City of Eternal Night {{Rafi & A'zaia}}


New Member
This is a private roleplay between Rafi and A'zaia. Feel free to look in and read along but please keep your comments to yourself and absolutely no spamming as it is in violation of RP Nation's rules. Thank you!

Plot So Far:

A group of vampires has harnessed powerful magic to shroud their city in a barrier that creates eternal night. Without the sun to harm them anymore, the vampires have come out of hiding and taken over the city. The wisest humans fled and escaped the city while they still could. Those who were a bit braver stood their ground and fought back against the vampires but have so far been unable to reclaim the city. The surviving humans are working to find a way to shatter the magic barrier and restore light to their ruined city before there are no humans left to inhabit it. 
Placeholder for A'zaia's character(s).

Name: Liesel Grayson

Age: 25

Status/Race: Vampire Hunter; Human

Gender: Female

Personality: Determined to the point of stubbornness. Liesel is resourceful and quick-witted. She is used to and more than capable of taking care of herself; which is the only reason she has survived this long in a city overrun by vampires. She has a dark sense of humor which she uses to hide her loneliness.

Background: Sole survivor of her family since the spell created eternal night. She began hunting vampires only for revenge but now is fighting to save her fellow humans from being massacred. To be elaborated on.

Appearance: Liesel has long, straight raven hair that she braids to keep it out of her way; even when pulled back her braid falls to her waist. She has a thin face with high rounded cheekbones, a sharp angled jaw, and a small but well-defined, pointed nose. Steely grey eyes look out from deep purple shadows from constantly being on watch for attacks. Her rosy cheeks hold the very last of over her healthy color. Her frame stands only 5’6” with generous but not overbearing muscle mass. She still retains some healthy curves but with the scarcity of food they are slowly diminishing.

Etc: Proficient with several weapons, including guns, crossbows, and knives.
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Name: Andreas Rosaro

Age: 782 (Looks early-twenties)

Status/Race: Vampire, of the Rosaro clan.

Personality: Andreas has a rather morbid sense of humour. He is arrogant, as one of his age and prowess is liable to be, although he is intelligent enough not to let his ego undermine his ability to assess his opponents. While he is strong enough to live independently, Andreas enjoys the company of others, even if they do not always reciprocate the feeling. He also enjoys learning, and will still turn to human writings as a means of education and enjoyment. While Andreas has an appreciation for the genius of certain humans, he finds most dull and unsurprising, and guiltlessly supports ensalving them as playthings and livestock. Occasionally, in Andrea's mind, one or two every decade or so will stand out as being exemplary among their kind.

Background: Andreas was born to Spanish merchants in 1331. As an educated, intelligent and healthy young man who had not floundered his adolescence in whorehouses, he was to be the heir to his father's business of spices and chocolates. However, when the Black Plague arrived in Spain, Andreas was infected with the disease. A vampire, a fledgling of one called Rosaro, offered Andreas the opportunity of eternal damnation over death. Andreas accepted.

--I haven't quite figured out what his position will be in this New Order, I'll fill out the bio when I figure it out. :3--

Appearance: Andrea's face is made up of smooth planes and hard lines. He has sharp cheekbones, a somewhat beakish nose, and thin lips set between a strong forehead and jaw. His eyes provide a startling contrast to his unforgiving features, being rather wide and smiling. They are eyes that can easily mock or display anger. Most of the pigmentation of his skin and hair had long died; even drinking blood no longer bring a blush to his cheeks. His grey hair, which rests eternally at shoulder length, is tied back in a queue. His eyes, however, have retained their mahogany brown.

Andreas stands at 5'10, which was quite tall for a man in his day. He is of a medium build, and toned. He tends to wear dark jeans and button-up shirts these days.

Etc: Healing abilities, as well as superhuman speed and strength. He can also see pretty well in the dark, and has some telepathic ability, though he wouldn't be able to easily penetrate a trained mind. Can be killed by a stake to heart, bound by silver (though more silver will be needed than a fledgling, killed by prolonged exposure to sunlight, etc.). No garlic or holy water stuff.

--If you think any of this is OP, please let me know. Although, I promise I am experienced enough not to god-mode..--

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