Senior Member
Please send me all submissions. Upon acceptance you can then post it here.
Skeleton for a profile:
Character Name:
Character's Race:
Place of Birth: (exterior of city, outter most part, inner part, custom location)
Political Stance: (none, neutral, For the King, For the Revolution, other)
Occupation: (if any)
Weapons: (if any)
Weapon Description: (optional)
Weapon Drawback: (circumstantial)
Powers: (if any)
Power Drawbacks: (circumstantial)
Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: (background, role in society, etc.)
(Optional for Black Knight)
Rank: (Rook, Knight, Bishop, Elite) (Pawns aren't allowed unless you can convince me otherwise)
Skeleton for a profile:
Character Name:
Character's Race:
Place of Birth: (exterior of city, outter most part, inner part, custom location)
Political Stance: (none, neutral, For the King, For the Revolution, other)
Occupation: (if any)
Weapons: (if any)
Weapon Description: (optional)
Weapon Drawback: (circumstantial)
Powers: (if any)
Power Drawbacks: (circumstantial)
Brief/Lengthy Description of Character: (background, role in society, etc.)
(Optional for Black Knight)
Rank: (Rook, Knight, Bishop, Elite) (Pawns aren't allowed unless you can convince me otherwise)
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