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Fantasy Cirque du Curieux


Moral Psychopath
So...you're one of those circus freaks, huh? Well, to be a performer in this curious carnival means that you aren't exactly normal. Perhaps you need human blood to survive, or maybe you're one of those freaks who like to suck people's souls right out of their bodies. I suppose you could just be a shunned mutant looking for a place to fit in or a witch with a grudge against mankind. Whatever species you belong to, this band of merry monsters is your new family. Where do you fit in with them?

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Show Name:




How long have they been in the circus:



Appearance: (Anime or Digital Art picture)



Do they have any tattoos:



Some Likes:

Some Dislikes:

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


THEIR JOB: (Leave this blank, I will assign it)
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( Here's Rosemarie, Bugz @XDBuggyBatXD )


Rosemarie Elise Draffin

Show Name:

Calina (Means beautiful)


356, appears 15




Bisexual, Out of The Closet.

How long have they been in the circus:

18 years


Rosemarie is a Creature Illusionist Faerie, meaning she can take on the appearance, voice, height, age, etc. of any person or humanoid species. This does not mean she can take on animals. She cannot take on traits either, so she is completely in control. The only thing she cannot take on from human/humanoid creatures is eye colour.


As a Creature Illusionist Faerie, Rosemarie can do the following:

- Change her appearance

- Can turn humans into fae (Not like everyday or anything)

- Sense auras

- Persuasion

- Read minds​






89 pounds

Do they have any tattoos:

Yes, this tattoo symbols Rose is one of the Fae. It's on her left wrist.



Rosemarie lived in Indonesia for 338 years before moving to the cirque. Nothing really happened in those years. After she moved to Cirque du Curieux, she took on a role as an appearance illusionist. She then proceeded to raise Ace.


Rosemarie is a motherly female. She truly cares for people, even though she may not show it. She is somewhat kind. Rose loves the arts. (Music, Art, Dance, etc.) She is standoffish at first, but as you get closer to her, she eventually becomes friendlier. Key word, eventually. She loves to laugh and likes having a small groups of friends, meaning she hates parties. She can be quite blunt aswell. Rose likes to get to the point in things. She likes her jobs as an illusionist very much and hopes to be promoted of some sort. She's also Grandeur's messenger and the person that 'runs' the circus. She is also very organized and hates it when things are not.

Some Likes:

Children, Music, Art, Dance

Some Dislikes:

Disrespect, Stupidity

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



When the cirque goes to kidnap children, she is usually the one that lures them to go with them, because Rosemarie can transform herself into either a child like them or a motherly figure. If Rose likes and thinks the child the cirque has kidnapped has potential, she will turn them into fae like her and train them for the cirque. If she doesn't like the child, which is most of the time, she will give them to a soul eater or blood drinker to eat.



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Misa Aliexo Amiri

Show Name:

Ruya (meaning vision or dream)


Unknown, looks 15





How long have they been in the circus?

5 years




She works heavily with light and shadow, being able to create realistic illusions that most are able to see and touch. Though she is able to do this, she must have a sample of what she is trying to create. If she is making a copy of something that is already alive, she needs something that carries their DNA, such as hair, fur, feathers, or blood. Even so, this does not mean she can replicate something that is alive, it only makes it so the anatomy is absolutely correct.



Misa is a small build, bigger bust type of girl. She has a good sized waist and normal hips, though her torso is short. Her skin doesn't burn easily but won't tan well, either, though she has some darker spots where the skin is exposed to the sun the most. She has two strings of blue beads that have been fastened into her silvery-purple hair, much like extensions. Her scars aren't anything much, just two triangle-shaped brands that she was given while she was in Greece. When in her trailer or not in show, she wears a grey hoodie and black skinny jeans with combat boots and a medium sized bag strapped to her hip. When she's performing, though, she wears a thin-strapped black shirt with a scarf that she wraps around her arms and has feathers on the edges. She also wears very short black boyshorts to cover her butt along with her bag, not wearing any shoes while performing. Even with all this, she tends to throw on some pajama pants if she's too lazy to get dressed.

no slide
Misa's Bag



104 pounds

Do they have any tattoos?

No, but she has two triangle-shaped scars that were branded onto her skin, one on her forehead, and one on her chest.


Misa lived in Greece for more years than she knows how to count, teaching herself how to create illusions that others are able to touch. As she developed this skill, many people in her small home town found it fascinating, but soon turned it into something darker. Eventually the people turned on her, telling Misa she was cursed and needed to leave so the rest of the village could live in peace. She was unhappily forced out of the country and took a train to Germany, where she worked on creating visual, auditory, and tactile illusions. After a few years there with no commotion, a mysterious man approached her and told her about the Cirque, a place for people like her. She readily agreed in the hopes she'd learn more about illusion magic, though she now has a passion for performing.


Misa has an upbeat and friendly attitude, though can occasionally swing down to a dark mood where she doesn't want attention from anyone. She is quite childish and likes things to go her way, yet Misa is mature enough to know that she doesn't lead the show. Due to her feverish appetite to learn, she's constantly reading and tends to attempt certain things out of curiosity.

Some Likes:

Reading, knowing what others are up to, learning, the occasional drink for the fun of it

Some Dislikes:

Bad luck, failed experiments, head aches

What does the inside of Misa's trailer look like?


Ignore all the modern necessities lol


If Rosemarie is having a tough job luring kids to the Cirque, Misa is always able to help by creating a kitten or small creature for the children to follow. She tries to scare fellow members of the Cirque by creating a demon or other frightening character and leading it into their trailer, though it doesn't usually work. Recently, Misa has been reading about how to make her illusions real so that she doesn't need to tire herself out by creating them again and again. She's already figured out how to allow her illusions think on their own.

Misa's Favorite Illusion


She would rather work on improving this illusion of her's than anything else and is trying to perfect it and make it come to life.

Misa's Role: Magician / Illusionist and Announcer
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Name: Sara Euthalia Undine

Show Name: Minthe(means mint)

Age: Unknown but appears 16

Origin: Europe

Sexuality: Straight

How long have they been in the circus: 10 years

Species: Naiad

Abilities: She is able to see into a mortals future and foretell their destiny. Any bodies of water she touches turns into a medicinal cure that can heal both mental and physical wounds. If she soaks in the water long enough, it can cure even the most deadliest of diseases. She is also able to control water.



Height: 5'7"

Weight: 120 pounds

Do they have any tattoos: No

Background: Sara has been trapped in a well for as long as she could remember. She had fallen in love with an injured traveler and have given him her medicinal water. After finding out her abilities, he convinced her to follow him back to his village with the promise of marriage. She happily followed him back only to be betrayed the day after their arrival. Sara was forced in a well so that the village could have an infinite supply of the healing water. As generations went by, they had slowly forgotten about her. If it wasn't for a flood that had forsaken the area, she would have never been able to get out of the well. After finding the

Cirque du Curieux, she had decided to join them, not wanting to risk getting caught by greedy humans again.

Personality: Sara is very friendly and nice. She is a bit too trusting of people and is gullible. She is naive and innocent when it comes to love and romance and loves romantic cliches. Despite a Naiad's reputation on jealousy, she would never try to hurt the one she loves, even if she was extremely jealous. Even if the one she loves hurt her, she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. She cares more for other people's happiness than her own.

Some Likes: Swimming in water, Romance, Sweets, Singing

Some Dislikes: Heat, bitter foods, people who cheat on their partners

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Other: Although she doesn't take part in luring the children, while the others are luring them, she sings. Her singing is very soothing and relaxing and so the children will more likely come with. Her spring had long dried up but she found out as long as she soaks herself in fresh water from time to time, she can survive without her spring. Just in case, she keeps a bottle of fresh water with her wherever she goes.

Name: Aladdin

Show Name: Hajrib (Hyaa-rib) Outsider

Age: 19

Origin: Arabia

Sexuality: Heterosexual

How long have they been in the circus: 3 months

Species: Human/Djinn


- Telekenesis

- Grant Wishes (Within his power)

- Control and Summon Fire

- Low Level Mental Manipulation

- Healing Factor



Height: 6'

Weight: 182 lbs

Do they have any tattoos: No

Background: Aladdin. The name belonged to a poor street rat surviving off the scraps left by those possessing the basic pride to not consume things not fit for even animals to eat. Whatever he couldn't scavenge he stole becoming a seasoned pickpocket, one's money would be gone if they so much as even made eye contact with Aladdin. The ability to steal was something anyone could eventually become proficient in, in some way, where Aladdin's true strength lied is in his ability to get away with his theft. Learning to traverse difficult obstacles which normal men would not dare attempt for fear of injury is what elevated him from the common cutpurse. Confidence in his abilities was unfortunately not only held by him as a guild of travelers noticed Aladdin's great agility and offered him an improved living if he'd join them on their quest. He laughed when they revealed what they were after. A Djinn, such a thing he could not believe. If all powerful wish granting creatures existed there would not be a poor man in existence, he foolishly agreed intent on leaving them once he'd eaten and slept on a proper bed.

That deal was struck when he'd turned fourteen and he'd spend the next four years in the company of the guild learning the art of proper combat with a vast arsenal. His times with the guild had actually been a fruitful and enriching experience, he learned to trust people, care for other than himself; That connection only made thier deaths harder to cope with. The deaths of the members of his guild resulted from them being in the crossfire of a cataclysmic battle between two Djinn. The one that stood victor did so with heavy wounds. Striking a deal with Aladdin to one day bring his new family back to life the Djinn adopted Aladdin's heart as it's impromptu lamp vessel so that he may recover from the battle. Aladdin was oblivious to the fact that it would take the Djinn dozens of years before he was fit enough to grant his desire. Now he find new purpose, to stay alive until the day where he may be reunited with his family.

Personality: Aladdin radiates a sort of serious mystique that harshly betrays his approachable, joking rougish self. Aladdin will find himself socializing with any group he can find in an effort to just enjoy himself. His everpresent ulterior motive however is to establish a series of connections that he may call on at any given to time. Aladdin is constantly out for number one, going out of his way to make sure a situation benefits him the most.

Some Likes:
Parkour, Partying, Drinking, Doing Dares

Some Dislikes:
Infidelity, Abuse of status

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



Fire Dancer/Breather
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Name: Aoki Yuno

Show Name: Little Foxy

Age: Unknown, looks like 20

Origin: Japan

Sexuality: Straight

How long have Yuno been in the circus: 3 years

Species: Nine-tailed Fox

Before becoming a nine-tailed fox, someone must pass some phases as kitsune, normal fox with one tail. Kitsune will gain power from draining human's life force and also to stay alive. Kitsune drains life force simply by touching human. The human itself will be weakened. It's not really harmful actually, but if drained abusively, the human will died. When kitsune has enough life force, her tail will increasing one by one until it reaches nine. When kitsune has nine tails, she will transform into white/gold nine-tailed fox who has the ability up to five times than normal.


  • Yuno is a skilled acrobat. Her body is very flexible due to her constant training in acrobatic.
  • Yuno also an expert at taekwondo. She is fast, agile, and mastered her technique well.
  • Controls and manipulates thunder (stronger when it rains).
  • Transform into nine-tailed fox.
    In this form, Yuno's senses will be multiplied by five, it means better sight, better hearing, better smell, better taste, and better touch (more sensitivity).
  • Yuno can't transform into this form at her will (see background for further information). She needs to be triggered into 'berserk mode' to transform, usually emergency situation will trigger this mode.


Human Form


Nine-tailed Fox Form


(It's not fire, it's yellow thunder, just like Yuno's eyes in human form)

5' 5''

Weight: 118 lbs

Do they have any tattoos: Nope, just some marks on her face


Yuno once married a man when she was still in Japan. Her husband was a kind man and didn't mind having a kitsune wife and voluntary giving her his life force. At first, Yuno was just using him to stay alive. But as the time went by, she too fell in love with him. She even had a pretty daughter who she used to call 'Little Foxy'.

They lived happily together until one day, the villagers found out that she was a kitsune. They couldn't accept having evil spirit in their village, so they burnt Yuno's house along with her and her family inside. Her husband tried to protect Yuno and her daughter until his last breath. Yuno managed to stay alive, but both of her husband and daughter died.

Enraged by her family's death, Yuno lost control. She drained every villager's life force until all of them died, sapless. In one night, she had gained enough life force to transform herself into nine-tailed fox. Because of this sudden power, Yuno lost the ability to transform into nine-tailed fox at her will. So, Yuno stayed in her human form most of the time. Since that day, Yuno had gone to almost every edge of world, mastering her taekwondo and acrobatic skill (both to maintain her slender body and defend herself) until she joined the cirque.


Having an experience as wife and mother makes Yuno becomes mature. She just loves everyone. She cares about other and loves to take the motherly role. Her dish is the best and her advice is one thing that can't be doubted. While having a nice personality in her daily life, she can be fierce in combat. She always does everything maximally. Her major weakness is she has a VERY very weak memory, especially when it comes to names, whether it be the name of a place or a person's name.

Some Likes:
Cooking, children (especially girls, kinda reminds her to her daughter), animal, rain

Some Dislikes: Almost nothing, except fire (some sort of trauma)

What does the inside of Yuno's trailer look like?


Yuno somehow has connection to animal. She can't count this as her abilities because she doesn't literally understand what are they speaking. She just understand them and they understand her. When everyone is trying to lure the children, Yuno usually takes part as the watcher, makes sure no one interferes with their action. When inside the cirque, she will change herself as mother to the children, bad or good.

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[QUOTE="Contented Calamity]Whoops! I forgot to inform you about my username change~ Jinxx is now Contented Calamity, hehe.

lol. That makes sense! I just went back to the first thread to search for your name and couldn't find it...was wondering where Contented Calamity came from... (B^D)



Name: Lukas Weston

Show Name: Army

Age: 28 years

Origin: TX, USA

Sexuality: Straight

How long have they been in the circus: N/A

Species: Undead of sorts


- Immortal: still feels some pain but regenerates quickly and cannot stay dead

- Superhuman Senses: great hearing and vision; night vision

- High Pain Tolerance

- Superhuman Strength

Appearance: Always wears military uniform. Has greenish blonde hair and golden eyes. His physical appearance does not change when he goes berserk.


Height: 6’0

Weight: 176lbs.

Do they have any tattoos:


Background: Lukas joined the U.S. Military at 17 years old, following in his deceased father’s footsteps. At 26 years, he was killed on the Vietnam battlefield. Unready to accept death, he made a deal with the devil himself. Awakening on the battlefield, he found his body unscathed, and he returned to his platoon. That night, he experienced his first “switch”; Lukas’ entire platoon was slaughtered by HIM who Lukas refers to as “Berserk”. When he came to his senses covered in blood, the man ran. He didn’t go home, out of fear of endangering his mother and little brother; instead, he returned to America to lay low. He fought to control Berserk, but it was to no avail. Lukas discovered that he had to feed on human flesh to appease his other half, and the longer he went without, the more unruly the beast became. At one point, the man tried blowing his brains out after realizing he had tormented and devoured several young children. This is how he discovered that he could not die and that having you brains blown out hurts like hell. Over time, Lukas came to terms with his new reality, deciding he would do his best simply to live with Berserk while keeping his murderous tendencies as controlled as possible. After a couple run-ins with U.S. federal officials, Lukas was forced to flee his home country. He sailed to Germany. After a few months there, he was approached by a shadow of a man with an invitation to a certain curious circus.

Personality: Lukas has two personalities: his “real self” and the other HIM which comes out at feeding time. Normal Lukas is very laidback and mature. He is a true gentleman when it comes to the ladies, keeping to his manners and treating them always with respect, as is his code. With the guys, he may act a bit ruder, joking around and not hiding his foul language. Lukas may seem like a standoffish tough guy at first due to his military uniform, his smoking habit, and his laidback, confident aura. But he is actually a rather nice guy, wanting to hurt no one. Still, he is a soldier and has built up a tolerance for gore and killing so long as it is necessary. Lukas may act a teensy bit paranoid at times, what with having fought on the Vietnam battlefield and being a freak on the run from the U.S. government. He keeps a pistol on him most of the time, putting it away just a day before Berserk's day of freedom arrives. So, then there is Berserk…the other Lucas. HE lives to hurt others because HE is heinous, evil, psychotic, and malicious. Berserk is the one that feasts on human flesh, but HE likes to play with his food before eating it. HE has been known to torture, rape, and butcher his victims before finally devouring them and allowing the real Lukas to return. Berserk has no percentage of goodness in him, no mercy for children, animals, or women. HE takes pleasure in others’ pain as the beast was created in part by Satan.

Some Likes: his cigarettes, coffee (sometimes with a dash of whisky), guns, dogs, watching the sunrise, playing cards

Some Dislikes: Berserk, men treating women disrespectfully, laziness, losing at anything

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


Other: Lukas and Berserk: The real Lukas goes into a kind of sleep state when the beast is in control. He remembers nothing that happens during this time. Lukas cannot stop the beast from rampaging, but he can control when HE rampages to some extent. The beast always comes out at feeding time, flesh-eating time. Thus, Lukas must just feed HIM on time in a controlled environment, and Berserk won’t go on a complete rampage. Only one person is needed to put HIM back to sleep and return Lukas to his true self. Berserk will massacre many and have an unnecessarily huge feast if able, however. So, Lukas adopted a method of feeding his wild side: kill one person a week in an abandoned area, such as a warehouse outside the city. Then, he would save leftover flesh to snack on during the week, just enough to keep Berserk content until HIS next murder. While snacking on flesh daily does keep Berserk from taking over…it does not work indefinitely; The beast MUST have time every once in a while to really go ape shit and show off his gory side by butchering someone. Lukas also attained some very powerful tranquilizer shots (weak ones have little effect) which he saves for emergencies only, like when the beast tries to take over before Lukas is ready. Then, Lukas simply stabs the needle into his thigh or arm, and he is unconscious in a moment…still, he must feed immediately upon awakening or his wild side takes over again. Also, the effect does not last long: an hour at the most.

THEIR JOB: (Leave this blank, I will assign it)
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  • Spirit_of_the_autumn_forest_by_Candra.jpg

    Name : Lithônion

    Show Name : Consortium

    Age : 218 - Looks around 17

    Origin : Daintree Rainforest, Australia

    Sexuality : Bi-Sexual

    How long have they been in the circus : About 6 years

Name: snake

Show Name: snake

Age: 110 looks 17

Origin: Britain

Sexuality: homosexual

How long have they been in the circus: 7 years

Species: Snake boy


- Can talk to and understand snakes.

- His fangs and claws are poisonous and retractable. A small amount can paralyse and a large amount can kill.

- He is Immortal.

- He has a small amount of control over snakes.

-Can smell with his tongue Which is forked. His since of smell is advanced.

-He can see in the dark and has slightly sharper then normal vision and hearing.



Yellow eyes and covered in a light scattering of green scales

Height: 5'4

Weight: 120

Do they have any tattoos:



Snake has no idea where he originated from. He grew up as an attraction in a traveling freakshow. There he was abused and treated as less then human. He was treated this was for fifteen years until at 16 (or so he thinks he was 16) he escaped and traveled for many years. After finding the circus he was reluctant to join at first but after seeing that he would not be beaten he eagerly joined.


Snake tries to experience life at it's fullest both the bad and the good despite his past and is often ruled by curiousity. Most believe he has a rather naive personality yet, there is a dark side to him. Though not quick to anger he does hold grudges for a long time and can be a force to be reckoned with. There is also the fact that he has a slight sadistic side to him that one should take into consideration. Don't worry though as if you are one of the few he trust you will find he is very loyal. He does have trust issues and can come off as cold to New members.

Some Likes:

Having fun, children, music, dancing, being outside, belonging, and animals.

Some Dislikes:

Bullies, arrogants, abuse, and betrayal.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


He has many snakes in his room

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Kira heart

Show Name:

The Singing cat







How long have they been in the circus:

Since he was 8


Mutated human


He is able to control eletrical currents to his will, his voice can heal mental wounds while his licks can heal physical wounds instantly, he also is like a cat in acrobatics.

Calm songs: this ability has the power to make even the most dangerous calm, it doesn't work when he is just talking he actually has to sing for it to work it can work on any animal as long as they can hear the song.

Appearance: (appears very young)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.6cbc6ecfa8a858e851d6cba3b929cf87.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58592" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.6cbc6ecfa8a858e851d6cba3b929cf87.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




118 lbs

Do they have any tattoos:

Nope none


Len was created by a scientist when he was still a fetus but he was a fail when he was officially born and thrown out but do to being part cat the stray cats took him in. The cats raised him and making him into a playful person

He always stole from the nearby candy store. And when he was eight he saw the circus and went their having a great time and joined but he brought his cat family with him.


Kira is a very sweet person that is very child like person and loves to play with people he doesn't know what is wrong and what is right because he grew up with cats until he was eight, he is also very cat like being moody when he dosent get his way, he is very harmless unless you mess with him then your in for it.

Some Likes:




Playing around

Some Dislikes:


Not getting his way

Being bored

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f2edb464f3fa27e87fae080153c0b68d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="58594" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f2edb464f3fa27e87fae080153c0b68d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Somehow has candy on him all the time even if you take all he has he somehow gets more out of nowhere.

THEIR JOB: musician/tight rope and trapeze​



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Aqua said:


Kira heart

Show Name:

The Singing cat







How long have they been in the circus:

Since he was 8


Mutated human


He is able to control eletrical currents to his will, his voice can heal mental wounds while his licks can heal physical wounds instantly, his voice can also make the most dangerous of things calm and happy, he also is like a cat in acrobatics.

Appearance: (appears very young)

View attachment 134530




118 lbs

Do they have any tattoos:

Nope none


Len was created by a scientist when he was still a fetus but he was a fail when he was officially born and thrown out but do to being part cat the stray cats took him in. The cats raised him and making him into a playful person

He always stole from the nearby candy store. And when he was eight he saw the circus and went their having a great time and joined but he brought his cat family with him.


Kira is a very sweet person that is very child like person and loves to play with people he doesn't know what is wrong and what is right because he grew up with cats until he was eight, he is also very cat like being moody when he dosent get his way, he is very harmless unless you mess with him then your in for it.

Some Likes:




Playing around

Some Dislikes:


Not getting his way

Being bored

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

View attachment 134532


Somehow has candy on him all the time even if you take all he has he somehow gets more out of nowhere.

THEIR JOB: (Leave this blank, I will assign it)​
Please further explain the bit about him being able to make dangerous things calm and happy by his voice. What kinds of things does this power effect? I mean technically, most of the circus freaks are dangerous... The power doesn't just work whenever he talks, does it? Is it specifically when he says a certain thing or when he sings or what?
XDBuggyBatXD said:
Please further explain the bit about him being able to make dangerous things calm and happy by his voice. What kinds of things does this power effect? I mean technically, most of the circus freaks are dangerous... The power doesn't just work whenever he talks, does it? Is it specifically when he says a certain thing or when he sings or what?
Srry I wasn't clear on the abilities I'll go more in depth on that.
Name: Revin Moore

Show Name: Liv

Age: 46 but looks 19

Origin: San Francisco

Sexuality: heterosexual

How long have they been in the circus: 2 years

Species: zombie


- With each brain she eats she gains the memories of the one the brain belonged to. Usually in flashes. She also gains a bit of their personality and will gain their skills. (I.e. Know how to speak a different language, or is good at painting suddenly. ) This doesn't extend to any powers they may have and the personality and memories she gets goes away after digesting the brain.

- She heals faster then normal, doesn't bleed, and unless her head is bashed in can't die.

- When in danger or in the midst of a violent confrontation she turns into full out zombie mode and gains enhanced strength and speed.

- Has high pain tolerance.

- Can't taste food unless really hot.

- Is unable to sleep. Instead she sort of meditated.

- Can turn another if she bites them.

-She needs to eat brains at least once a month or become 'dumber'.

Appearance: (Anime or Digital Art picture)

Height: 5'5

Weight: 125

Do they have any tattoos:


Revin wasn't always a Zombie. Once she was a chipper girl and had a awesome caring fiencee with an equally awesome roommate and family. However all that changed When she was attacked and bit one night by a newly turned out of control zombie. She killed it and after passing out woke up as a zombie. Go figure. Relizing she couldn't continue life as normal she broke up with her fiencee and left without a word to her family and friend's. After that she traveled for a bit until she stumbled upon the circus.


Since becoming a zombie Revine has since gained a sarcastic/sardonic deadpan and weirdly demented sense of humor for the most part. However she is still as chipper as always but has gained a sadistic and mischivious streak. One she uses often when angered. She is viewed mostly as childlike for her cheerful personality. However she doesn't trust outsiders and can be especially sadistic to them though toward those she trust She is affectionate, loyal, and warm toward. When in serious situations though she shows her more logical grown up side.

Warning: The brain she eats can affect her personality for a short time.

Some Likes:

Hot sauce, brains, horror movies, and animals.

Some Dislikes:

The affect of brains, kids, chipper people, and romantic movies.

What does the inside of their trailer look like?


THEIR JOB: (Leave this blank, I will assign it)
@kira blackthorn


(Well here ya go Buggy. @XDBuggyBatXD )


Ace Exitium (Ace meaning 'the best', Exitium meaning 'destruction' and when put together roughly translates to 'the best destruction')

Show Name:






How many years have they been in the circus:

18 (Since birth)








6'4 feet


172 pounds

Do they have any tattoos:



He has black horns, but he can hide them (Necromancer's Mark)


Ace is quite cocky and good at getting under peoples skin. He is very smart and is very logical. He is pretty much rude to anyone he doesn't know well, though if he knows a bit more than your whole name, he'll treat you like he has known you his whole life. He loves laughing and likes people with a sense of dark and light humor.


Ace was abandoned as a newborn because he was a so called 'Demon' for having horns. Rosemarie found him in an alley in her first year at the circus. Rosemarie then raised him and trained him for the circus. He started preforming when he was 6 with his Knife Throwing act and still has it to this day. Even though he was raised by Rosemarie, he doesn't see her as his mother, but instead a good friend. Rosemarie bringing up Ace inspired her to start raising the kidnapped children.


As a Necromancer, Ace can do the following:

- Summon the dead

- Cast death related spells (Ex. Pain spells, Hurting spells, etc.)

- Create deal damaging black sparks

What they are good at:

Throwing knives, Running, Outsmarting people

What does the inside of their trailer look like?



He's good friends with Rosemarie


Knife Thrower (Taking this if it's fine with you. It was his job on the other forum, too)

Ava Colchester




Nova Scotia


Straight - Why would she need this to be told?

How long have they been following the circus:

1 month




Ava is very cunning, being the offspring of a mortal and Hermes. She is said to be very versatile in every skill, but she really only excells in changing someone's mind. She is able to manipulate the minds of others, putting fake memories in place of ones she removes. In addition to all of this can 'see' the souls of those she touches; as an image of that person will be permanently in her mind.



Yep, blue eyes, blonde hair kept in a messy ponytail... The works. Also, Ava wears a black dress that reaches her knees and white sneakers.




83 pounds

Do they have any tattoos:



Before Ava was old enough to remember, she and her mother moved to Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. This little demigod was raised in a wonderful community; the people were nice, crime was not to be heard of and Ava's mother got all the support she needed in raising Ava. Though there were many nice people here, Ava hadn't ever wanted to speak to them. For some reason, she'd always keep her distance from people; including her mother. She was never close to anybody, though gradually learned that by sharing a few words with a stranger she could get whatever she wanted! Eventually, at the fragile age of 9, an odd man approached her. He told her of a strange circus far, far away from her little home, frightening her. Ava didn't want to think that there was a place other than where she was and kept herself in her mother's house for days. It was around this time that Ava began to ask questions about her father, questions in which her mother refused to answer. Years later, the strange man approached both Ava and her mother, mentioning the german circus. Her mother seemed quite excited and dragged Ava onto ferry to Germany. During their time on the boat was when Ava went blind - Though it is unknown who attacked her and removed her eyes, Ava's mother knew how to deal with it. Once they arrived in the germanic county, Ava was given a handmade cane from a small antique shop. As the two progressed to the circus, Ava's mother met a man who considered himself a djinn. She made a wish for Ava to have eyes again, yet she didn't expect it to work. Yes, the demigod has normal eyes, but she cannot see out of them.


Ava is a stoic girl, insensitive to stories about murder or death. She tends to force herself into being friendly to people, only to gain their trust so she can get what she wants later. She lashes out often, mainly to vent pent-up frustrations. Ava will run away from a fight, but if she's trapped it may take her a few hesitant moments to plan out a counter attack, which would be pretty weak against a larger opponent. Even though she is very mentally strong, she does have times when she gets frustrated and cries.

Some Likes:

When others listen to her, being noticed, successfully manipulating one's mind

Some Dislikes:

Getting interrupted, failing to steal or replace one's memories


  • Ava is a follower of the circus. She is not an act and doesn't plan to become one, though finds that she likes listening to the carnies perform.

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APPROVED! She seems very interesting...seems difficult to do stuff as a blind person. Thus, I'm curious to see how you make her interact. She doesn't have to have an act...but I'm sure you realize that she will still have to have a job in order to remain with the circus. The freaks don't just allow people to follow them with out being responsible for something. Its too risky for them as far as keeping their evil motives a secret...


Show Name:

Aham (means "the Devourer")


Over 1000 years of age (looks in the 20s)


Within the Red Pyramid of Acanthus, Egypt (now called Dashour)



How long have they been in the circus:

Just joining the circus


Mummified Human/Demon


-Can see peoples past, present, and future.

-Can take peoples souls and rewrite them.

-Controls the power of darkness

Appearance: (Anime or Digital Art picture)



5' 11"


130 lbs.

Do they have any tattoos:


(On front of shoulder)


Aham has awakened to the disturbance of grave robbers: after taking their souls he sets out to explore. After learning the ways of the world he starts searching for something to satisfy his daily needs: money. He stumbles upon the circus and applies for a job.


Quiet, little sense of humor, humble, fearless, very adamant

Some Likes:

A GOOD joke

Some Dislikes:

People how talk too much and/or say "like" too much

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Covered by books and manuscripts, sand and ink all over


As any other Egyptian he tries to bring back heritage to daily life.

Forgot to add a picture for the room :P

EpicNess said:

Show Name:

Aham (means "the Devourer")


Over 1000 years of age (looks in the 20s)


Within the Red Pyramid of Acanthus, Egypt (now called Dashour)



How long have they been in the circus:

Just joining the circus


Mummified Human/Demon


-Can see peoples past, present, and future.

-Can take peoples souls and rewrite them.

-Controls the power of darkness

Appearance: (Anime or Digital Art picture)



5' 11"


130 lbs.

Do they have any tattoos:


(On front of shoulder)


Aham has awakened to the disturbance of grave robbers: after taking their souls he sets out to explore. After learning the ways of the world he starts searching for something to satisfy his daily needs: money. He stumbles upon the circus and applies for a job.


Quiet, little sense of humor, humble, fearless, very adamant

Some Likes:

A GOOD joke

Some Dislikes:

People how talk too much and/or say "like" too much

What does the inside of their trailer look like?

Covered by books and manuscripts, sand and ink all over


As any other Egyptian he tries to bring back heritage to daily life.

Forgot to add a picture for the room :P


But can you go into detail a bit more as far as what he can do with his "power of darkness"?
[QUOTE="sunako kirishiki]Um this sounds fun owo may I still join...if there is still a spot open..

Sure!~ ^^

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