Cirque de Monstres (1941) CS

@Lady Luna Ravenswood, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information.

no trailer assignments this time!

Character skeleton non-human:


Show Name or nick-name:

Age: (over 18.Put real age and age appears if that applies to your character.)

Country of Origin:

Years with circus:



Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

Abilities:(don't go overboard.)

What do you do in the circus:(You can do multiple things.)


Character skeleton human investigators:


nick name:

Age: (over 18.)


Appearance: ( any picture will do)(optional, can describe character instead)

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality:(don't give away everything)

Background: (does not need to be detailed. can be one sentence.)

Rank:(officer, Sargent, etc.


Members of the circus:

Paul Kruger-Owner/Master of the circus (Lady Luna Ravenswood)

1.Luna Levent (Icefox11)

2.Nanami Lentra (Icefox11)

3.Aoife "Red" O'Clery (xx0mittens0xx)

4.Ignis Fatuus Lagrange (Axel1313)

5.Alekin Blightmoon (CrimsonEclipse)

6.Dakota Romitus (WasBroken77)






Human investigators:

Lead investigator- Chloe Dansren (Mya Frame)

1.Alan Cage (ThatGuyWithSouvlaki)




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Name: Luna Levent

Show Name: Amazon Princess

Age: 20

Country of Origin: America

Years with circus: 4

Species: Neko

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other: 5'7" and 123lbs.

Personality: Luna can be a bit fierce, but is also a bit kind. She feel close to her tigers, probably because she looks like one. She loves doing her act

Background: Grew up in a ok family, but she had a fascination for tigers and joined the circus at the age of 16.


She is flexible and is good at swinging. She can also preform an Amazonian call which is part of her act.

What do you do in the circus: Tiger Taming

other: Elephant Man

Her act:

The Amazonian Pride




Name: Nanami Lentra

Show name: The Flying Angel

Age: 28

Country of origin: America

Years with Circus: 10

Species: Angel

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other:

Heavenly Angel Angelina:


Fallen Angel Nanami


Personality: Kind, will find you if you break the rules.

Background: Joined the circus because of her love for flying and flipping.

Abilities: Flexible, Flying(Due to wings), Jumping, Stretching

What does she do?: Acrobatics, Tightrope, and Trampolines.

other: Elephant Man
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Name: Paul Kruger

Show Name or nick-name: Mr. Kruger

Age: appears 27 (actually 245)

Country of Origin: Germany

Years with circus: 5

Species: demon

Sexuality: Straight.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images93OJBMSF.jpg.3df0bff27235f305550847230b739d8d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27421" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/images93OJBMSF.jpg.3df0bff27235f305550847230b739d8d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

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Appearance other:(height, tattoos eye color or whatever else you need to add)

Personality: Paul puts on a very good Mr. Nice guy act but in reality, he is very twisted. The mastermind behind the dissapearnces he uses the hall of mirrors to lure humans to his trap.

Background: Some say he is the devil, others that he is the devil's son. In reality neither of those is true, he was born and raised in Germany and took over the circus as a favor.

Abilities: he can suck the life out of someone and also can cause things to spontaneously combust.

What do you do in the circus: Owner/ Circus master


based off of this song as is the changes to the RP



Name: Nora Ravenswood

Show Name or nick-name: Lady Snake

Age: 238 (looks 25)

Country of Origin: Germany (where she was summoned 238 years ago by Paul)

Years with circus: 5

Species: Succubus

Sexuality: bi


human (note red eyes are actually brown)


appearance demon form (note that it is covered in scars from her runs in with the church)\

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images39Z5FATN.jpg.6fcd3a6dbf6b99a79e10a89be610cb57.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35966" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_12/images39Z5FATN.jpg.6fcd3a6dbf6b99a79e10a89be610cb57.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:

Personality: Nora is very reserved and quite, which makes her seem mysterious. She is also very alluring, known for mesmerizing her snake as well as the audience. Since she is Paul's 'servant' she sometimes acts like him as well.

Background: summoned by Paul 238 years ago. She considers herself his 'servant' since he was the one who summoned her. She does distance herself from Paul a bit, she does not go tattling to him about things so anything that is said around her is not blabbered to Paul.

Abilities: Can seduce any person she wants (she choses not to though) Is also very accurate when reading tarot cards.

What do you do in the circus: snake charmer, Paul's 'servant'

other: her snake Danu is always with her. She has two other snakes


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/untistled.png.6c4d835f8e32d44d32c0f28c7d4b59e0.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28267" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/untistled.png.6c4d835f8e32d44d32c0f28c7d4b59e0.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/untitssled.png.00d5ce5a360101dd655cff4bc679f776.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28268" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/untitssled.png.00d5ce5a360101dd655cff4bc679f776.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Name: Samantha Jones

nick name: Sammy

Age: 26



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/HARRYBROWN5_t600.jpg.6a05ba7d1b32de66c0f4c8b6774eff48.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28269" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/HARRYBROWN5_t600.jpg.6a05ba7d1b32de66c0f4c8b6774eff48.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other:(whatever you would like to add)

Personality: Samantha is very kind and usually does not think the worst of people when she first meets them. When she is investigating she tends to go a little overboard on the questioning.

Background: She is fresh out of school and training. She is still fairly new to the whole investigator thing. She joined the investigation of the circus when Alan's sister went missing.

Rank: Investigator




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Name: Aoife (ee-fa) O'Clery. She usually goes by Red.

Show Name: "Little red riding hood" or just "Red"

Age: 110 but looks 21

Country of Origin: Ireland

Years with circus: 5

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Bi


Human form:



Appearance other: 5'9" green eyes

Personality: Independent and short tempered. She usually keeps to herself, spending most of her time training her wolves. Can be quite social if you get her talking but tends to be very vague about her past. Hurt her wolves and she hurts you no questions asked.

Background: Pretty unoriginal. She was bitten by a werewolf when she was traveling through a forest to the next town. If you ask her that's all she'll say though there's more to it than just that but she's never told anyone the detailed story.

Abilities: Can shift into a black wolf. Has excellent hearing, smell, and sight in either form.

What do you do in the circus: She has an act with her 3 wolves. Entertaining the audience with their tricks. Helps train and take care of some of the other animals at the cirucs.


Big, Bad, and Wolf.

Elephant Man
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Icefox11 said:
Name: Luna Levent
Show Name: Amazon Princess

Age: 20

Country of Origin: America

Years with circus: 4

Species: Neko

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other: 5'7" and 123lbs.

Personality: Luna can be a bit fierce, but is also a bit kind. She feel close to her tigers, probably because she looks like one. She loves doing her act

Background: Grew up in a ok family, but she had a fascination for tigers and joined the circus at the age of 16.


She is flexible and is good at swinging. She can also preform an Amazonian call which is part of her act.

What do you do in the circus: Tiger Taming

other: Elephant Man

Her act:

The Amazonian Pride




Name: Nanami Lentra

Show name: The Flying Angel

Age: 28

Country of origin: America

Years with Circus: 10

Species: Angel

Sexuality: Heterosexual


Appearance other:

Personality: Kind, will find you if you break the rules.

Background: Joined the circus because of her love for flying and flipping.

Abilities: Flexible, Flying(Due to wings), Jumping, Stretching

What does she do?: Acrobatics, Tightrope, and Trampolines.

other: Elephant Man
Accepted! thank you for coming to the revamp! 

xx0mittens0xx said:
Name: Aoife (ee-fa) O'Clery. She usually goes by Red.
Show Name: "Little red riding hood" or just "Red"

Age: 110 but looks 21

Country of Origin: Ireland

Years with circus: 5

Species: Werewolf

Sexuality: Bi


Human form:



Appearance other: 5'9" green eyes

Personality: Independent and short tempered. She usually keeps to herself, spending most of her time training her wolves. Can be quite social if you get her talking but tends to be very vague about her past. Hurt her wolves and she hurts you no questions asked.

Background: Pretty unoriginal. She was bitten by a werewolf when she was traveling through a forest to the next town. If you ask her that's all she'll say though there's more to it than just that but she's never told anyone the detailed story.

Abilities: Can shift into a black wolf. Has excellent hearing, smell, and sight in either form.

What do you do in the circus: She has an act with her 3 wolves. Entertaining the audience with their tricks. Helps train and take care of some of the other animals at the cirucs.


Big, Bad, and Wolf.

Elephant Man

Accepted! thanks for coming to the revamp!

Name: Ignis Fatuus Lagrange

Show Name: Wraith

Age: 24

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: 3

Species: Human/Part demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: image

Appearance other: 5' 9" Dark Mahogany hair. Midnight blue eyes. Nasty burn scars on his back, shoulders and parts of his arms and legs that he always hides.

Personality:Ignus is a very laid back and calm man who often speaks in an almost monotone voice. You can never tell what he's thinking. Most of that time because his face is either behind a mask or his eyes are closed.

Background: It was rough. He was abused and put down for his abilities. They saw him as a freak and kept him locked up tight. His only friends being the shadows on the walls and illusions that he could spawn. They even tried to rid him of them many times through exorcisms and experimental procedures. He was freed from all of that a way he doesn't really like to talk about.

Abilities: Psychic abilities:

Illusions that are very complex and hyper realistic. He hasn't been able to bring anything into reality yet, but he has a feeling that he is very close to it. He can catch glimpses of the future. He claims that he can never rely on it though due to the ever changing nature of it.

He's trying to learn how to move things with his far all he can do is make wind chimes spin wildly and make little puppets and other such toys and gadgets move. Not all that impressive, but if his emotions get too out of hand things do tend to go awry.

What do you do in the circus: Illusionist

Other: He smokes like a chimney, suffers from insomnia, has some heart problems and is deathly afraid of fire. Elephant man.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02a5abc8_AnimeGuy14.jpg.36e2e03f66dcf1b1d0638efd70c8cfdc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27424" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/57a8c02a5abc8_AnimeGuy14.jpg.36e2e03f66dcf1b1d0638efd70c8cfdc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Axel1313 said:
Name: Ignis Fatuus Lagrange

Show Name: Wraith

Age: 24

Country of Origin: France

Years with circus: 3

Species: Human/Part demon

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Appearance: image

Appearance other: 5' 9" Dark Mahogany hair. Midnight blue eyes. Nasty burn scars on his back, shoulders and parts of his arms and legs that he always hides.

Personality:Ignus is a very laid back and calm man who often speaks in an almost monotone voice. You can never tell what he's thinking. Most of that time because his face is either behind a mask or his eyes are closed.

Background: It was rough....he doesn't really like to talk about it.

Abilities: Psychic abilities:

Illusions that are very complex and hyper realistic. He hasn't been able to bring anything into reality yet, but he has a feeling that he is very close to it. He can catch glimpses of the future. He claims that he can never rely on it though due to the ever changing nature of it.

He's trying to learn how to move things with his far all he can do is make wind chimes spin wildly and make little puppets and other such toys and gadgets move. Not all that impressive, but if his emotions get too out of hand things do tend to go awry.

What do you do in the circus: Illusionist

Other: He smokes like a chimney, suffers from insomnia, has some heart problems and is deathly afraid of fire. Elephant man.

View attachment 73071
Accepted! thanks for coming to the revamp!
Name: Alekin Blightmoon

Show Name: Frostflame

Age: 21, though he has been alive for 800 years.

Country of Origin: Iceland

Years with circus: Six years and five months

Species: Human-Elemental

Sexuality: Heterosexual



His eyes:


Medium length black hair. Has heterochromia iridum, one of his eye is red, and the other is blue. He is 6'3 and he has a lean and athletic build. He also has scars on his back and on his chest, which he received from his father.

Other appearance: The two Elementals who is bound to him, Flame and Frost.:





Personality:Like his powers, Alekin's personality is also hot and cold. He is passionate and quick to anger, but also cold and calm. He is very moody and is reckless. But he has a very strange principle when he hurts someone. If he managed to hurt you in a way, he is willing to do a favor for you, as long as it doesn't involve others getting hurt. He is loyal and trusting. He's also being annoying, but you just can't seem to hate him.

Background: When he was still in his mother's womb, two Elementals, a creature of frost and a being of flame, fell in love with his mother. It so happens that her husband is a abusive and insensitive brute, who hurts and mistreats his wife. The Elementals were furious, but they cannot interfere with the affairs of mortals. Instead, they decided to imbue their essence upon her child, Alekin.

As Alekin was grew up, he received the same treatment his mother receives from his father. On his 15th birthday, his abilities began to manifest. Terrified and amazed at the same time, he started to hone his new found ability. One day, as his father was beating him, he accidentally used his power on him. His father has been charred to the bones, and encased in ice. The villagers, as well as his mother, condemned his, calling him an abomination. They started to throw stones at him. In a moment of anger and rage, he unleashed his fury on the village, and he fell unconscious. When he regained his consciousness, the village, and the villagers, was no more. Fearing his own power, he encased himself in ice, hoping to sleep for eternity.

But in the year 2013, a group of drunk teenagers saw his body, encased in ice. They decided to break the ice open, it was their last mistake. He unleashed a torrent of hail and scorched them. Alekin, disoriented and confused, was horrified by what happened. Disgusted at himself, Alekin traveled aimlessly and avoided contact with others, that is until he reached the circus. It was in the circus where he found his sanctuary, his home.

Abilities: He can command both flame and frost. He could create creatures from ice and fire and give them life. He doesn't need a source of fire and/or ice to use his abilities.

What do you do in the circus: He would summon animals made entirely out of ice and fire, making them do tricks. At the end of his performance, the animals would explode, very much like fireworks.

Elephant Man
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CrimsonEclipse said:
Name: Alekin Blightmoon
Show Name: Frostflame

Age: 21, though he has been alive for 2000 years.

Country of Origin: Iceland

Years with circus: Six years and five months

Species: Human-Elemental

Sexuality: Heterosexual



His eyes:


Medium length black hair. Has heterochromia iridum, one of his eye is red, and the other is blue. He is 6'3 and he has a lean and athletic build. He also has scars on his back and on his chest, which he received from his father.

Other appearance: The two Elementals who is bound to him, Flame and Frost.:





Personality:Like his powers, Alekin's personality is also hot and cold. He is passionate and quick to anger, but also cold and calm. He is very moody and is reckless. But he has a very strange principle when he hurts someone. If he managed to hurt you in a way, he is willing to do a favor for you, as long as it doesn't involve others getting hurt. He is loyal and trusting. He's also being annoying, but you just can't seem to hate him.

Background: When he was still in his mother's womb, two Elementals, a creature of frost and a being of flame, fell in love with his mother. It so happens that her husband is a abusive and insensitive brute, who hurts and mistreats his wife. The Elementals were furious, but they cannot interfere with the affairs of mortals. Instead, they decided to imbue their essence upon her child, Alekin.

As Alekin was grew up, he received the same treatment his mother receives from his father. On his 15th birthday, his abilities began to manifest. Terrified and amazed at the same time, he started to hone his new found ability. One day, as his father was beating him, he accidentally used his power on him. His father has been charred to the bones, and encased in ice. The villagers, as well as his mother, condemned his, calling him an abomination. They started to throw stones at him. In a moment of anger and rage, he unleashed his fury on the village, and he fell unconscious. When he regained his consciousness, the village, and the villagers, was no more. Fearing his own power, he encased himself in ice, hoping to sleep for eternity.

But in the year 2013, a group of drunk teenagers saw his body, encased in ice. They decided to break the ice open, it was their last mistake. He unleashed a torrent of hail and scorched them. Alekin, disoriented and confused, was horrified by what happened. Disgusted at himself, Alekin traveled aimlessly and avoided contact with others, that is until he reached the circus. It was in the circus where he found his sanctuary, his home.

Abilities: He can command both flame and frost. He could create creatures from ice and fire and give them life. He doesn't need a source of fire and/or ice to use his abilities.

What do you do in the circus: He would summon animals made entirely out of ice and fire, making them do tricks. At the end of his performance, the animals would explode, very much like fireworks.

Elephant Man
Accepted! Thanks for joining the revamped rp
Human Investigator (Hurray!)

Name: Chloe Dansren

Nickname: None

Age: 25

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.4e00b14b5566c2656051be38ec7c379e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27432" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/image.jpg.4e00b14b5566c2656051be38ec7c379e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance Other: Eyes are brown, has no tatoos. Is wearing same outfit during Rp.

Personality: Smart, Inquisitive, Curious, Talented, Talkative, Strong, Fast, Has good instincts

Backstory: Her parents were detectives, when she was young her father was killed during an investigation. Chloe soon found herself leaning toward being an investigator. Got the job and started climbing up in the ranks and will now be the Lead Investigator of this operation.

Rank: Lead Investigator



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[QUOTE="Mya Frame]Human Investigator (Hurray!)
Name: Chloe Dansren

Nickname: None

Age: 25

Appearance:View attachment 73088

Appearance Other: Eyes are brown, has no tatoos. Is wearing same outfit during Rp.

Personality: Smart, Inquisitive, Curious, Talented, Talkative, Strong, Fast, Has good instincts

Backstory: Her parents were detectives, when she was young her father was killed during an investigation. Chloe soon found herself leaning toward being an investigator. Got the job and started climbing up in the ranks and will now be the Lead Investigator of this operation.

Rank: Lead Investigator

Name: Alan Cage

nick name: Frost

Age: 31



Appearance other: Eyes heterochromia hazel+blue. slightly pale skin.

Personality: Sarcastic, smart, introverted, determined, methodical, serious, a listener rather than a talker.

Background: A private detective hired by a group of relatives of the circus' victims unsatisfied with the police approuch. This however his excuse as he has his own personal reasons of investigating the circus. Orphaned at young age, he was send to a couple homes in his time and had seen both caring and violent caretakers. The only constant family was his younger sister who he was protective off for that reason.

Once old enough he took over the care of the two of them, getting a job as a police man and then eventually a police detective. Since it seemed to be going in relative normality, Alan enjoyed and did well in his job and his sister was well on her way to start college. However the sister disappeared in a outing with friends to the circus never to be seen again. As a relative, Alan was not allowed to investigate and lost faith in his department due to lack of progress in the matter. He finally quit soon after aiming to investigate the matter himself and set up a private eye office to fund the search.

Rank:N/A Private. Formally lieutenant

Other:@Mya Frame Chloe's former partner and/or mentor?
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Name: Alan Cage
nick name: Frost

Age: 31



Appearance other: Eyes heterochromia hazel+blue. slightly pale skin.

Personality: Sarcastic, smart, introverted, determined, methodical, serious, a listener rather than a talker.

Background: A private detective hired by a group of relatives of the circus' victims unsatisfied with the police approuch. This however his excuse as he has his own personal reasons of investigating the circus.

Rank:N/A Private. Formally lieutenant

Other:@Mya Frame Chloe's former partner and/or mentor?
Name: Dakota Romitus

Show Name or nick-name: Don't really know if she would have a show name or not... Once you are close to her she may let you call her Kota

Age: 20 years old

Country of Origin: Brazil

Years with circus: A few weeks... maybe...

Species: Shapeshifter or "Skin-walker"

Sexuality: Because of her past she doesn't trust males but it is undesided




Appearance other:

Personality: Dakota is mean, rude, and aggressive, but this is only to keep people out and to guard herself. She also builds walls around herself for the same reason. A lot of noise at one time can cloud her senses and make her bolt from the situation.

Background: Dakota was abandoned on the steps of a church when she was just a few hours old. At two and a half years old she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Romitus, a nice young couple who couldn't have children of their own due to the wife's illness. Dakota was raised by the couple unknowingly to anyone that she was different from everyone else, but a day came when the mystery (and "monster") presented itself. That day happened near her ninth birthday. She tried to keep her shifting ability a secret but her "parents" eventually found out, and after that moment things began to spiral downwards. To make matters worse for the poor child, Mrs. Romitus died only a few weeks after her first shift. Dakota's once loving 'father' blamed her for his wife's death and began to abuse her, use her, and keep her chained in the basement. Each day was a new kind of torture and he became very creative with her punishments. When He went on a vacation giving Dakota the opportunity to escape. She didn't stop running until she reached Germany. She found the circus a few weeks ago while starving, sleepdeprived, and almost dead.

Abilities: Shapeshifting, also known as transformation and transmogrification, is a change in the form or shape of a person, especially a change from human form to animal form.

What do you do in the circus: Trained animal or a freak-show act. She could be the large "wild" animal that the trainers have do tricks. She could also change her features to animals features in front of the crowd.

other: Because of her past, Kota isn't very trustful of humans or non-humans alike. She is skittish and will lash out when she feels she is going to be hurt. (This is called 'going feral.') She is always on guard and hostile to keep others away. She will mostly be in her leopard form while she adjusts to the circus.
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WasBroken77 said:
Name: Dakota Romitus
Show Name or nick-name: Don't really know if she would have a show name or not... Once you are close to her she may let you call her Kota

Age: 20 years old

Country of Origin: Brazil

Years with circus: A few weeks... maybe...

Species: Shapeshifter or "Skin-walker"

Sexuality: Because of her past she doesn't trust males but it is undesided




Appearance other:

Personality: Dakota is mean, rude, and aggressive, but this is only to keep people out and to guard herself. She also builds walls around herself for the same reason. A lot of noise at one time can cloud her senses and make her bolt from the situation.

Background: Dakota was abandoned on the steps of a church when she was just a few hours old. At two and a half years old she was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Romitus, a nice young couple who couldn't have children of their own due to the wife's illness. Dakota was raised by the couple unknowingly to anyone that she was different from everyone else, but a day came when the mystery (and "monster") presented itself. That day happened near her ninth birthday. She tried to keep her shifting ability a secret but her "parents" eventually found out, and after that moment things began to spiral downwards. To make matters worse for the poor child, Mrs. Romitus died only a few weeks after her first shift. Dakota's once loving 'father' blamed her for his wife's death and began to abuse her, use her, and keep her chained in the basement. Each day was a new kind of torture and he became very creative with her punishments. When He went on a vacation giving Dakota the opportunity to escape. She didn't stop running until she reached Germany. She found the circus a few weeks ago while starving, sleepdeprived, and almost dead.

Abilities: Shapeshifting, also known as transformation and transmogrification, is a change in the form or shape of a person, especially a change from human form to animal form.

What do you do in the circus: Trained animal or a freak-show act. She could be the large "wild" animal that the trainers have do tricks. She could also change her features to animals features in front of the crowd.

other: Because of her past, Kota isn't very trustful of humans or non-humans alike. She is skittish and will lash out when she feels she is going to be hurt. (This is called 'going feral.') She is always on guard and hostile to keep others away. She will mostly be in her leopard form while she adjusts to the circus.

So everything is okay? Even that she joined a few weeks ago? Oh and also since she is so skittish and aggressive right now maybe she would stay in one of the animal cages... In her animal form of course. And if not she could just have like a 'guard' almost to make sure she doesn't accidentally attack and kill someone. (Possible plot twist!) If not I understand. I don't want to make my character the center of attention.

P.S.- I most likely will accidentally slip into first person writing. Just saying sorry ahead of time!
WasBroken77 said:
So everything is okay? Even that she joined a few weeks ago? Oh and also since she is so skittish and aggressive right now maybe she would stay in one of the animal cages... In her animal form of course. And if not she could just have like a 'guard' almost to make sure she doesn't accidentally attack and kill someone. (Possible plot twist!) If not I understand. I don't want to make my character the center of attention.
Of course it is okay that she joined a few weeks ago! It gives a lot of plot development for other people since they can get to know your character.

As for her nature, I think it will help the plot that she is so skittish and aggressive. It presents a challenge to the others to keep her in line and lie to the investigators. As for staying in the cage, if you want! I am not going to tell you where your character stays and how they are handled although, I think Paul would have her locked in a cage just for the sake of keeping her under control(also he is a twisted sadistic demon). This of course, is up to you.
That is perfect for me than. Well I must be to bed considering it is 2 in the morning here. Goodnight. I will talk to you in a few hours. Also- thank you for accepting Dakota and through her, me.
Let's start this thing!

ATTN HUMANS: let everyone who is in the cirque post before you come to the cirque. Feel free to be at the HQ I will post when you two can come to the cirque! 
@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @Mya Frame

all of the circus people have posted! you may now join in!!! wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooottttttttttttttttt!!
Name: Buras

Show Name or nick-name: None realy. People may call him by various names as long as he knows they are talking to him.

Age: 20

Country of Origin: Ireland

Years with circus: 3

Species: troll

Sexuality: Straight.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-18_21-21-44.jpeg.a695eafad62252a0b50bd45ae52e05de.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="27664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/upload_2014-8-18_21-21-44.jpeg.a695eafad62252a0b50bd45ae52e05de.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance other: 1o' tall.

Personality: Rather simple minded, acts on instincts more then anything else. He can learn though.

Background: The circus found him as a child and raised him as an act.

Abilities: Super strong, incredible hearing. Eye sight on the other hand, could be better.

What do you do in the circus: All purpose pack animal and part of the freak show.

other: He is rather placid, listens to what people tell him to do, but otherwise lays about in his cage until a snot nosed brat or their parent poke him.



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