

Age: 17


Occupation: Gambeler

Weapon: a small blade on her right hands index finger

Side: Neutral ( can be confinsed to rebellion)

Powers: can read peoples thaughts and see how there gonna die and when. Gets a nose bleed wen using powers

Bio: she was found in a destoyed caben when she was young and take into an Orphanige

Other: find out in rp

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